I was wondering about appeals. I have not yet started the process, so this is me just thinking of all the avenues and I am dedicated in getting this this year soon as I am done with not being able to enjoy life how I want to (that is for another post). But I just switched to my husband's insurance that does cover gastric surgery. The plan says you must try other avenues for a year. On that note, while I was on my own insurance plan that did not cover it I have been under a doctors care for weight loss and diabetes. Do you think I can appeal under the notion that I am under a doctors'a care for a year because of obesity? Otherwise I would wait a whole other year with this new insurance or find another means of getting banding done. Any thoughts on the likelihood of an appeal working? BTW I should add I have been on a leave from work due to all these medical conditions, the weight has aggravated my sciatic nerve and I haven't been able to withstand standing or sitting for any period of time. Yes odd part is I have lost about 50lbs from the previous year I worked. I also have had nerve surgery in my arm and most likely will need it again before returning to work (also due to weight issues); and suffered a major fall which has done nothing but set me back in any rehabilitation I have done. I guess my overall question is with an accumulation of medical issues documented for years is an appeal likely?