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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Karad

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/25/1961

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  1. thank you for your reply's...... I have my next refill on the 17th and am praying that something starts to work.... Yesterday was My 1 year Anniversary with my band I am now at 42 pounds lost...I know I should be happy with that... and in some ways I am feeling proud... but knowing as of yesterday I am up 23 pounds in just a little over 3 months the sadness and disappointment is there....with having no restriction I have wondered if maybe I have a leak ..just looking for anything to make sense why I feel nothing at all....Good Luck Parisshel I look forward to hearing that you start feeling some restriction again very soon....2babutterfly That is such wonderful news that you had a positive Unfill event and hope you are enjoying the new changes and clothes...lol
  2. Thank you B. for your reply back.. Tomorrow will be 1 year!... and even though I am at a stand still right now,at least the gaining part has slowed down some.... I am very Thankful to how far I have come this year.....My band Slipped due to Violent vomiting due to the flu..(even made sure to have the flu shot).....I am looking forward to next appointment on the 17th and pray that I will start to have some restriction.
  3. emergency unfill as band had slipped after violet vomiting due to the flu.this was the day before thanksgiving Nov. 26th..weight was 142 today's weight 165.... was told that after you have a complete unfill it will never be the same..kinda like when you brake a seal you can never get it back what it was when first placed. . I had to wait for 6 weeks before I could go back into see how everything was looking... well everything looked great so they added .5 cc into my 10 cc band On January 7th..felt nothing... 3 weeks later January 29th had another fill of 1.5 cc and nothing again.. next time Feb.12th they added 1cc..I can eat a Cow and nothing at all... when I had to have all the Fluid removed I only had 3 cc's....In 5 days it will be 1 year sense I had my lap band placed and loved my new life ,I had lost 65 pounds in total.. I have another fill on March 17th. So here I am almost 1 year to the day and I feel like I am fighting a loosing battle as I still have No Restriction.I am up 23 pounds and climbing no matter what I do the weight just keeps packing on.
  4. Karad

    New NSV!

    Love being able to wear smaller size clothing once again have gone from size 20 to size 12
  5. back in 2004 I was placed on meds for depression after marriage ended of 20 plus years by 20010 was taken off and doing wonderful till a little over a month ago. now depression and mood swings have Really kicked in and have been placed on medications to control them both.My doctor figures it's due to my weight loss of 52 pounds in 6 months and that my body is trying to adjust to the different changes, we have high hopes that once my body adjust and regulates it's self again that I can be once again lexapro free, 37 pounds to go to my goal weight.
  6. Karad


  7. Egg Drop Soup was first thing I ate after having my band placed that was 4 days afterwards. Good Luck on your new jounrney.
  8. It has been 4 Months 7 days sense my New Journey Started! I am down 36 pounds!!...some people ask me why I have not lost more weight...ugggg I am so exited with how my extra unwanted pounds have come off! and I am finally able to make a goal to when I might be able to hit my target weight and I am shooting for January 1st! I have learned so much in the last 4 months with my new baby...such as eat slow!!Chew,Chew,Chew...don't gulp when drinking. someday's my Buddy likes what ever I eat... other days no matter what I try My Band don't like it, so it's always a new experiance learning to live with my new Buddy. But to those who are just starting out I will tell you to relax and enjoy the new journey,and don't worry about what others have lost in the same time frame, we are all different, we don't look the same we don't live the same as other's so why would we loose the weight the same as other's...So stop Compairing yourself to the other's... I might not have lost a lot of weight to some but the way I look at it is I have not put any on!!! and I am very happy and excited with what I have lost and will continue to look forward to my future with my New Buddy.
  9. Hi everyone, well had my 2 nd fill on the 9th only put in 1.5 cc's and the next few days was on my liquid diet, was not feeling very well on the 12th but tried to eat a few bites without any luck on the 15th I called Dr's told them I was unable to eat was PB'ing and things were sticking no matter what I did...they looked at the pic of the band and said there should be no reason but if I really thought I need some taken out they would see me on the 19th....well on the 17th I ended up coughing and trying to catch my breath with Pneumonia ,finally starting to feel human again but I have been unable to keep anything Solid down liquid yes but when it comes to food no luck...still thinking I should have 1cc taken out but I guess I will wait for a few more days and see if maybe some of the swelling does down...someone did tell me that with the hard coughing it could also make my band slip...so praying that is not the case. I must say this is something I Never wish to go through again, after this even catching a cold scares me, let alone a flu.
  10. I had my 1st fill done 2 .75 cc in a 10cc band on April 2 nd , I have lost 4 pound sense that fill, I feel full for about 5 hours, this has been from the 1st few days after the fill, my N.P told me they like to wait 4 weeks to do a fill as that gives the stomach time to adjust, as many find around 3 weeks they feel the band restriction, well that was not my case at all and I am loving this, 20 pounds down in 6 weeks and 2 days... averages out close to 3 pounds a week!
  11. Pre-natal here too...they are Great and I added the Fiber gummies that go along with them.
  12. I was told yesterday by my N.P. that I needed to eat 3/4 protein and the rest in fruit and vegs.
  13. Karad

    I'm new to this suuport group

    Glad to have you here, you will find many very supportive people here, I am 5 weeks into my new life living with a band and Loving it! I am only down 15 pounds, but the way I look at it is Im down 15 pounds and not up. I also have to learn to slow down when eating and start focusing more but it's all a learning process for us all Due to a Accident many years ago I am not able to exercise much but have taken a few short walks so I know my weight loss will be slower then if I was able to be at a gym or walk more But I am Happy with loosing and not gainning! I also need friends to help encourage me so if you would like add me to your friends list .
  14. I had My lap-band place 3/11/2014 so I'm 5 weeks into my journey before my pre-op I was 207 the day of my operation I was 196 and today I am at 192 so most mine was in my 2 week Pre-op. I am 52 years old.
  15. Karad

    March 27th 2014 band

    Banded on March 11th one month ago today!! first couple of weeks were ruff , had my first fill on the 2nd of April and loving my band and this new chapter in my life. the weight is coming off slowly but it's coming off at least. My biggest hurdle was social dinner on the 9th and it didn't go so well, I had to leave the Resturant fast to throw up as the ladies room was full and I had just been talking away with friends and didn't pay attention to what my band was telling me...well I wont make that Mistake again. next fill on the 16th instead of the 21st as we have lots of company coming in the week of the 20th But I am not sure I need it at this point as I have a lot of restriction still, but we will see what the N.P. has to say. Love to hear how everyone is doing keep the posts coming

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