ok soooo,... i have been going to my doctor for the past 6 months(a requirement) did all the other dr. appts. etc. when it came to getting my notes and my clearance letter......he did it wrong... first the notes didnt specify any advisories for me such as "advised patient to do treadmill 30 min a day" and so on...... he was supposed to do that at the end of all my notes for the 6 months.... THEN!!!... the clearance letter he did wrong also!!!! i gave him a sample letter that blue cross/blue sheild requires... BUT NO he did it his way... sooooo back to the dr. to tell him he needs to fill in the notes and to please follow guidelines for the letter..... the son of a bitch tells the receptionist to call me to tell me HE WILL NOT HAVE THE TYPIST DO THE LETTER OVER...... it is what it is!!!!! and heres the kicker.....she tells me that i can get the work done for a large fee... FEE?????? omg i almost fell on the floor!!!!! thats blackmail!!!
now i am crying and depressed and dont know what to do.....i have worked my ass off for this dream and he shattered it.... any suggestions on what to do... im going crazy!!!!!!!! some people say pay the fee... some people saystart over (easy for skinny people to say that lol) i say slap a sexual harrassment suit and blackmail him...lol only kidding people although it does sound good..... i really need advice....i feel down......i have 4 kids... i need to be here for them....... ya know what hurts the most???? he is my doctor who i trusted for a long time... HE told me its important i did something before i got diabetes or even a heart disease....now it seems he dont give a damn whether i get it... hes not going to give in sooo basically he holds my life in his hands....chiqui