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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lovingm33

  1. Tomorrow I go for my psych eval and getting my labs done. The last two steps I need to do before they finally submit it to the insurance for approval. I am hoping everything goes well with the insurance, but why would they approve me taking 6 months of classes and all these testing to deny me at the end. So hopefully, I will be getting banded by the end of May or beginning of June. My doctors office says it takes about 10 days for approval from the insurance company. I won't lie and say I haven't been eating to access :( I plan to start going back to the gym next week and get my mind focus on my upcoming life style change.

  2. I should be getting banded towards the end of May. I have my appointment on May 13 for the psych clearance, I already had my espogham (swallowing test) last Sat. I still need to get pre-op clearance before I can schedule my surgery. Has anyone else gone through these types of test for surgery?

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