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Ginger Snaps

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Ginger Snaps

  1. Ginger Snaps

    What do need?

    I agree about not stocking up too much. You'll get 2-3 meals out of a can of refried Beans when you get to that stage. The only thing I bought in bigger packages was fat free plain Greek yogurt but that wasn't until the 2nd week. I also bought a couple of Protein powder sample packs (Syntrax and Unjury) and given the small amounts we can have, they are lasting forever (I'm two weeks out). I also bought a couple of cartons of chicken broth but haven't really used much of it at all. I'll add some to the beans to think them out for puree-ing, but I probably only had a cup or two warmed up that first week. I'll have to use that up when I get to the soft food stage.
  2. Ginger Snaps


    @jjinWA -- it's interesting you feel hungry -- I haven't really felt any at all. My stomach makes tons of noises, growling, squirting sounds, just general rumbling but it doesn't feel like hunger. I just watch the clock and eat at certain times. By the end of a week I'm definitely wanting to move to the next stage of foods because I'm just sick of drinking. This week I got to move to pureed and it's nice to have something with some flavor in it instead of just drinks. Let me tell you, fat free refried Beans with a little cheese melted in are WONDERFUL!!! lol Next week soft foods -- I'm already planning!
  3. Ginger Snaps


    @kerweav -- My turn now for TMI -- I've only pooped twice since surgery 2 weeks ago. I think it's perfectly normal but if you start cramping up, call the doc and see what you might be able to take. I took Ducolax 2 nights ago and it relieved a lot of the cramping. @ I had the same thing happen -- 2 days after I was released from the hospital I started having a LOT of shortness of breath. Couldn't even finish sentences. They did a boatload of tests to rule out blood clots (CT scan, ultrasound of leg veins) and problems with the surgery (swallow test and CT scan with contrast) and heart issues (EKG, heart labs). Everything else was fine. But my doctor didn't want me on oral antibiotics so I got stuck in the hospital for 3 days on 3 different IV antibiotics. That's when I had my first BM after surgery -- antibiotics will tear you up! I feel like the surgery pushed back my recovery for a week or so -- so very weak until this weekend when I finally felt like moving around some. Hang in there -- it gets better!
  4. Ginger Snaps


    I understand a little how you're feeling as my official approval didn't come in until 3 days before surgery. I was nauseous just thinking it might get delayed even a week. For me, I found that when I made the decision to have surgery, my weight started bothering me WAY more than it did before that. I was much more self-conscious than I had been and just felt so ugly. There is a big emotional component to waiting for the surgery. Just try to calm yourself, do what you need to feel like your voice is heard about the situation and do what feels right to you (confronting the office or not). But, realize too, this is a small bump in the road compared to the rest of your life. Best wishes!
  5. Did you ask the surgeon? Mine said I was fine for my vacation to Belize 8 weeks after the bypass surgery. I don't think there are too many restrictions as those people who fly to Mexico end up flying within 2-3 days. But, worth asking your surgeon about since he/she knows you best.
  6. @oweemytoe I think it kind of depends on where your bra hits... I had a front closure bra with just one hook and it was significantly above the highest cut which was right below the sternum. So, try to find something that doesn't go lower than your sternum bone and you should be fine. They won't make an incision over that bone. If that makes sense. I couldn't imagine trying to pull a sports bra on and off. And, it needs to be hooked in the back, I'm sure a nurse will help you do that. You're right, you wouldn't want to be hooking in the front and spinning around to the back. Best wishes!
  7. Ginger Snaps

    How long for insurance approval?

    I started calling the insurance every day and they told me what stage it was in. They don't mind -- they're sitting there answering phones anyway!
  8. Ok, obvious question here, what did your doctor say?
  9. I'm 2 weeks out today -- still feel a lot of fatigue (although I had pneumonia right after I came home and went back into the hospital for 3 day -- don't know if the fatigue is the surgery or the low calories). Don't stress too bad -- like others have said, just try to stay hydrated. And, about the time you panic and think you can't make it another day, you'll get to progress to the next level and have more drink/food choices. The first week I probably didn't get 100 g of Protein the entire week between the hospital and not being able to stand those nasty clear liquid Protein drinks. But, when I hit full liquids I felt so much better because I could have the better tasting shakes. You can do this -- and actually if you think about it -- you have no choice! But it does get a little better every day. Today is my second day back in the office and I felt so much better today I even walked with some ladies at lunch. Hang in there, you can do this!
  10. Ginger Snaps

    Newbie with a story to tell

    I'm not sure if you're on Clear liquids or full liquids -- I was clear liquids the first week and couldn't get much Protein at all because all those just tasted nasty to me! It was so much better the next week when I could go on full liquids and get the premade shakes or use the powders. So far, my favorite is unjury chocolate Supreme (even had some with PB2 powder in it - yum!). I also like the Syntrax Nectar's that I've tried (the Cookies and cream was pretty d'lish!). And I've learned to love Greek yogurt. Since this stage couldn't have chunks or fruit in it, my NUT told me to add some sugar free Jello. It gives it a little more texture and tastes like there's some fruit in ther. I moved onto pureed and this stage is pretty good so far -- I love refried Beans anyway. Next week -- soft foods!!!! I'm only 1 week ahead of you all (6/7) and I can say it definitely gets better. I only got a total of about 100 grams of protein the first week because I landed back in the hospital with pneumonia and I could only get one Protein Drink a day, but I lived through it. Like the other poster said, just try to stay hydrated and keep working on the protein.
  11. I've had a couple and YES, the prep SUCKS!!!! It's just massively inconvenient as you spend most of the evening and night just sitting on the toilet and your legs will fall asleep. But, it's not painful or anything, nothing to be scared of... just nasty. But at least you'll be in private. The first time I had one done I was in the hospital with a roommate and they brought a portable potty in. I was SO embarrassed to have someone hearing all that!
  12. Ginger Snaps


    @2Bthin4me Hope you're feeling better. A temp still in the 90's is usually OK. That's why they say not to call unless it gets to a certain point. Just wondering what happened over the weekend? I'm still feeling pretty tired but it's getting better every day. And, yesterday I got to go to pureed foods and boy was THAT good! Fat free refried Beans thinned down with a little chicken broth and blended. Yum! I love refried beans anyway. Had a very busy weekend and just made myself go do stuff so at least I would be active. Went to see a friend... we usually walk about 30 minutes around her neighborhood and chat. We did about 15 minutes and I was FRIED!!! Managed to play keyboards at church yesterday which requires standing up for 1 hour of practice before and then about 30 minutes worth of music, so THAT was good. I collapsed in the pew after the music but was proud I was at least able to do what I wanted. Saw the doctor Friday and he told me I looked like a million bucks. I had actually taken time to put on makeup and nice clothes! Hope everyone else is doing well.
  13. Ginger Snaps

    Flavoured yoghurt?

    I'm in week 2 and cleared for full liquids which includes smooth yogurts. My NUT told me to try mixing sugar free Jello into plain fat-free greek yogurt. DEFINITELY helps the flavor of the plain yogurt. There are some yogurts that are blended with fruit -- where there are no chunks or anything of the fruit but I haven't been able to find them. Yogurts with chunky fruits are off the list for this week -- not until next week pureed or the week after soft.
  14. I told people before surgery I was having a hernia repaired (which was true). I didn't have to do any paperwork or anything for the time off because we have PTO (paid time off) that doesn't differentiate between sick or vacation. I told 2 of the candy pushers about the bypass because they are very good friends and drop candy off at my desk when they know I'm stressed. So, it was pretty important they know or they would have left "get well soon" candy on my desk for when I got back. I am telling people freely now, why not? So far everyone has been supportive and 2 of my friends I told are interested in surgery themselves, so I can kind of be a poster child for them. I feel better just telling the full truth rather than trying to come up with other stories. Nobody at work can stop you from having the surgery when the doctors and insurance company agree it's necessary. And, I can take a few negative Nelly's and their comments. This was for me and about me and I'm satisfied with what I've done.
  15. Ginger Snaps


    @Writerjennifer -- I'm trying not to jump on the scale every day either but not being very good at it because right now, it's so positive! I didn't weight the first 5 days though... just didn't feel the urge and I know all the fluids they give you in the hospital bump it up a while. I only weighed that Friday morning because I was on the way to the ER for the pneumonia and wanted to just get a peek before they weighed me at the hospital. I was down 10 pounds. So, even though it may seem slow, it might just jump down a bunch overnight, too. Obviously we're both way to early to start stressing over weight loss -- this is the time to heal and get used to a new eating plan. Best wishes and I hope to see you around!
  16. Ginger Snaps


    @michelle_rose Sorry - didn't mean to mislead you.... I don't feel any hunger really, I just know all the tiredness is a combination of the pneumonia making me weak and the very low calorie diet. I've been getting around 250-350 calories a day since Tuesday. I see the doctor this afternoon and I may ask if I can progress to the pureed stage a day or two early just so I can get a little more energy going. I'm not sure how much is from the pneumonia and how much from the severely low calories. Even with that complication, I feel great -- better than I expected after abdominal surgery. No real pain at all except for the gas and pressure in the chest. The tummy and ab feel fine. Lots of noises down there though! I'm VERY happy with how it's turned out and I'm looking forward to seeing the weight drop and finding out just where I get down to. I already had a coworker say something about losing weight -- I'm down 17 pounds in less than 2 weeks. I thought I'd be a slower loser because I was a relative lightweight for the surgery but right now, it's just melting. Drinking my lunch Protein shake now. But, DO stock up on sugar free Jello -- best stuff EVER!!!!
  17. Ginger Snaps

    About peeing

    When you're eating high Protein low carb, your body goes into ketosis. Can cause body odor, urine odor, etc. Perfectly normal and expected on the post-op diet. http://www.livestrong.com/article/542205-ketogenic-diet-body-odor/
  18. @snowkitten I understand your dilemma. I'm also a very open and honest person and if I refused to tell what I was doing to my boss or friends that would be more suspicious than just telling them outright. If I were you and feeling that way, I'd just go for it and tell them the truth. Since it's medically approved by insurance it's not like they can refuse you FMLA or anything for it. And, being truthful will go a long way with your boss whether she agrees with the surgery or not. You may have a little strain there at first if she disagrees with your surgery but you can always deal with that. In the end we have to do what feels right and honest to us personally. Presurgery, I just told people I was having a hernia operation which was true. I didn't say anything about the bypass then because I didn't want my surgery decision to be based on popular opinion or people's horror stories they heard once 10 years back. My company doesn't separate sick leave from vacation, so I didn't need medical excuses or anything. I told the two candy pushers in the office presurgery so that they wouldn't leave me "get well soon" candy on my desk. They are prone to do that when they know I'm stressed. Yesterday was my first day back in the office and I told a couple of other people because they asked how I was doing and that I look like I've lost weight. I'm the type I'd just rather be open and honest about it all. Try not to stress too bad about the decision -- just do what feels right to you and what you can live with. Best wishes Ginger
  19. @@Paula C. Does the doctor plan to repair the hernia? I went in with what the esophogram showed to be a small hernia that he planned to repair. When he went in, it turned out the hernia was much larger than the esophogram had shown and he did repair it. He said it probably was a large contributor to the GERD.
  20. Ginger Snaps


    Sometimes food even shows up in the mail unannouced. Two days ago a box arrived in the mail from my company. We've just gone through a big merger and they sent "appreciation" gifts out. I opened the box and there was a really nice insulated drink bottle -- great -- Protein shakes, flavored Water... good deal. Then there was another box about 8 inches by 8 inches with a big bow on it. I opened it up and dropped it like it was full of snakes. It had M&Ms, Twizzlers, chocolate covered sunflowers, popcorn, pretzels and some other things in it. I immediately gave it to my 2 teenaged boys who can afford the extra calories. It wasn't really tempting because I'm only 10 days out and on full liquids but GEEZ.... what a scare!
  21. Loving the attitude! I didn't tell a lot of people before (just some people like the candy pushers at work who leave treats on my desk when I'm having a bad day) but now that it's over, I'm just telling anybody who wants to know. Word's getting around anyway so I'm just out with it. I've already had one girl that reports to me sit down and have a long talk about it because she's been thinking of having surgery, too. I don't think I'll just blurt it out to anybody but for anybody that really shows interest, I'll be honest and open. And proud of my success!
  22. Wayne, I'm with you on the data thing. I'm a statistician so I want to know all the numbers and see the charts and KNOW that I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. It even irritates me that on My Fitness Pal, I can't just put in 60 grams of Protein as a goal, I have to make it a percent of some total calories for the day. IRRITATED!!! I get the same answers you do about "focus on protein" and not much else. But, I'm only 10 days out from surgery, and just getting the protein requires enough thought process I don't have room for all the other stuff yet. I wish I could offer some great advice or something but I think for us number geeks, we're going to have to just relax a little and get over it! Ginger
  23. Ginger Snaps


    @ Doing pretty good. Today is actually my first day back at work in the office (Day 10 after surgery). I did go into the lactating mother's office around 11:30 and took a 30 minute nap. It was wonderful! I worked from home part-time Tuesday and all day Wednesday. Fortunately, that's an option for me. I was released from the hospital Sunday with oral antibiotics to take this week. Feel ok -- just weak as a kitten. It did help that I got to progress to full liquids on Tuesday so I can finally get a calorie or two into the body. Between all the days in the hospital the first week, I think I only got about 80 grams of Protein the entire week. I go back to see the doctor tomorrow. According to my scales yesterday morning, I'm down 15 pounds in 9 days. Nothing like starvation to drop the weight quickly! lol
  24. Ginger Snaps

    Stupid weight loss advice

    Increasing your thyroid med is very dangerous -- one side effect of hyperthyroidism (which is what you're putting your body into) is heart damage... Being hyperthyroid puts a lot of stress on the heart.
  25. Eight days out from surgery and doing good. I had a little detour over the weekend with a trip to the hospital for pneumonia but that's better and I'm home on full liquids now -- moving on. So, tonight I get home from the support group meeting where we talked about food triggers and there's a package from my company. We just merged with a big company and they sent us appreciation gifts for making it through the integration, blah, blah, blah. So, I open the box and there's a really nice insulated Water cup there. Nice -- I can Protein drinks or just water in that. There was also another box dressed up with a big blue bow. I slipped off the bow and opened the box and dropped it like it was full of snakes. A bag of popcorn, some M&Ms, tiny twist pretzels, Twizzlers, Life Savers and chocolate covered sunflowers. ARRRGHHHHH.... of course I didn't have a bite of anything -- I'm on full liquids. My kids enjoyed it, though and I got a kick out of it. What a challenge for a noob to the surgery! Ginger

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