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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carrot06

  1. Carrot06

    I feel like this is a milestone!!!

    Good luck to you all! I am thinking of you and sending good thoughts!
  2. Carrot06

    Surgery 10/10/07

    I made it through. But man has it been rough. The anesthesia really did me in! I have been super sick and nauseaus. Finally today I am feeling some healing going on. I can actually sit up and walk around more. I have more strength. I am not nauseaus. I finally weighed myself post op- I have lost 6 1/2 pounds since Wednesday! I can't believe it! Anyone else weighed?
  3. Carrot06

    Good news UPDATES!

    Twyla- It sounds like you are doing great! That is wonderful that you are so active already and feeling great. Amy- How awesome! Those 230's just snuck by you. That's okay- you didn't really want to meet them anyways did ya! Dan- 25 pounds down and mushies- you must be in heaven! Ha! Holly- Oh man, I see you already have your Christmas Ticker out! Imagine how much weight we can lose by the holidays! Yeah! Cope1951- that is great that you are getting out and about. I drove my son to school today- a little sore but manageable. Great job on the 9 pound loss!
  4. Carrot06

    4 more days

    I am doing a lot better today. I was sooooo sick for days after. Today I finally feel I am getting better. I didn't have much pain- just extreme nausuea! I had some gas pains- but only around my heart at the hospital. That kind of freaked me out but they said not to worry. Once I walked that eased up. I had lost 14 pounds on the two week pre-op diet. I just weighed for the first time post op and have lost 6 1/2 more pounds. Wow! Isn't it amazing! Great job to you on the weight loss. How are ya feeling today?:cool:
  5. Carrot06

    It's Official - I'M BANDED!!!

    KLadybug- way to go on losing 17 pounds! You are doing awesome!
  6. Carrot06

    Calling all troops

    Okay all- I am getting so nervous. Tomorrow morning is my surgery. I feel sick- not sure if it is because I have barely felt like eating and so haven't the last few days, or just plain nervous. I am getting scared... The thought of something happening to me and leaving my little boy is breaking my heart right now.... I a worried... I am nervous... I am scare.... Help......
  7. Carrot06

    Calling all troops

    :thankyou:Amy- I feel the same way about you chickadee! I love reading your posts! Thanks for the support! I need it right now. I will be staying over at my mom's the first night so I can rest and she can help with my son. (And she doesn't have a computer. So it may be Thursday before I get to post.) I will let you know how it all goes. Topdownbug- I appreciate your encouragement. (Especially since you have had a few surgeries and have been through it all a few times.)
  8. Carrot06

    Calling all troops

    Marcy- thanks for the encouragement. lizziee- I will keep your advice in mind for after the surgergy and I healing- I like the clothes don't match eating pizza comments. That very well may happen. We will see how I fee. :eek: I am not really scared about life after the band right now. I am scared about the actual surgery itself. I am not even scared about pain or anthing. I am just freaked about the anesthesia and surgery part. Especially the anesthesia part!
  9. Carrot06

    Surgery 10/10/07

    I have my surgery in the morning too... I will be so happy when it is over so I won't have to worry. Then we can just start our new life!
  10. Carrot06

    Holly's Band-day

    I have been thinking about you all day. I know you did great. Look forward to hearing all about it. I have my surgery tomorrow.... I can't wait to compare stories. Hugs!
  11. Carrot06

    Need your love, support group!

    Let's everyone open our arms and give a big supportive Hug to Holly! You can do this....
  12. Carrot06

    Good news UPDATES!

    This is a great thread! I really need to hear the positive stories with my surgery on Wednesday! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
  13. Carrot06

    soooo hard....

    new_me_2008- that is really encouraging to hear things went so well for you. I will make sure and mention to them that I got sick last time I had surgery, so they can head it off early. It sounds like you are doing great- espcially if the sore throat is your biggest complaint. I hope I have your same results. Thanks for the info!
  14. Carrot06

    Banded??? Check in here

    I can tell from your response you are kindof in that freaked out what have I done stage. It sounds like a lot of new bandsters go through it. And it sounds like everyone turns a corner and love their band. I am sending you good vibes for a great first day back tomorrow! We are here if you need to talk.
  15. Carrot06

    Pre-op diet

    Oh Holly- I feel your pain. Today food has been on my mind all day. I have my surgery the day after yours. Let's have this moment of boo-hooing the loss of the junk, and then let's get this show on the road! We are going to be so thin and healthy that we will turn our noses at those pastrami's, burgers, and steak. We may decide to be friends with them again someday, but we will have our boundries and not let them take advantage of us in the future! I am sending up a prayer for you and your surgery tomorrow. I can't wait to hear about how beautifully you came through the surgery and your new life.
  16. Carrot06

    Holy Moly- Nervous/2-week Diet/ Ahhhh!

    cope1951- I was glad to see you posted and are doing well. I think that not hunrgy feeling is something we all are looking forward to. I am happy you aren't in much pain. Keep us updated on your progress- so glad for you.
  17. :faint: I start my pre-op diet in the morning. I have been going through the whole gammet of emotions today. On one hand I am excited about starting the pre-op diet tomorrow cause it means I am starting the rest of my life. On the other I am so freaked out about the thought of how will I do it- thinking about all the foods I may not ever eat again or will be unable to eat. Like it freaks me out when you hear some people can never eat meat- it just won't go down. I so hope that isn't me. I hope I can still eat chicken atleast. One minute I am scared to death about the surgery, the next minute I feel like I know it will be fine. One minute I am so excited about getting my life back and all that I have been missing out on. Then next minute I am scared to death about all the life changes. My emotions are going back and forth from hour to hour. Anyone else having so many different emotions about the whole thing?
  18. Carrot06

    Trapped inside! Can't wait to get out 11/29!

    Amy- you are really motivated and it is inspiring. I hope for that drive for us all! We can do it!
  19. Carrot06

    24 Hours To Go

    It sounds like you have a wonderful support team- and that will be so helpful in this process. How exciting that tomorrow will be the day and your new life will begin! Great job on the weight loss before surgery. I am thinking good vibes for a good day tomorrow for you. Let us know how everything goes.
  20. Carrot06

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    Let's all think good thoughts for Sonic777 that her surgery doesn't have to be delayed. How difficult to be ready, excited, nervous, and then possibly have to wait longer. We are hear for ya! Let us know.
  21. Carrot06

    Pre-op diet

    Fluffylinks- that is atleast a little comforting to know others are going through the same thing. My stomach is growling so loud right now! The first three days were rough, and then my pre-op has not been to bad. But I am nearing the two week mark and the last two days I have been getting hungrier! I only have a few more days- I can do it, I can do it, I can do it! Ha!
  22. Carrot06

    Banded??? Check in here

    Lisa- I am so glad you had a chance to post about your experience. I have been anxiously awaiting to hear from you. That is great that you were up and moving so quickly and able to drink 32 ounces of water while just at the hospital. I didn't realize we would be there so long- 7 hours? What time did you go into surgery? It sounds like you are doing great. I bet it was a little rough on the long car ride home though. I am going to send you a PM. Get well!
  23. Carrot06

    4 more days

    It looks like we both are getting banded on the same day. It is so close, yet also feels so far off. Great job on losing the six poounds. I hope you told them goodbye, cause you won't be seeing them again!
  24. Carrot06


    Amy- your post cheered me up. I know it started out discussing the dreaded pain topic, but the ending gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. Ha! Thanks for the info and support. Glad you are doing well.
  25. Carrot06

    Pre-op diet

    I know it is rough, but it will be here before you know it. I thought it was going to drag on- but now I only have a few days left. You can do it!

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