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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by fezik23

  1. fezik23

    Second stall *sigh*

    I am in the same boat. I hit my 2 month anniversary on Monday 8/25. This morning I am UP 0.8 lb. I do believe it is the fact that I have been introducing carbs on the form of fruit (encouraged by my dietician) and Beans, which I love. So I am eliminating carbs from today on, as much as possible. I think carbs make me retain Fluid, which is the last thing I need. I don't get as much exercise as some, but I do cardio at least 4 days/week, and I am beginning strength training in the form of resistance bands
  2. fezik23

    3 Months Post Op

    Good for you! Interesting post.
  3. I figure I've lost close to one third of my excess weight, which is fine. But for the first time in many many years I feel hopeful. I'm very grateful that I was able to have this surgery. I've received some dumb feedback--like the "friend" who told me she doesn't "believe in stomach surgery," as if it were some kind of religion. Who cares what she believes in. I'm beginning to believe that I'm going to start feeling good again, as in good about myself, stronger, healthier, and at peace.
  4. fezik23

    Got laid off 1st day back to work from surgery

    THat sucks, but it does give you a little more time to recover. I hope you can collect! My experience has been that any time I've lost a job, the previous employer had done me a huge favor in the long run.
  5. fezik23

    eating too much?

    My dietician has emphasized not to count calories. If you are getting the protein, water, and activity, you will lose. I have encountered two stalls already and I'm just two months out.
  6. fezik23

    on my second month

    I don't know if I can really help, but is it possible for you to take a walk at lunch? I try to do that at least a couple of times a week. I have found my loss has slowed down regardless. I think it's inevitable.
  7. I never heard of this before, but it sounds good, and it makes me wonder whether this could be found on YouTube.
  8. fezik23

    How many calories?

    I was told not to worry about calories, as well. It's hard to ignore though! But this is how my dietician explained it--If Protein is normally about 7 grams per ounce and you eat the minimum of 65 grams, that's around 500 calories. Once you add on incidentals, you are still very low. So eat your protein and go from there. I know that doesn't make sense, because I can't remember it, really! you can't count grams per ounce. But whatever it was, she emphasized, once again, that the full amount of protein per day is a minimal amount of calories.
  9. fezik23

    8 weeks post op meal

    I might have a 1/2 c. cottage cheese or a hard boiled egg for Breakfast. Something leftover for lunch. For example, today I will probably have a leftover turkey burger. Or I might have a Boca burger, b/c they're high in Protein. I make a regular family dinner and have some, usually in a very small bowl. I do have Snacks, which could be anything. Mid morning I might have a piece or 2 of string cheese. After work I might have a couple of slices of ham, or a spoonful (teaspoon) of Peanut Butter. Check my food diaries at myfitnesspal. My name is the same as here, fezik23.
  10. fezik23

    Meeting my doctor tomorrow!

    It's exciting, isn't it? My first meeting with my surgeon was a non-event, though. He asked a lot of questions to make sure I knew what I was getting into, asked about my health history, and looked at my upper abdomen. He joked that he would recognize me in surgery by my stomach and not my face. He gave me my surgery date.
  11. Per doctor's orders, as soon as I stopped taking narcotic pain meds, which for me was one day after I came home.
  12. I was home from work for eleven days, which included two weekends. We'll have to wait and see about the hair loss. I'm hoping for the best. I have always had thick hair though it's not as thick as it once was.
  13. How far along are you? The first food I really enjoyed was when I was cleared for normal foods and made a chopped salad.
  14. I have an app called Eat Slower. You don't take a bite until it chimes. You can set how long between bites. It was free
  15. fezik23

    Spicy foods question

    I'm confessing that while on clear liquids I added hot oil to my chicken broth.
  16. fezik23


    Very little. I'd say on a scale of 1-10, it didn't even make a 2. And I have had more nausea from narcotic pain meds in the past, but never really from surgery. I hope that helps.
  17. fezik23


    I think it is from the pain meds. Your description of your previous surgery sounds like mine with my sleeve.
  18. fezik23


    Food review: I bought VitaEgg by vitalicious. Spent almost $5 for two. Uh, yuck. Not recommended. I don't usually eat pre-made fake food. This wS a reminder of why.
  19. I found it difficult to find that balance, but it happened. My dietician just told me, at the eight week mark, if you're not eating you should be drinking. So it is kind of constant at first.
  20. So I forgot to say, it was a bit less than a half cup. I could have eaten more, but I'm trying to avoid the "one bite too much" feeling.
  21. I went by volume, which makes it a bit difficult to track. Really I only need to track the protein in the beans, and there are only a tablespoon or so per half cup. I chose navy beans because they were the highest in protein for the lowest carbs. This morning I bought some cucumber to add to the fiber! Boy do I need fiber.
  22. fezik23

    Join us!

    Ellen, I'm so glad you joined us. I would love to see this particular thread become a real support for us. I'm in PA, though originally from NJ. We are lucky we have had such excellent experiences. I think one thing that held me back from even considering surgery for a long time was that I just assumed it would take a long time and be very expensive. I was wrong on both counts. It took me three months to satisfy all the requirements, and cost me about $500 total, including meds. For those entire three months I read everything I could find on wls, and I just couldn't wait for surgery day.
  23. Lindalue, I don't know what's with the way you have to post. Are you on computer, tablet or phone? I don't have a crystal ball, but if my experience is any gauge, you will be fine in a few weeks. I was cleared for a normal diet when I met with my dietician this week, but on the previous phase I really didn't feel restricted. But TODAY I had salad,which rocked!
  24. Today I made a salad of navy beans, chopped bell peppers, grape tomatoes, sweet onion, and a sprinkle of feta. It was the most delicious thing I've eaten in months! I just had to share. Onward and upward!
  25. Wonder by Natalie Merchant.

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