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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by knitlil09

  1. knitlil09

    June 9th Sleeve - Looking for friends!

    I have definitely had a lot if gas pain, but I've also been lucky in being able to get in all my water without a problem and have had no cravings. How are you getting protein in out if curiosity? I was told only clear liquids first week. I am also having headaches that wake me up in the middle of the night :-(. They seem to be gone though by the time I wake up in the morning. I have also had a few bloody noses. I guess when they give you oxygen it can cause that. I'm trying not to blow my nose too much and let it heal a little bit in there, but it's hard when you're congested.
  2. knitlil09

    Less than a week!

    Oh no I'm so sorry you're having so much trouble! Just remember that this all will pass soon even though it doesn't feel like it now :-(
  3. knitlil09

    June 9th Sleeve - Looking for friends!

    I feel ya on day three. They took me off the IV all together late yesterday afternoon, but are still allowing me pain meds, just not the morphine. Haven't had any nausea today but I woke up with a headache and my incisions were more painful than they have been yet. Drinking water is interesting, I get a gurgling feeling when it goes down. Trying to sip sip sip, but it can be hard sometimes. They're going to be taking out my staples in a few minutes and I will be released in the next few hours.
  4. knitlil09

    Less than a week!

    Hi all, Just now feeling up to looking at a screen. Everything went well yesterday and the doc said that it was easier than he thought it would be. They were worried I'd have a lot of scar tissue from my previous surgeries but that wasn't the case. I spent most of the day sleeping and hitting the morphine button yesterday. My mouth was really dry, almost unbearable and the ice chips were giving me nausea. Also, the bed wasn't working properly, I couldn't adjust the knee area, so my back was hurting pretty bad. Got through it though and the doc came in a few hours ago and worked his magic, got me a new bed, more fluids, anti nausea and pain meds. Just woke up again and I'm feeling significantly better than I was. As soon as I'm done with this Fluid bag they have me on and some Iron they're going to give me, I'm going to get up and walk again. Hope you ladies are doing well this morning!
  5. knitlil09

    Less than a week!

    In preop waiting for my IV right now. Good luck everyone!
  6. knitlil09

    Interactive Menu Planner

    I was wondering if someone knew of a good interactive menu planner that they like to use. I don't know if what I'm looking for actually exists, but if not, it should :-) I want a tool that will give you a daily menu to follow with recipes that you can customize based on the amount if people who you are feeding. I also want it to track the calories and be able to set a calorie/fat/carb etc target range. I believe there are tools similar to this, but I would like it to go a step further and allow you to indicate ingredient preferences or dislikes and have it adhere to those guidelines. For example, if it tries to give me a recipe for a ham based meal, I want to be able to indicate that I do not like ham and to not provide me any more meals with that ingredient. I would also like to be able to indicate whether I don't want any suggestions for that ingredient ever, or just that day because I might not be in the mood. If there is already something like this out there, that would be awesome. I only wish I had the technical expertise to create something like this, as well as the time obviously! Does anybody know of anything similar to this?
  7. knitlil09


    Of course. Spices and such are fine if not encouraged.
  8. knitlil09

    Teaching class

    I didn't have a teaching class. Every surgeon is different. i'm sure his office can give you an time estimate. Congrats on your surgery and good luck!
  9. knitlil09

    Less than a week!

    So I had my final preop appointment today. They went over my labs, which were all normal. They saw in the EGD that there is still a little damage from my previous lap band, so my surgeon is having his partner in on the surgery with him just for an extra set of hands. I got all my prescriptions to fill before the surgery and got my surgery time, 7:30 am. Just a few more days left!
  10. I am having my surgery Monday with Dr Seger. I actually just had my last preop appt with him. It's getting real now!
  11. knitlil09

    Less than a week!

    I know what you mean! It was one if my coworkers birthdays today and there were chocolate chip muffins, bagels and cream cheese, pizza, and cake. All the death of me! But I was really good and resisted. But I got mad at my coworker for bringing some cake over to our shared workspace. Kinda bit her head off, oops!
  12. knitlil09

    Interactive Menu Planner

    Thanks! I'll check this one out. One of my problems is that I'm insanely indecisive and not very creative, so it would be nice to have something that told me what to eat haha. But this might be a good start.
  13. I live in Austin, but am actually getting my surgery in San Antonio. Who was your surgeon and how are you doing post op?
  14. knitlil09

    Interactive Menu Planner

    Thanks, I actually saw that site when I googled it, but it's missing some of the features I am looking for. It seems you have to search for the meals yourself and input them, instead of the site inputting possible options. I also don't think it has the ingredient preference feature I am looking for. But thank you for googling that! It's on the right track, just not all the way there yet :-)
  15. knitlil09

    June 9th Sleeve - Looking for friends!

    12:30 isn't too bad. Sleep in as much as you can
  16. knitlil09

    Is it just me?

    How much Protein are you getting? I don't know if you're still on Clear liquids, but if so, maybe you can try mixing some unflavored Protein powder in with something you're drinking. I've also heard people say that acid reflux can feel like hunger. Granted I'm still preop until next week, these are things I've picked up by reading the boards.
  17. knitlil09

    Less than a week!

    I agree. Since I've been on the preop diet, I don't think about food all the time like I was before. I think it's because I know what I'm allowed and it's all planned out. Also the protein shakes keep me satisfied and I usually never feel hungry. I was eating stuff with little nutritional value before and was always craving more.
  18. knitlil09

    Less than a week!

    As of Monday, I have lost 20 pounds. Hopefully I've lost a little bit more, I'll find out tomorrow :-)
  19. knitlil09

    Less than a week!

    My surgery is the 9th as well. I'm on 2 Protein shakes and 1 small meal of lean protein and veggies. I am thinking of skipping the meal tonight though and just doing another shake because my final preop appt is tomorrow and I'll be weighed again . Looking forward to getting my surgery time though tomorrow. I really hope it's early because I don't want to sit around all day worrying and not being able to drink anything.
  20. I'm sure your surgeon is very competent, but my concern is that it seems that post op life was not adequately explained to you. Aside from just the types of food you should be eating, someone should have gone over with you portion sizes and the fact that you should not drink with your meals and up to 1 hour after. Does your surgeon have an on staff dietician that can go over these basics with you? I'm saying this because not following some of these basic rules can really affect your weight loss, and considering what we have all gone through to get to have this surgery, I would hate to see all the hard work go to waste.
  21. knitlil09

    6/12/14 - Sugery Buddies Needed

    Don't worry cryss, the endoscopy is a breeze. I just had mine done Monday. They gave me an IV, wheeled me into the room they do the procedure. My surgeon (he does his own endoscopys) and the anesthesiologist and a nurse were in there. They put some liquid in my IV and I was out within a minute. Woke up on the way back to the preop testing area. I hung out for about 15 minutes until I was fully awake and aware. Got dressed and my ride was there to get my by the time I was done. I had a very very mild sore throat by mid day, but it was practically unnoticeable. I was never groggy or tired, but they do tell you not to drive for the rest if the day and to have an adult at home with you.
  22. Tonya, this is very worrisome. Not that you made a mistake, everyone makes mistakes. What's worrisome is that none of this was ever explained to you by your doctor or their staff. Where did you have your surgery done? My doctor and his staff and dietician have been very proactive about making sure I am very prepared for the life changes after surgery, and from what I've seen on this site, most everybody else here has had a similar experience. If you had your surgery somewhere that did not go over these things with you and don't have adequate follow up, I strongly encourage you to find that assistance elsewhere.
  23. I started gaining weight when I was about 10. Parents divorced, new step parents on both ends whim I didn't get along with. Bad habits learned from both parents. Just generally an unhappy childhood that I was never able to get over or change habits.
  24. knitlil09

    pre-admission testing

    I go in for my preop testing Monday. I have to do a blood test, EKG, chest X-ray, and endoscopy. My surgery is next Monday.
  25. Premier Protein shakes are great!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
