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Everything posted by DevilMayKare

  1. DevilMayKare

    why is YOUR nose bent out of shape?

    I honestly think a big reason the board has been a bit harsher lately is because of the combination of a lot of new members along with the fact that some of our wisest, most gentle and sincere members have not been posting as often as they used to. It takes a lot of time and there really are more posts to wade thru than there used to be, but the lack of VINESQUEEN & LA MADAME especially shows. I know there have often been times in the past where I was reading a thread had a smart-ass comment pop into my head only to then read a loving, sweet response from one of those two that just made me ashamed to have such bratty thoughts.
  2. DevilMayKare

    Suggestion For Adult Board

    Well Lisa, I HOPE your LBT compulsion will stop you from sticking to that! You know we would all miss you terribly. Yep, you're pretty shocking sometimes--but never, NEVER have I been bored by a word out of your fingers! LBT w/o DeLarla would be like unsalted butter.
  3. DevilMayKare

    Suckiest Birthday Of My Life!!!

    So TODAY I am 50. I've been saying 50 for a few months because I've been getting mentally prepared for it. I'm never crazy about my bday anyway--& doubly not crazy that it's on Vday, which for some reason people think is cute but which is in reality a giant pain since everywhere is too crowded to go on your bday. BUT what REALLY is making this year suck bigtime is the fact that while re-doing my driveway yesterday the contractor BROKE MY WATERMAIN. I came home from work yesterday to a river of Water flooding down my street--my frontyard a pool and 4 municipal water guys gathered around the meter which the contractor's guys broke trying to turn it off. The city actually had to shut water off for the WHOLE BLOCK to fix the meter. I have had no running water since. I bought bottled for my son & I to drink and filled up buckets for spongebaths & to pour in the toilets but it is more than annoying that I can't even take a shower and have to go to work on my bday without washing my hair. Man! This is NOT boding well for this year. Sorry guys, had to VENT. It's 8:00 & neither the contractor or plumber have shown up yet for me to yell at.
  4. DevilMayKare

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    I can't even tell you how disturbing I find that there is not only a NAME for that -- but an ACRONYM!! It's been a loooooooong time since any man's been with me naked--& here I was only worrying about my squishy belly and sagging boobs! Little did I know. :omg:
  5. DevilMayKare

    Star Jones is SOOOO BUSTED!!!!!!

    I was thinking how sad it must be for someone like Star Jones because she has to keep her personal life secret & she can't come share her band & emotional conerns someplace like LBT. And then I realized since we're all incognito she could actually be a registered user and we'd never know it! Just imagine if Star was one of the board members posting and reading this thread. It could happen. Hey Star.... ya out there????????
  6. DevilMayKare

    Suckiest Birthday Of My Life!!!

    Thanks Bandayed (& everyone). The waterline break was really a mess--but in a way it made this bday more memorable. The new driveway (interlocking pavers that have a cobblestone look) look REALLY nice--but of course now the house looks like shit. Wasn't really planning on having to paint this year. It's always something! This $6,000 job turned into an $8,000 job. There goes my buttlift!!
  7. DevilMayKare

    Requested post!

    1760 calories! Oy vey... it must be nice to be a guy. My exercise would have to include climbing Mt Whitney to lose weight on that!
  8. DevilMayKare

    Happy Birthday Donali!

    Wow--another lovely Aquarian! You and Crystal have the same birthday?! The stars must REALLY been shine on February 19! Have a GREAT DAY and watchout for the cake!
  9. DevilMayKare

    Happy Birthday Vinesqueen

    Happy Birthday Beautiful Lady! Your wisdom increases more & more with every passing year. We are thankful for and Celebrate this day of your white light arriving on the planet. You make it a better world. :clap2:
  10. DevilMayKare

    Suggestion For Adult Board

    Oh gosh... those threads are just in fun. I think they are clearly marked by their titles & easy enough for someone to avoid. If someone doesn't want to come here because they can't stop themselves from clicking on an XXX subject then my first impression is that they are going to be waaay too sensitive for some of the other threads also. Religion, sex, politics, whatever... it's a live and let live sort of issue to me and I love it here where all have a right to express their views without censorship. If some people don't want to come hang out--there seem to be plenty who DO. I would imagine some people (like Alex) might get more than a few PMs about a restricted separate area. And actually, I think it would probably fail because most of us would probably not use it or just ignore it. Just my opinion.
  11. DevilMayKare

    Star Jones is SOOOO BUSTED!!!!!!

    Probably too much acid in the soil. Does she use a mulch w/ coffee grounds in it? That's how I keep my hydrangeas blue. ('scuze the hijack, just couldn't resist sharing a bit of gardening lore.)
  12. DevilMayKare

    Found marajuana & need advice

    SMOKE IT??! OMG! Don't do that! A combination of the munchies and PBing while stoned could be a baaaaad trip!
  13. DevilMayKare

    Found marajuana & need advice

    He's 22, has a baby and lives with his aunt... thinking isn't big on the list here.
  14. DevilMayKare

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    Big whoop--it's only February.
  15. DevilMayKare


    I totally agree with that. Marriage--and life is so interesting. The older I get the more sides of issues it I see. There are so many decisions to be made in life and we usually try so hard to make the "right" one. Even in hindsight it's often hard to tell what's right because hindsight changes all the time. I love living in an age of indoor plumbing, travel and such a variety of EVERYTHING all around us. That being said, sometimes I wish there WEREN'T so many choices. And that goes from cold medicine to men. BUt before I get off track here... as far as marriage, I'm really struck by the one my parents have. They've been together for 55 years now and there was about a decade in the middle of that I thought they'd break up. My dad was just a real ass to my mom for some years in midlife when (I think) he wanted to be with someone younger and sexier (his older bro had just remarried that). TIme passed (the brother's young wife left him) &, once again, my dad seemed to realize how good he had it with my mom and started appreciating her. Now they are old together and read each other's thoughts. I think it's too late & I'm too set in my ways to have a LIFE PARTNER like that, but I can sure see the beauty of it. Sorry, I'm rambling... but my point (kinda) was that 10 years of living with someone being crummy is a loooooong time when you're in those years, but in the scheme of things... not so much. Anyway, life changes and whatever decisions you make...
  16. DevilMayKare

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    Well, as long as you get all of the part that counts... Jeeze Lisa--what the heck've you done to us?!!
  17. DevilMayKare

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    Notice how much more interested we all are in dicks than vaginas?
  18. DevilMayKare

    Poll for Women Only *ADULT*

    I heard that's a bad thing. They say men w/ big dicks often are unfaithful because they always want to show them to everybody. So next time you can say, "So who ya been showing it to??" Just a theory. We could take a poll.
  19. DevilMayKare

    Lost my Neice, Karen.

    Oh Vera, what a terrible thing! I can do no more than add my condolences and emotional hugs to all the others. So, so sorry... ((((HUG)))
  20. DevilMayKare


    So will wasting decades of your life in a marriage that is sapping the life out of you. IMO it's much better to escape before you have children. I was married 17 years & should have left at 10. I think it's safe to say that everyone has strong feelings on the subject. Loopy, there are many ways to go on this path. NO ONE can tell you what is the "right" thing for you to do here. We can be here to offer support and many shoulders to cry on. Many of us have been thru it and survived. You can too.
  21. DevilMayKare

    I am so f'in pissed

    Sorry if I came on strong DiDi. I guess I still have a lot of energy on the pain I went thru in my marriage. I really did try sooo hard for so long. When someone finally explained to me what was going on (it wasn't all in my head) it was a revelation. My family is all pretty aggressive/aggresive so I just did not know the power of passivity. Anyway, that may not be what is going on with your husband at all. I just had such a strong reaction to your post that I responded with my gut emotion. Also, we shared our 50th birthday week and I've got some pretty negative energy on that too! I'm so relieved it's over. Do you feel that way as well?
  22. DevilMayKare

    Why do we allow temptation?

    Dawg, you write clearly and well. I would never be so foolish as to try to make such an obviously intelligent person look dumb. I honestly was ribbing you--everytime. I apologise. I won't do it again.
  23. DevilMayKare

    Why do we allow temptation?

    Gosh, you would DO that for ME??? That would be sooo helpful. Thanks! (Oh, while you're at it, will ya grab those typos & redline the grammar for me? I've noticed a real dive in my composition proficiency lately.)
  24. DevilMayKare


    Well, that explains a lot...especially the spelling thing. Serioulsy, I've been reading a lot of Bryce Courtenay lately (a WONDERFUL Austrailian writer) and there are a few spellings used regularly that kinda throw me (like "practise"). Yeah, got that. (lol) And whatever thread it was where you posted that my post was silly... you were absolutely right.
  25. DevilMayKare

    Why do we allow temptation?

    I don't care what you say Dawg, I just find it judgmental. "judg·men·tal ( j¾j-mµn"tl) adj. 1. Of, relating to, or dependent on judgment: a judgmental error. 2. Inclined to make judgments, especially moral or personal ones: a marriage counselor who tries not to be judgmental... or nonjudgmental, like an online forum that likes to use alternative spelling of words. judg·men "tal·ly adv." American Heritage Dictionary

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