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Everything posted by DevilMayKare

  1. DevilMayKare

    Free Exercise Music Cd

    Wow--you guys are FAST! Okay, another 3 going out. Anyone who else would like one, feel free to PM your address to me, but you'll have to wait until I get the next batch of CD envelopes in. Happy Holidays!
  2. DevilMayKare

    Suddenly Single

    Oh, he had a LOT to say, but the jist was that he likes to dress up in a magenta thong with black stilletos and undulate with a rose in his teeth to "Burn Baby Burn" for foreplay but his wife doesn't get off on it. And THEN he said... Well, I'll let you imagine the rest. (THAT'LL teach 'em to delete such a gem)
  3. DevilMayKare

    Suddenly Single

    Well, I don't know about "nice", but it was extremely impressive to see a man be brave enough to talk about these issues. (IMHO) AND if you're going to PM Vines you have to promise to make it a conference PM with me too. Of course some things are too private to put up-- but I don't draw the line at much because I think the more we share our hearts and guts (and hey we've seen a lot of guts here LITERALLY!) the more we all learn and grow.
  4. DevilMayKare

    Suddenly Single

    And Paul you better put at least part of that post back up CHICKEN! (And here we were all being so impressed by your honesty!)
  5. DevilMayKare

    Suddenly Single

    Paul, TOO LATE!! Please just edit it a little and put it back because I already typed this answer... There may be several different reasons your wife is not interested. Not knowing the two of you--it's really hard to discern what they may be in this circumstance. One thing I know for sure--your weight probably isn't it. My best guesses would be a) that SHE doesn't feel attractive (therefore not sexy) or she's bored w/ the actual sex. In both cases I would suggest trying something new and different. To get over a slump sometimes it helps to do something new and different... creating a romantic atmosphere (low candlelight because she's obviously self-conscious)... learn some new moves (I'm serious here--there's plenty of advice around and you're likely to learn SOMETHING different if you try). I also think learning to VOCALLY stimulate a woman is an underrated skill. The best lover I ever had (so far) was older, fat and bald, but oh my--could that guy ever TALK to me! Amazing what the right caress and a little verbal coaxing will do. Most porn movies are so stupid in that the men hardly SAY anything (showing how obviously bent they are for men!). Maybe you could go to the romance section of the bookstore and flip thru a few of those books. Tat's just off the top of my head. Jeeze... and I'd really better stop because all kinds of stuff is flying thru my head and I gotta go to work!!!
  6. So, starting today right? Everyone know about the Crystal/Kare Turtle challenge? Anyone else wanna join? The challenge is MINIMUM 1 hour of AEROBIC workout--5 days per week (minimum) for 4 weeks and keeping under 1200. (Right, Vines?) My dad goes in for cardiac surgery tomorrow. I think I'm going to need the inspiration of ya'll this week and I'm gonna need something to think about and log in for. There's nothing so encouraging as sharing our inspiration & success.
  7. DevilMayKare

    Okay Crystal--Start TODAY?!

    BARBIE DOLLS?? Does it have to be Barbie Dolls?? Talk about perpetuating an unrealistic stereo-type. How about Legos? I miss buying Legos. Well, you "won" (sorry, a bet I'm sure you'd rather have lost) so I'll have to buy my own Cadillac Margaritas in Vegas. I take 'em blended (sip slooooowly)--no salt w/ the Grand Marinier a sidecar. Doesn't really matter to me what kind of tequila--as long as there's plenty of it!
  8. DevilMayKare

    Pole dancing (Is this an NSV?)

    Well perhaps you can make this a goal for the next Vegas Bash. I'm sure the Devine Ms D can locate an empty pole for ya and we'll ALL be there in the front row! I've never seen a pole dance, but I'd show up just to support a sister!
  9. DevilMayKare

    Suicidal thoughts with obesity?

    Just out of curiousity... what results were you expecting to see? It would be interesting to see the results of this poll in the general population. Let's see, who would that be??? The alcoholics, the sex addicts, the workaholics, the druggies...uh... no? How about the "General Population" of people who have NO addictions, No compulsions, no weaknesses nor flaws and are successful and happy in their lives? Who ARE those guys anyway? The Borg?
  10. DevilMayKare

    My Endo results -- NOT GOOD!!

    Well I can't type what first came to my mind. SHIT! is about the third level of expletives I could use to describe how crummy this is. Oh Penni.... so, so sorry.
  11. DevilMayKare

    Pole dancing (Is this an NSV?)

    I guarrantee you there are PLENTY of guys who would LOVE to see you pole dance at ANY weight. We Are taking MEN you know!!
  12. DevilMayKare

    Map your location for LBT!

    That is soooo cool!
  13. DevilMayKare

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I think we need to add that "Do a DeLarla" to our lexicon! Next time someone around me is freakin out I'm just going to start saying, "Oh, she's doing a Delarla"... or how about, "She totally DeLarlaed out!"
  14. DevilMayKare

    Okay Crystal--Start TODAY?!

    Man! That really is a bitch Crystal! But--look at it this way (& I know you're trying to)--at least you're down the 2. It really is amazing that you could increase your workout and restrict your cals so much and still not have a better loss than that. I can sure see why you'd be frustrated as hell. I think you need to get REALLY FIRM with your doctor about trying some thyroid meds. BUt hey! You WON $100!! I've got a couple other shirts I found to send to you so I'll be getting together a Kare package and have it out to you in the next couple of days. AND PLEASE DON'T STOP the EXERCISE!! You never know, it just might kick in NEXT week.
  15. DevilMayKare

    Suicidal thoughts with obesity?

    Amen brudda! Really, I have always found it a hoot that suicide is ILLEGAL. It's just such a hard crime to prosecute!
  16. DevilMayKare

    Went to TJ today 2 get some fill OUT

    Oh yeah! Come out to the OC in January. I've got your room all ready! Michelle is about 20 minutes away from me, maybe between the two of us we could come up w/ a group for a Slumber party and you could write your trip off as a business expense! Seriously, how about the 2nd or third weekend? I'm sure there are other SoCal bandsters who'd love to get together. I'd love to host. Whaddya think?
  17. DevilMayKare

    Suicidal thoughts with obesity?

    I believe suicide is a viable option. It's a comfort for me to know it's there if I need it. It can be a selfish act--or not. Our society is so judgemental about suicide you can't even have a rational discussion about it in most cases. You might as well be talking religion. If I'm diagnosed with a fatal disease, with alzheimers, have a bad stroke or go back up to 300# I am OUT of here. My kids are grown my parents are old and it's my choice if I don't want to stay. My sons are well-aware of my feelings about this and wouldn't be surprised. And the God that I know and love would welcome me. If I lived in Japan it wouldn't even be a controversal opinion. (In fact, there are a few American CEOs that could learn something from the Shogun ways.)
  18. DevilMayKare

    Okay Crystal--Start TODAY?!

    So... it's almost 12/5... have you kept to our original bet? FROM THREAD START: "The challenge is MINIMUM 1 hour of AEROBIC workout--5 days per week (minimum) for 4 weeks and keeping under 1200. (Right, Vines?)" I think I bet you $100 to a margarita (has to be cadillac) at the next bash that you'd lose at least 4 if you did that for a month. (Is that right?) Obviously, you're under 1200... but the most important part is the aerobic activity, have you been able to do make that? So let's see, Monday... you win WL if you've lost 4 or more and $100 if you don't! Sounds like a win-win to me!
  19. DevilMayKare

    Just for getting to know each other...

    1. What does your handle mean? It's my name. 2. What book are you currently reading, or did you last read? I read a lot and I've got several book going now. The last book I really ENJOYED was "The Power of One." 3. What do you do for a living? Auto & Home Insurance agent (for Mercury). 4. For what in your life are you most grateful? My sons. After that I'm grateful that my personal addiction is food and not something like alcohol or gambling. It's often difficult, but honestly I am grateful to have lived as a fat person (off & on) because it has made me a deeper and better human being. 5. What's one thing about you that you think would surprise other people? Um... well... is this one of those "first thing that comes to your mind" kind of games? Because the first thing that came to mine was how surprised some lovers have been by how passionate I am. (don't tell!!) 6. One word to describe yourself? Ebullient. 7. One word others use to describe you? Would probably depend on which others. 8. Would you rather play a game with someone better or worse at it than you? Equal or better.... maybe it depends on the game. Mostly I like to play with people who laugh. 9. Favorite movie? Favorite show? Just one? Can't do it. Three favorite movies: Last of the Mohicans, The Terminator, The Man Who Would Be King. All time favorite tv show: Northern Exposure (followed by the ST w/ Capt Pickard). 10. Something unusual about yourself I went to Europe on a 1-way ticket when I was 18 & lived there for about a year--6 mos of it traveling/camping thru many countries including the Turkish interior, communist satelite countries & USSR with only a backpack and no hot water for months.
  20. DevilMayKare

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I think Thyroid med is in order also. Even if you don't test low you can be low they can be a SLIGHT help and much less damaging than diet pills. Diet pills are GREAT while you're on them (until you have to take more and more and find yourself out vacuuming the driveway at 1:00 in the morning) but once you're off them you'll GAIN BACK JUST AS FAST. Comon...we've all tried those. The gain factor is a killer. If they worked LONGTERM I'd pop 'em in a sec. But that Yin for the Yang is a killer. Also...much as I loved my phen/fen days and as well as they worked for WL I paid dearly with short term memory loss. Really, after a few months of those people do much worse on memory tests and I sure experienced it. I'm willing to give up a lot to lose weight--but I'm really not willing to be dumber.
  21. DevilMayKare

    Okay Crystal--Start TODAY?!

    Well, I'm sure it adds to your health. But unfortunately it doesn't do much for WL. Wish that it DID! I took a Pysical Fitness Specialist class about a decade ago and we intensly studied how different activities affected WL and every study showed that anerobic activity added to health--added to muscle--but did VERY LITTLE for WL. (You know Sumo wrestlers are quite muscular!) Also BTW-- swimming (which we all know is GREAT exercise) resulted in only about 75% WL that running did. Unfortunately running, climbing stairs, all the stuff most of us hate to do the most loses the most. DRAT.
  22. DevilMayKare

    Okay Crystal--Start TODAY?!

    Omigosh! Be careful of those maniacs on the road! I wish I could share my elliptical with you!
  23. DevilMayKare

    Anyone at less than 800 calories?

    Crystal, I pretty much stayed between 8-1,000 cals for August and September--and you know I had great loss during that time...also worked out like a fiend. I've done that before for months at a time. The key is to get in enough Protein. I mix Protein Powder in my coffe every morning (16 grams) & often have another 30g (2 pacs) mixed in fat free Jello pudding (white chocolate is my favoirite). The protein powder I get is from a Liquid Protein fast program I did for about a year & a half--7 months on straight Protein Shakes and after the first few weeks I NEVER felt better or had more energy in my life. I also never peed as much because with this kind of diet it is really crucial to drink enough Water. The straight protein is too drastic for me, but it really works well for me to supplement with these. This is the site I order from... http://www.hackleyhealthmanagement.com/ I get the HMR 800 in vanilla to mix (with a whisk) in coffee (or whatever) and the HMR70 to mix in the jello pudding because it stiffens up. These aren't particularily cheap--but worth it. You can look at the protein/carb etc for yourself and see that it isn't just high protein. I think it's a really high-quality formula. I haven't brought this up before because, number one it costs $, and number two it somehow it kinda feels like cheating. I know many people got the band to get AWAY from diets. BUt hey--I got the band to lose weight and this WORKS for me! It might be worth it to you to try this stuff--or something similar. I think the key is to keep in mind that it is NOT forever. The strict WEIGHTLOSS phase is harder and requires less cals than maintenance. Note, I'm not suggesting you go on a liquid diet--just supplement with something high protein. If you're severly restricted you're pretty much on a liquid/mush diet anyway, right?
  24. DevilMayKare

    What is YOUR Second Option for WLS?

    You're right Jonathan, I wasn't joking. After I went from 312 to 155 five years ago I swore to God and myself and any other power in the Universe that I'd leave take my spirit and leave this ample body behind if I got past 300# again. As I crept back up, pound by pound it was like walking towards the firing squad. The fact that I feel this way is what allowed me to go to MX and get this surgery. I didn't really feel much fear because I didn't feel like I had anything to lose.
  25. DevilMayKare

    Biggest Losers!!

    I felt really sorry for the girl who hadn't lost very much. (Can't remember her name... but she came out in black w/ long sleeves.) She looked SO DISGUSTED w/ herself even tho everyone clapped & cheered. They MUST have paid her to come. I can't believe she would have shown up otherwise. I can tell ya if I'd been in that group and had to go for a reunion w/o a good loss there just isn't enough money that would make me show up. I get seriously sick of all the ENTHUSIASM of these things. Thank you Jonathan for a little reality check. Sure, it's great to see the before & afters... but I found the before and after and before and after and before and after and before and after and before and after and before and after and before and after pictorial of Oprah they had in one of the mags a lot more like MY life! ... until now, of course.

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