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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kpay10

  1. I had the same issues until I got rid of the gas from surgery. I walked a lot and took gas relief meds. It helped me to stand up while sipping, too. I'm only 8 days post op and I PROMISE it gets better. I did best with warm tea and Water mixed with a few ounces of Vitamin Water Zero (lemonade flavor is my favorite). Hang in there!!!
  2. Yes, this 70's Chicago song has been playing in my head since Friday (2 days Post Op). I am now 5 days post op and feel sooooo much better! Here's how my day has gone so far: Today I woke up at 6:30 am feeling a little rough (tired and sore) as I have every morning, but I got up, took my Tylenol (I haven't had any narcotic pain relief since Friday- I don't like it!), and had a 4 oz cup of decaf tea. Breakfast was 1/3 cup SF Jello, got down another 6 oz of well diluted Sobe Life Water. Sipped my Protein shake (about 4 oz) on my way to Trader Joe's for yogurt and cottage cheese, which I can add in on Wednesday! Yippee!! lunch was a 1/2 cup of Miso Ginger broth (also from Trader Joe's), delish!! I'm now working on sipping some water and I am about ready for a nap. I'll be taking a walk this evening after dinner. You know, I think I can do this! It does get easier! You all were SO RIGHT! Hope everyone else out there in Pre-Op, Recovery Land, or beyond, is having a great day, too!
  3. 8 days post op and I finally got to have my first solid food today! Cottage cheese and applesauce for breakfast and Greek yogurt for lunch! It tasted like steak and lobster to me!! I've been feeling pretty good. Trying to get out and about once a day, and also walking in my neighborhood twice a day. A little belly soreness still and tiredness, but that's it! I'm thinking by next week I'll be feeling back to my old self, only a few pounds lighter! My weight loss has been sloooow. I'm only down 2 lbs. from my hospital weigh in. I lost 51 lbs post op, so maybe this is a very early stall. LOL. I know it will come off eventually. Slow and steady wins the race.
  4. kpay10

    April 30th!

    I live in Fremont and had my surgery at Kaiser Fremont. I was fortunate that my family and I were only 15 minutes from the hospital. I love the Kaiser program, too, and my surgeon is awesome! . One day we'll all have to try and meet up!
  5. kpay10

    Any May 2014 sleevers?

    Good luck tomorrow, ladies!!
  6. kpay10

    April 30th!

    Hi Michelle. I'm from CA, too, Bay Area! I haven't had any issues with dumping, but my first week choices are very strict. I am only allowed broth, strained cream Soups, sugar free Jello, the usual drinks (water, decaf stuff, Crystal Light, etc.), and of course, the lovely Protein shakes. On week two (Thursday!!), I can add yogurt, cottage cheese, no sugar added applesauce, and no sugar added pudding. I don't get to have hummus or stuff like that until Week 3 and after my first post op appointment. Hey, I read a great tip on here to make Protein shake fudgesicles in ice cube trays. I'm using the little medicine cups they gave me. These go down so much easier than the shakes and I feel like I'm getting a little treat! I'm sure loving the friendship and support here! Have a great day tomorrow, ladies! P.S. I am on leave from work until May 29th and not going back a minute earlier! LOL
  7. kpay10

    6 days post op sleeve

    Sounds like we're doing pretty much the same things. I got in 34 oz of liquid yesterday and hoping to beat that today.
  8. kpay10

    6 days post op sleeve

    Yes, I have. I wonder if it's the sodium in my broth? I'm having a hard time finding low sodium broth that doesn't taste like dish water.
  9. kpay10

    April 30th!

    I had a hard time yesterday, too! Cinco de Mayo always meant tacos and margaritas, but not this year. lol. Today I had to get some paperwork FAXed for my disability, which is all screwed up, and I was stressed. I passed a McDonalds and obsessed about a cheeseburger for about 10 minutes. Cant wait to get some soft food! One more week!!
  10. kpay10

    6 days post op sleeve

    Wow! My surgery was the same day as yours, but I'm still up 2 lbs. since surgery. I spent 2 days on IV's in the hospital and I think I'm just slowly getting rid of that water weight. I'm still on liquids, too, so there's no way I'm gaining while only eating roughly 200 calories a day! I feel pretty darn good, though! Continued success to you!
  11. kpay10

    April 30th!

    Hi! I'm doing good! The first few days were very rough and I was wondering if I'd ruined my life, LOL, but I'm feeling a whole lot better! I even left the house today! . I'm now getting down liquids easily. Can get in 4 oz broth at lunch and dinner and about another 4 oz of Protein shake at each of my two Snacks. I got about 32 grams of protein down today and once I finish all my Water, will have gotten in about 34 oz of liquid! The only thing my new tummy doesn't like yet is creamed Soup. I really miss chewing, and I am CRAVING meat, cheese, and eggs! So weird! Glad to hear you are doing well, too! This is quite the adventure, huh?
  12. Hi all. I was sleeved on 4/30. My surgeon had a surprise waiting for him in that I had a hernia at my diaphragm. He repaired it and also took out a very diseased gallbladder with a stone the size of a golf ball. Needless to say, my surgery lasted 5 hours. I stayed in the hospital 2 nights, just getting home today, since my oxygen level kept dropping. I'm having a lot of abdominal gas pain that is making it difficult for me to eat and drink more than 2 oz at a time. Even that is a struggle! I'm not getting in all the fluids and I am worried! I was taken off the I.V. around 1 p.m. Have gotten in about 10 oz. since then. Will that be enough to get me through until tomorrow? Praying I feel better and can get in more fluids in the morning. Thanks for your help!
  13. They were right, it does get a little easier every day. Last night was rough, though! Can't seem to get comfortable enough to stay asleep.
  14. kpay10


    Day 4 post op and I can honestly say there is nothing EASY about this! People can be so ignorant.
  15. Got in 4 oz. of broth for breakfast this morning and already walked twice. Getting a bit easier, thank you, God!
  16. Thanks! I've actually been walking a lot. It does help!
  17. kpay10

    Surgery Date 4/30/14

    I made it through, too. Just feeling up to posting. Had a few little complications and had to be in the hospital 2 nights. Today is the first day I feel semi-normal. I know it's going to get easier every day! Hope you are all doing well. We'll get through this together! <3
  18. Thanks everyone. Feeling a tiny bit better today. My doctor prescribed Simethicone and I'm finally getting a little relief from that. Taking it one day, one hour at a time at this point.
  19. kpay10

    Surgery Date 4/30/14

    Good morning Sleeve Sisters!! Today is OUR DAY!! I'm thinking about and praying for all of you! My surgery isn't until 12:30 pm, Pacific Time. Ill check in as soon as I'm able. Good luck everyone! See you on the Loser's Bench in a few hours. Yippee!!!
  20. My final straw was having a gallbladder attack and thinking it was a heart attack. The fear of not being around to see my precious grandson grow up was enough to give me the final push toward surgery. Things I am looking forward to: Not having people assume I need to sit in the front seat because I'm too big for the back. Taking my grandson to Disneyland and fitting in all the rides. Flying in an airplane without anxiety of seat overspill. Getting on the floor and back up without pain. Shopping in the regular clothes sections. Not feeling tired all the time. A happier, healthy ME! Surgery tomorrow! Yippee!!!
  21. kpay10

    Surgery Date 4/30/14

    Hi Nita. I'm having surgery tomorrow, too! We are all in this together and just remember you are doing this for YOU! I don't think anyone understands this process unless they have gone or are going through it. Let us be your support. I've found a lot of comfort here and I'm sure you will, too. Good luck tomorrow and sending you a big virtual ((((HUG))))
  22. kpay10

    Would you do it again?

    Hi. My name is Kelly, too. My surgery is April 30th, a few days before you! I'm having the same feelings, but I'm soooo ready for this! Good luck to you!
  23. I'm so worried! My 18 month old grandson (who lives with me) has a cold. To make matters worse, I work in a germ factory A.K.A school and I swear half my students were coughing, sneezing, and sniffling. I'm so scared I'm going to catch something and my surgery will be postponed. It will really mess up my disability paperwork, work, etc., not to mention I'll probably have to do this damn 2 week liquid diet all over again! Has this happened to anyone else? Any tips or advice for staying healthy and if I do get sick, any tips for getting rid of this quick? Surgery is this coming Wednesday!!
  24. I'm on day 8 of my Pre Op liquid diet and I come hme from work to find the kitchen table covered in pie! Savory pies, sweet pies... You name it and it's on the table(of course I'm exaggerating, but there is an awful lot of pie on that table)! I am STARVING and this is what my family decides to eat for dinner? Seriously?? It's been well over a year since we've been to this pie place, but today is the day my family MUST have pie for dinner. Wow, thanks for the support. I don't expect them to change their eating habits because of me, but this just fees a tad insensitive. Thanks for letting me vent.

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