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    tebowfan reacted to Crosby in Recently Lost a Best Friend Because of My Decision to Get Bariatric Surgery   
    She seems quite narcissistic or immature..or both. Frankly, unrelated to weight loss surgery beliefs , not someone I would want to be around.
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    tebowfan reacted to keish_lorraine in Recently Lost a Best Friend Because of My Decision to Get Bariatric Surgery   
    At the risk of sounding a bit brash...f**k your "friend". She sounds as if she's dealing with her own "fat acceptance" issues. You don't need those kind of people in your life. She's selfish. She created a whole blog post about YOUR surgery and made it about HER feelings. She doesn't care about you. She was never a friend. Cut that dead weight loose now. You'll feel much lighter when you do.
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    tebowfan reacted to kll724 in Recently Lost a Best Friend Because of My Decision to Get Bariatric Surgery   
    ((((hugs))) a friend like her is not looking out for your best interest, so is not really a BFF!Look for someone who can support your goals. There are lots of people on here ready, willing, and able to be a BFF to you. Welcome and best wishes to your future. Karen
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    tebowfan reacted to tammie30 in On track for November Surgery   
    NOOO Band pleaseeee
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    tebowfan reacted to Doer in Why do people say Revision patients lose slower   
    OMG I'm SOOOOO glad I stumbled across this thread!!
    I was banded in 2009 and lost 157 lbs. within a year and a half. A very happy size 4 lady! But within the next six months my band betrayed me - horrible, horrible problems! Problems that made me so sick, so much of the time, that I totally FORGOT about the fact that my port used to flip upside down, and what a weird pain in the neck that was!!
    I was drawn to the thread because it was about people losing more slowly after band-to-bypass revision. My band was finally removed in November, and my byass surgery was February 10, 2014. I think I had lost 25 pounds between my pre-surgery diet until my one month check-up with the band. In the 5 weeks since my bypass I have lost 16 pounds. And honestly, I'm not eating more than 600 calories a day, AND I am following every recommendation my doctor gave me.
    My doctor promised me that since I was an "ideal" bandster, I'd be an even better bypasser! But he did say the weight would probably come off slower, if for no other reason than my smart body has been on this up and down roller coaster too many times to be tricked into rapid weight loss again!
    So glad I've found you! And so glad to be rid of that band, slower weight loss or not. There has NEVER been a time in the past six weeks where anything made me throw up, or nauseous, or "stuck," or heartburn, or gird, or anything else. So I'll lose slowly but never have all those life-destroying side effects. AMEN!
  6. Like
    tebowfan reacted to Tanya Marie in And it begins!   
    Howdy everyone! I am a RNY'er. I had my surgery Dec 16, 2013. I have lost to date 79#. I have come to learn my cycles. Constipated, yet gassy = no phycial loss. However, what I have come to realize is, that in this time frame - I am losing inches!! So when you are at a stall - please do not get discouraged! Our tool is working! Then I will hit my next cycle, and I am able to go 'POTTY' and then watch the scale move. HAPPY TIMES!! I have learned when the scale is my friend and when its my enemy. When it is the latter of the two, I don't go near it, as it really messes with my head.
    I am one of the lucky ones. I have never dumped. I can eat anything I want - less excess of 15 g sugar in one sitting (anything more makes me queazy). I do though, stay away from carbs. No bread, Pasta, rice. Not to say - I will have "A" bite of something. I feel that if you do not allow yourself any of these things, you may be setting yourself up for destruction down the road.

    Looking forward to following everyones transformations!
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    tebowfan reacted to Tgarden in And it begins!   
    Oh, the dreaded plateau has hit!!! I'm not worried, since I know it is normal and will pass, but it is still a bummer when it happens. I am 6 1/2 weeks post-op, and standing still on weight loss. I've lost 30 pounds, which is amazing, and I only weigh myself about once every two weeks or so. So, those of you newly post-op, or those of you getting close to your surgery dates, do not be surprised when a plateau hits. Don't get discouraged, and keep following drs orders. I'm going to try to take my own advice, and hopefully next time I weigh in two weeks I will be pleasantly surprised!!
    Blessings to you all, and have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!
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    tebowfan reacted to HelenaMarie83 in Surgeon recommended roux n y, I was thinking sleeve   
    MexicanGirl and I are cousins and we are doing this together....same June 16tg date And everything. When we first started, we were dead set on the sleeve...we wouldn't even consider RNY, but the more research we did, the more it made sense.
    What clinched it for me/us is our friend who got the sleeve in October. Everytime we saw her, she was eating/drinking something she wasn't supposed to. In one night we saw her eat a hot dog wrapped in a tortilla with mayo, chocolate milk and Reese's Peanut Butter cups, then have to go throw up because her sleeve was too full, then come back and eat 2 bowls of Cereal and some chips. She was eating everything bad, and didn't have to fear dumping syndrome. She claims that when she eats that way, she loses more weight. She's still losing, but it's very slow.
    We decided that we couldn't do that and we needed the threat of dumping to at least scare us out of eating bad food. Also, my Dad died because of diabetes and I'll be damned if I'm going to let my kids bury me too early too. I am so happy with my decision to switch to the RNY. MexicanGirl and I keep each other on the straight and narrow and when things get too tough, we say "June 16th" like a mantra.
    Healthy life, here we come!
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    tebowfan reacted to ohmygoditsmimi in Band revised to sleeve revised to bypass! Please help   
    Hi Miss Tebowfan! Actually, I don't know what type of band I had. It was placed by Dr. David Hall in Lubbock TX and, according to my present surgeon, it was made out of some type of mesh that has been linked to several different issues (scarring, inflammation, etc.) So much scar tissue formed around my band that it had actually become adhered to my liver.
    When I got my band in 2001 I don't believe the adjustable bands had been approved by the FDA. Dr. Hall was also not trained in laparoscopic procedures. He stated that he felt that lap wasn't as "safe" as doing the surgery open. In retrospect, I guess I should have run for the hills. There were so many red flags that I didn't recognize at the time!
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    tebowfan reacted to Magellan32966 in May 2014 RNY/Bypass Post Op Support Group   
    Surgery was 5/7/14.
    Things are going well. Scars healing, no pain.
    Got on the scale for the second time today. Weight down 7 lbs in the past week (total of 16 since surgery).
    No hunger. Almost have to remember to eat and drink. Ah, drinking, unless I consciously think about it, it is difficult to drink the 100 oz of Water a day. But we press on.
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    tebowfan reacted to Jenibop2 in May 2014 RNY/Bypass Post Op Support Group   
    Hi...just checking in. RNY was completed at noon yesterday. So far my experience has been incredible. I have a morphine pump, but really have no pain. Slept most of the night and I just started on sips of Water. Will progress to different stages throughout the day. Supper will be cream Soup and as long as that goes well I will be discharged tonight!! Thank you all so much for the positive thoughts and well wishes. Now please push over and give me some room on the losers bench
  12. Like
    tebowfan reacted to mistyp in Post-Op January 2014 Losers Club!   
    It's been 3 weeks After my surgery I'm having a hard to
    E figuring out what to eat. I want guacamole does any one know if it's okay to eat that so lost

  13. Like
    tebowfan reacted to allielee in Daily news may 2014   
    Hi tebow fan! I had my surgery yesterday and it was the easiest surgery I have ever had! I did so well I went home today. Very little pain surprisingly! How are you doing?
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    tebowfan reacted to scaredycat69 in Op due 25/5/14   
    Thanks Hun much appreciated xx
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    tebowfan reacted to microdot in Can I take Benadryl?   
    I had the same allergic reaction to tape too. I was put on Benadryl, but I was told to take the children's chewable. It comes in grape and is dissolves easily.
  16. Like
    tebowfan reacted to Mary23 in Surgery scheduled but nervous   
    Dont be nervous! I had to have my band removed in emergency surgery and then wait 7 months for my rny. It was t he easiest surgery of all
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    tebowfan reacted to angelface811 in Anyone having surgery in May   
    Thank you for the advice. I will definitely give it a try. ????
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    tebowfan reacted to Ginger Snaps in Band revised to sleeve revised to bypass! Please help   
    @@Travelmego -- be sure to talk to your doctor about this. I have severe reflux and it is certainly influenced by diet but hearing the stories about the sleeve and reflux, there is no way I want to chance that. I'm sure your surgeon will be able to give you the best advice.
    I find it interesting how resistant people are to get the bypass - - it is the most tried and true surgery and both sleevers and bypass patients have to take nutritional supplements for life. In my decision-making process, the bypass has better success rates and more overall weight loss (statistically) and with the danger of making the reflux worse, it was an easy decision.
    Best wishes!
  19. Like
    tebowfan reacted to lizetteh22 in Starting stage 3 on saturday!   
    Any ideas I can try ??I'm exciting to do soft foods?
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    tebowfan reacted to missyb10 in Anyone having surgery in May   
    I'm new one this site and I actually posted in the wrong forum! Sorry!!
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    tebowfan reacted to kimr in February 2014 post op losers   
    For any of you already on full liquids, does that include yogurt? And if so can you eat a normal size container in one go? I ate a small container of greek yogurt this morning and it seems like that should have been too much to each in one sitting. I had no problems what so ever.
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    tebowfan reacted to Marathongirl in Benadryl : Can I take it?   
    They gave me benadryl in the hospital because of my anxiety. However, definitely call your doctor. I have to call them today to ask if I can just take glucosamine! Its so funny how we could take anything before, and now we have to be so careful
  23. Like
    tebowfan reacted to LloydBraun in Puree Suggestions   
    So I don't want to brag, instead I thought I'd share some of the Puree ideas that have been working for me. I know everyone gets specific instructions from their doctors, and it seems like everyone gets different instructions from each other, but I thought I'd share: Comment and share if you like, and comment if you dislike.
    Remember, after you're done processing whatever you're making to weigh it out to the appropriate serving sizes.
    1) Rotisserie chicken
    I find that buying a fresh rotisserie chicken was helpful in saving time and some energy. I debone it and rip the meat off the carcass into a bowl.
    Then I chop it roughly on a board or a plate so it purees easier.
    In the processor, I put in the chopped chicken as well as 1 tsp of pickle juice and 1 tsp of lite Mayonnaise for every 5 oz of chicken.
    Process it
    2) Ground Turkey Provencal - 93% lean
    The turkey is actually a really great platform for adding flavor, and my nutritionist told me that dried herbs are alright for after a few days out of the hospital.
    1lb. ground turkey
    1/4 tsp dried thyme
    1/4 tsp dried sage
    1/4 tsp dried tarragon
    1/4 tsp dried rosemary - however you have to crush the rosemary. don't keep it in its long form
    1 /4 cup low sodium vegetable stock
    mix the turkey and herbs. Heat 1tsp of olive oil in a large frying pan. Add the turkey and cook it until it is half cooked. The turkey should be a little browned, probably a little grey, but not completely cooked. Add the vegetable stock and continue to cook until it is completely absorbed into the turkey.
    Take the turkey and let it cool to almost room temp. Then add half to the food processor. Add 2 Tbsp of plain greek yogurt or Lite mayo. Process!
    3) Italian Chicken
    My nutritionist suggested using a light Tomato sauce as a moisturizer when food processing. Of course ask your own nutritionist, but here's what I've been doing.
    1 lb. ground chicken
    1 cup light tomato sauce
    Heat up 1 tsp of olive oil in a pan. When it's hot, put in the chicken. Cook it through. When it's finished, let it cool to room temp.
    Chop up the chicken so it's in small pieces. Add to the food processor. Gently process, and add the tomato sauce just before you are finished processing.
    4) Baked Greek Lamb
    1/2 lb of Lamb Shoulder. If you're fancy, you can use chops. The shoulder will have a bone or two you need to remove.
    1/4 cup tzatziki (greek white sauce)
    1/8 tsp cumin
    1/8 tsp coriander seed
    Coat the lamb pieces with the spice mix. Bake the lamb on a baking sheet. Use an olive oil spray or lightly spread around a little olive oil on the baking sheet. Make sure it isn't too much oil.
    Bake the lamb until it is cooked through. Remove and cool
    Cut the lamb into small pieces, add to processor and lightly process. Just before it is at puree'd texture, add the white sauce.
    I hope you enjoy these if you try them. If not, sorry!
  24. Like
    tebowfan reacted to Unhappysleever in Calories and protein 4 mths out   
    Can anyone tell me how many calories/protein I should be consuming at just over 4 mths ( I generally eat between 500-800) but have no idea on Protein, don't do shakes or yoghurt. I don't have a NUT for advice - thanks
  25. Like
    tebowfan reacted to Tgarden in And it begins!   
    tebowfan, I understand your worries. I truly feel like your doctor will know just the right procedure for you. And, from what I have read and researched, your chances are better for more weight loss with bypass than the sleeve. I know everyone is different, but statistically that is what is shown. I hope you have an approval answer very soon!

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