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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cQQlgirl

  1. cQQlgirl


    I'm taking my meds as prescribed. It's only been 24 hours since the surgery. But I really didn't expect this amount of pain. It is better when I lie down but when I sit up I get severe 'twinges'. When I was being prepped for surgery, they asked me how I felt and I said 'Excited!'. They said they hadn't heard that before. I realize now why lol! I guess it's different for all people. I'd heard so much of people just flying through this without much pain. I'm glad I have 2 weeks off. I know what you mean LaLa about the pulled muscles. My neck is sore and my thighs are sore from trying to move around without using my abdomin. I hope it eases throughout today. What sort of meds were you on?
  2. cQQlgirl

    banded 10-15

    This is her husband posting for her..... She went in for her band at 10am and I got the call from the Doc at 11:15. All went well and very fast. Radiology was set for 1, but was an hour late, and lasted another hour. We rolled out about 3:20. She's in some pain, but is taking tylenol/codeine and is hoping to sleep soon.
  3. cQQlgirl

    Oct. 15 soon to be banded..check in here.

    I am just about to head out to the hospital. Yesterday was tough, all Clear liquids and not drinking after midnight, ughh! I hope I come out as well as state_ur_worth! I have to admit I am a tad anxious just now. So see ya on the other side! :clap2:
  4. cQQlgirl

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I got my Bugg yesterday but the wrist-band thingy is on back-order. Seems they have been very popular! I am on my day before surgery liquid diet. I plan to use it (bugg) when I begin solids. The feedback here has been very helpful. I believe this will make all the difference in motivating me to exercise and use that gym membership that has been costing me $30/month. I just makes so much sense. Valerie
  5. cQQlgirl

    Oct. 15 soon to be banded..check in here.

    This is a thread devoted to body bugg. It is a cool device that measures your calories in and calories used. It's a bit pricey but you can see the advantages in the posts. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f81/bodybugg-users-report-here-36232/
  6. This picture is from a cruise my DH and I were on in April this year. I was able to maintain a weight of 195 for about 4 years until last year this time. I became very depressed and put on 30 very stubborn pounds. I was in bad shape about 6 years ago. Then God renewed His relationship with me and I began to heal. In the time that has past, the tangible changes have been astounding. I am truly a new person. I went from practically penniless and jobless to having excellent credit and a home. I was gifted with a job working with adolescents at a university hospital on a mental health unit. I can't think of a more rewarding job and I am able to help change lives. I guess that's 'paying it forward'. I also met my husband and have been married just over 2 years now. The first year was a real trial. In my family, which was loving, chaos reigned and some bad things happened. No sexual abuse or anything just alcoholism and like I said, chaos. My DH is so calm....and I can tell you that's what I want most in my life. But coming from chaos, I didn't know how to handle 'calm'. I began to drink more. This really conflicted with my relationship with God. I became very agitated, knowing I was living 2 lives but having such a hard time changing my 'learned' behaviors. Finally everything came to a head and I became suicidal. I knew then that I needed help and I got some. Out-patient substance abuse program (Kaiser Permanente has a marvelous set-up). And guess what! It took! I now have no desire for alcohol. I don't go to 12 step meetings...I really find that my urge to drink is gone. They call it the 1 step program (relying on God). So after telling you all that, the point I am trying to make is that I believe God has blessed this weight-loss journey for me because I was careful to heed his work in my life and am really wanting change. I can't tell you how grateful I am to be past that other stuff and onto this wonderful phase in my life. I had my only son when I was 17 which essentially cut off my childhood (which as I mentioned was not real storybook). Now that he's grown, I have my childhood back. I can travel and find new hobbies like hiking. It has really been a journey of self-realization and when I look back through all my foolishness (drugs, alcohol, risky behaviors), I see where God was there, probably very sad at what I was doing to myself but there nonetheless, watching over me. I am so amazed at His patience and love. I am happy to have found this board and you all are so awesome to share this with. I really enjoy this thread because it does help to 'flesh' out the names. I have learned SO MUCH from this site. If I were to go on just what the doctors office told me, I would be very uninformed. So thanks everyone. I will share my experiences with everyone, hoping I can help others like you've helped me. Did I say that today is Band-day eve for me?? Happy happy joy joy! Thanks for listening. :happybday:
  7. cQQlgirl

    Oct. 15 soon to be banded..check in here.

    Is anyone else on a clear liquid diet for the day before the surgery? I am excited to have this done. And for the 2 weeks off I get to go with it..YEEHAA! :whoo: I did ok on the 2 week Optifast but lost steam the last 3 days...ate low-fat but thinking that I had to be on optifast for 2 weeks AFTER surgery did me in. Had to have some last supper chewies. I also have this surreal feeling. Like, is this gonna really work. Nothing has so far and it feels like a dream. Well, I believe God has been with me through the journey so I don't see Him leaving me on the trail now all by myself. I can't seem to get it through my head that I'm on a permanent path to change. Like giving up on the opti early...that is so typical of me in the past 3 years. It will be good to have a 'tool' that will help me. Oh, btw, I bought a body bugg last week. I know that is going to motivate me to exercise. I have heard such great things about it on this board. So off we go...it almost feels like cliff diving (not that I have ever done that lol). Enough rambling. Good luck 15th-ers.
  8. Does anyone have information on this band. I saw it somewhere on here but now I cant find it...I used search but its not very sensitive and doesn't really help much. I found out that I will be having this band put in on Monday the 15th. Appreciate any info or redirection.:help:
  9. You have the doctor I will be banded by this coming Monday (10-15-07). Could you tell me how your experience with them have been? How are the fills there and are they strict about them or let you come in when you think you need one. I'm very curious about anything you could share. Thanks!! Valerie
  10. cQQlgirl

    Holly's Band-day

    Happy Band-day to youuu, Happy Band-day to youuuu, Happy Band-day dear Hollyyyy, Happy Band-day to youuu!! Congrats girl! I wish the best for you and wish it were my Band-day toooo. You have been such an inspiration to all of us and I know that will continue. Keep us informed and I for one will be there for you each step of the way. I'm glad I'm a Tenacious Ten...I've got such great company!
  11. cQQlgirl

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    How much weight have you lost on the pre-op diet. Curious because mine is comin' off slowwwww.....
  12. cQQlgirl

    Pre-op diet

    I'm on day 6 of a two-week pre-op diet of 5 optifasts/day. I am not enjoying this at all. I've lost 5 pounds or so but it does not seem to be enough for my effort. The last couple days the scale has barely moved. I have read everything I could find on lap-band preop diets trying to make it ok for me to have a little something here and there. It's a head-trip really. Now its the weekend and *sigh*....I just wish my band-day was here already. mopin' Val :cry
  13. cQQlgirl

    Weight Watchers

    I'm going to try the Core plan with Weight Watchers. On that you eat from a list of foods until you fill 'full' or satiety. Sounds just like the way to go with the band.
  14. cQQlgirl

    Pre-op diet

    We have this new store near us called Whole Foods. It's huge and it's like a Disneyland of food. Almost like being at an excellent buffet in that they have all this hot food and cold food ready to put into a box. All at $xx/lb. This is what DH and I do on the weekend lately. Go to the olive and feta bar and get a good variety. Then to the huge salad bar....they even have a dessert bar. I could find healthy stuff there but right now I'm on Optifast and didn't want to tempt myself. In any case, I have lost 3 pounds this weekend! I'm finding work is pretty tough too. I work on an adolescent psych unit and it's a pretty nice facility. We have a kitchen and dining room and a huge living area. I find that the kitchen calls me for the little things like fig newtons (I wouldn't have given them a second glance before) and saltine crackers. Somewhere I heard this saying (and I'm probably gonna do a hatchet job on it): Temptation is like a bird flying over your head; you should let it fly by not make a nest in your hair. The weight loss this weekend well be highly motivating. I so appreciate this board. I have learned so much and the support is so awesome. WE ARE GOOD!!
  15. I have been eating healthy for some time now but my love of carbs is my downfall. That and eating after work (I get off at 11:30pm). I even fell into the habit of getting up (half-asleep), going out to the kitchen, getting some Cookies or something (lowfat of course) and going back to bed with them. I'd wake up with cookies in my hand and start eating them again while falling asleep. Bad bad bad. Well weight watchers is my 'diet' of choice and the other day my dim bulb came on and I thought, "I could easily do the Core version with this band. If you don't know the Core version of weight watchers is where you monitor your eating by your feeling of fullness. You have this list of foods that you choose from (great variety I think) and you learn to listen to your body and it's signals for satiety. I've not seen anyone really talk about a real food plan for after surgery although I may have missed it. I thought it was brilliant! I mean, I couldn't have done the Core if I weren't banded because I was hungry all the time! My body was betraying me. But NOW I will be the boss and it will succumb less and make more healthy choices. Whaddya all think?
  16. cQQlgirl

    diet suggestion?

    The Core diet sounds like a good way to go after the band. You eat until you feel 'full' and you have a pretty extended list of choices.
  17. How many chewables do you take? They're children doses so I figure it would be more for us adults. Vee
  18. cQQlgirl

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    I'm in Santa Ana near south coast plaza. I am being banded by Dr. Braverman from the N.E.W. program in Newport Beach. I'm on my 2 week optifast pre-surg diet and am not really physically hunger as I am head-hungry. But overall I am doing pretty good. I just wish my band-day was here already. Valerie
  19. cQQlgirl

    Before pics *ugh!*

    I just had my husband take my 'before' pictures. I know I will want them later but this was very painful. Poor guy, his eyeballs are probably melting as we speak. Oh well, reality sucks and this princess just got to see some of it. Has anyone had this experience? *insert big fat pig picture here*..... :cry
  20. cQQlgirl

    Motorcycle ride

    Thanks everyone! I'm not riding on the motorcycle. It seems dumb considering the money we've put out for this. DH wanted to show off his bike to his navy buddies (this is a reunion for their ship) but he would never do anything to cause me harm. It was his suggestion that I post this issue and you have all confirmed what I knew in my heart. He can't find a place to park the bike anyway. The hotel does not offer secured parking. Thanks again!
  21. My surgery date is 10-15-07. My DH and I have had a reunion we have planned to attend on the 19th out of town. He wanted to bring the Harley along and wondered if I could ride while we were down in San Diego. Thats 4/5 days after surgery. It would be just around town but what do you all think. What are you feeling like 5 days out of surgery? Still really tender? I appreciate your feedback. Valerie
  22. cQQlgirl

    Love food too much!

    Hey Fluffyinks we are band-day sisters. I am in soCal and will have mine placed at 8am. My doctor requires a 2 week diet of optifast-like protein powder. I actually have tons of ready-to-drink optifast from trying that method last year near this time (more like January '07). Obviously I didn't have the wherewithall to complete that on my own but with the lapband I think optifast will be feasable for short term fasts after placement. I want to get this weight off as quickly as possible. I've done weight-watchers like forever and know the ropes backwards and forwards. My problem was being hungry alllll the time. This should be cured with the lapband. I will keep you posted as to how my preop is going and you do the same. Meet ya here tomorrow k? God bless you. Valerie
  23. cQQlgirl

    Oct 15

    Yea, I have experienced this. People were saying I should go out just before the pre-op diet and pig out. But I had no desire for any type of food. The only thing that I ate maybe to excess was toast. Raisin english muffins, bagels, and just regular toast with sugar free jam. But definately my appetite was way down. And now that I am on day two of my pre-op, I am having little trouble adhering to it. This is a true blessing. Oh, btw, the night before I started my pre-op (5 optifasts/day) I was at the market buying soda and Water and as I came out of the store I saw a shooting star! I have seen maybe 2 or 3 in my lifetime. I took this as a sign from God that I shouldn't be concerned that I am doing this without His blessing. It seems kinda selfish ya know? But I was VERY reassured when I saw it and nearly did a dance in the parking lot of the Albertsons! I am so excited! I have to say I bought two books on Amazon that I have found so interesting. One is 'Fighting Weight' by Khaliah Ali and the other is 'Lap-band for Life' by Dr. Ortiz-Lagardere. Great information and very inspiring. Good luck to us!! :eek:
  24. cQQlgirl

    Banded??? Check in here

    I began my pre-op diet today and so far so good. All I have to do is keep in mind that multiple thousands of dollars DH shelled out for this and I am suddenly not hungry.
  25. cQQlgirl

    Banded Bikers II

    It's an '03 Heritage, Mustang touring seat, Progressive rear shocks. Thanks for your quick response!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
