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Everything posted by Carrot06

  1. Carrot06

    Do you trust your scales?

    Yep- I definitely have a problem with the scale. The last two days I had to weigh myself twice in a row. I know it is sooooo irrational and crazy but when I saw the low number for the second time today I thought, "is someone somehow messing with this scale to make it keep going down!" :laugh And then my second thought was, "is this battery slowly going dead so everyday it is saying a lower number?" I am not kidding- those two thoughts really went through my head! Ha!
  2. Carrot06

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I am staying on the plan because 11 pounds to Onderland.
  3. One of the best decisions I have ever made!
  4. Carrot06

    Not happy

    I agree with nume130- you don't want to be as my program calls it is the "red zone" and too retricted. That is really wonderful that you have quit smoking. I know most medical professionals say that is the single best thing you can do for your health. So you are going to be smoke free and a healthy weight. I know the slow weight loss is frustrating- but you will do it! Don't lose faith! :biggrin1:
  5. Carrot06

    Weight Loss Totals

    I was banded 10/10 and I have lost 34.5 pounds so far. (That does include the two week pre-op low calorie diet as well.)
  6. Carrot06

    When is your 1st fill?

    Good luck on your fill tomorrow. Let us know how it goes! :clap2:
  7. Carrot06

    When is your 1st fill?

    Amy- this second fill may be the charm. How awesome it will be when you reach that perfect restriction. I know it will be soon! Nume130- Isn't is great to have clothes start to be loose. Yeah for you!
  8. Carrot06

    Countdown to Onederland!

    Onederland is leaving the 200's! I can't wait to get there!
  9. Here are my December Goals: 1) Join local gym. 2) Lift weights 2-3 days a week. 3) Do cardio atleast 5 days a week. 4) Get as close to Onderland as possible. (About 13 pounds) 5) Allow myself to start giving away/getting rid of clothes I am growing out of. This will be a step in officially letting go of this weight and trusting it is for good this time.
  10. Carrot06

    When is your 1st fill?

    I did not get a fill at my appointment on Monday. I was nervous going in wondering what I should say when they ask how I am doing and if I think I need a fill. I really had been thinking I didn't need one- but it was freaking me out a little because many people do at this point. After talking to the dietician, exercise physiologist, and nurse, I ended up not getting one. Since I have been eating proper portions and not getting too hungry or needing to snack all the time between fills and an over 30 pound loss in 8 weeks, we decided against it. Since I am in the perfect zone right now, we decided to not fill. At my next appointment or if anything changes, they said to call and we can get a fill. But since hunger is being satisfied, then we should try to get as much longetivity out of the fills as we can. My program has a few people that have lost 100 pounds or more with no fills- though it is more common to need several fills over time. So I am riding this train as long as I can and then when I need a fill get one. I was like, "but what if I all of the sudden stop losing etc?" They said I am giving too much credit to the band. That I am doing this well because following the program/exercise and the band is aiding me. So it was scary, but rewarding to know that I am finally getting a handle on food. I go in in about 4-6 weeks or sooner if needed and then can get a fill at that time if need one.
  11. I know many are frustrated right now. I just found this and it explains a lot. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f13/how-lap-band-actually-works-fills-refills-41738/
  12. Carrot06

    One month out

    KYGAL- I just copy and paste the actual picture of the ticker. It is much easier and then you don't have to mess with those codes. Also you can update your ticker by just clicking on your ticker once posted in your signature and it will take you to the site. Hope that helps. TXchloe- glad things are okay.
  13. Amy- I posted to you on the other thread this originated from regarding your friend. I am so sorry.... You had not mentioned anything about this so I was so caught off gaurd after reading this. I am here for you...
  14. Amy- I can't believe you didn't mention this earlier on our October board. I just saw you linked the thread and read about this. I am so sorry for the loss of your friendship... I know we were warned that we may lose relationships when we lose weight, but it is hard to imagine until it happens. You just wouldn't think a friendship could be lost after 25 years. I know people get jealous, but from her e-mail I think this person has some real issues that for some reason are surfacing now when you are on this wonderful journey. The loss of the friendship has nothing to do with you.... The e-mail was so strange. Some of it didn't really make sense. I am not sure what is going on with her, but she was trying to turn her issues into something about your weight loss, and it is not about you at all. We are here for you.....
  15. Carrot06

    Countdown to Onederland!

    I just found this thread and love it! I am at 212 and really want to get out of the 2's by January 1st- Christmas would be even better. I think posting on this thread will be a great motivator to push me to Onederland. Look forward to meeting you all!
  16. Carrot06

    One month out

    txchloe- I would definitely call your doctor about your port area. I know everyonce in while I get a slight ache in port area, but it goes away. Since your pain is really increasing, can't sleep on side, swollen, I would definitely call your doctor just to be safe. I have heard that as some people lose weight they can see the port protruding up a bit. Someone on a post I read yesterday posted something about that. But call your doctor to make sure you are not having any complications. Let us know how it goes.
  17. I am sending out the rescue boat! Grab the floatation device! You are not going to go under this ocean of being overweight again! I can tell you are so frustrated and I would be too if I was having the hunger pangs like you are. Take a breath..... 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10.... Okay- now when will your doctor let you get your next fill? If it is a long ways out- I would give him a call and discuss the situation with him. I know many call the time before the fill "bandster hell," but it sounds like for many the time until you get to that sweet spot is rough as well. I will more than likely get my first fill tomorrow at my appointment. So I will see how my first fill is then. This sounds like it is one of those things where everyone gets different results. Some notice a change on first fill, and some don't yet. But don't lose hope. There will be a fill that will take you to that sweet spot. Just hang in there and continue the awesome job you have done at exercising, protein, etc. Keep building up muscle which will be shaping your body and adding tone. Keep up the cardio. Continue practising the rules of band life as much as you can and call your doctor about fills. I know you are in freak out mode right now- I think we all take turns having our freak out sessions. It will pass. You can do it! And the weight will come off.
  18. Judy- who told you walking is not exercise? Walking is wonderful exercise. I know my doctor and it seems the concensus on the board from most people that that was the first thing the doctor recommended they start doing for exercise. Walking is wonderful because it requires no equimpment and you can do it anywhere. I hope you get a chance to start incorporating it back into your routine. I have and it really starting increasing my weight loss results.
  19. Carrot06


    Ha! I laughed at us discussing the protein in pumpkin. I am sure there is protein- but a whole lot of yummy unhealthyness too. But I admit- I am going to eat a little pumpkin pie. I will have a little sliver of it, but I will save it for later that night. Because at the actual dinner I am going to have one tiny piece of turkey with gravy so I hope it won't be too dry. I also want a little tsp. of broccoli cheese casserole and a tiny amount of yams. I am going to pass on the stuffing, rolls, potatoes, etc. But I am going to enjoy a few bites of my favorites on Thanksgiving. If we eat healthy most all the time, I think it is okay to have a few bites of our favorites on special occasions as long as not most of the time.
  20. Carrot06

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    I am up for giving an update. I have lost 31.5 pounds. For weeks there was nothing, and now I have started to lose again. I had to make some changes to get the weight loss going again. I started exercising (cardio/toning), increased protein, and increased water intake.
  21. Carrot06

    Banded, now what?

    Coo- you made me laugh with your comment about "would rather have a broken leg than vomitt." That is so true! I am sorry you are feeling so tired. I know my progam said you may feel tired for a month or longer. But they told us that we would start to feel better and get our energy back as our bodies adjust. Do you think you need more protein or water? I know I at first was not getting enough of the protein or water. Once I started increasing those I started feeling a lot better. Just a thought...
  22. Carrot06

    Banded, now what?

    You are so right- there is so much more to this than just the mental part. If any of us could just control that- we wouldn't have spent this HUGE amount of money for the band. It will be awesome when we gets fills and we won't have to rely so much on only the mental aspect of it. The trick will be us all mastering the mental part, exercise, and the band getting filled so it can support us as well. It is just all such a big change and learning curve after years of being overweight. I know we can all do this! It will be so great as the months go by and we all are dropping weight, healthy, looking hot, and feeling great. We just have to work through these slow times and do our best. Go October Bandster's!!!!!
  23. Carrot06

    Sorry, the sex is bad!

    Girlie- you should just be happy that one did leave. He doesn't sound like someone you want to be with anyways. You want someone that loves you for you and that can resipricate the attention if you know what I mean. :biggrin1: Don't let this stop you from dating. Get back out there and find you a great guy who treats you like the queen you are!
  24. Carrot06

    Not hungry and not losing

    I initially had a big loss too and then stalled for a few weeks. Once I started increasing protein I was full longer so I didn't have a need so much for carbs. And the big thing for me was started an exercise program- that really got my weight loss going again. Are you exercising? I think our bodies also have to adjust for a while when we drop weight all of the sudden so fast, so it tries to hold on to calories for a bit. But is all evened out for me after a few weeks and I started to see the pounds drop again.
  25. I am just so excited! The last two weeks I have gotten out of my rut and am consistently losing again. I have lost 31 pounds. I am so happy I could just cry... I started consistenly exercising and increasing protein and finally more results. I am so happy.... Can you tell I am happy? Ha! :whoo:

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