Dear Crybaby,
Hey, Sweetie, I'm a crybaby, too. Your post caught my attention because I've been a little moody lately. However, I'm 48 and I've been having hot flashes, so I'm thinking I may be crying more for hormonal reasons. How long ago did you have your surgery? I'm 3 months out, and I promise you, it does get easier. Although, I'm getting pretty sick of chicken lol. I've been losing the standard 1-2 lbs a week, and you really don't want to lose more than that. It was hard for me to have 1/3 cup in the beginning, but now, I'm able to hold 1/3-1/2 cup. My nutritionist says that by a year about, my meals will be about the size of a salad plate. That's comforting to me. Just try to remember why you started and how much better you must already feel. Stay active.
I must admit, though, I do things that my doctor probably wouldn't approve of, such as have a piece of Weight Watchers chocolate almost daily. It really helps me when I'm feeling hormonal and need some chocolate. My favorite is called Birthday Cake. No one really talks about your hormone levels and how they might affect you. What's driving me crazy is not being able to have a carbonated beverage...Well, my doctor doesn't approve of that either. But I have to say, I've let one sit out to lose some of its fizz and took a few sips. idk, I'm just rambling and I'm probably no help at all. I'm 3 months out, though, and I've lost 50#, so I'm not doing too bad. I hope you get over this rough spot. Keep your eye on the prize, Sweetie