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    tebowfan reacted to tassb in Went to the first seminar last night and did a complete 180!   
    I got sleeved in October 2011, it was initially great although I always felt that I could eat more than a friend who had same procedure, gradually over the first twelve months my reflucpx which had only ever been a minor niggle got so bad. I began eating extra carbs in the form of crackers, toast to try and get rid of the reflux as meds were not helping. Even with exercise 4 times a week, high intensity, I was having to really watch calorie intake, anytime I went over 1000 cals I gained. I always had hunger, head or otherwise and despite losing 30kg, I stalled and then gained about 5 back due to making poor choices and just felt like a failure. After twelve months of feeling really down on myself I decided to go back and see my bark atria surgeon, who stated that he is doing about 50% sleeve to bypass revisions now for similar reasons. I get that for some people it has been the total package and that's great but for me I need the extra push. I'm lucky I only weigh 80kgs, though only 5'2" and he has agreed to do the surgery on public list so no out of pocket. (Only because I have family history of comorbidities)
    I'm having my op in May and am focused on following every rule, and seeing nut for long time post op to keep me on track. Hope my tale helps, the comments from others are true, stay focused and follow the rules and you will be fine, good luck!
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    tebowfan reacted to cutiepieinchi in Went to the first seminar last night and did a complete 180!   
    I was initially getting the sleeve. My suregon said I wasn't a good candidate due to my reflux. He felt that I would lose more weight with the bypass so ultimately that's what we decided on
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    tebowfan reacted to jtickle in Went to the first seminar last night and did a complete 180!   
    I don't know anything about dumping syndrome, yet. I have not had my surgery. However, my surgeon wouldn't even let me consider the sleeve because I have reflux so bad. He said the sleeve has a history of causing reflux in patients. So it's RNY for me. Cannot wait to be rid of this stinkin heartburn. Good luck with your WLS journey!
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    tebowfan reacted to DLCoggin in Went to the first seminar last night and did a complete 180!   
    Numbers can be deceptive but a conservative estimate is that there is a 50/50 chance that you will experience dumping following gastric bypass. Reality check - that means that there is a 50% chance that you might not experience dumping at all. It is a mistake going into bariatric surgery assuming that dumping will occur. But in the overall scheme of things - dumping is just not that important.
    There is a long list of benefits associated with bariatric surgery including improvement or resolution of more than 30 comorbidities associated with obesity including type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, cardio vascular disease and many more. Not a single one of these benefits is attributed to dumping. None. Zero.
    You certainly are not alone in having a pre-op sweet tooth and I'm sure others will share their post-op experiences. For now, consider the importance of what you likely heard at your seminar - lifestyle changes. The surgery is not a magic bullet. It can be defeated. Healthcare professionals seem to do a very good job of stressing the importance of lifestyle changes, but perhaps they are less effective in helping folks understand how to achieve those changes.
    In my experience, the key is "follow your plan". As closely to the letter as you possibly can. Your team will almost certainly give you detailed instructions regarding what your plan is for each stage of your journey. It is the act of following that plan, literally living that plan, that produces the all-important lifestyle changes. In the beginning, it can be challenging. But changes are taking place, even though you may not be aware of them. Every day it becomes a little easier. Every day you think about it a little less. Every day that you follow your plan is a success worthy of celebrating. Some tips for your consideration:
    Stay focused - follow your plan as closely to the letter as you possibly can. Stay positive - as long as you are following your plan, there is absolutely no doubt that you will lose weight. The laws of science and the universe cannot be denied. Trust the process. Stay patient - forget about a timeline. Commit to following your plan for as long as it takes. Never compare your weight loss to someone else's weight loss. Everyone is different. There are simply too many variables. Exercise - when cleared by your doctor, exercise at least three times a week. Exercise does not have to be synonymous with working your body to exhaustion. I lost 130 lbs just plain old walking. Three or more times per week. I started with 20 minutes each time. Today I walk about 3 miles at least three times a week, sometimes more. Stay away from the scales - we all understand the temptation. But there are going to be times when you lose weight very quickly, other times when you lose more slowly, and still other times when you don't lose at all. You know those times are coming. You know they're all perfectly normal. If you measure your success by the number on the scale, it is frustrating, stressful, discouraging and even self-defeating. Regardless of what your weight is doing, your response is a l w a y s the same - follow your plan. The weight will take care of itself. Do your best to resist the temptation to weigh more often than every two weeks. Maintain a food log - My Fitness Pal is highly recommended but there are a number of apps that do essentially the same thing. There are countless benefits to using a food log but perhaps this is the most important one - clinical studies have proven, again and again, that folks who maintain a food log lose more weight, lose it faster and are more successful at maintaining their weight than those who don't. Next to the surgery, food logs are the most powerful tool you can have in your arsenal. Forget about a weight goal - I know, this is a tough one, but it has great benefits. Commit to following your plan until your body tells you that it's at the weight it wants to be at. In my case my weight stabilized at 155 just a little under 14 months post-op. Today, a year and a half later, I'm at 153. That's where my body wants to be. Your journey will be less stressful, less frustrating, more fun, and much easier if you just trust the process, trust your body, and let it happen. Your goal is physical change but your challenge is mental discipline. Follow your plan and...
    You're gonna love the new you!!
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    tebowfan reacted to kkenney85 in Went to the first seminar last night and did a complete 180!   
    I went to the two and a half hour seminar last night with my mom. Luckily, my support group is awesome. I was 120% for the sleeve. I read about the bypass and the idea of moving stuff around just seemed too invasive to me.
    However, with that said. After being at the seminar, I am thinking much more about the bypass for the following reasons;
    -I have a major problem with sweets, this has always been my downfall
    -My center of excellence has done over 300,000 bypass operations, and have a much longer history on the bypass because it has been around longer.
    -Seeing the surgeries actually done last night, the sleeve seems just as invasive considering they completely remove the stomach and pull it out of a small incision.
    -the staples across the entire length of the stomach are concerning to me as far as the possibility of leaks.
    -I have acid reflux quite a bit now
    So, I guess I'm coming here for guidance. How likely is it that I will develop dumping from sweets? Would other people mind sharing their experiences? It would greatly help my decision process!
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    tebowfan reacted to monola in What I have lost and what I have gained   
    Hey Bridget, don't worry you will be able to eat and enjoy food again just with a new perspective. I have found that everyone is different especially on this board. I had RNY Dec 9th, I am down 70 pounds. For me, my surgeon was so good that I thought they hadn't done anything. No pain or nausea. It could have been outpatient for me. In fact, I kept calling the doctor's office to make sure he operated on me. I don't throw up, get the foamies, diarrhea,or Constipation. In 5 months, only once have I eaten too much and that extra bite made me feel what people here discuss feeling. That said, I have and can eat. One really bad week, I ate 6 pieces if pizza with no problem. It basically boils down to this surgery is a tool. I have learned to portion my food, eat at certain times and relieve stress by walking instead of food. Also the worst of it for me is that I can eat fried fatty foods and sugar with no problems. These are not good things to be able to do but I have been told by the surgeon that most people can tolerate it and it's up to us to change our behavior. So for me it is still a daily struggle but I have learned how to win most of the battles. Good luck to you and your surgery, hopefully you too will find the path you need to follow.
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    tebowfan reacted to Nowarnp in Anyone scheduled for May 2014?   
    May 6th here! I am ready to go!!!
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    tebowfan reacted to nilla13 in Anyone scheduled for May 2014?   
    I'm scheduled for May 7th!
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    tebowfan reacted to ReaRaes in April 2014 pre-op group   
    Holly, it sounds like you are dehydrated. Are you getting your full liquids in? And your Protein. It could also be Iron deficiency.
    I am day day four post op and 11 lbs down and am feeling my skin drying out and becoming itchy. I have still only had 41 oz of gatorade since I left the hospital. It still hurts a bit when I swallow. I have to usually sit up and double swallow if you know what I mean. Like it gets to the pouch but can't leave it.
    I have been dying every time I see a food commercial. Everything looks good. Food that I haven't wanted in years looks to die for. This afternoon my husband and I were watching movies and he made popcorn. I had to take one piece. It melted in my mouth. Then for dinner he had baked Beans. I licked some of the juice off his spoon. He had a twinkie for dessert. I ate literally a crumb. Then before I came upstairs I dipped my finger in the Peanut Butter jar and got just a tip full and put it in my mouth. All of it was heavenly. I can see that come Friday when I can have food again I will be so much better off. I will eat only what I can until I am full but I will stop my food cravings because I will be tasting food. I was happy with each taste of food I had tonight. I didn't want any more of them but that taste.
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    tebowfan reacted to LilMissDiva Irene in Gastric Reflux Post Op... A Survey   
    I'm very glad to see that the results are showing GERD is either cured or much less than before. It's an awful thing to have.
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    tebowfan got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in Gastric Reflux Post Op... A Survey   
    I have the band and will be revised to the bypass may 7th. I have Barrett's esophagus ow which is pre cancer die from long term Gerd. My doc said the shape of a leave would be bad for a Gerd patient/ Barrett's, this why bypass is better. I have read on here the part that makes acid in our bodies is bypassed with the bypass. Hope this helps.
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    tebowfan reacted to James Marusek in Memorial weekend/ bypass/ Help   
    I live 2 hours from the hospital in which I had the surgery. I left the hospital and returned home 2 days after surgery. I don't remember the ride home being a problem. So I do not think a 3 hour trip 17 days post-op should be too big a problem at least as far as the traveling is concerned.
    If you are worried about the pain, then make sure you do the walking exercise each day prior to surgery. It will help with the pain and recovery. When I went in for the operation, I refused any pain medicine after I left the recovery room. This operation was done laparoscopically and as a result there was significantly less pain. I underwent a hernia operation a couple decades ago before laparoscopic surgery and that was painful, but this Laparoscopic Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass was not (at least not for me).
    Although you are focused on food in your question, at this early stage after surgery, you food intake is minimal. You could probably meet your food requirement by taking a few small jars of baby food. The real problem areas you may encounter on your trip will be taking your Protein supplement, Vitamins, liquids and medication.
    The Protein shakes are powders designed to be mixed with liquids (water or milk). I tried mixing these with a shaking cup in the beginning, but this method left something to be desired. So I quickly transitioned to making them with a blender. But when you are traveling, its a little hard to carry around a blender with you. Now when I am up and about, I take along a Protein Bar. But at 17 days post op, I don't think you can eat a Protein Bar. So for your trip, I would recommend you stop by your local GNC and purchase several bottles of Protein Ice. This is a super concentrated form of a Protein Drink. Each bottle contains 42 grams of protein. From my perspective, it taste terrible but I let my wife taste it and she thought it was O.K.
    One of the things that happens after surgery is that you will not be able to swallow large pills, even medium size pills for awhile. So I would recommend getting a pill splitter and a pill crusher prior to surgery. There is a lot of medicine and Vitamins after the operation.
    Generally in order to prevent blood clots, you might be prescribed Lovenox (Enoxaparin). I my case I had to give myself a shot of Lovenox once per day for the first week after I left the hospital. The length of time these must be taken vary from one individual to another. I didn't like giving myself these shots and I bruised easily as a result of this medication. So I think 17 days post-op, you should be over with this.
    As to your question about Gerd/Barrett's Esophagus, perhaps someone else can address this better. I had a few periods of severe acid reflux prior to surgery. I haven't had any episodes in the 11 months since the operation. But then again my surgeon has prescribed Omephazole for the first year following surgery. This is the same thing as Prilosec which is what I would normally use for acid reflux.
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    tebowfan reacted to loving.life in Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!   
    I'm only down 37# since surgery. From 190 now 153. I can't complain tho. I have only puked once, had an episode yesterday but it passed. I was hoping to be smaller b


    y now but it is what it is.
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    tebowfan reacted to Heidi Isales in Band to Bypass discussion   
    Hello! I am not sure if I have dumped by what people suggested it has felt like. I have had to run to the bathroom but never have I felt weak, vomity or had the shivers so I am not sure.
    Tomorrow will make 4 weeks since I had my surgery. I have not weighed myself in a week...alittle scared but I recently started to develop hunger pains. THIS SUCKS!!
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    tebowfan reacted to WickedBeauty in April 2014 pre-op group   
    Well, this is it. I'm finally going to bed. Can't believe the time has come. Excited, nervous, and now second guessing myself although I know in my heart that this journey is very necessary. I'll post as much as possible as soon as I can. Praying for the remaining April preop team! May we all have safe, uneventful transitions to the post op side.
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    tebowfan reacted to joleneB in Anyone having surgery in May   
  17. Like
    tebowfan reacted to joleneB in Anyone having surgery in May   
    Well starting day 4 of liquid diet and I feel sooo much better, I can do this. My energy level has been really low I hope it picks up. I finish my pre op tomorrow with EKG, CXR and blood work then surgery!!! I have 3 women that I work with that had the bypass all within the last year, they all look so beautiful and healthy. I've been looking at all the youtube video transformations, gotta say I'm a little worried about the Hair loss though! Some seem to have it worse than others. Anyway, off to buy some gas ex and order my Vitamins, I'm getting the "Celebrate" vitamins. We were given a few different choices and these seemed to taste the best and have to take less of these than the others. People have made negative comments like " you have to take these vitamins every day for the rest if your life!" Like that's such a big deal...... I take blood pressure meds every single day, and wear a CPAP every single night, I'd rather give those up and take my vitamins every single day!!! Have a great day everyone!!
  18. Like
    tebowfan got a reaction from EmergingMissP in May surgery peeps from lapband to bypass?   
    That's awesome! Are you on a liquid diet? And that's this week! Yay! How do I foot you? Haven't quite figured this out.
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    tebowfan got a reaction from EmergingMissP in May surgery peeps from lapband to bypass?   
    I'm right behind, May 7th. You will do great! I will say a prayer for you too. I also am band to bypass.
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    tebowfan reacted to joleneB in Anyone having surgery in May   
    I'm doing the Bariatric Advantage shakes, they wouldn't let us use anything else.
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    tebowfan reacted to Doer in Having Band AND RNY at same time?   
    I had my band removed in November, and had RNY surgery February 10. I don't think I'll ever look back. I lost a TON of weight with the band, but because of all the horrible side effects, was effectively bulimic. I puked more than I ate for four years. When the gird and reflux got so bad that I never slept more than a few winks here, I eventually returned to my old binge eating habits. Only worse - because only a milkshake would stay down.
    I am THRILLED with my slower RNY results, becuase I have not ONCE been sick!
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    tebowfan reacted to anewme0108 in Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!   
    Hi all just wanna say my band revision to rny went good dr also repaired a hernia which he said he finds common after the banding. I am up walking around a bit here and there and have a lot of gas yet as my body isn't so cooperative in letting it out. I may even get to go home later today just have a few things to wait on yet. I start Clear Liquids this am and want to see if I am capable of holding them down before making that decision
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    tebowfan reacted to TLawre2 in May surgery peeps from lapband to bypass?   
    I think it depends on your ins. So far I only had to do the psych test.
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    tebowfan reacted to EmergingMissP in May surgery peeps from lapband to bypass?   
    Not quite May but close. I'll be revising from band to bypass on April 29th and I'm so nervous.
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    tebowfan reacted to TLawre2 in May surgery peeps from lapband to bypass?   
    I'm hoping to have mine in May, still waiting on insurance. Good luck to you.

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