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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by justwaitin2b

  1. justwaitin2b

    I got my date - and it's so SOON!! Panics!!

    Fanny?????? Cooooooooeeeeeeee????? R U Banded yet???????? You have been in my thoughts - just the good ones, not the cheecky ones!!! lol!!! I am sure you will catch us up, as soon as you can................... hugs K
  2. justwaitin2b

    I got my date - and it's so SOON!! Panics!!

    hey there Carol - great to hear from you, I pretty much said everything in the post above.........I too have plateau'd but am having another fill on Tuesday (hopefully it'll be right close to Xmas) as my surgeon is away all of January............ I am still enjoying 1 glass of wine before dinner, and not doing any exercise though........... how slack am I????? But I feel good mostly (still get a bit tired, but nothing to do with the band - just my body clock) I love that my clothes fit better, and not bulging at the seems - can't wait till I move back down the sizes I have kept in my wardrobe...lol!!!! anyway have to fly............ speaking of that, have you checked out the FLYLADY website??? hugs K
  3. justwaitin2b

    I got my date - and it's so SOON!! Panics!!

    Okay Miss Fanny, here goes........... The last day before banding, I started feeling guilty that I was putting myself through a serious operation because I couldn't stop eating all the things I love, and I felt really bad that if something went wrong during the op, I would be the cause of alot of upset and heartbreak for my children..............and then I realised that the percentages of problems resulting in drastic outcomes, was so much less than the chance I would die early due to being obese, and the strain on my body and organs......... so I resigned myself to the op. I too had fear about missing my favourite foods - what if!!!! what if - I could never have steak again, what if I could never have chicken again, what if I could never have white bread again.........you know the drill... Well - the op was a success, and I can go into more details if you want to know (send me a private message).... and I can describe every step of my day 1, day 2 etc................. anyway I was sore for the first few days (similar to appendix or ceasarian pain) - but I also was one of the unlucky few that copped the shoulder pain, this happens when the gas they need to inflate you with (gives the surgeon room to put the zippy tie on your stomach) escapes through an unconventional path, and gets trapped in the upper diaphragm. The nerves for the shoulder are there, so the pain is refered to the shoulder, and is (in my case really severe) difficult to relieve with pain killers. I spent the first 3 days on liquids with some runny custard as well, did not feel like anything... but as the healing process began, so did the hunger......... I moved on to soups, and mushies about 1 week, and then soft foods about 2 1/2 weeks.......... I was eating small amounts of normal food by the end of week 3, and was glad I snuck in my appointment for 3 weeks............so I had my first fill (nothing to be scared of) I had my second fill today, and have lost 4kgs before the op, and 4 kgs since, total of 8, small compared to some others, but success cannot be compared....... it is an individual journey. i can still eat the same foods, just in smaller portions, i have only had one mouthful of pizza get stuck, and it hurt like a punch in the chest, a drink helped get it through........... The key is to not think of the band as providing "restriction"... but it's purpose is to decrease or eliminate hunger, so you can win the war with your healthy choices, without it being an unfair fight.............. hope this makes sense, any questions, you know where to find me (private messages)..... hugs K
  4. justwaitin2b

    I got my date - and it's so SOON!! Panics!!

    I don't mind luvie....mind you there were a few things I had to re-phrase...........as reaching deep down to find your inner fanny........didn't sound quite right, will fill you in on everything, as soon as I get another spare minute.... hugs K
  5. justwaitin2b

    I got my date - and it's so SOON!! Panics!!

    Fanny - Last night I typed you the most amazing, motivating reply............and at the last word, when I was double checking if Fanny was your real name (I know, i can't believe I'm not a natural blonde!!) ..... i accidentally deleted my long, fantastic message........ i was so dissappointed, I turned off the computer, and went to bed.......... but I just wanted to let you know, that i know you have your date, and the emotional roller coaster between now and the surgery, is the hardest part of the journey.................... honey - you CAN do this, you NEED to do this, you are a strong woman is every other aspect of your life - now it's time for YOU!!! Time to take control of your life, and your weight - and find the person hiding underneath, that I'm sure you recognise, but no-one else does............... We will all be here, when you need to let off some emotional stuff, and we will lift you up, when you need it - but we can't physically be there to get you thru the hospital door............ you CAN do that by yourself - take control Fanny, I beleive in YOU!!! hugs K
  6. justwaitin2b

    Anyone out there from QLD??

    hey Sheba - had my band done exactly a month before you............. where abouts in QLd are you? how's it going?
  7. justwaitin2b

    Can eating too much post op damage the band?

    the same date as who????
  8. justwaitin2b

    Anyone out there from QLD??

    Heya, I noticed a few Bundabergians on here......... I had my band done by Dr.D in Bundaberg 29-10-07............ going well, have lost 7 kgs including pre-op stage, but have no restriction yet, my first fill is Tuesday........yeah!!! We have a Bundaberg Bandits thread going on the yahoo health board site, and are getting together soon for coffee, and a chat - everyone is welcome!!! cheers K
  9. Hey Ann, sorry to hear you had problems sweetheart, I hope you are feeling better soon.............. it's been such a big journey so far for all of us.......... big hug, K
  10. Wow - Okay well I'm new to this forum, not really sure what I'm doing. I am 38 yrs old, and have 7 1/2 weeks until I am banded. I have read everything I can find on Lap Band surgery, and feel prepared medically............ but mentally - I am scared!! I am scared that if I put myself and my family through all of this, and it doesn't work - what then??? I am 114kgs (sorry not good with pounds - I'm Aussie) and am not very tall at 5ft 4....... putting my BMI at 45. I have waited 10 months for my insurance period to expire, so I can get this done, I have tried every other weightloss plan/diet known to man, and I have researched every detail............... why then do I feel like screaming or crying half the time, and excited the rest...................I feel lonely, and scared! I can't see myself losing the weight, and changing my life like so many of you have....... it does not seem real. I don't have many close friends I can talk with, and the ones I do have don't understand.................. I'm hoping for support and motivation from this forum, and I look forward to getting to know you all - Cheers Karen
  11. hey everyone - looks like this thread has come to an end.............. I thank all of you for your support and time, and would love to keep corresponding.... if you would like to send me a private message with your email address, and we can keep in touch......... otherwise I will see you all around the boards some time........ take care lovelies..... hugs K
  12. thanks Jen.......needed some reassuring words today... cheers K
  13. Hey guys – have been feeling great, just having one of my OMG – what have I done moments………… (banded 29 October) I was doing the liquid, and a bit thicker (custard etc) for the first week……………. Then hubby was home, all the time…..cooking all our favourite things….for himself and the kids………… And curiosity set in – I would try a tiny bit, and would be surprised I could eat it with no problems…… in the beginning I would even do the chew, taste, and spit in the bin thing…………. Which is gross, but I was so sick of fluids etc………….. Anyway – in the second half of week 2, I started to eat small amounts of normal food, chewing carefully, and eating slowly… No problems – no vomiting, or PB, nothing was getting stuck etc………………. over this last weekend, we spent a lot of time at friends houses, a real social weekend, bbq’s, swimming etc ….the only problem is………… with the few glasses of wine, I also ate smaller portions of normal food – bickies and dip, steak, marinated chicken, potato bake etc………….. again no problem, no pain, no vomit etc………. Now – I am thinking, shit – what if I have just done what every bit advice has said not to do……. What if I have caused my pouch to stretch, or my band to slip…………….. am I a total dickhead??? I know we have been under a lot of stress the last month or two, and were celebrating hubby getting another job………… but shit, I am worried now, that I have done the wrong thing…. Have I done any damage?? Everything feels good, except for a hard lump (bout the size of an orange) at my port site……… it is only tender if I poke it, or my waist band is tight………… (my port scar is right next to my belly button on the right side – so right where your pants, shorts sit) My scars look fantastic – and I feel good, except for the guilt, and now – the fear……… Can I have your opinions please……………… hugs Karen
  14. justwaitin2b

    Can eating too much post op damage the band?

    txs - did you have any pain or discomfort while doing the wrong thing? I don't have any pain when eating, but my port site looks great (no infection etc) but is hard like an orange around it, and hurts when poked, or some clothes (it's right on my waist line - next to belly button) cheers K
  15. justwaitin2b

    Can eating too much post op damage the band?

    txs..... I'm pretty much the same as you..... but I am 2 1/2 weeks post op, and hope I haven't done any damage..... am due to see the Dr. in another week...........do you recommend I go back to mushies now, and try harder to stick to it?? hugs K
  16. justwaitin2b

    Shoulder and Gas Pain...Help!

    holly - I had that severely for 2 weeks post op, lie down flat should help the pain.................. also walk gently up to 10-15 minutes, and have de-gas chewable tablets. It is caused by the gas from the op, being trapped in your diaphragm, and the pain in your shoulder is referred pain, because the nerves for your shoulder are actually near your diaphragm........... hope this helps, cheers K
  17. Hi everyone - My doctor suggests 2 weeks liquid/straw consistancy, and then 2 weeks mushy............ but as I tried different food, and had no problems, I found myself eating smaller portions of most foods by end of week 2........... has anyone else experienced this, with no problems? I guess I am worried now, that I should not have progressed so quickly..... please give me your opinions.......... hugs to all, K
  18. hey guys - yep, I too have enjoyed a few glasses of the good stuff over the weekend.........lovely!! I did feel my body reacted nicely to 2 glasses..........but I didn't feel like a 3rd. besides on an empty stomach 2 was enough to make me giggly........ love it!!! For the itchy stomach - firstly take the strips off, as they may be reacting with your skin, then secondly.....we have a product here called bio-oil - fantastic for scars, and healing etc.......... but any good vitamin E oil, or even coconut oil would help............. the itchy ness is the body's healing process......................... good luck K
  19. hey guys - yep, I too have enjoyed a few glasses of the good stuff over the weekend.........lovely!! I did feel my body reacted nicely to 2 glasses..........but I didn't feel like a 3rd. besides on an empty stomach 2 was enough to make me giggly........ love it!!!
  20. justwaitin2b

    Newbie here considering the band

    honey - don't think you should be "considering the band".... I think you should jump right in................ I was the same as you 5'4.....250lbs........and starting to pay the price for being big........... I am now 2 weeks post op, and feel good, have already lost 7kgs which is......nearly 15 lbs I think....cheers K
  21. justwaitin2b

    Will Weight Watchers Work?

    what the heck is a body bugg?????
  22. word of ewaRNING, oops............ when banded.......... olcohola (alcohols) is very more effectives.he,he,he.........
  23. justwaitin2b

    Will Weight Watchers Work?

    oh now - that's just too tempting.............. Tim Tams are... two light biscuits joined together by various different fillings.... some are chocolate cream, some are caramel, some are mocha, coffee, strawberry cream (for breast cancer research), some are decandent........... then the whole lot is coated in chocolate..........sometimes, double choc........ they are just longer than a matchbox, and taste delicious........ so perfect for a chick flick, and feet up night!!! luv from Oz....
  24. justwaitin2b

    Will Weight Watchers Work?

    p.s. anyone notice how many people have just viewed this thread............ gotta love healthy debate!!
  25. justwaitin2b

    Will Weight Watchers Work?

    exactly my point lovely - a lap band can help you, it justs needs to be perfectly adjusted to suit the individual.......... and that us "short, phat & don't move much" people need different amounts (alot less) food than those of you lucky enough to be tall, and active.......... hugs K

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