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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kpay10

  1. Thanks to those of you who responded. Your support is awesome! I felt much better once I had my mini pity party. lol. Then I drank my Protein shake and forgot all about pie. Tomorrow is another day...
  2. Day 8 of Pre op liquid diet and I'm surviving! No cheats at all (I want a healthy liver) and I received a gift yesterday when I got a call from my NUT saying I could have broth during this phase! It was like Christmas for this hungry girl! Last night I had homemade broth and added a dash of sriracha. Tonight, I added a squeeze of lemon to mimic my favorite Greek Lemon chicken Soup. Tomorrow I think I'm going to steep in a little fresh ginger and go Asian style! Got all my disability paperwork filed and month worth of sub plans done. This weekend I'm going to clean, stock my fridge, and pack my hospital bag! Surgery in 6 days. I...AM...READY!
  3. Hi everyone. This morning begins Day 7 of my Pre op liquid diet and I've already lost 11 lbs! While I am happy about this, I'm also concerned. Is this too much loss to soon? At this rate, by the 30th, I'll have lost around 25 lbs. I'm worried this might be affecting my immune system and I DO NOT want to get sick and have my surgery postponed! I also don't want to send my already precarious gallbladder into fits. I'm getting it removed along with getting sleeved, but I'm nervous it's not going to last another 8 days! No pain yet, but just keeping my fingers crossed that it holds out.
  4. kpay10

    April 21st and Here I go!

    Good luck! I'll be joining you on the Loser's Bench in 9 days!!
  5. You look great! Congratulations!
  6. Thanks to the wonderful program at Kaiser I have been told countless times that the surgery is a tool, not a fix. If I don't use the tool correctly, it will fail. I have been "near perfect" on my Pre Op diet since November and "perfect" on my liquid diet, leading to surgery in 10 days. I'm not having major surgery just to misuse the tool I've been given, therefore, I will do my best to live a near "perfect" post op life, as well. Here's my analogy: I can use my tool to hammer a board to a wall ( a proper use for a hammer) and it will stay in place, or I can use my new tool to hammer Jello to a wall. It may stick and look pretty for awhile, but eventually it will slip.
  7. Today is Day 5 of my Pre op liquid diet and so far I've had two food dreams. The first one I couldn't stop eating gooey chocolate chip Cookies, fresh from the oven. Last night I dreamt I was at a restaurant and ordered a bacon cheeseburger and fries and they messed up my order and brought me THREE! Of course, I ate them. At the end of each dream I feel terrible guilt, then I wake up, relieved it was all a dream! Just wondering what others food dreams have been, or am I just weird? LOL!
  8. kpay10

    April 30th!

    You're lucky! I've been on a 1,200 calorie diet since November 1st and now 2 weeks liquid. I've lost 39 lbs total, though, so I'm happy! I'm nervous about pain and nausea, too.
  9. I'm on Day 3 of my liquid Pre op diet and today is our walking field trip. I'll be walking a mile and a half each way to get to our destination. I'm worried about so much walking with this calorie restriction, not to mention I hurt my knee a few weeks ago and it's still a little sore. Of course, I could ask another teacher going to watch my class and chaperones and I could drive and meet them there, but my pride is preventing that. I don't want anyone thinking, "Oh, the fat teacher is too lazy to walk.". I can't wait to get this weight off and lose all my insecurities about being "the fat teacher." Wish me luck...
  10. kpay10

    Wish Me Luck Today...

    Thanks Ginger! You are probably right, but I'll feel better when I'm not the biggest teacher at school. LOL. I survived the walk. It ended up being about 2 miles each way. I didn't feel light headed or anything, but my knee is screaming at me and the opposite heel that's been hurting for a few months is very tender. As they say, Thank God it's Friday! ???? Time to relax and recoup this weekend.
  11. kpay10

    April 30th!

    Hi! I'm feeling pretty good. I'm on day 3 of my liquid diet. Hanging in there... I'm nervous and excited and READY! How about you?? We'll have to keep in touch!
  12. I'm on Day 3 of my 2 week Pre-op diet and am using Nature's Best Isopure (chocolate and vanilla), which I really like so far. Got it on Amazon for a good price. Last night I had unjury chicken broth from a sample pack I purchased. It was great! Also, my NUT gave me specific instructions on what I could and could not mix it with. I know the info on Protein can be overwhelming!! I finally just dove in and bought some based on reviews. Good luck!!
  13. I'm scheduled to have surgery the first week in May and was set on having the Roux en Y, but after attending a support group meeting and hearing that almost 1/2 had the sleeve and are losing just as much weight, I'm wondering if I am making the right choice? I haven't been able to go back to the support group since, due to scheduling conflicts, so I thought I'd ask my question here: If you are post-op, which procedure did you choose, and why? I've been reading up on the sleeve and it seems like there is no risk of dumping or bad gas/flatulence issues, as there is with the RNY. As a teacher, I've been worried about these 2 issues, but I also want to choose what will be more effective in the long run. I'm so torn! Please help! Thank you!
  14. Thanks everyone! Your support means a lot! Day 1 wasn't too bad! I had my 3 shakes, 1 decaf coffee, and 64 oz of water and did fine. I really think being on a 1200 calorie diet with reduced carbs the past few months is going to help make this an easier transition for me. Thinking the shakes are going to get a bit boring, though, so I'll have to look for ways to jazz them up a bit. On to Day 2!!
  15. I had my Pre op appointment yesterday and il'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. All the info about risks and complications has me freaked out! I know they have to o over it all, but geez, talk about scary!! My two week liquid diet starts today. It consists of three Protein shakes per day. That's it!! Only decaf tea, coffee, Crystal Light, or Water between meals. I did buy some sugar free popsicles and Jello because I know they are virtually calorie free and still considered liquid. I'm not trying to complain, but as I said, just feeling overwhelmed. Words of comfort or advice through this phase are greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  16. Sorry, meant *overwhelmed! Small font + early morning = typos! LOL!
  17. I've told several people and everyone has been supportive. I'm not announcing it to the world, but I'm not keeping it a secret, either. My opinion is that I'm doing what is necessary to get healthy. Nothing shameful in that!
  18. kpay10

    Any April Sleevers

    Haha! Do you live in CA? I'm in Northern CA/Bay Area. My surgery is April 30th!!
  19. kpay10

    Any April Sleevers

    Awww! I'm sorry! That's got to be hard. I'll have to keep an eye on that every 3 hour thing! I'm a teacher so it's easy to get caught up in what I'm doing and forget! Did you have any headaches the first few days? That's what I'm most concerned about since I'm prone to migraines.
  20. kpay10

    Any April Sleevers

    I fell in love with Chike it was my favorite but right now no protein powder taste good to me. I will say the carnation sf breakfast drink is tasty with light plain soy milk. Congrats on ur loss. I just ordered some Chike to try. Never heard of it before, but I'm trying to get some single servings of various kinds to see what I like. So far I have Unjury. My 2 week liquid diet starts on the 16th. Yikes!!
  21. kpay10

    Any April Sleevers

    No food funerals for me. I started the 1,200 calorie diet in November and as of yesterday I'm down 35 lbs. (was required to lse 27 lbs. begore surgery could even be scheduled). My birthday was Wednesdy and my kids and I went on a mini vacation where I planned to eat whatever I wanted and I found that I could not do it! I actually lost 2 more lbs. I start my liquid diet on April 16th. I'm not sure what choices that involves until I see the NUT on the 15th. Best of luck to you!!
  22. It just hit me that I have 12 more days of "normal" eating before my 2 week liquid diet and then surgery! I've been on a 1200 calorie diet since November so my eating habits have already changed drastically, but I'm feeling a bit freaked out right now! No more using food to fight boredom, make me feel better, or to celebrate with. My relationship with food will be forever changed in 12 days!! It's kind of like saying goodbye to an old (yet toxic) friendship. Anyone else sharing these same feelings?
  23. I have that same fear, but the fear of doing nothing and dropping dead of a heart attack or some other obesity-related disease is worse. Best of luck to you!
  24. kpay10

    Any April Sleevers

    I'm April 30th! Just got my date today.

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