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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by thinlizzy

  1. Hi all, I was banded 7 years ago and live in Point Cook. I have really been falling backwards lately and the wight has slowly be going back on for the last 3 or so years. I have just today signed up and the gym for twelve months and hoping this time I can get down to the 60's.

  2. I haven't had any restriction since being banded but I have managed to lose close to 10kg. I went back to the Dr today and I had the 1ml taken out so I now have no fill in there. I then tried to have some salad for lunch and no good it came up as well. I think I will try and just stay on liquids for the week and maybe try something else come the weekend. If I am still struggling then I guess I will need to go back to the dr.

    I am struggling a lot with liquids though as well. It really has been a terrible two days.

  3. OK everyone I think I need some advice.

    I was banded on the 7th October (nearly 5 weeks ago)I did reduce the liquid and the mushie stages and have been eating normal foods without a problem. I have been able to eat everything (bread, rice, Pasta etc) without any PB'ing. I actually think I had been eating to much food. Anyway I went and had a fill on the 29th October (3 weeks post surgery) and was giving 1ml. Aparantly my band only holds 6ml. Once again everything was fine and I could eat everything and was beginning to think that I needed more fill. That was until today!

    Today I had a sausage in bread and 1/2 way through it I knew it was stuck. After many walks, lots of saliva and a few PB's I still didn't manage to get rid of it. The uncomfortable feeling lasted 4 hours. It started getting so bad that I would make myself PB however I think at one point it was more than a PB and a real vomit (sorry for TMI). At one point I thought I had it cleared so tried to eat a potato chip or two and that would come up as well. After a while I was feeling ok and at my friends having dinner and I had two small bites of lasagna and that also came up.

    My friend was then a little concerned and she gave her brother a call who is a Dr and also assists in lap band surgeries weekly so he would no what he was talking about. He wanted to make sure that I was able to keep liquids down and told my BF to give me something like a milkshake (as it is a bit thicker) anyway not all of this stayed down either. He then said that if I wasn't able to keep a piece of toast down for Breakfast tomorrow then I should ring my surgeon which I will do.

    I am just confused because my fill was nearly 2 weeks ago and I am only feeling this now. Not good when I have only 1ml in although I have met a woman who was banded 12 months ago and has lost 30kg and has no fill in. Maybe 1ml is to much for me.

    Has anyone else experienced anything like this before?

    Its been a sh*t day but the scales made me feel a little better with 1.2kg down since Breakfast. lol

  4. Well when speaking with my health insurance ppl, as long as it's "medical" and medicare agree then yes they tell me it's covered?

    Wouldn't most claims through PHI be for 'medical' reasons??? I personally would look into that if I were you as it just doesn't seem right to me.

    I called APRA and they gave me the forms in regards to taking the money out of my Superannuation. You just need a letter from your surgeon and one from your Dr. Really was quite easy although took a while. I am now close to 2 weeks post surgery and I haven't received my money back as yet.

  5. I think for me it was about 6 weeks.

    I've only just joined a health insurance and they've told me as long as the doctor says it's medical then they will cover it etc? I'm hoping mine will be fine

    So you don't have to wait 12 months? That seems a little odd to me. If I had known that I would have paid that way rather than spending $12,000 of my hard earned super.

  6. I have been banded for 1 1/2 weeks now and I have done a silly thing. I only managed to stay on liquids for about 6 days and I went onto mushies for a day or so but I have been eating normal foods. Sure I have been chewing the food up a lot but I am worried I may have done something to ruin the band. I have been feeling perfectly fine and I haven't PB'd at all but now I am furious at myself and worried that I may have ruined everything and thrown $12,000 down the drain.

    I just don't know what to do now? Do I go back on mushies? but what is the point if the damage is done?

    Not looking for 'I told you so' responses but more a little advice.


  7. Now that i am considering Lap band surgery I have come across a major obsticle!!!!!!! Private health insurence! Up until today i thought I was covered with Medibank Private however when I called them today they said that a direct debit attempted to come out in January and was declined and therefore my health cover had been cancelled. It is my own stupid fault that I didn't check my account I just assumed it was being paid. They also had my address incorrect (#8 rather than #11) They have sent my concern to the arrears department and it is possible that I will be able to pay the back pay and then I will be fine although I am concerned that they wont approve this as it is the 2nd time this has happened! So my dilemma is now that my surgery may have to be put on the back burner as I know with any health insurence there are waiting periods. Does anyone know if it generally 12 months everywhere or there are some insurence companies that may have less of a time frame. I would wait 6 months however 12 months seems like a long time for me. Any advice or companies that anyone may recommend? Also does anyone know the procedure code for lap band surgery for when I make enquiries?


  8. I am seriously concidering lap band surgery and have learnt a lot from reading these forums. I have read that generally after surgery you are on a liquid diet for a few weeks???? was this a struggle? just wondering if people found this difficult to stick to.

    Also I notice from reading this forum and a thread on smoking that you need to quit smoking prior to surgery. I am just wondering why this is exactly. I understand that smoking is bad for you and I know that I really should quit anyway however I am just wondering why it is a requirement and at this stage in my life (recently seperated) I may struggle with both the different way of eating and quitting smoking. Do you know of anyone who has continued to smoke since having lap band surgery?


  9. Hi everyone, this is my first post and I am so glad I found this place. I am in Melbourne Australia and am strongly considering having lap-band surgery. I currently weigh 94kg or so and have had no sucess with dieting. One of my main concerns is that I am worried that once I have had the surgery i will vomit alot.

    can anyone who has had lap-band give me some ideas as to what to expect with the surgery? Do you tend to throw up a lot of food that doesn't go through the band?

    thank in advance

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