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Everything posted by windfaerie

  1. windfaerie

    Potluck: What to bring?

    BTW my husband and I tend to be the only severely overweight people at these gatherings. But not for long. He gets sleeved on June 2.
  2. windfaerie

    Potluck: What to bring?

    I am really curious what other people would bring. Would you bring something to feed the masses at the party or yourself? It does not have to be a fish dish. What do you bring to event? Do you try to stay healthy or go with something super easy or both?
  3. windfaerie

    Potluck: What to bring?

    I know our friends would forgive breaking the rule of must be fresh and homemade, down to the bread, but I am not sure I can bring myself to do that. I have been cooking for my family and not tempted. I just strain the broth or use the juice from what they are eating to make broth every day. The food in front of me is not a bother. You have to understand my husband used to be a head chef for a famous chef in New Orleans. We have plans in the future to open our own all organic, locally sourced, fresh made daily only mediterranean/tapas style restaurant. We are in Austin local and organic is the thing to do. We catered our own wedding for 100 which is crazy. I will have plenty of help with prep from my husband. Logically I know I should wait to do such a big dish but I do not think I can bring myself not to cook. We are always expected to bring something amazing.
  4. I feel like misss burps alot. It seems to be constantly happening throughout the day.

  5. windfaerie

    Potluck: What to bring?

    I love spaghetti squash as a Pasta alternative.
  6. windfaerie

    Potluck: What to bring?

    Yep. Tofu Shirataki noodles. They have almost no calories. They are made from a dried japanese yam which is not a starch but a vegetable and dried tofu. Interesting I may need to try it one day. http://www.amazon.com/Tofu-Shirataki-Noodles-Fettuccine-Shape/dp/B000AQFQC6
  7. windfaerie

    Potluck: What to bring?

    Ewe! But made me laugh. Really ewe because every time I try to drink a chocolate Protein Shake I get sick. Curious if there is a way to actually make tofu noodles. I think I will google it.
  8. windfaerie

    Potluck: What to bring?

    The pasta is mainly so that it serves 20 more easily. But the pasta will be on the side. I love zucchini pasta but since most in attendance are normal eaters I am cooking for them. I just do not want to sit with nothing in front of me so the broth. I do not want my friends to be uncomfortable or the hostess to feel rude because I do not have anything.
  9. windfaerie

    Potluck: What to bring?

    This is a seated for the meal event where there is a table for everyone to sit. Leaving would be rude as we all eat at the same time at the same table. We have volunteers to serve the different courses. As I said this is not a normal potluck. We use real dishes and silverware and the table is set before we are seated. We all help do the dishes and clean up, then retire to another room for coffee and dessert.
  10. windfaerie

    Potluck: What to bring?

    Matt that does sound yummy.
  11. windfaerie

    Kids meal and wine

    I am still on liquids so I have not ordered off a menu yet. I do not see myself choosing the kids menu items. I would not even let my children order off the kids menu most the time when they were little because all it contained was junk food. The actually had no interest in most the items anyways. Only a few place offer things like a smaller steak and veggie option or grilled items for kids. We very rarely go to chain restaurants. My husband was for many years head chef for an award winning chef in New Orleans and is a trained french pastry chef. We are very picky, almost snobby about restaurants and menu options. I am very excited that our favorite restaurant that has a small plate menu which normally would cost us a fortune to fill us up at $15 a plate for 2-5 amazing bites will be perfect for a full meal now. I am joining friends for lunch this week and plan to order the broth for the chicken noodle Soup at the korean restaurant. I would order an appetizer or a regular meal ask about half portions or take home leftovers.
  12. It is weird I actually feel hungry tonight. Not I want to eat something hungry but tummy growling like mad, feels empty hungry. I thought I was not supposed to get that way. I am not sure if I should have something or not. I have had 90 grams of protein today. All my required water plus some. It equaled out to 672 calories. Which is pretty good. I just had all my night time stuff. A crushed tramadol in a spoon of water, a omeprazole capsule with the capsule removed, an iron chewable and 3 big sips of prune juice. My little egg sized tummy should be full. But it is growling and cramping like it is hungry. Maybe it is something else. I am going to ignore it and go to bed.

    1. pinky4652


      I have this issue a lot I drink warm water or room temp and it eases the growling

    2. Chelly


      I make noises too and I'm seven plus months out. I think it's us processing our food. I'm gurgling like crazy right now and it's doesn't hurt it just sounds loud.

  13. windfaerie

    What 2 expect on 2 week visit

    I will let you know the response I get on trying to arrange to see at least the PA. I am not sure there is one though. I never met one. I saw my surgeon 2 times before surgery and the nutritionist 2 times. My husband gets his surgery on June 2 and has seen the doctor once. He will have seen the nutritionist twice by the time of his surgery.
  14. Maybe try blended apples or applesauce with a vanilla powder or just almond milk and unflavored powder
  15. I think I over did today. One week post op. I cleaned our bedroom. Reorganized the sock drawer. The OCD part of me was bothered by socks being put away incorrectly. Made the bed. Straightened the kitchen a bit and went for a slightly longer than usual walk. I know that is not much but I am bored and very tired.

  16. windfaerie

    Any feedback on BariatricChoice.com?

    I purchased a few items from them it was a simple process. They were prompt with delivery and emailed me when purchase was complete and when my items were shipped.
  17. windfaerie

    What 2 expect on 2 week visit

    I just talked to someone who saw the same doctor I did and was told you never see the doctor again or even a nurse. Just the nutritionist. That is so strange. I am not sure what to think.
  18. I would love a cube of good nutty white cheddar to suck on or some brussel sprouts. I cannot wait til I can have more than broth I have been really wanting some butternut squash or broccoli soup. It has been a month since I was allowed fruit I would love a peach or apple too.
  19. windfaerie

    3 Months Post-op!

    Congratulations! You look fantastic.
  20. windfaerie

    April 2014 pre-op group

    BLEH!!! I got the watermelon too and it smelled awesome until I drank It:/ the only fruit one I thin I can do is banana. That one is actually really good. I am glad I'm not the only one, any of the proteins send me to the bathroom and it's horrible! I can't wait to start pureed foods on Wednesday:( I had an idea to try in the morning. I'm going to make my coffee (1cup) put if in the blender with ice, milk and 2 scoops of chocolate protein. Almost like a blended chocolate mocha...just with a taste of protein.... You can have tuna?? Big Train makes a Mocha Frappe Protein drink that has coffee in it and tastes really good. They also have a chai latte protein mix that taste just like chai tea you get in a restaurant.
  21. windfaerie

    April 2014 pre-op group

    I gained 10lbs during surgery and my abdomen swelled a lot. Not my ankles. I have finally lost it all plus 1lbs.
  22. I am going to try that I have not taken Milk of Magnesia because I was afraid it would be too harsh. I have had a small can of prune juice over 2 days and it has not worked.
  23. I had a large hiatal hernia that I did know was being repaired. It is good you doctor took care of it as that will prevent future heartburn.
  24. windfaerie

    April 2014 pre-op group

    I have the isopure with stevia. It is gross if you drink it straight. Too thick but thin it by more than half with water and put over a lot of ice and it is doable.

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