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Heidi Isales

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Heidi Isales

  1. HI all!!! I haven't really written much on this forum but I read all of your stories and updates daily. CONGRATS TO ALL OF YOU!!

    With almost hitting my 6 month mark- I have not lost any weight in the past 2 1/2 weeks....WHATS UP?! Has anyone experienced this lately? Is this the end?! LOL. Have I only lost 50 pds and that's it? THAT IS SCARY!

    Hopefully some of ya'll have experienced this yourself and could give me some tips, ideas, anything at this point!! I have actually started taking diet pills because I am afraid that this is the end of my weight loss. YIKES!

    Again, great job everyone. It is def a process! :)

  2. Hi all!

    How is everyone doing?

    I have lost 30 pds so far. Gosh this is a slow process!!

    This Friday I leave for Disneyworld for a week (for my 30th bday!!)

    I am def hoping to sweat and lose some weight with all the walking I will be doing.

    Anyone having any more difficulties as the weeks go by?


  3. Hi all! TGIF!

    I have been to zumba twice this week and worked out on the weights another day. Scaled didnt budge but I feel really good after I am done working out. I <3 to dance so zumba is right up my alley.

    Last night I was drinking and eating turkey chili at the same time. (bad idea)

    I now know that Beans are not longer my friend (the gas that comes along w/it is NOT worth it) and that you should decide on only one thing at a time: eating or drinking- never both!!!!

    Another thing to add to the trial and error era :)

    How is everyone else doing?

    **Side note- I could eat cheese ALL DAY LONG. I love cheese and cheese loves me. lol

    5 1/2 weeks out I find myself falling back into the bad groove of eating out of boredome. I shall overcome!

  4. TGIF ALL! Another day another dollar right?! Lol.

    I went to my one month post op yesterday and me and doc were discussing the DISADVANTAGE revisioners (band to bypass) have. DONT I KNOW IT! He said banders learn how to get around their band and eat more....and use those rules after the bypass-which could be real bad!!! What a process right?

    We also touched base on liquor. He suggested not drinking until 6 months out. When I told him I already imbided...he went into a lenghthy talk of how alcholism can become a biggy after the bypass. TOTALLY AGREE. My first drink I was super drunk...and then as quickly as it came, it went away so to all my socializers....BEWARE!

    Just wanted to share and send a little happy friday your way.

  5. Heidi, it sounds like you're telling my story. Lol

    2-1/2 weeks of the same two pounds was very discouraging but finally I started loosing again and 7 weeks out I'm down 41.5lbs. I still have the up and down numbers but I look at the graph on MFP and it's steadily going down. That's a big encouragement.

    WOW! Good for you! I have noticed that if I eat low cals but still get alot of sodium in (because how esle are food company's going to make food that is edible but still low fat w/o lots of salt), I weigh more in the morning. Need to speak to my nutritionist and see if she has any advice to give. I am sure she is going to say that I need to start excercising...and she is RIGHT! Motivation is hard though. Gosh- we all go through a crazy battle dont we.?!

  6. @Doer-

    That is great. Did the PA help put your mind at ease? Because that story put ME at ease! LOL. I have my one month f/u today. This week I only lost 3 pds (16pds overall since the surgery) :-(

    I am too tired after works which makes getting to the gym all that more difficult....so I clean the house or play w/my dogs to get in some excercise since I sit behind a desk all day.

    Keep up the good work!

  7. I am like y'all. But let's remember the 2 surgeries we all had are very different. Have either one of you dumped? If I eat more than 6 spoons of food or have more than 2 bites of something sweet I dump bad.. I'm down 32#s since Jan 9th and am feeling good but miss that restriction as well. I hated lapband tho, my port hurt every night. I'm glad of the decision I made!

    Hello! I am not sure if I have dumped by what people suggested it has felt like. I have had to run to the bathroom but never have I felt weak, vomity or had the shivers so I am not sure.

    Tomorrow will make 4 weeks since I had my surgery. I have not weighed myself in a week...alittle scared but I recently started to develop hunger pains. THIS SUCKS!!

  8. Hello!

    I and a revison from band to bypass as well. I am 3 weeks post op and sometimes I feel restriction (as in getting full) but NOT all the time. However, I was eating chicken salad and went back for more because the lack of "fullness" and that was a big mistake!!! You are right, w/the band you could eat but one false overbite of food and it came back up. Now with the bypass (for me) it is more like being afraid to stretch my stomach than anything else. Im impressed you were able to take down a taco! IM DIEING FOR CARBS! :)

  9. Yes! I had that happen and posted about it too. I'm two months out. And the first week I lost about 9 or 10, then went to about a half lb a day, then nothing for 12days! In fact I would go up a lb or 2, then down, but couldn't loose anything for 12 days!!!!!! I was so frustrated. How is that even possible? So I increased my Protein intake. The Isopure flavored bottled drinks are helpful for me. I mix it with half Water and half a bottle and lots of ice. They're 40 grams of Protein a bottle. So, I'm finding if I get in 80+grams of protein! it helps. Once that stopped, I'm still going slow. I've lost 9 lbs in a month. I don't why it's going so slow, I'm exercising and doing everything right, but I've just resigned to the fact that maybe it'll take me longer... It's.a journey, focus on doing what you're supposed to do and it will work. Be patient. There's no getting around the frustration though. It's why I've always failed too because I would say "what's the point?" And dig into the Cookies. Now we can't do that, so we have no choice but to hang in there and consider it a journey. Also, I find that with the protein, if I can get milk in, I loose better too. That's always been the case for me though and it seems to be the case now too. Hang in there and trust the process. :)

    Thanks Iynetta! It is super frustrating. I started walking at the gym over the weekend so hopefully that will jumpstart my weightloss again. I also started to track my calories because I want to be accounted for what I am eating and be truthful with myself! Getting in the Water and protein is pretty hard for me and I have to say, I have not back down from my love of coffee and wine....and so the journey goes on. I had a lapband done in 2007, removed it Nov 2013 and last month had my bypass. I feel like I have been down this road already (and have) so for me to not lose weight rapidly makes me wonder why I went through the surgeries altogether. Keep up the good work Iynetta!

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