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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DevilMayKare

  1. DevilMayKare

    Has anyone heard of Trace Minerals

    TJ CLARK's "Legendary Colloidal Mineral Formula" can be found at any health food store. It's liquid and tastes horrid, but you don't have to drink much. It was recommended to me for the same reason and I think it helped a bit--but not nearly as much as taking thyroid med has.
  2. My pain was mostly in my shoulders too. I tend to have neck problems and it really threw my neck out. I went to the chiro--which did NOTHING. Finally I went and got a pedicure because for $20 one of the girls will rub your shoulders and neck while another is working on your tootsies. Boy--talk about decadance! I was in heaven. If I had it to do over I've have a massage lined up for 3 days after the first 3 days.
  3. DevilMayKare

    Definately Unhappy....

    Going back every two weeks for fills?! You've got to be kidding. I would never have been banded if that had been the deal. I am so glad I went to Dr Ortiz in Mexico. Other than being in Mexico (which I will admit can have its disadvatages, although I experienced none) the whole experience was less hassle than surgeries I've had in the US. I like that I can call & get a fill when *I* feel like I need one. It gives me the responsibility and control and I like it that way. BTW, I have had NO fills and have lost 33# since banding 6/2. No, I'm not super restricted--but enough to remind me to stop eating and that's working fine for now. I think it's a mistake to depend on this thing. All that "it's a TOOL" stuff is for real. YOU are still in CONTROL.
  4. DevilMayKare

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Down 2 for me. Only 50 to go YIPPEE! I'm attaching a chart for figuring out how many calories you've burned per activity. I posted this in another thread but for those who might have missed it--it has been invaluable for me. Easier and less cumbersome than finding it all in fitday. Just take your activity times it by 7, divide it by 3500 (cal per pound) and this will give you an idea of how much you have to workout in a week to lose. Let me know if it's helpful. PACS.pdf
  5. DevilMayKare

    How often do you exercise?

    Yeah, 4 is good, but that's only because it was 1 the week before. It's only consistenty 2 or 3 over 4-6 weeks. Sometimes my body really teases me and doesn't lose anything or only a pound for a couple weeks. Eventually, IF I don't fall for it and eat tho it gives up and there's a big loss. Even fat can't fight pysics.
  6. DevilMayKare

    Accepting My Current Weight

    I've been thinking and thinking about this thread since you first started it DeLarla. I do think it is incredible that you lost and have maintainted a loss of 65 pounds and I absolutely support you in loving yourself exactly as you are. You are beautiful, you deserve nothing but happiness. BUT......... Gosh, I don't want to rain on your parade, but it worries me. I've been to that "this is good enough, it's too damn hard, I am OUT" place and it feels good--for awhile. It feels good until suddenly somethings too tight and I turn around and I've GAINED twenty pounds. And the cycle of hopelessness starts turning... So please--take a break, put your feet up and enjoy yourself but don't close your eyes. Swim cautiously, these are dangerous waters. Or maybe I'm full of crap and this is the perfect place for you!
  7. DevilMayKare

    How did you go emotionally afterwards?

    Yes, of course you don't need the band to do it. You absolutely CAN do it. The question is, will you? Like many of us I have lost big--several times. My last big loss was over 150# and I kept it off for over 2 years. But after gaining 80 of that back I tried and tried over the past year and just could NOT get back into the whole diet workout thing I need to do to lose. I was at the point where I felt HOPELESS. Hopeless is a very bad place to be. I felt like I was wasting my life. The band gave me hope. It kick-started me back on track. I've lost over 30 in 2 months--no fill. I had an apointment to get a fill on Monday but I cancelled it. I've got myself under control now and although I am somewhat restricted (have to chew really well) I'm now able to eat anything I've tried in the past several weeks. For lunch I had some turkey, blueberries and pineapple. What could be healthier? I do drink a pro shake every afternoon that I mix glucosamine and flaxseed oil in. That seems to keep me energized for all the exercise I do. I could NOT stay on track w/o exercise. It's the best energy/mood booster I know of. Marimuru put it perfectly... <The point that the band helps with (for me) is the "SCREW THIS" point of the diet. The point where you are at a plateau, or you think you aren't seeing the results, or you think you've screwed up your diet and you just give up.> Since I haven't had a fill I'm not severly restricted and could probably pigout if I tried. If that happens I'll go get a fill. Just knowing if I need it I can get it comforts me enough not to need it. Anyway, you may not be ready. You may not need this--or you may not need it right now. It is always an option you can choose if and when you are ready. When it comes to losing weight I firmly believe you should do whatever works for you. There are many paths to the "light."
  8. DevilMayKare


    One of the best lines I ever heard was when a lady was mad about getting stopped for speeding (only 15 miles over on the toll road). After the cop wrote it out and handed the ticket to her she said, "You're a real jerk!" "I'll take that under advisement." He responded. I always thought that was the greatest comeback! Now whenever someone says something rude to me or gives unsolicited (or stupid) advice I just say, "I'll take that under advisement." Now if anyone tries to tell you you are a failure or says anything that does not support you in your efforts, just take it under adivsement and walk away imagining them left there with the ticket in their hands. Works wonders.
  9. DevilMayKare

    Hair loss

    My hair has been falling out also the last year (way before this band diet). I finally went to a hormone specialist and she did more blood tests than I thought existed! Even tho my thyroid was not abnormally low it was on the "low end" and she put me on thyroid med. I've been taking it for about 6 weeks and finally NEED to shave under my arms again. (Who'd think I'd miss THAT?) Anyway, you might get this tested. You can be low w/o the test showing it. Other symptoms are dry skin, low energy (although that could be anything) and especially loosing hair from the outside of your EYEBROWS! (Certainly true in my case.)
  10. DevilMayKare


    I just figured out I collect rocks--big rocks. I was telling someone about the trickling waterfall my son built out of some of the rocks in our yard (just a tract house yard) and she asked where I got the rocks. About the time I answered I've been bringing home rocks from wherever I found interesting ones for the last 20 years I decided I'm a collector. It helps to have sons when you pull over on the way down from BIg Bear to load a great looking piece of granit in the back of the van! (I'll try to attach a pic of the "waterfall") pond1x.bmp
  11. DevilMayKare

    Mt 1st-2nd & 3rd PB!

    Yeah, the chest pain really is something, isn't it? Heartburn x 1,000. I wasn't prepared for how that would feel either. Glad you're feeling better!
  12. DevilMayKare

    Feeling Too Normal

    LOL!! Well said Queen! I've been banded just over 2 months now & I felt good enough to be worried too. It wasn't until week 4 when I ate some chicken too quickly w/o chewing enough and had the infamous PB visited me that I finally accepted that this thing is "working."
  13. DevilMayKare

    How often do you exercise?

    Oh, okay, think I got it. Attached is the file PACS[1].pdf
  14. DevilMayKare

    How often do you exercise?

    I exercise the amount I need to lose 2-3 per week. When I have calculated my intake and activity with the formula below it has always been right on. It might take a couple weeks to even out, but over a four week period the loss per week has always matched the numbers for me. (I’ll try to attach an acrobat file that is a chart for figuring out your physical activity calories by activity.) <O:p</O:p Here’s the formula for figuring this out… Women require 11 calories per pound per day to maintain body weight. Men require 12 calories per pound per day to maintain body weight (darn ‘em!). <O:p></O:p> For this example I’ll use my weight round-off off 200# and my desired goal weight of 140# To maintain a weight of 200 I can eat 2200 calories per day (200x11). To maintain a weight of 140 I can eat 1540 calories per day (140x11). <O:p></O:p> 2,200 minus 1,540 = 660 calories is the difference I need to make up DAILY either by diet or exercise to maintain a weight of 140#. <O:p></O:p> I’m trying to lose so I eat 1500 calories per day— 10,500 calories for the week <O:p></O:p> And my Physical Activity Calories (PACs) are as follows:<O:p></O:p> 20 minutes of Elliptical (high intensity) 20x13=260 daily 6 days of the week 260x6=1,560 40 minutes of walking (medium intensity) 40x7=280 6 days of the week 280x6=1,680 1,560 + 1,680 = 3,240 Total PACS for the week <O:p></O:p> Okay…my maintenance calories for the week are 2200x7 = 15,400 But I’m only eating for 140# maintenance 1540x7=10,780 That puts me at a deficit of 4,620 in eating calories Added to my 3,240 PACs = 7,860 <O:p></O:p> Now I take the 7,860 deficit and divide it by 3,500 (Calories in one pound of body fat) Which leaves 2.245—a predicted loss of 2.2 pounds. <O:p></O:p> Does that make any sense?? I have a worksheet for calculations I’ll type up and make an acrobat file of if any you would be interested. Hmmm.... don't see a way to attach the PAC chart pdf. Can anyone tell me how to attach a pdf file? <O:p></O:p>
  15. DevilMayKare

    Can you believe this?

    Well that is an inexcusable thing for her to do, but you know what I find ironic about the whole thing is her statement that she just knew you would not be compliant. Excuse me but, NO SHIT SHERLOCK--NONE of us are compliant! (Okay, maybe there's some exception out there, but I doubt it.) COMPLIANT? Maybe sometimes and maybe all the time for a period of time but COMON! If we were able to just control our eating habits we wouldn't need to have an OPERATION to get this band sqeezed around our gut! The whole point of this thing is, it pretty much forces compliance! The first time I had a 20 minute PB, I swear for the first 15 minutes of it I just wanted it to be over so I could eat some more. It took that last 5 minutes (& not knowing how long it was going to last) to finally kill my appetite for awhile. Anyway, ask me how I reeally feel about it.
  16. Well, tomorrow is AUGUST and it starts on a Monday. A new beginning--always a good time to put a little *umph* in getting off doldrums and plateaus. I've been doing pretty decent on my WL but I think this calls for some sort of renewed dedication. I got out my old notes from a "Healthy Solutions" WL program I did a few years ago and it was a real wake up call for me to review what I have already learned (but for some reason seem to keep forgetting!). The big thing I HATED about that program was all the doggone record keeping. Sometimes I almost hated that more than the not eating. But--dammit!-- it also was probably the major reason I lost so successfuly at that time. Sooooo... with this new month and new week I am making the commitment to write down and total all my calories each day and write down & total all my physical activity calories for just ONE day at a time for just ONE week at a time for just ONE month (August) at a time. It's always more fun and encouraging to do this with like-minded losers. Anyone wanna join me?
  17. DevilMayKare

    AUGUST 1--A New Month & a New Week!

    Oh my gosh La Madam--you own a RESTARAUNT?? THAT must be tough! I live in CM so I'm not super familiar w/ MV, but my office is at Alton & Hughes (a blk from where Jeronimo meets Alton. Close, I think. Willow, how much of your 2 hours was aerobics? I don't see how you could do 10 hours a week of aerobics & not lose. Weight training is great for many reasons--but it doesn't really get the pounds off. As far as logging... maybe it would inspire us if we just listed our PACs (physical acitive calories) for the week. It really helped me when I could see the corelation visually. For instance I worked out last night that I by my PACs for the week I should be down 2.5 pounds. Sure enough in the morning--down 2! (don't have a digital) The numbers really, really work, but you have to do it over several weeks because some weeks fluctuate for various reasons. For instance, everytime I increased my weight workout or increased the incline on my elliptical I would not post a loss--or even garin!--for the week. Over four weeks tho, it always worked out. I've been snowed since I walked in the office this morning but soon as I get time I'll type out the formula for you. ....but maybe they have all this on fitday?
  18. DevilMayKare

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    WHOO HOO!! Down 2!
  19. DevilMayKare

    Very angry and needing advice

    Oh gosh Geeta, that is a terrible betrayal. I don't blame you a bit for being angry. I would be too. But I think after I calmed down a bit I would try to determine in my mind whether she told people because she just could not keep the secret or because she wanted to put me down. Either way it is understandable if you never want this person in your life again...but it does make a difference. Maybe you should answer the phone next time she calls and just tell her that you know she told people what you told her in confidence and that--whatever her reasons--you are just too angry to talk with her right now. Just give it some time as to when or if you talk to her again. You can decide that later. And, of course, don't trust her again.
  20. DevilMayKare

    AUGUST 1--A New Month & a New Week!

    Wow Willow--you were exercising 2 hours a day, five days a week? That's a lot to keep up! This past week I managed to get on the elliptical for 20 minutes every morning and walk the dog 45 minutes every night--and that was a REAL push! Hey La madam, it's too bad we can't eat--we could meet for lunch! I work in southern Irvine, right next to Mission Viejo! Maybe we should "do tea" when it cools down a little.
  21. DevilMayKare

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Congratulations Penni! Oh man... it's only 9:00 but I'm nervous about stepping on the scale tomorrow morning! And we all KNOW what we do when we get nervous! No, no, NO!!! Get thee behind me evil FRIDGE! I won't eat! I WON"T! I WON'T!!! I'm gonna go sit in the bathtub with a nice big glass of diet Snapple and go to bed so I can get up in the A.M. and face the dreaded numbers!! Gnash, gnash....
  22. Hey, if you ladies are going to go down there in December I'd love to go down for a TT & lipo too! Think we could get a group rate? Or share a nurse and suite or something? I am defintely up for it!
  23. DevilMayKare

    What can I snack on ?

    The Healthy Choice fudge bars are my evening munch treat. The ice cream sandwhiches are good too--but I can't buy those cuz I'll eat the whole box. I like the yoplait WHIPPED yogurt too (less cals). Most of all I find it helps to keep my hands busy. I've done a lot of sewing/mending projects... even brought out my bathroom drawers to cleanout while watching TV and refolded/organized my linen closet like I've been meaning to do for the past decade.
  24. DevilMayKare

    Stages of Weight Loss

    Yeah, the Elliptical screen prints out a calorie count but it's fairly useless since there's nowhere to plug in your weight info. And from what I can see the numbers don't reflect reality at all. This chart I have is fairly simple (low/med/high/very high) with examples of what those would be on the top and wieght listed by 10's going down the side. I'll try to create a word file of it & post if it slows down at work this week. This intense weightloss program I did when I was 312# was a 3-month program--with the same group of people. All of us had to pay quite a chunck up front so we were all pretty motivated to attend and keep to the program. (You had to see the doctor EVERY week and get blood work done every/other week.) It was a tremendous advantage to have the same group of people (about 20) because you could really see what worked and what didn't. As we each came into the meeting we weighed and then listed our calorie count, PACs (physical activity calories) and pounds gained or lost on the front board. It was just so obvious that exercise had an ENORMOUS impact. Everyone in that group (& there were several at 350+) found ways to increase their activity--some by a LOT. About 2 months into the program, one man started getting books on tape and only listened while he was walking. He got so into this Grisham book one weekend he walked 4 hours on the beach both Sat & Sunday (as well as quite a bit each night) and that week he posted a 12 pound loss! This was not waterweight as the next week he lost another 6. That guy was almost always the biggest loser and always worked out the most. Of course, most of us don't have that kind of time. But if we want to decrease the amount of TIME it takes to get the fat off more exercise is our best option. Now will someone just remind me of this when I'm lazing on my butt considering pointing of the remote quite enough exertion!
  25. DevilMayKare

    Stages of Weight Loss

    Thank you Molly. I knew there had to be something on here like that. Very strange tho, they have all kinds of "cleaning" and "playing with animals" on the list but when I put in "Elliptical trainer" there's no data available!

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