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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DevilMayKare

  1. DevilMayKare

    Welcome to my life

    That IS two questions, ya know. Answers: 1. No 2. Sincerely doubt it.
  2. DevilMayKare

    Advertisements on LBT [ADULT CONTENT]

    Well, we've had a few people coming to "hawk their goods" on the LBT forum lately. The thing that strikes me as really dumb about these covert ads is that if they had just participated and had something to contribute they might have done some business here instead of alienating their market. After referrals on threads from "real" members how many of us ordered the liquid vites and how many got some of those Protein chips? (And BTW, I loved 'em, but I will NOT be getting any more of the chips as I sat here and ate thru 3 entire packs when the box came! If you get a box DON'T open it alone!) Anyway, as an active member I want to give an absolutely blatant and well-deserved product endorsement for someone who has contributed IMMENSELY on this board-- Our Own Fox-tailed Vixen, Delovely DeLarla. As many of you know (& I guess the lucky Vegas bashers are gettin a peek) she has recently started a business offering "Intimate" articles. I ordered an item from her last week and I just have to say, OH MY LORD!! In fact I think I have to GASP it. I won't go into item details or specific results here other than saying this could put Match.com outta business! You can PM her if you are interested in more specifics & she has my permission to share which article I bought. It's a heckofa time for her to start this business as product comes from Louisianna--but even a more important time for her to have our support. And please excuse me but I HAVE to say it, if orgasms burn calories I'm gonna have a heck of a loss this week.
  3. DevilMayKare

    My Hubby has cataracts

    Is he still on the medication and is it going to continue making cataracts? My mother had cataract surgery on both eyes about 5 years ago (at 68) and now she sees WAY better than me. She recovered within a day and had no ill effects at all. It is frightening and frustrating to go thru this, but we are so lucky to live in a time when modern medicine can actually fix some of our ills. Sending you waves of comforting energy and light...
  4. DevilMayKare

    My march for mandatory avatars

    There ya go. THANKS PENNI!
  5. DevilMayKare

    My march for mandatory avatars

    Oh, thank you Sarah! But, actually that is a "Before" picture (before eye surg). The other smilie one (white shirt) is more recent and looks more like me. The above pic is a glam shot I had taken for my boyfriend at the time. You know they put a ton of makeup on you and dress you up in great lighting for the glam shots. When I went to pick up the pics I was makeupless in scruffies and when the guy at the counter saw the pictures he looked at them and went, "Wow"... looked at me and said, "Is that YOU?" Baaaaad sign! LOL
  6. DevilMayKare

    My march for mandatory avatars

    Well aren't you a bossy sassafrass! Sheesh, give the woman a few good toys and see how it goes to her head! I had a pic on here somewhere (in the "Not for the Timid" thread) if a kind moderator wants to shrink and avatarish it? I don't have the jpeg on this computer anymore.
  7. DevilMayKare

    3 pound weight loss

    PREDNISONE! OMG!! That stuff'll blow ya right up! We once had a cat that had to be on cortisone (same dif) and w/i 3 months she had gained so much weight she didn't look like the same cat at all. I'm sure you've talked to your doctor about varients? More than one doctor? It's really hard on your bones too, isn't it? Vines, you poor thing! I can't believe you've lost anything at all on prednisone. It's like you're swimming against a rip current! If you haven't already, talk to your doc about maybe taking testosterone (or something else) to offset the prednisone. Testosterone helps your bones and can help your metabolism. I've been on a low dose a couple of months now. Quite honestly the only side effects I've noticed is I'm hornier than heck and want to strangle other drivers on the road (I mean it, that aggressive driving stuff really IS a testosterone thing!). In my experience many standard AMA docs are loathe to do all the hormone testing a woman past 40 needs (I'm not sure how old you are or if that applies). But if you push, you can often get them to order tests that can help you. I do believe prednisone is one of those things that can screw up your hormones. If you haven't already done this and are interested I will make a list of all the tests my wonderful "Woman Specialist" doc ordered and you can see if you can talk your doc into ordering them. I've had 2 other friends (all midlife women) go to this doctor I go to and she pretty much orders the same things, but we've compared our results and *whew* do they ever differ! It's interesting. Anyway, don't mean to go on, but if there's even a possibility this could help you.... anything worth a try, uh?
  8. DevilMayKare

    3 pound weight loss

    You know Vines, it's kinda amazing how inspiring you manage to be without even losing a bunch of weight. Since if I'm not losing I'm gaining, I have to remind myself after any amount of time even just maintaining a weightloss I need to triple the weight lost in my head because that's how much I would have GAINED if I weren't heading down--no matter how slowly. Does that make any sense? Don't you think if you weren't struggling to lose you'd be gaining? Staying about the same isn't as gratifying as losing, but it's a hell of a LOT better than gaining! Don't let the scale kid you--you ARE a success!
  9. DevilMayKare

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Oh ****SIGH**** went the WRONG DIRECTION this week. One pound UP (Dammit!). Well, that's what comes of having my college-kid home for a week. He wants to eat all the time and the lil' darlin went and brought me chocolate from GERMANY. If you haven't had German milk chocolate--don't! That poison will haunt your dreams. Anyway, he's gone now and no more excuses for me. I've GOT to be able to fit into something nice for my bro's wedding October 29. I'm HIGHLY MOTIVATED so it's work, work, work from here on out!
  10. DevilMayKare

    Most Embarrassing Moment Anyone?

    I must begin by saying my father's name is Richard. My older cousin was named after his uncles (my dad & another brother), so his first name is Richard also. My brother later came along and my parents go and make him a Junior (Richard Jr). In my twenties I was an outside sales person for a forms (printing) company calling on all all kinds of corporations. One of my favorites was OWL--a gool ol' boy equipment, rock & developing company that drew most of its executives from the former blue-color construction ranks. I spent a lot of time there and helped them design a lot of forms to compliment their workflow. One summer all the OWL employees were excited about a guy who had headed the operatons in Saudi Arabia that they were bringing in to be the new VP at the Irvine corp headquarters. He was in his 50s and kind of a gruf Walter Mattheaw type. I came in one day soon after he started and walked by as a couple of guys were in his BIG, fancy executive office. They saw me and called me in to introduce us as I often worked w/ the heads of departments. As we were shaking hands one of them said, "Now don't you let ol' Dick Hogan give you a hard time." To which I blithely smiled and replied, "Oh don't worry we'll get along fine--my family is FULL of Dicks!" As their mouths DROPPED in shock at what had come out of my sweet American-girl looking mouth, I realized what I had said, felt the blood rush to my face and for the first and last time in my entire life was absolutely STUCK SPEECHLESS. I could not say one single word. I just had to shake my blazing head, turn and practically run out the door. It wasn't until I got to my car that I broke out into something between sobbing and laughing. Luckily Dick Hogan had a sense of humor and we became great friends.
  11. DevilMayKare


    I really agree with this. RNY is only MORE drastic. I sure hope everything works out well for you. Please let us know what you decide and how you're doing after the surgery! DeLarla--I'm not sure what you mean by maintenance issues w/ the band. Other than eating slower, not taking aspirin or drinking carbonated drinks what maintenance issues do you have? I know you don't currently have a fill--but I've never had a fill and the band is still helping me to lose. Maybe you should come out and see Dr Billy in Ventura if you need follow-up? Lots of people seem to think well of him. Please don't give up yet.
  12. Excuse me MyLi1111fe, but your antagonism does nothing to bring any opinions to your side. We're all friends here, please disagree in a more friendly--and respectful--manner. Thank you,
  13. DevilMayKare

    Advertisements on LBT [ADULT CONTENT]

    ME TOO!! A Slumber Party in CA would be great! I have extra beds if anyone needs a place to stay. I'm about half an hour from Michelle (right? MV?). We need a bash in The OC!
  14. DevilMayKare

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures

    Wow--does she pronounce her name the same? I haven't met another Kare yet! In fact I just recently met the 2nd Bronwyn of my life (the first my best friend from college). Vines--goodness, you're just a babe! I pictured you as older than you are in these pics. YES to next year. (Had to stay home w/ my 21-yr old for the one week he's home after being in Europe the past year.) I'm with you on those white walls! Tell ya what--let's get together and paint Lisa's walls! I'm way into ragging, sponging, plastic bagging and all that other texture stuff. A coupla toxic teas and LORD KNOWS WHAT those walls would look like!! THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE PICS! Lotsa vicarious fun enjoyed here!
  15. DevilMayKare

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures

    Something that stuck me in that bedroom--HATS on the wall! Lisa I have about 10 hats hanging on a hat tree and fence as you walk into my house. It's a REAL tree someone cut down--I stuck it in the van--back doors open--towed it home and put it in my entryway. Well, it's hard to describe. I'll have to take a pic. Anyway, I am super into pretty brimmed hats. Really, you all look great! I LOVE that pic of the one-pant-legged Michelle. Talk about inspiring! But I bet none of the bashers lost weight over THIS weekend... Sometimes girls just gotta have fun!
  16. Yep--that's it--Nykee. Thank you Kathy! Okay, looks like she's in Oregon, but I don't see any reason that it shouldn't work the same way in CA. I think saying an ER won't touch someone who's been banded it Mexico is a pretty broad statement. If someone is too sick to travel they are going to help.
  17. DevilMayKare

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures

    Oh those are GREAT!! But what a bunch of HAMS ya'll are (especially Lisa--what a surprise)!! I just love the pic of Michell's face when Sachi kisses Christine--priceless! And Vine's burgundy locks--way cool! So wonderful to see you all. Are the guy's taking the pics or did you scare them off? I just may have to open a bottle of wine and have a toast to the bashers tonight.
  18. Hmmm... I don't think I was thinking of that one. There's one where the lapster was PBing for hours after getting a fill & was too far away to go back to TJ. She had to get unfilled and couldn't afford a refill for awhile. I can't remember her name... I've wondered how she was doing tho. She kinda dissapeared. I'm pretty sure she lives in Ore or Wash. Anyone know who I'm talking about?
  19. DevilMayKare

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures

    Looks like SUCH a BLAST!! You'd better do this again next year so I can come too! I'm ALREADY looking forward to it.
  20. I don't think that's true. There was a thread here where Dr Ortiz talked the doctor in the emergency room thru what needed to be done OVER THE PHONE when a lapbander went to the ER w/ an emergency obstruction. I think it was CA--but might have been WA state. Anyone remember the name of that thread?
  21. DevilMayKare

    My BABY'S Going off to school too!

    Okay not as cute as a Kindergartener, but this is what they turn into. Had to get this pic of my son Arthur in his new spiderman T for the first day of his Senior year. (On retrospect, I wish I'd taken a pic of both my boys the first day of every school year. It would have been cool to compare.)
  22. DevilMayKare

    Negative/jealous Vibes From Others

    Well, IF this were an EASY way out--why the hell not? Is there some reason you need to suffer as much as humanly possible to lose weight? AND... it 'aint that easy. Wish it were.
  23. DevilMayKare

    Advertisements on LBT [ADULT CONTENT]

    Omigosh-- I'm busy at work all day and what havoc this thread is reeking here on LBT! Sorry, I didn't mean to cause trouble. I tried to be (perhaps enticingly) tactful in my post. When I initially posted, it was because I was so happy with this product and wanted to share the information with members who might not be aware of this avenue open to them. And I honestly think--as I pretty much said--that people who just come here to advertise were alienating users while I felt other members would want to know if an active, contributng member was an avenue for ordering something that might be desirable to them. I tried to change the title early on, but could not get it to change. Thank you (Penni?) for moving this to the lounge for me. I don't tend to pay much attention to the area I'm in since I log on and just click "New Posts." But seriously, if you ask me, there isn't a better way to get a teenager to click on something than putting "Adult Content!" Calm down dahlin DeLarla, Penni's just trying to keep the peace. Getting too upset (anyone) about this is just silly. So let me segue into an exchange I had w/ my 17-yr old son a few months back. One night I watched some show about teenagers and this "friendship with benefits" phenomenon and how teens are having afterschool sex orgies. I've always been pretty upfront w/ both my sons re sex. As a single, dating mom I have been discreet, but realistic. My kids are great, but my youngest is a total doll (curly lockes & dimples) and girls just love him. The group he runs with is fairly conservative (we're not church-goers, but many of his friends are) so I don't worry tooo much (& to be truthful, there's not a whole lot one can do to control a 17 year old w/ a car), but this show got me thinking--and worrying about the dangers...So anyway, we're sitting there the next night watching TV together and during a muted commercial I blurt out to him, "So JUST TELL ME--are YOU HAVING SEX?!" He kinda blinks, pauses, looks me straight in the eye with a little devilish grin and says, "Welllllll.... not on a regular basis." Followed by, "Chill, Mom." Maybe you have to be a parent of a teenager to understand how "put in my place" I felt! From the mouths of babes.... let's chill everyone.
  24. Wow Estela, That was a pretty enlightening description! I think that oughta be copied and given to every patient undergoing this kind of procedure! I know from my eyelid surgery when the PS talked about "drains" and "strings" I didn't really get it until I had them. I've heard lipo is pretty rough--and I don't think I've known anyone who had as many places done at once as you did. Although I'd love to have my arms done, I think after I've lost 30# a TT & thigh lipo should be enough. But we'll see. I'm surprised to hear a TT didn't hurt as much as a C-section. I had two of those (the first incredibly grueling because I was going to have a homebirth and had my Water broken for three days until I finally agreed to let them try to induce me--for 14 hours!--before I gave in & let them cut. Then I got stuck in ICU because my heart became irregular and I couldn't see my new son for 12 hours. The most frustrating part about it was it was too excruciating to even cry--or scream at them to let me out to see my baby! So far that has been the worst experience of my life.) C-section pain for me wasn't all that bad for me. Soon as I got out of ICU I insisted on going home. By that time they were glad to get rid of me & I'd realized what a namby-pamby I'd married when he didn't stand up to the doctors for me. When I had the next C-section (both my kids were 10 month pregnancies--it's comfy in there!) I made my (ex) husband give me $40 before he left for the night so I could grab my baby, call a cab & get out of there if I needed to.) Anyway...I digress. Sorry. Thanks for all the PS info!
  25. DevilMayKare

    varicose veins spider veins calluses

    There's a product called "Bag Balm" that does wonders for callouses and cracks. It comes in a little green tin. Ask for it at the drugstore because it's hard to find. It was originally used for callouses on cow's udders (milk bag) from milking.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
