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Everything posted by Carrot06

  1. Carrot06

    Banded Today 12Oct07

    Amy- how did your busy day go? I went back for my first day of work. It was long and boy am I tired. It will be nice when the weekend gets here to have a few more days to recoup. I have Friday's off, so only two more days to go!
  2. Carrot06

    I feel like this is a milestone!!!

    Much better each passing day. Well actually, the first 5 days were rough. But the last two are much better! How are you banded woman?
  3. Carrot06

    New life now!!!

    Melissa and topdownbug- heal up and we are going on our skinny adventure. Let us know how you did when you feel up to it. Thinking of you today....
  4. Carrot06

    Banded??? Check in here

    :welcome: Cherish, dustout, and sweet liberty! I think you will really love this site and find lots of support like we all have. Sweet liberty- Wow! Two week pre-op and post-op for clear liquids. I only have to do the clear liquids the first week, and I am really needing some nutrients. Are you feeling weak? Melissa- I am so happy you are banded and on the road to healing. How are you feeling. You sure posted quick for only having surgery this afternoon. I hope that means you are doing great!
  5. Carrot06

    Before Photo's

    I started feeling a lot better yesterday. Then today I went back to work. I had to get up at 4:30. I got home from work 6 p.m. It was a long day and a bit much. The lack of nutrients due to being on a clear liquid diet this first week is getting to me. I started to get a little light headed, weak, and dizzy. Thursday after my post op appointment I can start drinking more liquids but with some volume and more nutrients. Thank goodness, I need some.
  6. Carrot06

    Surgery 10/10/07

    Arkie- Yeah for you on the 8 pound loss!!!!!!
  7. Carrot06

    I lost 17 pounds this week!

    Don't get discouraged. We all lose weight at different rates. But my literature from my program says that in a year we will all have caught up to eachother no matter who lost the most first. I lost 14 pounds in my pre-op diet. The rest I have lost since surgery. Just keep following the program and you will lose it all too!
  8. Carrot06

    Human beings eat WAY too much food...

    You will have to let us know how that recipe goes and pass it on to us too.
  9. Carrot06

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    You and your husband are doing great! That is amazing all the weight you have lost. Where do you get that unjury protein powder? Thanks for the recipe. It will be nice to have a little treat over the holidays when everyone else will be stuffing themselves with all the fixins.
  10. Carrot06

    New life now!!!

    Amy- yep, I am back and kickin! This train is on it's way to skinnyville. Anyone else want on? :Banane35::Banane48::Banane08::Banane10:
  11. Carrot06


    Lizziee- I haven't been really told to do the protein powder in the clear liquid stage. But on Thursday when I go to liquids, I am going to start putting the protein powder in everything. I am really freaked about the hairloss thing myself.
  12. Carrot06

    Banded??? Check in here

    I am sitting here enjoying a nice dollop of sugar free jello. So delicious. So appetizing. Ugh! I have clear liquids until Thursday. And then I have full liquids for two weeks. Then a week of mushies. Then on to soft foods. I atleast can't wait to not have to eat jello.....
  13. Carrot06

    Carrot06 is alive!

    Thanks all for the well wishes. I was sooooooo sick! :sick But today I am definitely feeling much better! Yeah! It took five days, but I finally see the pot of gold- and I think it is full of skinny pants! :whoo:
  14. Carrot06

    Banded Today 12Oct07

    Amy- I feel your pain. Today was the first day that I finally started to feel better and not have the nausea. I know it is so discouraging and awful to be so sick. Hang in there- my prayer was answered today and I am feeling relief. You will too soon- I promise. :girl_hug:
  15. Carrot06

    Human beings eat WAY too much food...

    Wheetsin- I agree.. I don't judge others eating a lot either. We all did it too. That is how we got into this situation. But seeing others eat really makes a light bulb go off in my head. "I so did that." And I don't want anyone else to do that to get into a place like I did.
  16. Carrot06

    I lost 17 pounds this week!

    Mashed potatoes is something to look forward to. It's like a yummy delicious well awaited gift! I love the idea of a fat pants burning ceremony! :clap2:
  17. Carrot06

    I feel like this is a milestone!!!

    Good luck tomorrow Melissa! Sending good thoughts your way!
  18. Carrot06

    New life now!!!

    shermy58- hallelujah sista! :clap2: Amy- how did I know you would have that same positive attitude!:bounce:
  19. Carrot06

    I had surgery this morning!

    Amy- I never thought I would be so happy to be called a LOSER!!!!!!
  20. Carrot06

    Before Photo's

    I did not take any pictures. I don't want to be reminded of that "fat self." I want to emerge into the me that is inside, but now will be seen on the outside too.
  21. Carrot06

    I lost 17 pounds this week!

    kladybug- 17 pounds! That is wonderful. I just tried on some pants since I am going to try to go to work tomorrow. I don't know how good they are going to feel on my tummy after a commute, 10 hour day, and then commute again. Yikes! I have lost 20.5 pounds between post op diet, and five days out from my surgery, but I still don't feel smaller. I guess the swollen stomach is probably stopping me from noticing some results. I have been wearing a night gown for the last few days since even my way to big sweats felt uncomfortable on my tummy.
  22. Carrot06

    Banded Today 12Oct07

    Glad you are doing well. I actually took a few more days then some to be up and at em. I am feeling much better today on day 5. But the previous days I did not feel well. Heal up and get to feeling better before you push it too much. My problem was not pain, just extreme nausea.
  23. Carrot06


    Right now I am in the clear liquid stage. I can have only broth, suger free jello, and sugar free popsicles for the first week. I can have as much as I can tolerate. But who really wants to eat a lot of that stuff. Yuck! I am having a hard time drinking the water though.
  24. Carrot06

    When is your 1st fill?

    I don't know when my fill is because my surgeon does not have a set fill schedule. It is all individual based. If you are following all the rules, and still hungry and want to eat a lot, then you get a fill. I know some there is some people in my program that have never had a fill and continue to lose weight.
  25. Carrot06

    Human beings eat WAY too much food...

    I agree with the whole portion size thing. I have actually started getting hungry today. But I cannot imagine the thought of eating a huge meal. I can't believe how much food people consume. I hope I keep that attitude and don't want to eat much anymore.

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