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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DevilMayKare

  1. DevilMayKare

    Long time viewer, first time poster

    For the most compact weigt, I think lead fishing weights are best. Just go to a camping store and check out what would be easiest to put in your pocket--or sew to the inside seam of your pants.
  2. DevilMayKare

    Free Exercise Music Cd

    Okay, I'll send a CD of cool-down or stretch music to the first person who can guess my favorite of the Fast Exercise CD playlist. And another to the first who can tell me which song is a nod to Madame DeLarla. (And no, it's not "You Crack Me Up" although that would be a very good guess!)
  3. DevilMayKare

    Long time viewer, first time poster

    Um... quarters? ....QUARTERS?? !! My darlin' Darlara, me thinks you'd better back off on those party toys a little. (Spose I should be happy you didn't say silver dollars!) heehee
  4. DevilMayKare

    Don't want a fill...

    Absolutely. I didn't get a fill until I was 5 months out and lost 50# during that time. After my first fill I was MIZZZZERABBLE. I snacked more during the day and on high-calories mushies--and POTATO chips since they were about the only thing that didn't choke me after 2 bites. GAINED 3. I went & had half my fill removed. Now I'm at 1cc and this is about right. I'm still getting used to it. Make no mistake the psychological fear of being hungry and not being able to eat will do you IN. I think because so many people get their fills 4-6 wks there is a lot of pressure to do that. It may take some time to find it, but do what works for you and do NOT get a fill until you are absolutely ready. ...And when that day comes ask your doctor to go easy on it. Unfortunately, on its own the band does NOT make it so that you don't want food. It just makes it harder to eat it as fast and as much as you want. If you don't get some control over your desires you will find ways to eat around the band.
  5. DevilMayKare

    Free Exercise Music Cd

    Hi Alex, I'll post the list in a week or two after everyone has had a chance to workout to the disc and given feedback. I'm afraid a few of my favorites aren't on Itunes--or anywhere that I know. I have some CDs that don't have have the artist listed so I can't even tell the band for my very favorite in this context (can anyone guess WHICH it is??). Some of those songs are real "message" songs for me (i.e. KD Lang's "Constant Craving"--not my very favorite, but the story of my life!) I've sent out CDs to everyone who has requested them as of 12/15. I'm happy to send out some more so we can workout "together"--just PM me your address.
  6. DevilMayKare

    Well, I'm off to Vegas...

    Well, there's computer geek and then there's sci-fi geek. Gotta remember I'm OLDER than both of you so I've got the advantage in geek years. (My former husband of 17 yrs had his BS in Theoretical Mathematics from Caltech & taught our oldest son basic in Kindergarten so I had to keep up ya know!)
  7. DevilMayKare

    Well, I'm off to Vegas...

    Dunno about out-geeking, but I could probably out-ST you! We had a dog name Mr. Spock (when younger my son once asked why people tried to call him Doctor Spock) and our current our dog is Tribble (you old enough to remember tribbles???) I have 5 ST conventions under my belt...although none recently. Wedding vows in Kingon... now THAT would be geeky.
  8. DevilMayKare

    2005 Lap Band Awards

    Hmmm... "Before" or "After" model? I was kinda hoping for the Smartmouth of the Board award, but I'm afraid you've got that one sewn up too D'ahrlin.
  9. DevilMayKare

    2005 Lap Band Awards

    Oh...almost... I think DeLarla needs to be most DEVILISH DIVA!!
  10. DevilMayKare

    Went to TJ today 2 get some fill OUT

    Well I left my house at 6:00 this morning to drive down to TJ to have some of my fill taken out. I've been miserable since having my FIRST fill 3 wks ago--5 months after being banded (& losing over 50). Dr O filled me to 2cc's and I ended up living on Soup, chips and ice cream every since because every solid (except chips of course) makes me choke and PB. So Dr Martinez (who is the gosh darndest CUTEST DOCTOR IN THE WORLD) took me down to ONE CC this morning! Yikes! I was kinda hoping he'd just take me to 1.5... or even 1.3. I hope to heck I have SOME restriction. But, truth is... I do better with a little more self-control. I can be good inbetween the binging times if I put my mind to it. If the fill just keeps me from the big binges I think I'll be ok... as long as I get back to major exercise. Anyway, I live in OC, CA and felt a little perturbed that I had to drive all the way down to TJ and was nervous about parking and taking a taxi at the border. Turns out, just like Michelle said, it was a PIECE OF CAKE (hmmm... did I say CAKE?) and I'm glad I did it because I feel easier about going back again sooner if there's a problem. I met the NICEST bandsters in the waiting room (none of them were YOU GUYS--I kept asking!). Did I ever feel like a schlub complaining to myself about having to drive 2.5 hours when one woman was there for a fill from FLORIDA and another from ALASKA!! Sheesh. I'm so damn lucky. I wrote this in big letters on my bathroom mirror: GRATITUDE--FEEL IT! Just thought I'd share.
  11. DevilMayKare

    raging anger and completly discouraged, who me?

    But you are going to DEMAND they at least let you TRY Thyroid medicine, right?
  12. DevilMayKare

    2005 Lap Band Awards

    Wait a minute... what about JACK? Jack's gotta be the best Male with a Tale (that's MWAT)... or Best Wit... or Number 1 Pirate Laugh. DeLarla as craziest? Hardly communicates her essence. I'd say more like Most Over the Top. Just IMHO.
  13. DevilMayKare

    Free Exercise Music Cd

    Yep! You and Pepsi too--I'll be mailing a few more out today. Sorry, I didn't have time to answer all the PMs. I think the PMing on this forum is a little cumbersome. I hope everyone will come back to this thread and give me a critique. Tell me which were your favs. And if any of you can make it thru the WHOLE CD the first time you are in very good shape. Please don't expect to be able to do that at first. I tried to mix some of the "notASfast" songs inbetween the "REALLYfast" songs, but nothing on there is slow. Pace yourselves!
  14. DevilMayKare

    Does the band work? YOU ANSWER!

    Well, usually not except when you put the dates on two pictures together! Truth is if it didn't look so damn sexy and COOOOL I probably wouldn't have noticed. I bet he'd look cool in a deep purple shirt.
  15. DevilMayKare

    What was the greatest gift you ever gave ?

    Oh PamRN, now THAT was a tear-jerker!! Here's a great present I gave this isn't going to make anyone cry, but one of my better ideas. I was a lit major and I'm an avid reader so I'm a pretty good source for book recommendations. I always have a book in my purse and I learned a long time ago that it was way too much of a pain to carry a large paperback around. I think it was the Shogun series that finally gave me the bright idea of cutting thick paperbacks into 2 or 3 parts. After I split the spine with a razor knife I use duct tape to create a new spine and they always hold together for a reading or two (sometimes I make new covers for the middle piece out of heavy-weight paper). A friend of mine "discovered" reading a couple years ago (she just never had time before) and seemed to really like the books I recommended. So I went to a used bookstore and bought some of my favorite books for her. Most of these are thick so I cut them all up for her as well. In some places I left little notes for her in the stories, like "Call me when you get to this part!" or some other comment on the story. THe look on her face when she opened the box. It was like, "Uhhh....um... thanks..." She didn't really realize the value of that gift until she started reading and since she's also the type to keep a book in her purse she learned to appreciate the practicality of having them cut-up. Now she RAVES about that present. It took her over a year to get thru that group of books and it really was a present that kept on giving. And she was able to pass them on!
  16. DevilMayKare

    Does the band work? YOU ANSWER!

    A-Hem.... scuze me for saying so, but is Santa bringing your hunky hubby a new shirt & tie for Xmas? It's interesting how YOU look very different--younger in fact, while he hasn't even changed his CLOTHES!! (evil grin)
  17. DevilMayKare

    What was the greatest gift you ever gave ?

    Oh jeeze. Now you've all got me sitting here with red, teary eyes & I have to go meet family for brunch in an hour! But I've given 2 good gifts lately, so I'll bounce 'em out before I shower... The first was for my bro's wedding last month. By the time I checked their registry all the "bigger" presents were bought except this $150 stanless steel trashcan. The price was about right so I ordered it but when it came it seemed kind of a strange gift from a sister. So I went out and bought a GOOD bottle of champagne, 3 decent bottles of wine and four cards. I wrapped all the bottles and attached a card to each one and put them INSIDE the fancy trashcan. The first (the champagne) was to open thier first anniversary and the others dated for their 5th, 10th & 15th anniversaries. I wrote a message inside each card and it was very strange to write something that will be read in 2020!! But I bet that "decent" bottle of wine is GREAT by then. The other present I gave recently (that turned out to be gut-wrenching for me) was for my son's 18th bday last week. I got 18 envelopes w/ blank cards inside and on each wrote Arthur turns 1...., Arthur turns 2, etc and wrote something that he was doing for each year of his life (along w/ some $ enclosed). I had to get out the old albums and Xmas letters to remember exactly which year something happend (like which year he was a pumpkin for Halloween, which year we had his "food Fight" bday party and when he got his kitty). I wrote about how we couldn't keep him from climbing up into his big brother's treehouse when he was 2 and how he brought me a "rainbow" when he was 3 (a multi-colored crayon). I tell ya, I ended up spending the whole day in tears getting this present ready but it was worth it to see my normally contained teenage son (now officially an "adult") tear up as he read each card and feel him sobbing as he hugged me. It's been a loooong time since I've held a crying kid.
  18. DevilMayKare

    Free Exercise Music Cd

    Okay Ladies, I mailed out a CD yesterday to: Duckie Anwyn Kira Kimmcneely Giveyouthemoon Mygenre Dianechef AsphaltAngel Piperbaby & Scottygyrl Gosh, you guys are all over the place--but three of you are in TX. Nice to know I'll have someone to visit if I ever make my way there. You should receive your disc within a day or two. It will be interesting to see how the Post Office varies. I printed out a playlist, but ask you NOT to peek at the songs until you've worked out (or just listened as you probably can't keep pace for the whole CD at first) to the music at least once. Don't spoil the surprise of what's coming next! Let me know how you like my selections. THere are a couple of "WL THEME SONGS" I know will make you smile. Enjoy! (Oh, & note, last 4 songs slow down for cool down & stretch. I seem to have an extra printout here so someone is missing a list. I'll e it to you if you let me know who's missing one.)
  19. DevilMayKare

    Chubby Chasers (long post)

    Thank you Princess for our own little "To be continued..." soap opera. I can't wait for the next installement!
  20. DevilMayKare

    It's My One-year Bandiversary!

    And we're all so grateful and lucky to have YOU here! Congrats on surviving to have a successful year--may you have many more!!
  21. DevilMayKare

    Bellydancing NSVs

    Whoa. That's fer sure the most romantic posting I've ever read on this board. :') *snif*
  22. DevilMayKare

    Went to TJ today 2 get some fill OUT

    Hey Lisa! I haven't forgotten about this. Holiday madness is upon me. December is definitely out. I'll talk to Michelle and see if we can set something up in January. Didn't want you to think I'd forgotten you. Yeah... like YOU are someone one could forget!
  23. DevilMayKare

    My BIG Texas Souvenier

    Jeeze... couldn't you get him to pull his gun or somethin for a real dramatic shot? Shudda got your ticket in Texas w/ a cop in a 10-gallon hat! (They DO wear those, don't they?) There go your insurance rates, dahlin.
  24. DevilMayKare

    Bellydancing NSVs

    Very sexy, lady! Where can we go to download the video?!
  25. DevilMayKare

    Free Exercise Music Cd

    Well, gosh... that's sweet of you to say. Really, it's just so wonderful to me to know I'm not in this alone. I get so much inspiration from the members on this board, I hope I give some back. I found a couple more envelopes so I was able to send a CD out to you too Diane. Anyone else, leave your address & I'll send more another day.

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