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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carrot06

  1. Carrot06

    MY face

    I started to get the breakouts which I never get, in the two week low calorie pre-op diet. I agree with Holly- I think it is our bodies getting rid of all the toxins due to no longer eating all the junk. So even though it isn't fun, just think of it as a sign you are getting healthier. Mine cleared up and hasn't come back. So it will pass soon enough.
  2. Carrot06

    Tuesday, the 23, 2007

    :welcome: We are glad you are joining our October group! It sounds like everything moved pretty fast. Maybe that is good so you don't have a lot of time to sit around worrying. Things will be great. Let us know how you did and any questions. Take care!
  3. Carrot06

    Tomorrow's The DAY!

    I am so excited for you! I would recommend that you try to get as hydrated as you can today. I was dehydrated going in. And then for a few days after I was unable to drink much due to sick and swelling. So I got even more dehyrated which only increased the nausea. So drink drink drink a lot today. It will make you feel better in the days after. Let us know how it all goes. Sending good thoughts your way!
  4. Carrot06


    I am so ticked! I went to get on my treadmill yesterday to start my daily exercise goals, and it wouldn't work. I plugged other things in the outlet and it works- but it is like the treadmill is not getting power! I am so mad. I have to figure this out. I am so ready to get going on this exercise and then this! Ugh!
  5. Carrot06

    Banded??? Check in here

    Nicnaknut- how do you make your yogurt smoothies? I am looking for some good healthy smoothie ideas.
  6. Carrot06

    Favorite Liquids and Mushies

    Early I wrote that I like the fat free/sugar free pudding. I decided to stop eating that because I was starting to eat more than I should cause it is a easy food that goes down and is yummy. My nutritionist says I should stay away from it cause it really doesn't have a lot of nutritional value, it would be better to eat something else. I have decided to avoid it to make sure I don't over eat on it.
  7. Carrot06

    Banded??? Check in here

    I threw up a few times too. And my first 5 days were awful with nausea. Are you drinking enough? I felt so sick I know I wasn't, and the dehydration was adding to the problem. Try to keep as hydrated as you can. The pain meds actually made my nausea worse, so you may want to switch to liquid Tylenol if you can. Did you surgeon prescribe you some medicine for nausea? Mine did and I religiously took it when feeling ill to try to avoid throwing up. You don't want to throw up if possible.
  8. Carrot06

    Favorite Liquids and Mushies

    I blended up Campbells Tomato Rice soup. It is so yummy! I also like the fat free/sugar free pudding.
  9. Carrot06

    Carrot06 is alive!

    Sorry all that it has taken me so long to write. I have been extremely ill. :sick:sick:sick I wasn't expecting that since many of you bounce back so quickly. I had my surgery at 9 a.m. on Wednesday. I wasn't discharged until 7 p.m. I was feeling very nauseaus and sick. I had a hard time waking up from the anesthesia and being sick, so I didn't get to walk until in the evening time. I had an 1 1/2 hour ride home. I just had to lay back and close my eyes. Right when we pulled up to the house, I opened the door and got sick. I have been extremely ill- feeling like I can't barely eat or drink do to being so nauseaus and sick. On night 2 I was throwing up, which was scary and awful. I have been trying to force myself to take fluids cause I can tell I am getting dehydrated. I have been so sick that I have not been able to even sit up. And it was so weird- it has been like my arms have been numb and so weak- kind of like you slept on it wrong, but it has been like that for days. Finally today they are feeling more normal. I finally am able to sit up and walk around more today. I pray I am staring to turn a corner. I have been bumbed I have not been able to post and hear how you all are. It sounds like you are doing great. I was suppose to go to work today, but there is not way. I am going to try to hydrate my head off today and rest, and hope I can go to work tomorrow. Thanks to all for your prayers and good wishes. I think things may be turning around finally today. I will write more soon when I am up to it. I am so happy to see you are all doing well and recovering. Good luck to all those to be banded. Don't be scared- I think I am a rare case. Most are recovering great and are not so sick. Love ya all!
  10. Carrot06

    Carrot06 is alive!

    Coo- I am feeling waaaaay better now! I don't really know why I was so sick- I just don't do well with anesthesia I guess. The first five days I thought I would die I felt so bad, but things on day 6 started to turn around and they are better every day. No more nausea thank goodness. I feel a lot better now I am on full liquids and can get some more nutrients. I am really happy with the weight loss so far. I am sure it will slow up a bit now I am off the clear liquids.
  11. Carrot06


    I think I am going for exercise goals because it is kind of hard this early to calculate weight loss because I don't really know how fast or slow it will come off since barely a little over a week out from banding. (But it has been coming off fast) At my follow up yesterday the exercise physiologist said we should be walking at this point- not too strenous for a few weeks while we heal up. And also in a week or two I can start incorporating some exercise bands/toning. So my first goal is going to be to walk on my treadmill for 20 minutes a day until the end of October. Then of course I will change it to more intense exercise in November. I will add an exercise ticker later today.
  12. Carrot06

    Banded??? Check in here

    Tina- I didn't have much gas pain. You may be one also who doesn't really get it. Keep getting up to walk around to get any out if there is some in there. I had the nausea too, so I know how miserable it is. But I had extreme nausea for 5 days! But I am better now. I am glad to hear you are doing well. Keep us posted.
  13. Carrot06


    I think this is a great idea to do goals! Will it be monthly goals or is there any timeline we want? I think you can do two tickers because I have seen them on the boards.
  14. Carrot06

    first nsv!

    :clap2:Yeah! I bet that felt great to hear!
  15. Carrot06

    Banded??? Check in here

    I never thought I would be sooo happy to be on "full liquids!" That clear liquid diet was the worst- I was feeling so run down and weak. Today I started full liquids. I had a little of a smoothie, a little vanilla yogurt, a few bites of fat free/sugar free pudding, and tonight I am going to have a little cream soup! Yeah! :whoo::whoo::whoo: I feel sooo much better now I have some nutrients in me. I thought I had to do the full liquids for two weeks, but found out I only do them for a week and then on to mushies. Can you tell I am happy? Ha!
  16. Carrot06

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    LSZeliga- Wow! You have lost 50 pounds and were banded on the 11th! How much of that was pre-op diet? That is amazing! My program does not really focus so much on a set calories. Just eat high nutriton food. I think we aim for like 3 grams of fat or less to every 100 calories. And then amount is important of course. Are you getting your 60 grams of protein a day? And what about your water intake? I know I started getting light headed when I didn't eat enough calories and get enough protein, and also when I was getting dehydrated.
  17. Carrot06

    Mad Really Mad

    You definitely have a right to be upset. You paid the guy and now you need him to provide you with the follow up care. I have been feeling dizzy too. I know it is because I am not getting enough calories or water. Tomorrow I can get off the clear liquids and start thicker liquids, so I know that will help a lot. And going back to work and all that running around is a lot when we are recovering. I feel your pain. Just try to drink and eat what you can and rest rest rest.
  18. Carrot06

    Banded Today 12Oct07

    Today was my second day at work. I had a little scare. I was feeling a weird kindof pain around my heart/upper chest area when I woke up this morning. I called the doctor and he had me go do a chest x-ray, upper GI, and blood work. I guess what I was describing can sometimes be signs of a slippage. I was so freaked. But it sounded from the radiologist that everything looked okay. I will get the full report tomorrow at my first post of visit. Man was I worried!
  19. Carrot06

    Banded??? Check in here

    Luvmy3boys- yeah on your surgery! It sounds like you are doing great! Paragirl- Way to go on the 13 pound loss. I so wish I could eat a pudding! I have been on the clear liquids for a week and I am getting weak! Tomorrow I will be able to eat something with more substance.
  20. Carrot06

    1 day away

    I was worried too about anesthesia. But that part actually went so fast. I barely remember going into the surgical area. They gave me something to relax before they wheeled me in. I remember it was white room and there were a lot of people and then it was over. You will be great! We will be thinking of you!
  21. Carrot06


    Welcome countrygirljtl! We are glad to have you with us!
  22. Carrot06

    Ready, Set, Eat!

    Yes- I would love the name of the cookbooks if you could.
  23. Carrot06

    16 days post-op

    Eating out of boredom is something I think many of us do. I guess we will have to find some fun things to fill our time since eating won't be the center of everything anymore. But boy it will be worth it!
  24. Carrot06

    Had 2 week post-op today and....

    Woo-Hoo Misty!!!!!! Awesome!
  25. Carrot06

    Carrot06 is alive!

    Caramel- I lost the first 14 in my pre-op diet. The other 8 1/2 has been since my surgery on Wednesday. I can't believe it is coming off so fast. But I am sure once I am off of the week of clear liquids on Thursday it will slow down.

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