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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cQQlgirl

  1. cQQlgirl

    What to do with your old clothes?

    I love this idea. Rather than give them to an unknown, why not to someone here at lbt. I'm all for it. I don't think it should be tied down to money. I would give my clothes to anyone who could use them. I'm grateful that I wont need them again. Think about it. If you were told you could get to your goal weight but had to give your clothes to like-minded folk, you wouldn't hesitate.
  2. Well, he had just received this 'gift' from his recently deceased mom. It kind of felt like, "cool! would you buy me a lapband?" .... you know what I mean. My dh thinks I'm crazy. He believes its a totally good investment. It's just in my crazy mind that these things flutter through. Thank you for your words of encouragement! Valerie
  3. cQQlgirl

    What's wrong with me?

    :thumbup:This was near the back of the line (of threads) and after I read it I thought that a lot of good advice was given here. How bout we bump it up....
  4. cQQlgirl

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    NAME.........Start Weight...Goal...Current Weight...To Go Jeni 85..........214.4 .......184.......214.4 ........ 30.4 Stacy73..........226.4........194.......226.4 ........ 32.4 Nadean...........204.6........160.......204.6......... 44.6 Angie4b1g........237.8........205.......237.8......... 32.8 babs0101.........216..........190.......216........... 26 wombat712........152.8........120.......152.8......... 32.8 bigbaby..........207..........167.......207........... 40.0 Redtulips3.......245..........199.......245........... 46 Allaboutme.......238..........165.......211........... 46 mamato3..........242..........199.......242........... 43 Foofy............244..........199.......244........... 45 mary-2b150.......225..........150.......193........... 43.0 starryeyed.......280..........199.......237........... 38 luluc............166..........135.......166........... 31 Ariel............199..........169.......199........... 30 jfran............181..........145.......181............36 legster..........216..........174.......216........... 42 hazeleyegrl1.....233..........200.......233........... 33 nhanson..........226..........196.......226........... 30 rainer...........256..........216.......256........... 40 hungryforchange..225..........190.......225........... 35 Suzzzie .........297..........243.......297........... 54 cQQlgirl.........220..........195.......220........... 25<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
  5. cQQlgirl

    Anyone turned down due to fen/phen use?

    If you've been checked out already, I wouldn't mention it. It really causes the red flag to go up and they add more tests (costly, if you are self-pay).
  6. You can feel it sort of stop at your chest area and then sort of drizzle through. I'm going back for a fill on 01-22-08 because I can still eat too much (about 1.5 to 2 cups) without problem and also bread isn't causing me any discomfort. I think this next tweek will be close to 'it'.
  7. I have read the 'rules of the pouch' and they mention 'water-loading'. Is this for bypass patients or for lap band patients as well. Does anyone use this technique between meals?
  8. cQQlgirl


    I have 80 pounds to lose (could stretch that to 90 if I wanted to be called 'that skinny girl). I just had my 5th fill today and am not at that sweet spot yet. But with the holidays past, i AM going to start exercising. I AM, I AM, I AM! I want to lose 10 pounds by Valentines day! Lets get the ball rolling! :clap2:
  9. I just got back from my 5th fill and had no trouble drinking the bottle of water they require before leaving the clinic. Doc put in another .5cc for a total of 3.1. I've had very little restriction: he says I have a small upper stomach. I asked him what is average for fills for most people to feel restriction and he said around 2.0 or so. I hope theres some restriction with this one.
  10. I was told by my doctor to in now way consume liquid Protein or shakes after I was back on regular food. I was cruising through the food section of the board and people posting what they eat daily (to give others ideas on variety) and notice that many people have Protein Shakes as a regular part of their diet. How many people are taking in Liquid Protein as part of their overall plan (after post-op diet is finished)?
  11. name ........ starting# .... current#......goal#.....togo# Rainer..........264............264..........248.......16 wombat712.......154.8..........154.8........140.......14.8 LessnLess.......172............172..........164.......8 metawnny........252............252..........240.......12 Skinny_Jill.....195............195..........180.......15 Candle .........218............218..........207.......11 KarenG..........207............207..........199.......8 Hoppingto.......350............314..........294.......20 SWEETY..........180............180..........170.......10 juliegeraci.....220............220..........210.......8 Trystelle.......219............219..........205.......14 Susan4794.......240............240..........225.......15 rharriet........367............256..........248.......8 nip50...........250............250..........238.......12 keekahari.......220............220..........205.......15 Hollyberries....298............298..........285.......13 Stacy73.........230............230..........222.......8 Irishmae11......233............233..........219.......14 jfran...........187............187..........177.......10 liz_hager.......202............202..........190.......12 SueMagoo........230............229..........220.......9 MJRouse84.......274............233..........218.......15 Cagstorm........360............360..........345.......15 Jsrico..........255............178..........165.......13 kjl315..........237.5..........237.5........220.......17.5 chickatee.......188............188..........175.......13 want2lose.......236............236..........225.......11 Cerrin..........350............350..........325.......25 Twilight........206............206..........185.......21 RenewedHope.....228............228..........210.......18 georgia girl....275............275..........260.......15 Anitak33........245............218..........199.......19 Redtulips3......248............248..........235.......13 cQQlgirl........220............220..........210.......10
  12. I'm at 2.6cc and can still eat too much...going in on Tuesday 01-08-08 for another fill. I need to start losing. I guess if I stopped with the holiday eating, it would help :straight.
  13. I'm discouraged. I have been ok with this small loss (this includes preop wt. loss) knowing that 'in the future' it will come off. I had my 1st fill yesterday and I don't feel it. I have to wait 2 weeks for another fill and I'm becoming depressed about this. I haven't had restriction even after surgery. I feel like it's one of those many attempts that I've tried that will fail. I tried optifast last year at this time and did not lose anything. That was expensive. I paid cash for this operation. I really have been ok with all this but tonite I am beginning to feel dismay. I have no motivation to do any diet or exercise; what for? it will just fail like all the other times. I know this is whining and I wouldn't do it if I didn't need your help. I'm afraid to get back on the scale...
  14. Wall sex!! yeehaw! :high5:
  15. cQQlgirl

    A fool for my tool...

    Liz, I am at the same place except I'm out 2.5 months. I came to the realization the other day that if I hadn't had the band, I would likely have put on 20 pounds. Another thing that has helped me in the last day or two: I read a thread that says that drinking before meals is ok. I was having a difficult time with having to do everything at a certain time. Too much thought involved. So now I only have to remember to not drink AFTER meals and I will be ok. I also haven't been exercising but fully intend to begin this week. I have a bodybugg and will be using that to measure my input and calories burned. So although I wish I had lost weight in the past 2 months, I am REALLY grateful to not have gained. The weight will come off with reasonable eating and a bit of exercise. You sound like me. Not real angry or frustrated that you haven't lost yet (because we know why we haven't), knowing it will happen in time. We know the reason and that is half the battle. I have had 4 fills and am at 2.6cc in a 4cc band and nearing my 'sweet spot'. I hope that we can watch each other begin to lose in the next few months. Good luck to you sis! Valeire
  16. cQQlgirl

    bodybugg chat

    One thing that is tedious to me is having to enter all the nutritional information for a food in the online 'calories consumed' section if it is a food that is not in their database. Is there a way to just input a few things, such as fat, Fiber, calories instead of all that cholesterol and stuff?? Thanks! Valerie :help:
  17. cQQlgirl

    Drinking before meals

    Its so difficult to get the timing right on the drinking water. I can wait an hour after, but it's just too hard to do, with the half-hour before and the hour after. I'm glad to hear this from you all. It will ease my mind that I'm getting this right, at least from the liquids perspective.
  18. cQQlgirl

    How often do you PB?

    Can anyone please give a good description of the 'first bite syndrome'? I believe this is my problem. I have difficulty right at the beginning of my meals and then am able to eat quite a bit. Please share your experiences here.
  19. cQQlgirl

    self-esteem and sex

    I have had 4 fills now and haven't lost a pound. I usually do pretty good on my own with weight watchers (maintaining) and so it feels like before surgery. I know it's a matter of time but the one area I really hoped would be rectified by this surgery was that I would feel better undressing in front of my husband. We haven't had sex in 3 weeks and I miss him. It's sort of I want it/I don't, if anyone can relate. He doesn't say anything and is sweet as pie. When I say that I feel bad, he tells me to stop and that he loves me. God, I thought this would be so in the past. You see, I went through a period of severe depression last year. It had to do with my lifestyle and my love of God. I was living double-minded. I was still having drinks whenever I wanted and I would over-eat and then there was the bible study time and my walk with the Lord. It just came to a head. I even had to miss some time at work while I processed this change. Well, I put on like 25 pounds. I was still shy about my body at 195 but not nearly as bad as now. I have had 4 fills and I can feel a slight difference. I'm just having a rough time this weekend feeling guilty and all. Oh, I also lost my best friend (besides my DH). She was a 20.5 year old feline empath cat named Razzbaby maTazz. She was part human or an angel, I swear. I had to have her put to sleep and as I work evenings, when I go home at night, it's the roughest on me. I have the best life. My DH is the best thing to happen to me (married 2.5 years). We have a home and aren't hurting for money. We haven't got savings per se but we live comfortably. He was able to pay for my surgery with an inheritance from his mom who passed last year. I am very happy... ...I guess you always have to find a fly in the ointment. I want to be sexy for my husband...I know it's a head problem but...I sure wish I could lose 5 pounds.
  20. cQQlgirl

    Pre-fill instructions

    :bump2: Worthwhile thread...worth bumping!
  21. I found this VERY helpful. I hope you do to. Lap-band adjustment - Laparoscopic Band adjustment in Phoenix Arizona (AZ)
  22. I'm so glad to see this thread. I have a dent too and wondered if I were the only one. I guess I should have asked my doc about it. He did say at my last fill, that the scars will probably be invisible in a year and that I was healing very well. A dent is better than muffin-top anyday lol!
  23. cQQlgirl

    Hello,New with a few questions

    I agree with Tmarie. This was my experience and it was simply to make sure you are competent to make this decision in your life as well as if you have eating disorder issues. I took the psych 'exam' or questionaire dealy online and then met with their psychologist. I work in psych and like the above girls have said, you'd have to be seriously disturbed to cause them to deny you in that way.
  24. So I go to the doc and say 'Hey doc! I need a fill...' and he says OK. Seeing that I put on .5 pounds since the last time I saw him 2 weeks ago, he fills a little more aggressively than I thought he would. He'd previously told me that his method for fill (as he'd been schooled) was 1cc, .5, .5, .25, .25...etc. Well I was up to 2cc's (3 previous fills) so he went ahead and put in .6 cc more. He was gonna do .5 but I think he drew up more so he just went ahead with the .6. Well, I feel a little more restriction, but not enough. Maybe it will tighten up before I go back in 2 weeks. Valerie
  25. cQQlgirl

    Restricted or Stuck?

    This is a question I asked some time back. I am exactly where you are. If I chew slowly and thoroughly, I can eat much more than I believe I should be able to if I were truly at good restriction. I think we are CLOSE. Another fill or so should get us to that place where a little food will do the job. I'm concentrating right now on the bandster eating habits...trying to get those to become natural before I hit that true 'sweet spot'. I have a fill (4th) a week from friday and am pretty sure this will be closer to where I need to be. I haven't lost any weight but I'm patiently waiting. Good luck!

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