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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Emilysgigi

  1. Tomorrow I get my first fill. I am so ready. The past two days I have been soooo hungry and have found myself falling back into old bad habits. I am hoping the fill will make the difference and get me back on track. I am not sure how much of a fill I will get the first time, but I am hoping it will give me some restriction.:blushing:
  2. Emilysgigi

    Peanut Butter and Jelly???

    I love P.B. I was glad that I could still eat my favorite breakfast after being banded. I toast one Special K waffle, put 1 Tbsp of creamy P.B. and 1 Tbsp of lite syrup on it. Very Yummy!!!
  3. Emilysgigi


    Just wondering if anyone knows how many calories you burn exercising on a trampoline? We have one and sometimes I go jump (mostly fall down) with my daughter. I am trying to have several different exercise options to keep things from getting boring. I do know it wipes me out just jumping for a little while, but would like to have some idea of how many calories you actually burn.
  4. Emilysgigi

    My first fill FINALLY!!

    My first fill was an experience. MD put in 5cc's and had me drink water. After drinking about 2 oz., I had a severe crushing pain around my ribs, chest, abdomen and back. So, MD stuck me again and took out 1 cc, leaving me with 4cc's. I felt relief instantly. Now I know what it fills like to have too much of a fill and it sucked. I am hoping 4cc's will be my "sweet spot". Seems to be working very well so far. Eating less and not having any problems getting anything down yet.:thumbs_up:
  5. Sorry I haven't responded sooner. I just now checked my messages. I got banded at Deaconess by Dr. Haughn. He was great and so is the staff at Deaconess Weight Loss Solutions. I am 6 wks. post op today. I am very glad I made the decision to get the band. I would be glad to answer any questions you have. I am still a newby in this process, but I can tell you about my experiences. There is also ALOT of info on this site. If I have a question, I have been able to find the answer on here. Just let me know if I can do anything to help.

  6. Emilysgigi

    comfy bike????

    :biggrin:Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I think DH and I are going bike shopping this wknd. This is something I think I will really enjoy. Also hoping it will help with the weight loss.
  7. Emilysgigi

    comfy bike????

    Anyone have any suggestions on a bike with a comfy seat for big butts? I have tried riding my teenage daughter's bike, but the seat is very uncomfortable for me.
  8. Emilysgigi

    soo hungry

    I am hungry too. I started mushies over the wknd and am also at a stand still on the scale. Have started exercising more and hoping this will help. Can't wait until my first fill!!!!
  9. Emilysgigi

    Wii Fit

    Luckily I had preordered my Wii Fit and got it the day it came out. I just started using it lastnight though b/c of only being able to do walking postop. I LOVE IT!!! My DH and DD also enjoyed it. I went through all of the exercises lastnight except for the abd exercises. So much fun and doesn't seem like exercising really.
  10. Emilysgigi

    Mushies Question

    I also just started mushies this past wknd and I also am getting hungry and finding I am not full after the 4 oz. I am allowed. Is the 4 oz. typical for everyone else?
  11. Emilysgigi

    Optifast Question

    I got mine from my doc. I have a case of vanilla left. If you want it let me know and I will give you a good deal. I just want to get rid of it. It doesn't taste bad at all and I actually can't stand most of the other protein shakes. I just purchased too much. I was out of town 2 wks. preop and was not able to do the Optifast that week, so I only did one week. I have also heard of some people using slim fast instead.
  12. Emilysgigi


    ok, so I know this is a gross topic but, I am miserable. I am 4 days postop and have had diarrhea since the surgery. I am running to the bathroom constantly. Did anyone else have this problem? When does it go away? Does anything help to stop it? I am eating cream of wheat right now with a little pureed banana, hoping this will help since I have been on clear liquids until this point. Thanks!
  13. Emilysgigi


    Thanks! I am hoping it will go away soon!
  14. Emilysgigi

    Banded Monday May12th

    I was banded on May 13 and my port site is still really sore too. The gas pains are a little better today. I have been trying to walk around the house as much as possible. I am having a lot of rumbleys in my tumbley too. It is growling as I type. I am really looking forward to starting full liquids tomorrow. I am getting sick of the clear stuff. Most of the stuff with protein, I don't like. So, I have been living off water, popsicles, and chicken broth. There is so much more I like on the full liquid diet where I can get my protein in. I am also hoping the full liquids will help with the diarrhea. Nice to hear what other people are experiencing. It is nice to know we are not alone. Good luck to everyone!
  15. I was banded on May 13. After surgery, I was feeling okay and surprised to find out I had to have a hiatel hernia repair. I was able to get up and walk the hall and eat ice chips. The second day was terrible. I did not get any sleep the night before, I started to feel nauseous and lightheaded. They took me down for the barium swallow and I thought I was going to throw up and pass out. Luckily, I didn't! Once I got back to my room I got a migraine. Let me add that the entrance to a construction area was right next to my room. So, I got to hear all the drilling, banging and smell odd chemical things while having a migraine. They finally got my migraine med ordered. The doctor wanted me to stay another night and I insisted on going home. Once I got home, I felt sooo much better. I have had a lot of gas pain in my back and shoulder areas. I have been walking around the house. I am trying to drink all the fluids, but it is hard. Everytime I drink something, it comes right back out. I am hoping the diarrhea will go away once I start the full liquid diet tomorrow. The second day, I thought I was going to have an emotional breakdown and was wondering why I did this to myself. I am beginning to feel better and feel like I made the right choice. I have only had to take my pain med once today and I am going to just try to start taking the Ibuprophen so I can start driving soon. Best wishes to everyone!
  16. I was also banded on May 13. The first day wasn't so bad but the second day was terrible. Each day since has been getting better as far as the pain and weakness. I also am not able to get in all the fluids. Everything I take in, comes right back out. Anyone else with this problem? I am running to the bathroom like 10 times a day.:thumbup: Tomorrow I start full liquids. Anyone else? I am looking forward to some cream of wheat. Hopefully things will improve when I start taking something in with some substance. Take care and best wishes!
  17. I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow at 9:45am, have to be there at 7:45. I have been on clear liquids all day and had to do the Magnesium Citrate (bowel prep). Clear liquids not too bad, but that Magnesium Citrate, YUCK!!!:wink2: Anyway, the nerves are beginning to kick in. I have read the posts of others that have already been banded this month and it helps. It's just the not knowing thing I guess that is so scary. Anyway, any last minute advice from anyone? Thanks!
  18. Hey fellow May bansters! I just started the Optifast liquid diet yesterday and I am finding it extremely hard to stick to it. I have to be on it 10 days and I am wondering if I can make it. I have also begun to have an array of doubts. I am wondering if I find the pre-op diet to be so hard, how will I survive post-op. I am also beginning to wonder if I am making the right decision by having the surgery. Anyone else having these doubts? I am hoping that it is just nerves b/c I am getting so close to my surgery date.
  19. Emilysgigi

    Another May 1st Banding Story

    Way to go on the 9# weight loss! Thanks for posting your surgery experience and how you are doing afterwards. My surgery date is May 13 and reading about other people's experiences helps with the anxiety. Keep up the good work!:thumbup:
  20. Emilysgigi

    Doubts?? Nerves?? Help!!!

    Thanks for your support girls! I am feeling better today. I guess we can expect to be on kind of an emotional roller coaster with the major life style changes we are about to make.
  21. Just wondering if anyone out there had an ab lounge and if so if you did or did not like it. Thanks!
  22. Emilysgigi

    Where is everyone from???

    I'm from Evansville, IN
  23. Emilysgigi

    ab lounge, any one have one?

    Susan-how true! "if a piece of exercise equipment has the word lounger in it, how effective can it be?" Thanks for your input guys! I think I will pass on the ab lounger!
  24. Emilysgigi

    Scheduled for May? What Day?

    I was originally scheduled for the 8th, but had to reschedule so now I am scheduled on lucky #13.
  25. Emilysgigi

    I am scheduled for May

    MAE-I am also nervous about the 2 wk. liquid pre-op diet and the diets we have to follow the first 6 wks. post op. I am wondering if I will have enough energy to work and do everything else being on the liquid diet. I am hoping it will be a blessing though and I will lose a significant amount of weight before the surgery. I am ready to make the changes, but also scared of making those changes and wondering "Can I REALLY do this?" Having a great place like LBT to go for support and support of my family will help. Best wishes to you and also to your Mother.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
