I had my surgery 3-3-14. I too found it hard to sip,sip, sip. I'm now doing puréed foods, and find that my eyes are still bigger than my stomach. So I have several meals from a can of refried beans & a can of chicken. I still drink one Oh Yeah a day, to make sure I get in the protein...I haven't lost much since my surgery-- is this normal?? I have noticed the difference in my clothes-- I went from a size 20 to 16. On the day of surgery, I weighed 215, at my post op appt, , I was 208.. To date, sine the puréed diet, I'm 209.8... Feeling a bit low about that. I tried to go back to exercise, which I love Zumba--- omg, I almost passed out!! I had to leave class after 15 mins...it was too much, walking isn't my thing, so what else can I do to get in the exercise... Where I work, I walk quite a bit... Any suggestions would be helpful....