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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About msnyman

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  1. I am 2 1/2 weeks post-op and I am so tired of soup, jello, applesauce and yogurt. What was everyone else eating at 2 1/2 weeks? Anyone further advanced in your diet at that point in your recovery? I am only getting about 600 calories per day.
  2. I am four days out of surgery. Still just doing liquids and clears, can't seem to stomach protein or pureed soups yet. With that being said, I have awful "hunger pains". I thought they got rid of the hunger enzyme...so could this just be gas pain? Seems feasible that I would be hungry but not sure what these pains are....thoughts??
  3. I am 1 day post-operative, still in the hospital, the nausea has subsided but the gas pain is AWFUL!! Is this just from the surgery? Does it get better? Help!!
  4. msnyman

    Any April Sleevers?

    I go in at 5:30am tomorrow morning with my sleeve surgery at 7:30am!! Here's to getting healthy!! Good luck to other April 10th sleevers!
  5. Does anyone have any experience with drinking alcohol after the sleeve surgery? Specifically: how long did you wait to drink, what did you drink, any awful side effects?
  6. msnyman

    Any Regrets?

    Amanda: do you think it is a general depression or id it specifically the surgery? They say after surgery you could become depressed.
  7. msnyman

    Any April Sleevers?

    I am April 10th and I feel like this wait will never end! I go from excitement to oanic attacks to excitement about 20 times per day. Trying to keep my eyes on the prize!
  8. msnyman

    April 2014 pre-op group

    I am April 10th...getting nervous!!
  9. msnyman

    April 2014 pre-op group

    I am April 10th...getting nervous!!
  10. I am nervous about my sleeve surgery next Thursday 4/10. I just keep thinking that I will have some major regret about this huge change. Everyone is so positive on this site, and that has been amazing for me, I am just wondering if there is ANYONE who is not satisfied that they made this choice?
  11. Thanks, this is what I needed. What I've known all along through my research. I trust in my doctors and I can only get healthier. I appreciate the feedback.
  12. Hi, I am scheduled for surgery on 4/10 with a preoperative diet start on Monday, 3/31. My family is not very supportive and I am worried that this change will be too drastic. I have been doing my research and preop appointments since November. I have been overweight my whole life and with 2 kids I feel like this will give me a new and healthy beginning. I feel good about it, I just wish others in my family did. Anyone who is on the other side of the surgery have any words of wisdom?? I want to be a normal weight and feel healthy...on the same note, I don't want my life to be "too different". I don't want to have regrets.

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