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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DevilMayKare

  1. DevilMayKare

    banded thurs, swollen shut

    Glad you're feeling better Glitterqueen. I started out as about the same weight as you & our goals are similar. It cost a lot, but things worked out well for me to go to TJ and get the band w/o anyone questioning whether I was fat enough. I've been happy with the speed of my weightloss--but have worked VERY hard at it. I hope the rest of your journey is smoother!
  2. DevilMayKare

    Need some encouragement...

    Hi Kim, I just read this thread and it made me think about my little nephew Timmy. He was born without an esophogus (sp?) and his mom had to pump and feed him breast milk thru a tube to his stomach and then other liquid foods for the frist 6 months of his life. They had to take out a part of his bowel and "build" an espophagus for him. I think he had about 5 major operations before he was 4 years old. He always had to be very careful to eat slowly and be in an upright position since the built esophagus would never have the nerves and muscles to move food down like a natural one would. I remember how heartbreaking it was for my sister-in-law when Tim was going thru all those operations and how much she worried the pain of it would scar him for life. If there are scars, he seems to have turned them into callouses of strength as he is now a STRAPPING 6'1" gorgeous, intelligent young man with straight A's filling out college applications. He's really a very "thinking" and sensitive guy. I really can't imagine how he could be any better. This is all so hard and awful for you to go thru, but I'm sure Curtis will also grow into a beautiful, strong young man and all the hardship you're enduring now will be a memory. And the heartfelt memory of how much his mother loved and cared for him during this time will always be a bright spot held in your son's soul.
  3. DevilMayKare

    Very depressed

    I went from 170 to 312 while on Paxil. I quit it cold turkey the day my (ex)husband finally moved out and I would start drinking before I. Life i ever took another antidepressant. Depression creeps up on me now and then but I've found the best way to keep it at bay is good ol' fashioned exercise--sometimes lots of it. If my mood doesn't start to lift by about 30 minutes into my walk--I go over to the track at the school and walk around it crying (I walk at night) until there are no sobs left. I truly hope you start feeling better soon Margo. Life is just a bitch sometimes... we all know it and are here holding your hand.
  4. DevilMayKare

    -4 this Week--& this is HOW

    Oh my. Bookbags are a KILLER! Even a purse backpack makes my shoulders ache. A full-on bookpack like my son wears would just do my lower back in. How many # does your bag usually weigh? I wonder if it would be possible to come up w/ something to more evenly distribute the weight of books? It would probably look ridiculous (with books in back AND front) but could sure be helpful if you have to trek any distance.
  5. DevilMayKare

    -4 this Week--& this is HOW

    With your seamstress abilities, you could make one easily DeLarla--and add some clips for dog leashes. When I had a 145# akita I used to walk him w/ his leash looped thru an ARMY belt around my waist. That was the only belt strong enough, but it worked great. You can get one at any army surplus store. BTW... there was an article about "product placement" in movies & TV shows this weekend and I was wondering if you're getting a commission from Pepsie for all your soda threads! Maybe you should copy them, send em to Pepsico and ask for a check!
  6. DevilMayKare

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Down FOUR this week for me--YIPPEE! (Please see the -4 down & HOW thread if this seems like a lot to you.)
  7. DevilMayKare

    Weeeeeeeeeeeee 50lbs gone forever...

    Good job! Maybe you should change your LBT name to BitsieBellieKellie!
  8. DevilMayKare

    I Puked On Myself :(

    I think we need a new bandster rule: NO EATING WHILE DRIVING. You could have had a lot worse than puke on you--you could have been in a wreck. Believe me, this happens ALL the time!! I'm an insurance agent so I hear the stories. I know of no statistical analysis, but from the accident stories I have heard (& that's just the one's who ADMIT what happened) I would rather be on the road w/ someone who has had 2 or 3 drinks rather than someone talking on a cell or eating.
  9. DevilMayKare

    For All Moms!

    Reminds me of the time a friend of mine got beautiful new emerald green carpeting throughout her house. Soon thereafter she heard a strange noise she went to investigage and upon entering the family room found her helpful son had brought the--full-blast--hose thru the sliding glass door and was "watering" the carpet!!
  10. DevilMayKare

    Punishment for Bad Bandsters

    Well, if you're not gonna be there could you please leave your hunky man (& a few toys) for the rest of us?
  11. DevilMayKare

    How did you determine your goal weight?

    Easy. I just looked at what it says on my Driver's License!
  12. DevilMayKare

    Two Year Anniversary

    Gosh Megan, you gave me the chills! What a wonderful, beautiful post from a beautiful woman. Thank you!
  13. DevilMayKare

    Pbd on Buzz Lightyear ride in Disney

    OMIGOSH! Shouldn't this be under the MOST EMBARRASSING thread?! I'll never forget when my son (at 3) threw up on the pavement in one of those long zip-zag lines at Knotts. The line started moving and we HAD to move forward, but for the next 30 minutes--every time the line moved-- we could hear people in the distance going, "EWWWWW..."
  14. DevilMayKare

    How do you deal with nosey people....

    If it ever happens to me again I think I'll just say, "I could tell you... but then I'd have to kill you." (Smiling sweetly with an edge). That works, doesn't it?
  15. DevilMayKare

    LADY OF THE VINES--how are you?

    Oh yeah, that's what I thought. NOT. (lol) We shudda had a contest guessing that one. That's quite a schedule. Just ONE math class would have me reaching for a razor blade. Anyway, I'm glad you're just busy and not lying-low for some other reason. It's kind of funny how much I feel like I personally "know" people on this forum and kind of look for them to be hanging-out with their converstations and comments. I can't believe I've only been here since June. It seems like I've known y'all forever! The Web --and LBT--is truly a wonderful place!
  16. DevilMayKare

    LADY OF THE VINES--how are you?

    Hey Crystal, How are you doing with your schoolin' and all your "Slow Losers" frustrations these days? (If you even still qualify.) Seems like we haven't heard much about you lately --or perhaps there are just SO MANY THREADS here I missed something. Anyway, I found myself wondering how you are and was going to PM you, but then I thought other people might want to know also--and you always have such wise and consequential things to say-- that I thought I'd just toss in the topic. ALSO... this has probably been asked before, but exactly where does the "Vinesqueen" monicker come from? (Of course the Queen part is obvious.) In other words... thinking of you,
  17. DevilMayKare

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    Down 2 for me.
  18. DevilMayKare

    So I went on a Gastric bypass site and...

    Um... Mac or PC??? Funny how important being "right" is to people. My mantra: Whatever works for you. I find myself thinking and saying it more and more the older I get.
  19. DevilMayKare

    Sabotaging your own weight loss.....

    "ALWAYS"??? I'm sorry, but that is ridiculous. That may have been the case for you and that may have helped you, but if a therapist said that to me I would find another toute-de-suite! I think 312# is "very heavy" and I was never abused in any way. (Unless you count the unrealistic expectations of my family.) Don't forget that Freud taught that every gay man always had a dominant mother. Actually, almost anyone who says "always" or "every" about ANYTHING is going to lose some credibility with me. Every time. !
  20. DevilMayKare

    Lane Bryant...

    But what I HATE about the Avenue stores is all the "Buy 2 get 1 free" or "Buy 1 get the other 1/2 off." It really irritates me because I usually only want ONE. There has been many a time I walked out w/o buying anything because I hated the ripoffness feel of it.
  21. DevilMayKare

    How do you deal with nosey people....

    The few times in my life someone has been rude enough to ask how much I weighed I've usually answered fairly forcefully with something like, "You've GOT TO BE KIDDING. I'd just as soon slit my throat as answer that." I can't imagine anyone daring to ask a second time.
  22. DevilMayKare

    How do I get in these predicaments?

    DeLarla pole dancing?? You've got to be kidding. I just don't think the planet could handle it. Anyway, you'd get bored with it pretty quickly.
  23. DevilMayKare

    Sabotaging your own weight loss.....

    Interesting. I think there is more than one answer to this one. Sometimes it just may be that we really LIKE to eat and when we eat under the calorie count to maintain a certain weight our psyche's interpret it as "starving." Another factor I think may be our inner self-comprehension. And of course another part of this may be good old self-protection. Any or all of these can work against us. My "usual" cutoff for highest weight has usually been about 200, but during my divorce process I got up to 312. I got down to 155 from that and then when I started gaining it back stopped myself w/ the band at 238. But it was very interesting in that when I got to about 210 I "recognized" myself. There was kind of a feeling like, "Oh THERE you are!" when I looked in the mirror. Part of me was totally disgusted, but somewhere there was almost a feeling of comfort... a "homesickness" kind of feeling. Strange, uh? I've never understood what that was about. But I have a feeling if society and health weren't issues I could be pretty comfortable over 200. I'm starting to look and feel like a "normal" and even "fit" person now (I am extremely fit) and in some ways I feel like I'm trying to be somebody else. It's strange alright.
  24. DevilMayKare

    Zero Calorie YUMMY Find!!

    Hey Guys, I've been drinking chamomille tea at night to help me sleep (& keep from nightime eating) & my last box of Celestial Seasonings had a sample of a new tea: Honey vanilla CHamomille--much better than the straight chamomille. I went to Ralphs to get some and also found Bigelow has a tea I've never tried: VANILLA CARAMEL! Wow, is it good. Smells just like caramel--with a slight caramel taste. I don't know how they manage to make these flavors with no calories but I'm a big supporter of food chemistry! Anyway I'm really enjoying booth these finds, so thought I'd share. (Oh, and I put this stuff called "Calm" I got from my chiropractor in my tea at night [it's basically powdered magnesium] and it helps me sleep right thru the night.)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
