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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by windfaerie

  1. I have found it to be fairly easy. Not without some work and changes but not hard. The hardest part is get enough calories in for a day. I still have the occasional one bite too many stomach upsets or oops that had hidden sugar dumping but things like that happen.
  2. windfaerie

    Fast Food Staples

    hmmm...I did not really eat fast food unless I was on a road trip before. Even scarier now. Dumping possibilities from hidden fat and sugar. When on the road I grab nuts, Jerky beef stick, pork skins and Water. If needing lunch maybe a sandwhich from subway with no bread and no sauce or mayo. I usually pack myself a meal or go to a sit down place that I know has healthy choices if I am out all day.
  3. A funny thing that happened the other day at the grocery store. I was dressed in a new super cute new size medium figure showing dress. I was feeling really pretty and thin because it looked good without a shaper. I as in the line for check out unloading my cart and noticed this older man had stopped and was staring at me literally drooling. I mean spit out the mouth drooling. EWWW! and creepy. I was not sure if I should be creeped out, grossed out or flattered. I decided to be all three in the end and just burst out laughing. It was the silliest most ridiculous situation. I am sure I looked that hot that day. LOL At least the man in question had the courtesy to blush when I started laughing.
  4. I would not take it so much as people not approaching or speaking to you because of weight. I think having been both thin and overweight multiple times during my adult life that it is attitude and how approachable you allow yourself to be. If it is someone you have known or seen in the past that is just now speaking to you, give them the chance to show who they are. Maybe you were giving do not approach me vibes or were overly guarded. Sometimes people do not notice people with low self-esteem or lack of confidence. Weight has nothing to do with those things. Maybe they are shy and you being approachable made them more comfortable. Happy people smile and smiles get noticed from miles away. I know thin people who are so guarded that they are almost invisible.
  5. Don't worry about calories. If you are meeting your Protein goals you are eating enough. Try to meet your protein and Water goals daily.
  6. windfaerie

    Just Found Out My Insurance Excludes WLS =(

    Not at all. The insurance is only billed for the hernia repair. The patient is billed separately at a vastly reduced price for the WLS portion of the surgery. This is an option that several people here have been able to take advantage of when insurance has excluded WLS surgery. It is simply a variation of self pay.To OP, good luck! You've worked so hard. I hope all the arrangements can be made ☺️ Fair enough! Your system is baffling to foreigners!!! I think mainly because of different companies doing different things - there has just been a thread on this very topic on another U.S. board I go on and everyone there was saying it couldn't be done! Hope the OP gets it this way! I got mine done a year ago by going that route. My insurance covers nothing for any type of weight control. But is does cover hernia repairs and heartburn surgery. For straight out of pocket my quote was 22,000 for WLS going the route I did it was $7500. I was getting esophageal erosion so had to have something done for the heartburn immediately so it was only a few months from first visit with surgeon to the surgery date. Mainly the time it took to do all the testing.
  7. windfaerie

    Just Found Out My Insurance Excludes WLS =(

    I had to have a hernia repair and another surgery for heartburn. I paid my deductible ($2500) and $5000 to the hospital for the bypass fees. My doctor took his payment from the hernia repair and the other procedure. The insurance was billed nothing for the bypass.
  8. windfaerie

    Can't wait for sushi

    I also avoid nori. The dry seaweed is really hard to eat. It gets stuck and hurts. I have never liked the rolls with mayo type sauces or cream cheese. The place near me does these lovely little things by gently smoking the fish pieces with edible flowers and fruit or pickled vegetables. no wrappers at all.
  9. windfaerie

    Can't wait for sushi

    Rice is still not something I can have more than a bite of at a sitting. The carbs are not really good for you anyway and it can stretch out your new tummy. I eat sashimi and all the yummy creative things they do with no rice. Raw fish goes down so easy it is great.
  10. I spent most of my life thin and the last 15 years over weight. In high school I was too thin at 98lbs and a size 0 but I could not gain weight no matter what my doctors or parents tried. I did eat. As an older adult after having my first child my weight settled in the 120's that was a good weight area for me although on the low end of the BMI scale. I have set my goal at 130 because I feel it is reasonable and easy to reach. I am currently a size 6 or 8 but can tell I can lose more and need to tone up quite a bit. Lots of flabby places. I could go below 130 but I am not worried about that. If my body decides that is what i wants I am ok with it. My ultimate goal is to get strong again. Strong enough to haul my body up a mountain or through caves. Strong enough to lift my own weight. I want to be able to climb a mountain all day and carry my own gear for camping in a pack on my back again. I want to be able to row a kayake all day in the ocean and look amazing doing all of it.
  11. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow.I can only eat less then 1/4 cup mashed potatoes, or 1/4 cup of cous cous all day. About 3- 4 cups of warm Water. Today even with the mashed potatoes I felt a pain on my right side. I can't eat any Protein shake, protein pudding, or crunch bars. As soon as I try to chew something I start pain on the upper stomach, refer pain on my back, and fill so uncomfortable that I just give up. I'm 75 kg now, getting dizzy, start weight 105 kg on surgery day. So I lost 30 kg in 7 weeks. I don't think is very healthy. I hope and pray doc can help me tomorrow. I still can't eat ANY cous cous or a 1/4 cup mashed potatoes. Potatoes hurt when I try to eat them every time. Things like cous cous are very hard to digest. Not something I would have even tried that early. Hopefully no blockages or strictures but maybe your nutritionist can help you find other food choices.
  12. Protein drinks and Protein Bars and the sugar free pudding still make me sick and a year out chicken and such is still hard to eat. eggs although soft almost always make me sick. It is very early at 7 weeks. I was still on soft foods. You may be trying to push too fast or may need to try different foods. Your new tummy will like some things but not others. Refried Beans with melted cheese, cottage cheese, Soup (no cream ones too rich) were and still are my go to foods.
  13. windfaerie

    Your weirdest breakfast?

    Jess9395 LOVE Siggis! Didn't know they had snack tubes!!! Where did you find those? I find them at my HEB store by all the kids yogurt tubes. They are in a white box. The tubes come in blueberry or strawberry flavor and are 5 grams Protein.
  14. windfaerie

    Your weirdest breakfast?

    refried beans with cheese melted on top 1/4 an avocado some salsa and beanito chips are my go to breakfast. with a snack tube of siggi's yogurt an hour later.
  15. windfaerie

    What is in YOUR "SnackBag"?

    I "snack" almost all day and still have a hard time reaching 800 calories. Ostrim sticks or lamb jerky, prosciutto wrapped skim milk mozzarella, pieces of lunch meat, cheese of all kinds. Pork skins are my big cheat but they have a lot of Protein so they are still ok. Hard boiled eggs, Protein Bars, most raw veggies and a lot of fruits are still things I can't tolerate. I concentrate on protein. Very very rarely have even a bite of bread or Pasta and even more rarely anything containing sugar.
  16. That moment when you are walking to the mailbox and your panties fall off.

    1. Djmohr


      I have panties like that! They actually fall down inside my pants. I have had a few good laughs about that!

  17. windfaerie

    Fruit problems?

    Bananas cause dumping for me still. I cannot eat the pith of an orange. I just suck out all the juice. I can eat a few bites of melon, pineapple and overripe kiwi goes down well. Try grilling watermelon and putting paprika, salt and pepper flakes on it. Somehow goes down easier cooked, I also mix fruit into things. Beef stew with apricots, curry with raisins, mango black bean salsa. Add fruit to your Protein drink. Frozen fruit goes down easier also. I eat homemade unsweetened applesauce. Still can't eat an apple. I was only in the last month able to start eating some fruits. I still can only have bite or two of those. You will get there. Keep trying different food eventually you can add more variety.
  18. Unfortunately that can happen with different types of food, or if you eat too fast or not chew enough. I have had the sensation of something stuck last over a day before. I still get it occasionally at 7 months out meat is usually the culprit. I find sipping a hot tea helps move the offending food out and gets it unstuck.
  19. windfaerie

    Stomach Flu

    Try G2 gatorade. I am able to handle it without dumping even though it has sugar. G2 is a lower sugar variety. Contact you doctor to make sure you are not getting dehydrated and to see if they can give you something to help with nausea.
  20. windfaerie

    Your Thanksgiving Dinner Game Plan

    I had a tablespoon of everything, the crust off a yeast roll and about an once of turkey. I even had a small sliver of both the chocolate and pecan pie for desert. I had 2 glasses of wine. More than plenty on the food I felt very satisfied and denied myself nothing so I did not feel like I was on a diet and deprived. I can't even image eating 3 ounces of meat at one meal let alone 6 ounces. I have a hard time with one ounce still and salads are a complete no go for me. I have a very hard time with raw veggies.
  21. windfaerie

    Hunger, what does it feel like?

    The first few months I did not really feel hunger. I ate at scheduled times and had a set routine in order to get in all the liquids and Protein needed. Now sometimes I get hungry sometimes I will forget if I do not tell myself it is meal time. It is hard to say how it will feel for you when you are hungry. For me it is more that I can tell I need fuel than the old type of hunger. I try to eat before my blood sugar drops too low. You will get used to your new tummies signals.
  22. windfaerie


    Hi Zappo I have narcolepsy. I take provigil. I does not make me jittery at all. I can take my prescribed afternoon nap and sleep well each night. 8 or more hours. I also have sleep apnea so I wear a c-pap. I good friend takes a different med. she takes adderall it works for her for narcolepsy. I have had no problems having had surgery with it effecting narcoleptic symptoms either good or ill. Narcolepsy is neurological and not likely to change with weight other than you may sleep better because you can breath easier and are more comfortable. I would ask about your meds because most of the keep awake medicines cause weight loss not gain. If I drink my Water and eat my Protein I have plenty of energy. I can work out.
  23. windfaerie

    5 mo out: extreme fatigue

    I take provigil. I have both sleep apnea and narcolepsy. If you are taking nuvigil for sleep apnea you may need to get the air pressure level adjusted or check on your nuvigil dosage level. It also sounds like your blood sugar level is dropping too low. I only get 600 to 800 calories a day. I know I should get more but I struggle to get in what I do so I won't tell you the obvious eat more as I know that may not be possible. I have to spread it out where I eat something every couple of hours. even if it is just a bite of cheese. A lentil cracker with a spoonful of tuna. This helps with blood sugar balance. Are you getting your water in? How are your electrolytes? My doctor actually advised me to drink one G2 gatorade a day. Yes actual sugar. Once I started adding the extra electrolytes I started feeling much better.
  24. windfaerie

    What types of food can you enjoy down the road?

    I am 6 months post op. I can eat most things but in smaller quantities. I find anything fried or greasy just tastes gross and makes me sick. I have very little problem with dumping. I do not tolerate bread but find I do not miss it that much. I can use lettuce as bread or crackers made from Beans to make sandwiches. I have even had a mini cheese burger with a button mushroom buns. Most sweets make me ill and I have no desire for them anyways but I can have decaf coffee and a couple of cocktails when out with friends. I have to be supper careful with wine. I sometimes do have Water with meals as I have always had a problem with choking but only drink a few sips if I need to do so. I made pate last night. Love tenderloin and shrimp. I have a hard time with salmon and pork. My husband had the sleeve and he tolerates some things I can't and cannot eat some things I can eat just fine. Reactions are very individual. At this point I can almost eat a small chicken leg and maybe 2 bites of whatever veggie we are having. I had 1/2 cup of homemade chili for dinner tonight.
  25. I went shopping this weekend and fit into size large tops. That is going from a size 2x to a size large in 3 months. Yippy!

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