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Everything posted by Carrot06

  1. Carrot06

    Banded 10/5/07 with no faimly support

    Yeah for you on being down to a size 18. You are really doing great! We are so glad you are joining us. It sounds like you have been through a lot with your family, and it is really inspirational that in spite of all that you are not allowing that to stop all the successes in your life. Keep it up girlie!
  2. Carrot06

    Banded, now what?

    I am not exactly sure what caused the mental shift for me so I could start losing again... There were a few things. For weeks I was not losing. I had lost like 14 pounds in the pre-op, but after banding was barely losing. I was getting so discouraged and feeling so frustrated like so many are posting. I was questioning if this was going to work. I was on some days thinking I shouldn't have done it (missing being able to turn to food for boredom, if mad, if celebrating, if stressed, if sad, etc.) I was second guessing the financial end of it and the big loan I am now paying off. I was thinking- this is just not working- I will be fat forever. I realized I was trying to sneak some unhealthy foods in there more than I should- my first culprit was peanut butter cups. So I started increasing the protein at meals so I could last and not want to snack all the time between the meals. I get up at 4 in the morning- so I have a very long workday and don't get home until like 7 at night. So I do usually have a light yogurt for a snack in the afternoon so it will hold me over until I get home for dinner around 7 or later. I was not exercising which is one of the most important rules with the band. Finally I just had to give myself a talking too. My exercise physiologist in my banding program said that he always asks the successful banders how they did it. He said that without fail the key thing every one of them has said was, "I just decided I was going to do it." And that is what I did. I decided I was not going to live this way anymore. I paid to have this wonderful tool to assist me, and I was going to get my life back. I am not going to waste anymore time. I started exercising. I know all the execuses why we can't- I have used them all myself a million times. I decided no more excuses. The hard part is getting started and making it a habit. But once it become a habit- it is a lot easier. Because you start feeling so much better and noticing results which inspires you to keep going. Committ to yourself that you will do some sort of deliberate exercise every day. I have found exercise is really one of the biggest keys for me. Like for example the other day- I now am getting so I look forward to exercising. But the other night I had had such a busy day, I was tired, and I just wanted to sit on the couch and watch t.v. I told myself- I am going to get on the treadmill while watching t..v and atleast walk 20 minutes. I told myself- I can atleast devote 20 minutes out of my 24 hours to myself and reaching my goals. I did it and felt so happy I did afterwards. Just think of it like that- in 24 hours I am worth devoting that time to myself. I went through those weeks of feeling down and dealing with not having food to turn to anymore. I am finally started to really pay more attention to my emotions and when wanting to eat really thinking about if I am truly hungry or just wanting that emotional crutch. I have started doing other things when I know it is just my "mind" wanting to eat. I realized I was not drinking near enough water. It is amazing when you stay hydrated how you are not so hungry all the time. I feel all of your pain and was not losing and feeling all the same emotions until I started making these changes and the scale started moving. We all have stuggled with being fat and all the negatives it brings to our life. Let's not let that waste anymore of our time. Let's lose this weight and get the life we want and deserve. Like we have all been told- our band is a 'tool." It is not a magic pill. We have to work our tool through exercise, staying away from carbs as much as possible, not drinking our calories, learning to deal with our emotions in other ways than food, etc. Work the tool and it will take us to our goal!
  3. I think this is a great idea. I have just been off the boards for a few days and just saw the post. I am not sure total weight loss this month. It is the middle of the month so it is kind of hard to say weight loss for the month. I think I have lost 4.5 pounds this month so far. I have started exercising which has finally started my weight loss again. My exercise goals are to do toning exericises atleast every other day. (light hand weights and lower body toning exercises) And I am trying to do cardio on most days of the week. Even atleast 20 minutes if I don't have a lot of time. I have been increasing speed and time on most days. I am going to try to atleast lost 5 more pounds this month. And then I will have to try to lost 10 pounds in December to meet a big goal of mine- I will be in onederland! I know that is an ambitious goal- but I am going to try. I would love to start the new year in onederland!
  4. Carrot06

    Banded, now what?

    Holly- wow I can tell you really are in a rut by the "very discouraged" and not sounding too hopefull post. What day is your fill? You have been the postive encouraging leader for so long, and I can tell you are needing support now. I know you are so discouraged. I just barely started losing again the last week. I was stuck at fluctuating between a 20-25 pound loss. Now with starting a daily exercise program and being diligent on eating more protein I am finally starting to lose again. How is the exercise? I know you are discouraged with your 20 pound loss- but in the past have you lost 20 pounds and known it was gone forever? When I get discouraged I think- normally 20 pounds would be a huge accomplishment. It is just now we are banded- our expectations are so high after all we have done and sacrificed that we look at 20 pounds as not much at all. But in the scheme of health and appearance, 20 pounds is an amazing accomplishment. For a few weeks I was getting in rut and feeling as you have been, and then I just had to shift my mindset. I had to tell myself I didn't gain this weight overnight. I made a lot of bad food choices, ate too much and unhealthy foods, I didn't exercise like I should, and I got to this point. Now I need to execise, eat more protein, less carbs, don't be snacking all the time, and start to think positively. And the change in mindset along with exercise has what finally got me over the hump as you are in, and got me on the right path. I truly believe that your thought and beliefs will bring different things to you. If you believe you will not lose weight, this band will not work, etc, than that will all be true. You can do this Holly! You need to believe that and know that is the truth. As you start to get your fills, you will feel the restriction. Just try in this time leading up to fills to focus on the exercise and following the rules of band life. Protein first, stay away from carbs as much as can, and move that wonderful beautiful body that has dropped 20 pounds of weight forever. I know you can do this! We are here for you.
  5. Carrot06

    Are you exercising?

    Eileen- Yeah! I hope you do start going to the gym. You won't regret it.
  6. Carrot06

    House fire last night....

    I am so sorry to hear about your house fire. That is wonderful that you all are okay though. Being newly banded is stressful and a big change, and it is even more difficult with something as scary/stressful as a fire. Like the girls mentioned above, you really don't want to get dehydrated. Try to drink as much as you can. You don't want to be getting physically sick with all that you have going on. Take care and keep us posted.
  7. Carrot06


    :clap2::clap2::clap2: That is soooo wonderful!!!! I am very happy for you! I bet that feels great! Have you been staying full between meals? Exercising? Share your tips. I started at about the same as you, and have lost 28 pounds. I was at a standstill for a few weeks, but have started losing again now exercising.
  8. Carrot06

    Are you exercising?

    Hi all- I have started exercising and am sooo happy I did. I had initially lost 25 pounds. Then for a few weeks I would go up 4 pounds and then lose four pounds. I kept fluctuating between those same 4 pounds. I started exercising and I finally lost those four pounds and have lost 3 more. So I am at a 28 pound lost. It is so hard that first week or two to get into the habit, but I find once I get into doing it daily I start to want to exercise. I feel so much better. The weight it starting to come off again after a few weeks and I am starting to tone up. Let's all try to start getting in some daily exerice. I even just started with telling myself I would do 20 minutes on the treadmill and I can stop after that. I have now started increasing length and speed. Walking is something that you can really start to see increase in endurance really quickly. I have also started to light hand weights and leg/butt/thigh toning exercises every day. I can already notice my body shape returning and I am getting muscle tone. We can do it!!! Exercise! Exercise! Exercise! Just start with something- atleast do anything that is more than you were. For some that may be 10-15 minutes walking or toning exerices sitting in a chair. For others they may be able to start with more. Just start something- you will start feeling better, having more energy, and will be able to increase activity the the more you do it! Exercise is a best friend to our bands- let's get those best friends together and lose this weight!!!
  9. Carrot06

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    Thanks Judy- that was very informative. I am glad we have a seasoned bandster here. :biggrin1:
  10. Carrot06

    Banded, now what?

    Oh Holly- I totally understand how you are feeling. I am going through it all too. It appears from reading everyone's posts, we all are falling into that same slump. The initial weight loss and euphoria is wearing off, and we are in this weird point. We are trying to learn to cope with our lives without food- which was a huge part of our lives to get us to the point we were at to need the surgery. Our swelling is going down, and our appetites are increasing. I think this is one of those critical times where we need to really work our new "tool." I have realized the last few days that the protein intake really is important. During mushies I was eating a lot of carbs since a lot of mushies are carbs. Then for a day or two in solids I was a little nervous and still ate carbs. Now I have started increasing protein, and really notice a big difference in my ability to stay satisfied between meals. So I personally have noticed that when I eat more protein and small amounts of carbs, I feel much better. I know this time before our fill is frustrating, but I think for that reason we really need to make exercise a priority. I am getting on my treadmill right after I get off the computer. Let's all try to do some deliberate exercise everyday! Deal? I am here for you. We all are. We are all in this together and going through the same thing, so that is why it is great to have eachother's support. We can do this. My program said these emotions and feelings would come up. They said it is interesting the stages the bandsters go through and they can tell what stage they are in as they come in for follow up's. It's like a mourning process for food and old lifestyles/habits. So this is way normal and we are just going through the process. This stage will pass and we will come out the other side before we know it. We just have to be strong and not sabotage ourselves. Our new lives are right there within our reach- let's grab it and go! Here for you always-
  11. Carrot06

    From the mouths of babes...

    Yeah for you! I bet that just made your week!
  12. Carrot06

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    Judy- Since you are an experienced bandster could you give us some info. We are all getting to that point before first fill where we are getting discouraged and the weight loss is stalling. Is this normal and when do things pick up again?
  13. Carrot06

    112 grams of protein

    My nutritionist said that your body can only absorb about 30 grams of protein at a time. So those GNC drinks (ISOPURE) referred above do have a lot of protein, but I also was told to not drink whole thing at once and expect to get all of that protein.
  14. Carrot06

    I guess this is Bandster @*&%

    I find it interesting how we were all so excited- and now we are all having such a time. I had lost 26 pounds in between pre-op and post op- now I have gained back 3 1/2 pounds. I am so mad that I don't even want to change my ticker- I cannot believe I have gained. I know we are just in healing stage and our body is trying to hold on to some calories now we are eating more substantial food- but for people that have fought our weight, gaining is so upsetting! I like many of you are getting hungry- but I know some of it is just head hunger. I need to start exercising and try to kick the weight loss in gear again. I am having a hard time getting in the Protein. So many things in the mushie stage are carbs. On Thursday I can start soft regular food and hopefully then I can increase the protein and drop most of the carbs. Ugh!!!!! :help:
  15. Carrot06

    Banded??? Check in here

    Hey Coo- we are glad you are back and have joined us in bandland! I think a lot of us have gone through that "what have I done" stage. I think it will pass for most of us as we continue to lose weight.
  16. Carrot06

    Noticing self more?

    I was wondering if any of you are seeing yourself like you have not in a long time. I looked in my visor mirror in the car and was taken aback. I don't know if it is because my face in thinning now, but I could really see my features like I haven't in a long time. I think the chubbyness must really hide our features. I had almost forgot what I use to look like when thin. I am remembering as the pounds melt off.
  17. Carrot06

    Post op day one

    Welcome Midwife72! Glad to hear you are doing well and not having too much pain.
  18. Carrot06

    Tomorrow's The DAY!

    Coo- hope you are doing great! Can't wait to hear all about it! Big Fred- good luck on Thursday!
  19. Carrot06

    Joining in

    Welcome! This is a great group with lost of support!
  20. Carrot06

    New pain 7 days out

    I was just noticing the little stich of pain in the same spot on the left side when I read your post. It sounds like with many having similar feeling- it is probably normal. Let us know what your doctor says.
  21. Carrot06

    Back on Liquids

    Great job on renewing your commitment. It sounds like you have a solid plan in place to take you to success!
  22. Carrot06

    Favorite Liquids and Mushies

    Thanks Holly- I will have to try that.
  23. Carrot06

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Welcome LaughingLady! Happy you joined our wonderful group!
  24. Carrot06

    My 2nd begining b'day was 10/17/07

    Hi Judy- glad you are joining us. It will be great to have your knowledge as us newbies navigate through our new banded lives. How did they discover you had a leak? When they couldn't get any saline to go in? Is that a common problem?
  25. Carrot06

    Noticing self more?

    Lizzee- LOL! You really made me laugh. I sure hope I start to see some pointy things like cheekbones instead of just my nose! Ha!

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