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Ginger Snaps

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Ginger Snaps

  1. Ginger Snaps


    Wow and Woot Woot!!! What a great reward for what I know has been a lot of work! Congratulations!
  2. Ginger Snaps

    The easy way out

    I also agree with you -- I could have never lost 31 pounds in 6 1/2 weeks on any other plan I've tried. If I had tried to stay on 700 calories or less, very low carb diets in the past, it would have never happened. Presurgery I probably hit 700 calories after Breakfast and a mid-morning snack! Now I'm frequently drinking a shake just before bed just to get the Protein in I needed for the day but didn't get around to. In one way it's easy because the surgery altered my body so I don't really feel hungry and I can feel full on smaller amounts. In some way it's hard because I have to read the menus in restaurants over and over again to try to figure out what the best option might be. Of course, last weekend at the shore, that half a hamburger patty with sauteed shrimp on top wasn't exactly a meal I felt sorry for having to eat! I can't just run into a convenience store and grab the first thing that appeals to me -- I have to plan ahead and usually carry food along with me. Maybe because I was a junk food addict, it's a little harder for me than for you to get used to a new way of eating after surgery. But I agree 100% that at least it's an easier way than all the diets I tried before. And I'm SO happy I did it!
  3. Ginger Snaps

    What Do You Do When a Craving Hits?

    I wouldn't say I've had cravings as much as feeling impulse 'wants'. There are a couple of people at work who keep candy bowls on their desks. I used to CONSTANTLY go get a piece of candy when I was stressed, when I went into their offices, when I was bored... on and on. I told both of them about my surgery beforehand because they would also leave candy on my desk sometimes if they knew I was having a bad day. So, I still have the urge to grab a piece when I'm in their offices (which is frequently) talking to them or even when I walk by and see those bowls. One has Hershey Nuggets and the other one mini Reese's cups -- my two favorite candies. I don't think there is any substitute I could find because they are really specific tastes (and PB2 in a chocolate shake does NOT a Reese's cup make). So, I just stand there (drooling sometimes), talk to them, do what I need to do and then walk away. Kind of like that "feel the pain and be ok with it" Zen kind of thing. I know eventually the desire to have one will fade and until then, I'll just sit in the uncomfortableness of it all and congratulate myself on making a better choice for my health.
  4. Ginger Snaps

    Ugh! Me at the beach

    I think this is going to be a wonderful before picture and think of how great it will be to compare it with an after picture with your son a little bigger and you a LOT smaller and healthier! And yes, beach pictures are the WORST!
  5. What kinds of clothes are you looking for? I have a couple of business suits (black/navy) with skirts and a couple of pairs of nice dress pants that I could pass along. PM me if you're interested.
  6. I'm from the US so I can't help a lot with what tests you might have to go to but I do want to tell you Best Wishes and I hope it all goes as planned for you and you are wildly successful!
  7. The Isopure was my least favorite drink -- I would actually brush my teeth and clean around my lips because it left such an aftertaste. Also, a LOT of medications have dry mouth as a symptom... if you're on pain drugs and stuff that may be contributing to the weird taste. It gets better!
  8. Ginger Snaps

    The Smoothie and Protein Drink Debate

    I use Protein drinks in the morning on my way to work (3 days a week) because I can drink it slowly in the car on my 1 hour commute. I also might throw one in late at night if I haven't gotten in enough protein during the day. I think it's silly to completely ban them as they are a convenient way to get some extra protein in during the day. However, I could understand a doctor being concerned if that is what you're surviving on and you haven't really learned how to choose healthy foods to eat.
  9. I use both. My surgeon has a once a month group and I attend it. I also try to do one or more of the BSCI telegroups every month. I find both to be very helpful. I enjoy the in-person meeting a lot but it's often more of a lecture or informative meeting and we don't always have a lot of discussion amongst people who might need answers. I don't mean to say they aren't good and every now and then we'll have a session where the surgeon just pulls us all in a circle and asks people to bring up any questions or concerns or insights they have. The telegroups usually have only about 5-6 people on so there's plenty of room for questions. You can find the BSCI groups at http://www.bsciresourcecenter.com/proddetail.php?prod=TELESUP (and they are free).
  10. I'm a member -- I love it! I've gotten some things I didn't like and some things that were wonderful. And, 6 weeks after surgery, I had to take everything out of my online closet and put in smaller sizes. I'm waiting on a shipment now for some things I returned Monday. It's a great way to have a few beautiful outfits while you're dropping pounds.
  11. Ginger Snaps

    Please reassure me

    I can only speak to my experience 6 weeks out but I feel great and have for at least 3 weeks now. No complications, can eat anything that's on plan (haven't strayed off the plan) and I'm down 30 pounds today! I have a lot of energy -- even got on the treadmill last night watching TV because I was just needing to do something even though I had exercised before. She should have said "this is my experience but others may have a different experience". I tried to read the good and bad stories here and online and went ahead and I'm so happy I did. You'll find the best and worst -- you just have to decide if the risk of having surgery with complications is great than the risk of not having surgery and being obese.
  12. My hospital does a Walk From Obesity to raise money for the Obesity Action Coalition. It's in October and includes a 2K run/walk and a 1K walk. I'm going to train to run it. I'm hoping to find a 5K to do in there before then as I think I could build up to run one by the end of August or early September. 2K is not that far!
  13. I felt like I didn't have the energy to get off the couch and go to the bathroom for the first 2 weeks or so. I also had pneumonia so that made it worse. Around the 18 day mark I started feeling so much better and have a lot of energy now (even got on the treadmill last night while watching TV just because I felt fidgety -- I had already exercised that morning). It WILL get better -- just rest as you need to. I don't know if you work, but I do and the company I work for has a nursing mother's room with a couch. I talked to my boss about it and started booking myself a 30 minute slot around lunch time and would go up there and crash with my phone alarm set for 30 minutes. It made a HUGE difference! I joke with people that I've turned into quite the napper since surgery! But much less now than even 2 weeks ago.
  14. Ginger Snaps


    I didn't get the no gum warning but it makes sense if you swallowed it it could block things up for a long time. I'll have to ask next time I go in.
  15. @pik My NUT gave me a great idea for the sugar situation with Greek yogurt. She had me buy the plain, fat free kind and then mix in a gel cup of SF jello. That way you get the fruity taste but not the sugar. It really helps the flavor.
  16. Ginger Snaps

    When to purge old clothes

    I went through and purged all the off-season stuff -- there are no more big winter clothes in my closet (except coats which will have to go too I just can't bring myself to do it yet). Now, as stuff is getting baggy or if they're big tops that used to cover my big tummy, I just put it in a garbage bag to donate. Some stuff I'm actually sad to see go -- like the big sized bike shorts that have a baggy overshort. Those things were expensive and my favorite and now they are practically falling off. I also have a pair of huge sized winter bike riding tights -- again expensive but too baggy. I have a big swimsuit I was more than happy to toss especially after going to the store this weekend and fitting into a smaller size. I'm going on vacation in 3 weeks (to Belize -- woot!) and had to have new swimsuits but waited until as late as possible to buy new ones so they would fit nicely. All my stuff goes to the Salvation Army. I don't have any friends that size -- they are all a lot bigger or a lot smaller.
  17. Ginger Snaps

    In a rut

    @@shmily When I saw the national weather yesterday I thought of you... You guys are definitely in the red zone! I think you have your own answer -- that you need to just keep doing what you're doing, doing what you can (with regards to exercise) and take care of yourself. Maybe it's time to rest a little until the body feels better and then when you can start back, your body will be so happy it will shed pounds quickly again... shock therapy! Wishing you all the best! You've been so successful so far, you can do this!
  18. Ginger Snaps

    Its here!

    Congrats and Best Wishes! Just remember, as soon as you can, start the walking. It will help get rid of the gas and also help keep your lungs clear. My surgery was a breeze but I did get readmitted for pneumonia that weekend because of some goofs at the hospital where they didn't let me walk. WALK! Ginger
  19. Ginger Snaps

    acid reflux

    That means you're aspirating (or breathing in) the acid that's coming up. If you're taking pepcid you need something stronger. Call your doctor for a script. It's very serious if you're actually breathing it in -- you don't want to build up Fluid (especially stomach acid) in your lungs. You may also experience a sore throat with it -- I did.
  20. My doctor also didn't limit dairy but I use almond milk to make my shakes because drinking just straight milk will make my stomach bloat up like I'm pregnant and hurt like crazy. This was a problem before surgery, too. I can still eat yogurt and puddings, etc. even if they are real milk. You said you are in pain -- what kind of pain? Just pain from the surgery? Food's not sitting right? Pain when you swallow? Diarrhea is not too uncommon either -- especially when you're on a liquid diet. Unfortunately I had the opposite. I think it's about a 50/50 shot which one you'll get. But, I would go ahead and take your meds even if you feel they will pass right through. You don't want to be skipping the important ones. Hope you feel better soon.
  21. Ginger Snaps

    no longer morbidly obese

    Woot Woot! That's fantastic! Celebrate this NSV and use it to motivate you to keep going!
  22. 30 pounds gone forever!!! Woot!

  23. 30 pounds gone forever!!! Woot!

    1. BladeFox


      Woot-Woot! Go on wit' yo' bad self!!!

  24. Does that say 14 grams of sugar? That would be too much for my plan even after the puree stage. My NUT's "rule" for eating even now is to try to keep a serving below 10 grams of sugar and 5 grams of fat.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
