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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tagyoorit

  1. I go through Chilliwack all of the time as I travel to Vancouver frequently. Maybe a coffee stop would be fun. Let me know...
  2. Hi I actually just finished 4 months and am down 100lbs. No problems to report other than having to purchase several sets of new clothes. Follow the after care carefully and you'll be fine. Don't overdo anything! Remember that it takes about 3 months for your stomach pouch to heal so take it easy and you should have great success. I'm in Vernon, let's keep in touch. It would be nice to be in touch with someone nearby. Good luck! Dr Lopez is one of the best!
  3. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    UPDATE: Sleeved on June 11th now down 74lbs! Losing about 5lbs per week while consuming between 900 and 1200 calories per day. (435 lb start) Doc and Nutritionist says not to interject serious exercise yet since the extra calorie deficit would put my body into starvation mode and slow weight loss; as a result, other than walking the dogs and going to work at my desk job, I have not increased my physical output at all. With the consistent weight loss I now understand that day in and day out if I maintain a reasonable caloric deficit I can't help but lose weight. It's also remarkable to note that I am not hungry in the sense that I was before the surgery either. It has become very manageable. Good luck gang!
  4. tagyoorit

    Review of Dr. Alejandro Lopez

    When you wake up from surgery one of the first things that you are encouraged to do is get out of Bed while pushing your I.V. Pole, and walk the halls of your hospital ward. Trust me, this will speed along your recovery and get rid of the internal gas, making it much more comfortable for you. Once you are discharged from the hospital, 1 1/2 days in my case, you are pretty much on your own. You have the freedom to walk wherever you care to go, but trust me, you'll want to stay close to a comfortable bed! A Doctor will call to check on you periodically and will come to your hotel remove your drain about 2 days later. That's about , hope this helps
  5. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    </blockquote><br> I've lost 25 pounds. Sleeved on 6/18. I have been stalled for 2 weeks now. I am disappointed because I thought I would have lost more by now. Any suggestions on how to break a stall? I've lost 57 lbs. sleeved on June 11. Weight loss has been slowing down but that is likely to the fact that I have not exercised. Started at 435 lbs and still not light enough for working out "back issues", Getting between 700-900 calories and 60 - 70 grams of protein daily. Still struggling with fluid intake, but fighting the good fight. I weigh myself once per week ever since I had several days of weight gain and felt depressed. Overall I have had great success with weekly weigh ins. Good Luck All!
  6. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    For myself being 235 lbs over weight means that when I lose 50 ... I can't expect people to really notice. On the other hand, I'm down to 5x shirt size, I'm wearing work clothes that I couldn't almost 6 years ago, I have to wear suspenders so that I can wear some of my trousers just a little while longer, I'm down in daily meds, I can walk again! THIS IS MY EFFICACY! This journey is mine! I covet support and put myself in a position to get as much as I can ... the odd schmuck comment is just an obstacle that can best be described as sooo much better than the fat comments from before. WE ARE WINNERS
  7. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    On the other hand, I told everyone right from the beginning! Why you may ask... mainly because I do not want to fail. I want the scrutiny, the questions, it keeps me on point. It's amazing, but my colleagues and friends are super supportive and I have had great uplifting moments. Usually I am the one that brings up the topic ( mainly when eating ) only to receive a cute anecdote or encouraging comment. Talk about daily affirmation! I wouldn't have it any other way ... But that's me ;0)
  8. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    Hi all Sorry for the delay in checking in, but life has been busy! I'm 21 days post surgery (June 11) and down 32 lbs from date of surgery, 47 lbs since May 28. Now on soft solid diet and still getting used to my new pouch. Not being hungry gets in the way of adequate calorie intake. There are times that I eat too fast and get the slimes, but other than that no pain or discomfort. I must say that I have not had such complete and sound sleep as since my surgery ... I'm very well rested to be sure. I'm also pretty sure that since I'm not eating enough I have added a protein shake for breakfast to ensure vitamin and carb intake. I use Visalus and it is chalk full of vitamins and good stuff ... Best of all it tastes great! Good luck to all of you June sleevers!
  9. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    thanks a bunch ... NeHow are you doing? Are you back at the hotel? I'm staying at the Marriott after all. Surgery is in the morning! Getting nervous! I was just wondering how you were doing?Thanks so much! I'm back in the hotel 3 days post op ... Got my suction tube removed today and feel really quite good. Pain at this point is minimal and have had only 2 occasions where I felt nauseous ... The key is to stop whatever is making you feel yucky right away, breathe deep and spit in a cup until it passes.... I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO HUNGER! My wife is reminding me that I should get some calories in ... Totally weird for me, to be sure! Not having any problems with keeping Protein down ... so far so good!Note: They changed the hospital on me at the last minute due to a problem with San Javier's surgical suites which gave me pause ... Not at all up to American standards in my opinion, but in the end I went through with it and am right as rain. Good luck tomorrow, I'm pulling for you!Well, I'm back to the hotel only stayed in hospital 1 night, thank goodness. Today, 2 days post op, I feel pretty good. I Actually sit by the pool awhile today. Now, I going to eat with my daughters! Well, watch them eat! Its amazing I'm not hungry at all. Hope we continue to heal with no complications.My wife is out shopping and I spend time walking around the Marina ... I'm in the lobby reading right now, going home tomorrow. No pain, no hunger, eating soupy stuff lolSo which hospital did they send you to? Medica Ebor? Or San Javier? Glad you are well! Let's keep keep in contact.
  10. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    Sorry my phone is sending before I'm ready... Shopping in PV is awesome! Everything is in Spanish which can be challenging when reading labels! Bring comfortable sandals for walking ... You will be doing lots of it. The people here are absolutely lovely no worries at all ... Try and have fun when you feel a bit better Good luck!
  11. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    IT'S MUGGY! Bring protein powder and fibre powder
  12. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    Bring comfortable clothing... ITS HOT HERE ...
  13. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    thanks a bunch ... NeHow are you doing? Are you back at the hotel? I'm staying at the Marriott after all. Surgery is in the morning! Getting nervous! I was just wondering how you were doing?Thanks so much! I'm back in the hotel 3 days post op ... Got my suction tube removed today and feel really quite good. Pain at this point is minimal and have had only 2 occasions where I felt nauseous ... The key is to stop whatever is making you feel yucky right away, breathe deep and spit in a cup until it passes.... I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO HUNGER! My wife is reminding me that I should get some calories in ... Totally weird for me, to be sure! Not having any problems with keeping Protein down ... so far so good!Note: They changed the hospital on me at the last minute due to a problem with San Javier's surgical suites which gave me pause ... Not at all up to American standards in my opinion, but in the end I went through with it and am right as rain. Good luck tomorrow, I'm pulling for you!
  14. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    thanks a bunch ... Ne
  15. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    Post op 6 hours, have been able to walk a bit, but had a reaction to pain needs which made me cough! ... Not good ! Able to get ice and sups of water in with no nausea ... AWESOME.! Happy Birthday to me!
  16. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    Too cool ! I'm getting sleeved on June 11 ... and yup, it's my birthday too! Happy beginnings!
  17. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    I'm 5 days along with my pre op diet and down 10 lbs, but boy I never realized how tempting a Costco Hot Dog could be... Lol I'm getting sleeved in Puerto Vallarta on June 11, actually my birthday, with Doc Lopez as well! I covet those prayers and will extend my own prayers and good wishes. Yup, scared and excited too! Fingers and toes super crossed! I'm flying in on the 13th. And will be ready to go for surgery Sat. Morning at San Javier hospital. Where are you staying? I at the Paradise Beach Resort. Maybe I'll see you down there! I'm trying to do everything Pre-opt to a T, so I know I give my body the best chance for a successful surgery. I'll be looking for you. Do you know of any others? I'm staying at the Mariott Casa Magna flying in on the 10th and leaving on the 17thI sure am edgy .., getting anxious and a little freaked. Friends and family are being supportive ... Even though they really don't understand ... I'm thankful and appreciate their, and your, prayerful thoughts. Let's get this done! :0)
  18. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    I'm staying at the Mariott Casa Magna flying in on the 10th and leaving on the 17th I sure am edgy .., getting anxious and a little freaked. Friends and family are being supportive ... Even though they really don't understand ... I'm thankful and appreciate their, and your, prayerful thoughts. Let's get this done! :0)
  19. tagyoorit

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    June Sleevers: Add yourself by copy and pasting this list and reposting it with your user name, your (first name), what state you are in and your surgery date. Make any changes to the list I have typed...as you can tell by my profile picture, I'm not very tech savvy. This way we can all send well wishes etc on your surgery date. We ve got this! Wadet67 (Taryn) OK 6/3 Cutiecake (Alisha) FLA 6/9 J-F ord (?) CA 6/9 Tagyoorit (Rob) BC Canada 6/11 Patricia_sleeve (Patricia) 6/18 Mowgli19 (Sue) WA 6/19 Relentless (Liz)MI 6/25 TiredMama (Amber) PA 6/30 ColoEmpress (Leona) CO 6/03

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