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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DevilMayKare

  1. DevilMayKare

    Need some prayers. Please.

    Estela, Sending warm energy, peaceful and healing vibes your way. And crossing my fingers for your mom!
  2. DevilMayKare

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Well, I was starting to feel pretty good until I had my son take these pics this morning. Sheesh-- until I lose another 30 I am NEVER letting anyone walk behind me again!
  3. I remember reading about your experience Estela. It sounded like a good one. I was especially impressed about the aftercare. I think one of the main reasons I would like a doctor in TJ, if possible, is because of any possible necessary follow-up. I agree it's good to have the option of follow up if there's anything that needs to be taken care of. Honestly, I love my surgeon here in California and would probably use him for any facial necessities--and for anything else if money weren't an issue, but with the price being 1/2 to 1/3 the cost out of the states the only way I'd be able to afford a TT & lipo is to do it that way. More and more people are becoming "medical tourists." I wonder what they are all doing about follow up?
  4. DevilMayKare

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Okay, count me in too. I'll try to get my son to take a pic in the morning. Start for me is 189--goal is 169 by week 10. I am HIGHLY MOTIVATED right now because my brother is getting married October 29 and there will be family members there that I only see every few years (family weddings and funerals). I sure would like to knock them out with a new, improved Kare!
  5. DevilMayKare

    Anyone over 350lbs? success?

    Oh it won't. And you will. Every ounce lose will become more precious and dear though. One of the few advantages of having a lot of weight to lose is that it initially comes off so fast. Now is the time to learn new habits that you will sorely need as your shrinking subsides. Please take this to heart now so you won't get discouraged later. Congratulations and enjoy it while you can!
  6. DevilMayKare

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    So where is Jonathan, anyway? Haven't seen any posts from him for quite awhile. JONATHAN, WHEEERRRREEE ARRRRRRRRRRE YOU???
  7. DevilMayKare

    Penni60 Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Penni! That's so wonderful you were able to walk around the zoo w/ your grandchildren. Since weightloss always makes one younger and more energetic--maybe it's time to start counting birthdays backwards? I know I am! Look forward to meeting you...
  8. DevilMayKare

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    TWO DOWN for me! Yippee. I didn't meet my hopeful goal for the challenge, but I lost 17 pounds and met my real goal of getting into the 180's by the time my son got home from Europe. I just made it as he arrived at 11:30 last night. Okay, ready for fall challenge!
  9. DevilMayKare

    Advertisements on LBT [ADULT CONTENT]

    Until your site is up it's too bad there isn't a pdf file for that catalog. That would be faster and easier than mailing. You'll have to suggest sometime in the future that they create a pdf file. It would take about 5 minutes for the catalog designer to do since they would already have all the text and photos in a file. (And I don't suppose my 2 pound loss this week has anything do to w/ this? Run Rabbit RUN! hee-hee)
  10. DevilMayKare

    Is There Any Hope For Me????????

    Oh, I could have written that sooooo many times. Every single thing you said I (& I would guess many here) have felt. With or without the band there are times ya gotta just white-knuckle it. (Those are the times you hang on for dear life although your knuckles are white from the strain of your grip and gravity is yanking on your ankles.) There is NO ONE THING that works for me, but when the dragon's breath is so hot on my neck that I'm getting sindged--I try EVERYTHING. Make a list of things you can do when those urges hit. Often they will pass if you busy thru them. The thing that seems to work for me the best is exercise. I walk every night because I'm a night eater. Sometimes taking a long shower helps, sometimes music, sometimes sewing--a cup of camonille tea in my favorite pot (make your own tea ceremony). Sometimes I take an Ambien and go to bed early just so I won't stay up and eat. You can do this, you really can. Just because you have the band, don't think you won't have to work at it. Some have to work harder than others, but I don't think it's a slam-dunk for anyone. And please, be NICE to YOURSELF. STOP telling yourself that you're hopeless, that you'll never get there. Don't say that stuff to yourself and don't listen to that crap--from ANYBODY. Picture the "devil" you on your shoulder saying that nasty stuff, then picture your strong angel self kicking his bad ass back back to hell. It will take patience--but you CAN SUCCEED.
  11. DevilMayKare

    Advertisements on LBT [ADULT CONTENT]

    Oh--correction--those are size "C" batteries. Since my kids are grown I rarely run into anything bigger than an A now. (Three Ds might be a little TOO powerful, doncha think?)
  12. DevilMayKare

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    I don't think it's a race issue either. I think it's an INFLUENCE issue. I don't think it is any leap of imagination to say that the governor of Florida currently has more influence with the Whitehouse than the governor of Louisiana. I really don't understand how our system could be so unprepared for something like this. When there are practically weekly alerts of possible terrorist attacks how can there be so little infrastructure in place for a disaster of nature? We can only hope that this will serve as a warning & our government will get an effective relief system in place. At the very least, let this horrible loss of life and suffering teach us something! I have a cousin in the parish of Bernard. Her sister tried to talk her into evacuating to stay with us in California before the Hurricane hit, but she didn't want to leave her two dogs. They are part wolfe and no airline would let her take them. No one has heard from her yet. Among your prayers & healing energy, please throw some in for Theresa Ann. Thanks.
  13. There is no "better" or "worse" at this bandstering--it's WHATEVER WORKS for YOU. Whatever helps you lose weight to whatever size makes you happy. Jachut, I don't know where you get the 1,000 calorie reference. My average intake is 1200--and that's a losing rate. I expect to be able to eat 14-1500 at maintenance. There's nothing unhealthy about that. (Actually, there are several scientific studies that show human beings live longer lives when they are at constant deficit--but that's another topic!) Anyway, I haven't had a fill since banding June 2. I've been able to lose at an acceptable rate. I don't go around really "full" and I can eat bread--but can still bring on a PB with meat. Sometimes I really have to white-knuckle it, but as long as I can exercise I think I can manage. Four years ago I lost 160# and kept it off for over 2 years. I learned a lot with that particular weightloss which I am able to bring to this latest effort. The main thing that I learned (& really, REALLY finally GOT in my brain which did NOT want to accept it) is that I HAVE to exercise aLOT to lose & keep off weight. Last August I had foot surgery and couldn't workout for months. I gained back about 60 of what I lost before and try as I might, just could NOT keep myself from binging out of frustration, boredom, anger, self-hatred, loss of faith and whatever else. Last time I lost, I promised myself if I ever got over 300# again I was leaving the planet--and I did, and I do MEAN IT. At 230# it wasn't hard to see it coming and not being willing to live thru that again I got the lapband surgery as a desperate measure. And it worked. It took the control away from me--for awhile--and kick-started my motivation. I like having the option to join in socially. I like having the option of bread. If I have to give that up, I will, but so far I don't have to. I hold out a fill as both a threat and an escape--but most of all as HOPE--to myself. As long as I keep losing & control my intake wisely I don't have to get a fill. If I start binging--I'll fill. If I am injured somehow and can't workout, you'd better believe I'd be on the phone making an apointment IMMEDIATELY. I can't tell you what it means to me just to know there is that additional tool there to use if I need it. As to learning new eating habits... I'm not sure how old you are, but I'm willing to bet younger than me (I'm late 40-something). Too many times in my life have I lost weight and believed in my new maintenance skills. I've given away "Fat Wardrobes" many times. I've kept over 80# off for more than a year more than a few times. Believe me, I've been a poster child for several weightloss programs. Everytime I got to a maintenance weight I believed I would never be fat again. Well, I'm not falling for that one anymore. And IMO anyone who does just hasn't lived long enough. There's no doubt in my mind if it were not for the band I would gain back weight sometime in the future. I am so grateful for this device and I am so happy for ALL of us to have this sword to slay the hated dragon. Just remember, THIS dragon is part phoenix--ya gotta keep killing it. May we all be victorious! .
  14. DevilMayKare

    Advertisements on LBT [ADULT CONTENT]

    No, I don't think it's silicon... but I'm actually not sure WHAT it's made of. I did get the feeling it was a serious instrument when I saw the 3 D-battery slot. She has products for men too Jack! You'll have to get something and give us a review from a guy's perspective. And of course she's got PLENTY of stuff for couples. I'm not part of a "couple" so my needs are fairly limited at this time. I'll look forward to checking out some of the other toys in the future. I just want to say I've always wanted to order this kind of thing but didn't want to end up on some list controlled by who knows who. I've still got a 17-yr-old son at home and although he doesn't pay much attention to the mail I wouldn't want any kind of address that would pique his curiousity. So it's really nice to have a person I actually know as a source. And yes for those curious ones, it does have an animal name.
  15. DevilMayKare

    No help for the wicked

    Okay, first I want to say that I am not a "Christian" in the general use of the term, but God & I are on fine terms. And in a past life I spent quite a bit of time with the Bible. For those of you who are Christians allow me to suggest you go back and re-read Romans 8 with the idea that Paul is talking exclusively about eating. The old man/new man is an absolute CLASSIC diet struggle. The struggle between what we know is right in our heads and what our emotionals are compelling us to do is universal. It really doesn't matter if it's food, sex or herion--the obsession/compulsion emotions are the same. You're weak and inadequate? Yeah, that's called human. If you are "spiritually inadequate" I guess Paul was too. I say this just as someone familiar with the theory, not one who necessarily subscribes to it, but wasn't the whole point of Christ dying on the cross supposed to address the spiritual inadequacy of mankind? Remember the part about being saved by his grace and not your works? Ohhhhh I hope this post isn't a big mistake. I don't start a big religious snafu here because that is not my intent. It just kinda drives me crazy how much some of our society's currernt "Christian" dogma does not have a true scriptural basis and being fairly well-versed in scripture I just have to say something sometimes. I mean it to be helpful. Re-read R:8 and tell me if it's not.
  16. DevilMayKare

    Size pictures and body dysmorphia

    Hey those are great Parvathi! But seriously, to REALLY get a picture of what we look like at those sizes the CELLULITE filter has got to be applied! Big time on the thighs for me--it's really those fat dimples on the saddle bags that make them especially endearing.
  17. DevilMayKare

    Co-worker Coldness

    This isn't about weight, but I had a problem w/ a co-worker I'll share. When I first started working in my office the office manager HATED me. I mean HATED. I came in as more than an equal and she saw me as encrouching on her territory. I won't go into all the stuff she pulled to make my life as difficult as possible, but there was lots and I was determined not to let her get the better of me. I try to be thoughtful, but I'm the kind of person who just DOES what needs to be done and sometimes that's steps on the toes of the proper channels. At that time I was studying about personality-types. (There's a book with a stupid title [Please Understand Me] that explains the types and what is important to them.) Soon as I understood her "type" and how it bumped heads with my type I edited my behavior to get a better response from her. There were many times I had to remind myself that my goal was to accomplish what I wanted to accomplish and any strategies that required were worth it. Well guess what, it's been 4 years now and this woman and I have become great work friends. After I gave her what she needed emotionally she got out of my way and became a great help to me. We found we're both readers & gardeners and started referring books and plants to each other. I'm still cautious because I know she has a rabbit-in-the-pot side, but for the most part we enjoy each other immensely.
  18. DevilMayKare

    Co-worker Coldness

    I also vote w/ La Madam on this one, but: <"tough titty said the kitty but the milk's still good"> is hard to beat! I'm definitely gonna remember that one! (What a crack up!)
  19. DevilMayKare


    You AND your husband? Wow, how romantic! But okay you guys, no sex for a week--or two! And don't get discouraged when he loses much faster than you because he probably will due to that "guy" metabolism.
  20. DevilMayKare

    Hello June Bandsters!

    Wow, don't know how I missed this thread before. I'm a June bandster too (6/2)! I'm down 37 as of last Monday--more by this Monday I'm sure. I've been working out like CRAZY!. I don't remember the last time I did less than an hour (minmum) of aerobic exercise during the day. That's just what it takes for me to lose--AND to keep my head. Whenever I get frustrated, angry, depressed, etc and want to eat I jump on my elliptical or head out the door. It generally takes about 12 minutes for a funk to lift and I start feeling good. I have FINALLY been working out at a level where I get that "runner's high" (although I'm not really running). For those who haven't experienced it, it is a very real phenomenon. The problem is you have to be in good enough shape and work out long enough to get there. Now I seem to be getting a "high" about 30 minutes into my walk (very fast pace--with hills) so I end up walking longer because of it. Sometimes I actually have to force myself to stop because my feet will be sore the next day if I push too much. I don't think the MENTAL importance of exercise is brought up nearly enough. It isn't only for your body. It's good for the head too!
  21. DevilMayKare

    VENT HERE - anger about Katrina Relief

    <This area had already been declaired a disaster area from one of the previous storms. Why wasn't aide already in place? WHY WASN'T AIDE ALREADY ON IT'S WAY???? Why did Bush stay on vacation a couple more days instead of instantly springing to action?> Funny there didn't seem to be a lack of response to the hurricane disasters in Florida. Do you suppose the feds would be so slow if Jeb were governor of Louisiana?? I spent a week in New Orleans two years ago and as I recall, there were PLENTY of white people there. I don't know what the ratio is, but it sure seemed close to 50/50. From the news pictures the population looks 90% black. So all the white people had the means to escape??
  22. Muffinbirdie was going to go to a doctor in TJ. I'm waiting to hear about her experience. Her doc was recommended by Dr Otiz whose judgement I trust.
  23. With your eyes? Why? I didn't have to see my doc again for my lids after I had the stitches out. I've seen him since for restalyne. I had him put just a touch in my lips last October and it still hasn't gone away!
  24. DevilMayKare

    70 Stubborn Pounds

    >What are you doing? PLEASE tell me. I go for over a week and the scale doesn't move - are you still on liquids? < Men always lose faster than women. On average, women burn 10 cals per pound per minute and men burn 11. I've been losing at a fairly decent rate and I can tell you it is only because I workout on my elliptical trainer (at a FAST pace) every morning for 20-30 minutes and walk a MINIUMUM of 40 minutes (usually longer) every night. That's what it takes for me. Seems like I can eat 1200 cals a day forever and not lose weight. It takes the moving to kick it in.
  25. Um, I believe that should be plural Jenna. (hee-hee, couldn't resist)

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