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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carrot06

  1. Carrot06

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I am staying on the plan today because I went and bought some pants and shirts- that were not plus size!!!! I can't believe it! :scared2:
  2. Carrot06

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I am staying on the plan today because I think I am starting to almost feel comfortable enough to start dating again. I want to continue to tone up and lose so I will feel comfortable in my body and date!
  3. Carrot06

    nsv for me! yeah!

    :thumbup: Yeah for you! I bet that felt so wonderful!
  4. Carrot06

    Countdown to Onederland!

    You can do it! I never thought I would get there, and just barely crossed over into onderland myself. It is a wonderful feeling, and I don't ever want to leave this wonderful onederland again!
  5. Carrot06

    Countdown to Onederland!

    Wow renewedhope- I see you were banded the same month as me and have lost 76 pounds. I have only lost 50. Please share how you have lost so much so quickly- what kind of exercise/how much, nutrition?
  6. Carrot06

    Countdown to Onederland!

    Sharon- thank so much for the congrats you sent my way. It really made my day to read them! :thumbs_up:
  7. Carrot06

    Countdown to Onederland!

    I crossed over into onderland! And I mean a few pounds into onederland! I just can't believe it! I have weighed myself three times this morning to see if it is really true. I kept thinking- is this battery low on the scale or something?And it said the same thing every time! I am finding it hard to even believe it can be true. I am not feeling all joyous crazy yet- I am still too in shock!!!!!:thumbup:
  8. Carrot06

    Countdown to Onederland!

    I was at 201 this morning! I sooo want to get to onederland! I think I am heading to the gym right now.
  9. Carrot06

    Couch to 5K on treadmill?????

    So if I run at 4.0- how many minutes would that take to run a mile?
  10. I saw this on another monthly board and thought it was pretty funny. A lot of us October bandsters are getting discouraged. Seeing the below list kindod puts things in a different light and makes us realize that even small amounts really amount to a lot of weight. I have lost and average human leg! What about you all? 1 pound = a Guinea Pig 1.5 pounds = a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts 2 pounds = a rack of baby back ribs 3 pounds = an average human brain 4 pounds = an ostrich egg 5 pounds = a Chihuahua 6 pounds = a human skin 7.5 pounds = an average newborn 8 pounds = a human head 10 pounds= chemical additives an American consumes each year 11 pounds = an average housecat 12 pounds = a Bald Eagle 15 pounds = 10 dozen large eggs 16 pounds = a sperm whale�s brain 20 pounds = an automobile tire 23 pounds = amount of pizza an average American eats in a year 24 pounds = a 3-gallon tub of super premium ice cream 25 pounds = an average 2 year old 30 pounds = amount of cheese an average American eats in a year 33 pounds = a cinder block 36 pounds = a mid-size microwave 40 pounds = a 5-gallon bottle of Water or an average human leg 44 pounds = an elephant�s heart 50 pounds = a small bale of hay 55 pounds = a 5000 BTU air conditioner 60 pounds = an elephant�s penis 66 pounds = fats and oils an average American eats in a year 70 pounds = an Irish Setter 77 pounds = a gold brick 80 pounds = the World�s Largest Ball of Tape 90 pounds = a newborn calf 100 pounds = a 2 month old horse 111 pounds = red meat an average American eats in a year 117 pounds = an average fashion model (and she�s 5�11�!) 118 pounds = the complete Encyclopedia Britannica 120 pounds = amount of trash you throw away in a month 130 pounds = a newborn giraffe 138 pounds = potatoes an average American eats in a year 140 pounds = refined sugar an average American eats in a year 144 pounds = an average adult woman (and she�s 5�4�) 150 pounds = the complete Oxford English Dictionary 187 pounds = an average adult man 200 pounds = 2 Bloodhounds 235 pounds = Arnold Schwarzenegger 300 pounds = an average football lineman 400 pounds = a Welsh pony __________________
  11. Carrot06

    Putting things into perspective

    Amy- yeah chickadee! I see you broke into onederland!
  12. Carrot06

    observing subtle changes...

    Those are all wonderful! Isn't it great how there are so many victories that are not just a number on the scale! :tt1:
  13. Carrot06

    It's working!

    Yeah! I am very happy for you! I think all of the discouraged October bandsters need to read your post. This will let them see that at some point they will hit that sweet spot, and then look out!
  14. Carrot06

    Countdown to Onederland!

    I am only 4 pounds away. I know logically that is so close, but it still feels a million miles away.
  15. Carrot06

    Where is everyone?

    Yeah I know- I haven't been on much lately either. I don't recognize most of the names. It seems like most of the original October Bandsters are missing in action. It worries me because I know some were getting discouraged with their progress and the process, and stopped posting. It sounds like we all have gone through the same things. And it sounds like other bandsters all went through the same things we are and are doing great. We just need to keep working our bands and press on- and we will too be victorious. I think it is easier to keep on track, motivated, and accoutable when keeping up on the boards. So let's all try to check in and stay in touch. I got my first fill a little over a week ago. So I have 5 cc's. I couldn't decide if I wanted a fill or not cause I have been doing fine. But I decided to get a little fill to see if it would excellerate my weight loss. I definitely notice I get full even faster than before. I am down 40.5 pounds as of this morning. It sounds like a lot of people are stuggeling with the exercise. Let's all try to make an effort to get our exercise- I think it will greatly help our weight loss.
  16. Carrot06

    How often do you weigh?

    I weigh every morning when I wake up- after I pee, naked before my shower. And if for some reason I end up taking a second bath or shower after a evening workout or something- I weigh again.
  17. Carrot06

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    Because I am on onederlands heels... Watch out!
  18. Carrot06

    Oct 07 Bandsters - how are you doing?

    I just got my first fill on Thursday. I was kindof back and forth on whether I needed one. I am getting a little more hungry and eating a little more bigger portions, so I couldn't decide. I decided to try it and got 3cc's. I already had 2cc's from surgery, so I have a total of 5cc's. I am not sure if I notice a change or not since still taking it easy these first few days doing the full liquid and then soft foods. I guess in the next few days as I start to eat normally again I will see if I notice a difference with restriction. I have over the last few weeks made exercise a daily priority and feeling great. I just went through my closet and tried on some shirts that did not have an X behind them and they fit! I could not believe it. I guess I am losing inches even if the scale is not moving really fast. I lose a little, and then stay the same for a few weeks, and then it starts over again. I am only a few pounds from onederland and can't wait to cross that threshhold!
  19. Carrot06

    Are we "tenacious tens?

    I think we should keep our name. I wasn't aware another group had our same name. But I don't think we should change it this far into the game. We are tenacious and let's roll with it!
  20. Carrot06


    That is sooooo great!! I have been getting rid of jeans as I grow out of them. I could just cry at the thought of getting into a 16. I haven't tried yet, but for some reason I want to break into onederland before I try. I have 8.5 pounds before I hit that milestone big goal for me and then I am going to try on new jeans and see what size I now am. I am so happy for you and cannot wait until I can share the same wonderful news!
  21. Carrot06

    Time for some fun...

    It sure puts a new perspective on it when you think of it that way. I feel better about my 33 pounds- I mean "cinder block" that I have lost!
  22. Carrot06

    December Exercise

    Make33- yes the pain around port could be from the leg press. When at my last visit I was asking the exercise physilogist about whether I could start lifting weights and doing ab work. He said I could, but if it hurts my port area to stop and maybe try again after waiting a little longer. He did say that the leg presses could potentially affects port area. So he said if hurts, to back off and maybe wait longer on those that are causing pain.
  23. Carrot06

    December Exercise

    I thought I would start a thread like I have seen on other monthly forums to keep us motivated and doing our exercise. Here we can report on our exercise such as kind of exercise, how long working out, results, questions, frustrations, victories, etc. Exercise is so key to our success with the band. So I will start: Today I did light hands weights for upper body. I have noticed I am starting to get more toned in my arms-which we need with losing weight. Hopefully I can avoid the loose skin look as much as possible with toning up. I also walked 20 minutes on the treadmill.
  24. Carrot06


    I understand how you feel. I have gone through the same kind of thing several times since banding. I will start feeling good and thinking I am looking better, and then moments happen when I feel so frustrated- like I am still way fat, have a ton to lose, etc. I think this is just going to be a process. Sometimes it is easy to celebrate successes, and sometimes it is easy also to stress over how far still to go... But atleast this time we know there is definitely going to be success at the end of this long tunnel. We can do it!
  25. Carrot06

    December Exercise

    I didn't work out today. I left my house to go to work at 5:00 a.m. I got home at around 6:30 p.m. I just fed my son dinner and now I am finishing a ten page research paper. :faint:I am going to really try to workout tomorrow!

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