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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Btlbailey

  1. Btlbailey

    Fill Discussion Thread

    I'm loosing extremely slow because up until Tuesday, I was feeling no restrictions at all and probably eating more than I should have. After this fill (4cc's total) I can't seem to eat anything solid yet ... hopefully that will pass over the weekend. it's funny though - I have heard it called the sweet spot, maybe this is it ! I still have 6 more fills (1cc at a time (SIGH) to go. I guess I'm glad that he did it that way, better to be underfilled than overfilled but still it's been 6 months and only 30-35 lbs, I sure hope things kick in. Now that the weather is better I have to get off my ars and get moving - that should help with everything.
  2. Btlbailey

    Fill Discussion Thread

    I just had my 4th fill Tuesday 4 cc's in a 10cc band, my doctor is soooo conservative with the fills, 1 cc at a time. I hear most everyone else getting 2 or 3 .... well this morning I tried to down some applesauce and it basically pushed itself right back up. I'm a little concerned, after all it's only applesauce but I guess I'll give it another day and see if it is better tomorrow. Has anyone experienced this sort of "auto-purge" as I like to call it, after a fill.
  3. Btlbailey

    "Green" Day Challenge

    Hello All, OK I'm In !!!! I had my 3rd fill yesterday too .... I only have 3 cc's total in the band now, but I just had this feeling that this 3rd fill was going to help me get going again. I have to really get focused and stock up with some good food choices (once I can eat solids on Saturday). I was kind'of getting down on my progress but as my doc reminded me, this band is the tool, but I still have to do the work, It will happen - slowly but surely. Good Luck everyone !!! Spring is just around the corner : ) All The Best Carol "Green" Day Challenge! Kimmie Starting weight: 274 Current Weight: 274 Green Day Weight: 260 DOWN So Far: 0 lbs LBS TO GO: 14 lbs __________________ Hazeleyegrl1 Starting Weight: 218.5 Current Weight: 218.5 Green Day Weight: 204.5 DOWN so far: 0 lbs. LBS to go: 12 lbs. __________________ Georgia Girl Starting Weight: 266 Current Weight: 266 Green Day Weight: 254 DOWN so far: 0 lbs. LBS to go: 12 lbs. __________________ Jeannie1976 Starting weight: 235 Current Weight: 235 Green Day Weight: 225 (but I can't even imagine it! DOWN So Far: 0 lbs LBS TO GO: 10 lbs __________________ Mia31771 Starting Weight - 354.6 Current Weight- 354.6 Green Day Weight: 342.6 DOWN So Far: 0 lbs LBS TO GO: 12 lbs __________________ Btlbailey Starting Weight - 260 Current Weight- 260 Green Day Weight: 248 DOWN So Far: 0 lbs LBS TO GO: 12 lbs __________________
  4. Btlbailey

    "Green" Day Challenge

    BRILLIANT !!!!!! Very creative Georgia Girl, and inspirational. My Irish roots (Bailey;) Thank-You . Good Luck All !!! Carol
  5. Btlbailey

    The Sweetheart Goal!

    Go for it Georgia ! Thanks for posting the new challenge, this one I will be focused for ! I go for a fill tonight - #3 - he does 1 cc at a time (SIGH) I suppose it's good that way but I have no patience. I am so glad I found this thread, I have been kind'of down on myself at the slow progress, I am hoping this fill will kick things up a bit. Also I need to get my ars back to the gym. Thank-you all for the challenge and the inspiration !!! Woo Hoo ! Carol
  6. Btlbailey

    The Sweetheart Goal!

    "Sweetheart Goal" HAZELEYEGRL1 starting weight: 233.0 current weight: 218.5 DOWN So Far: 14.5 lbs. LBS. TO GO: 0!!! *COMPLETED GOAL 2/10/08* GEORGIA GIRL starting weight: 275 current weight: 264 DOWN So Far: 11 lbs LBS. TO GO: 3 lbs LOVEMYBAND23 Starting Weight: 241 Current Weight: 236 DOWN So Far: 5 lbs LBS TO GO: 9lbs. BEKIBOO26 Starting Weight: 231.5 Current Weight: 224.4 DOWN So Far: 7.1 lbs. LBS TO GO: 6.9 lbs BTLBAILEY Starting weight: 265 Current Weight: 260 DOWN So Far:5 LBS TO GO: 2 lbs ChocolateSnaps Starting weight: 293 Current Weight: 285 DOWN So Far: 8 lbs LBS TO GO: 6 lbs __________________ OK - 2 lbs to my mini goal of 7lbs, (I came in late on this one). I would definitely be up for a St. Paddy's Day Challenge, good idea Kimmie !!! Shall we set up a new thread after Valentines Day ? I have a function to go to on the 15th, I would love to knock off a few lbs before then !!!!! I know we still have 2 days... but NICE JOB EVERYONE !!!!
  7. Btlbailey

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Hi Kimberly, I can only echo the other board members. I went through the stage of doubt and panic. Will this work, am I choosing the right procedure etc... All I can say is it is working !!! I am loosing slowly but it is coming off, slowly but surely. I have only had 2 fills, 1 cc at a time (my doc is very conservative with the saline) I know the next fill next week is gonna get me to the "sweet spot" - I can feel it. I know several people who have gone the GP route, some with no problems,and some with complications. For myself, I really wanted the minimal invasion & scarring, the minimal recovery time, and the option to reverse if absolutely necessary. It may not come off as fast as the GP, but I figure it took me 20 years to put on, I can't expect to get it all off in a few months. As far as the pre-op & post op liquids, it wasn't as easy pre-op, but if you get creative ... there are some great recipesout there to keep you satisfied and believe me ... It's So Worth It - you just have to look at the light at the end of the tunnel. Post of liquids was a whole lot easier because I wasn't hungry for solids. You can do it ! You will be so happy when the weight starts coming off, and when the surgery is over, you will be amazed at how quickly you bounce back. I have spent so many years unhappy and ashamed, it was finally my turn to take control and do something for me. I haven't regretted it for a minute. Remember you deserve it !!!! It does work - you can see the results on this board, and the support here is wonderful ... These people will be with you ALL THE WAY ! Don't be overwhelmed, your already doing the best thing, asking questions and reaching out for support, it's what got me through the scary times. Your not alone ! Carol
  8. Btlbailey

    Updated September Bandsters!

    Ahhh, I thought you were Karen from Australia .... no wonder you don't know me :biggrin: ha ha ... Your still doing great ! I am a single mom of a 22year old son. I live with my fiancee in Massachusetts and work at a university (housing coordinator). I have a feeling my next fill (#3) is going to get me to a good restriction point. Right now I still don't feel like I'm at the right place .. I'm not pushing it, but I can tell I'm not quite there yet. Anyway, nice to meet you, thank you for your reply, I need to be a little more patient - It took me 20 years to put it on, I know it's not going to all come off in a few months. Will check in again soon ... Have a great weekend !!!!
  9. Btlbailey

    The Sweetheart Goal!

    "Sweetheart Goal" HAZELEYEGRL1 starting weight: 233.0 current weight: 221.5 DOWN So Far: 11.5 lbs. LBS. TO GO: 2.5 lbs. GEORGIA GIRL starting weight: 275 current weight: 265 DOWN So Far: 11 lbs LBS. TO GO: 3 lbs LOVEMYBAND23 Starting Weight: 241 Current Weight: 238 DOWN So Far: 3 lbs LBS TO GO: 11lbs. BEKIBOO26 Starting Weight: 231.5 Current Weight: 224.4 DOWN So Far: 7.1 lbs. LBS TO GO: 6.9 lbs Btlbailey Starting weight: 265 Current Weight: 262 DOWN So Far:3 LBS TO GO: 4 lbs The scale finally moved : ) .... Thanks Carol
  10. Btlbailey

    Updated September Bandsters!

    There you folks are ... I lost the thread - hadn't posted in a long long time .... I am loosing slowly. Doc is very conservative with the fills, he only put in 1cc each time (2 fills) I am going for fill number 3 next week, hopefully the "sweet spot" will kick in. Wow Karen you are doing great - :thumbup:Congrats !!!! How many cc's does everyone have so far - just curious.
  11. I too can't say enough about Dr. Randall at Lawrence Memorial in Medford, he is very caring and one of the best in the biz. I have been loosing slowly, he takes his time with the fills .. 1 cc at a time, but as my primary care doc said the other day, he has never had any major complications. I know several people myself both gastric and lap band and they are all doing excellent.
  12. Btlbailey

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Hi Folks, I just found the Massachusetts forum, I have posted in other areas. Haven'y been on in a while, I have been a little discouraged .. up and down over the past couple of months. My doctor is very conservative with the saline, am going only for my 3rd fill next week. 1CC at a time - it's a 6CC band. I've got to get motivated - I just can't seem to get "unstuck". Anyone have this issue ? Thanks Carol
  13. Btlbailey

    The Sweetheart Goal!

    Thank-You .... I have been stuck at the same weight for over a month now so I can safely say 265ish .... I need a kickstart, I may not knock off 14lbs by the 14th but I will try for at least 7 (how about a mini-sweetheart goal : ) Anything to get me motivated - WOO HOO ! I changed my ticker so the weight is visible. Talk To You Soon ! Carol
  14. Btlbailey

    The Sweetheart Goal!

    OK - I may be jumpin into this a little late but I'd like to go for as much as I can if not all .... Getting a little discouraged with the Non-Moving scale at the moment, I am going for my 3rd fill on Wednesday but my surgeon is very conservative ... only 1 little CC each fill, I am hoping this one will kick things up a notch. Best of luck ... I will check in by weeks end and see how it's going. Carol
  15. Btlbailey

    So Disappointed In Myself...

    Boy can I relate to this .... I have had my 1st fill but my doctor only fills 1 cc at a time .. I will be going again on Monday. I am so frustrated because I do not feel any restriction either and I know I need to be more disciplined and SLOW DOWN but it's hard. I feel almost ashamed to go see him on Monday (Isn't that ridiculous !) I've got to stop beating myself up. It's just soooooo frustrating when I see friends and family and every time it's "how much have you lost" ARRGGHHHH I know they mean well but enough already ! . I have to fix my ticker as well, I am up about 5 lbs. I have to be patient (have never been to good with that one) I hear such a range of fill levels .. babs, how many cc's has your doc put in for each fill ? Doc Watkins ... Is there a "norm" for fill levels, it seems some doctors are alot more aggressive with the saline. I guess I'd rather my surgeon go slow that for me to get sick .... It's just the waiting ... he always wants 6 weeks in between and 1 cc at a time (SIGH)
  16. Btlbailey

    I got my date - and it's so SOON!! Panics!!

    How are ya doing there Karen, my computer at home died. I haven't posted in a while. It's infected with a virus, I'm still trying to revive it. Just wondering how things were goin. My weight loss stalled a bit but I have a fill coming on Monday so hopefully things will pick up again. How are you feeling ??
  17. Hi All .. How is everyone doing ??? I really apologize for not posting sooner, crazy at work, crazy at home etc... My computer was down for a while. So glad to hear everyone is doing well. My first fill was painless. He only injects 1 cc each fill (I wish it was more) I really cheated yesterday - I won't tell you what I had, but back I'm on the wagon. My problem was I wentout Friday night and had a couple/few glasses of wine which (and I should know better) makes me just want to eat junk the next day. Anyway - Back On The Wagon. I want to get back on track before the Holidays. How is everyone feeling ? So glad everything went well for all !!! Welcome To Bandland :whoo: Carol
  18. Good Luck Tomorrow Renewedhope !!! The hard part will be behind you soon (there will still be work to do of course, but the wait and the stress will be over) Try and relax tonight ... You'll do great !!!! All The Best - Carol
  19. Btlbailey

    TENaciousTENS "roll call" as promised!

    Good Luck Tomorrow Janet !!! The hard part will be behind you soon (there will still be work to do of course, but the wait and the stress will be over) Try and relax tonight ... You'll do great !!!! All The Best - Carol P.S. - You Too NYC !!!! Good Luck Thursday !!!
  20. I know how you feel Debbie, I am not feeling full anymore and have overdone it quite a few times. I'm frustrated because I was doing so well. But I feel I have no restrictions right now. I am getting my first fill tomorrow. I am excited but still a little nervous because my incision/port area is soooo sore still. I have been around the board and this seems to be a pretty common occurrence (the regain of appetite before 1st fill). I don't want to screw this up. I know the band is a tool and I have to do the work, I just pray tomorrow's fill make a difference. Carol
  21. Btlbailey

    Updated September Bandsters!

    I feel better knowing that I'm not the only one feeling this way. I go for my first fill tomorrow ... I hope it makes me feel more restricted as well because I do not feel restricted at all and I've gained a few pounds back myself. I want this to work soooo bad. If the first fill will only be a few cc's then I don't know :help: I know the band is a tool and I need to do the work ... which I had been doing so well but now I feel like I did before surgery. It's frustrating ! We will see what happens tomorrow. I am still so sore in the port/incision area. I am afraid this needle is going to painful ! How was the first fill for everybody ? Carol
  22. P.S. - Hello CT Girl .. I am a fellow New Englander .. Just outside of Boston in Medford Ma (GO RED SOX) My cousin teaches at Fairfield Academy. Best Of Luck to you as well.... I love Karen's idea - what do you think ??? Had I been going in on Haloween, I would have done the same or maybe bought some of those Haloween undies they sell in the store (HA<HA) too funny !
  23. Karen, (write something across your underwhere :biggrin1: ) your killin me !!!! That almost made me bust a stitch !!! How About Just Writin "BOO" Good Luck Ladies ... It will be over before ya know it and you have great things to look forward to !!!!! I am getting my first fill in 2 days, cant wait - I'll let ya know how it goes. I'll be talking to you before that... WELCOME karlvr !!! Carol
  24. Btlbailey

    I Am Tired.....are You?

    So glad to have found this post. I was banded on 9/19 and just in the past couple of weeks I am finding myself exhausted. After reading all of these wonderful posts I think it's a combination of things. I definitely am not getting as much protein as I used to. I should really be cutting back on the caffeine and getting out for a nice walk at lunchtime. I'm just still a bit sore, I'll just have to take it slow. I'm hoping if I work on all 3, things will improve. (Also Fall allergies are killing me right now - It's almost 1:30pm and I'm ready to put my head on my desk and take a nap) I am taking the multivitamins and calcium supplements but It's clearly not enough. Thanks for all of the great information ! :bored
  25. Welcome Aboard Amy ! I lived in San Atonio for a while, and I have friends in Grand Prarie. I am so glad I found this forum before my surgery. I was freaking out quite a bit myself ... I got more info and support here than from my own doc. Not that he isn't great, but I had so many questions and emotions going on, it was nice to talk to some people that had been through it on the patient end. I am almost 4 weeks post op now and it all went much easier than I ever expected. I don't want to jinx myself but so far so good ! The waiting and the pre-surgery was the hardest part. The Op itself was a breeze. Still a little sore and tired from time to time but I am definitely loosing. I think adjusting mentally has been more of a challenge. I am not running to food for comfort anymore. I quit smoking ... can't drink beer anymore(LOL) So as soon as I am cleared, I'm going to have start working out (this otta be interesting). No but honestly ... it is exciting to see that scale actually moving in the "other" direction. You'll do great ! I am able to tolerate just about anything, just in small portions. I don't feel deprived or nauseaus. It may be early but I truly beleive it's the best thing I ever did for myself !!!! Keep postin with any questions or concerns you have, because the members on this board have been SUPER !!!! :gluck: Carol

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