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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Rooben

  1. Just agreed my date today - 10 April so only a couple of weeks to go and so I must start the preop diet in a couple of days. My surgeon has offered me sleeve or bypass. Hadn't really considered bypass before and don't know whether I should now. I do have a sweet tooth and can binge on sweet things. I don't know if the surgeon suggested it for that reason. I do know he favours the bypass, though has done many sleeves to and says it is my choice and that he won't make it for me.

    I so identify with the previous post listing the things I'm scared off and now I have to choose bypass or sleeve too. Aarrghh!

  2. My joints are increasingly painful, especially my knees. I don't sleep so well these days, I feel like my body is crushing itself and I prop up knees and elbows to stop too much rolling and squishing. Too much weight is stopping me from exercising even though I used to enjoy swimming and doing the cross trainer (well, I used to enjoy the way it made me feel afterwards at least). When I sit on a chair I am so embarrassed if it creaks and I worry that things will break. I don't have as much to lose as others on here (BMI 34) but things are getting worse and I worry that diabetes is just around the corner. Until a few weeks ago I had given up on myself and felt ashamed but now I have hope again because I've been learning about VSG. What are the right reasons for doing it? Am I doing it for the right reasons? - I want to feel better, fitter, stronger, more confident. I want to feel proud when I look in the mirror or at photographs, not ashamed and embarrassed and loathing myself.

  3. I had a Tummy Tuck in 2008 and had lots of problems with adhesions and nerves trapped in them causing lots of nerve pain. For years I couldn't move around very much without severe pain. Gradually I tried various therapies and drugs and found one that masks the pain and I function reasonably normally now as long as I don't try to do too much. I cannot exercise, mainly because my abdominal problems have caused other problems and weakness - I have chronic lumbar back pain (caused by weak core muscles, caused by poor mobility).

    I am 54, 2 years into menopause and have steadily put on weight - firstly after my tummy tuck and even worse since starting my menopause. I think I want a gastric sleeve - a band seems to end up with complications too often. But no-one on any of these forums ever mentions adhesions. Some questions - I hope you all can help

    • Don't they (adhesions) happen with VSG surgery?
    • Will the adhesions I already have mean that I am not a candidate for surgery anyway?
    • Will regret my surgery again?

    Any advice welcome. I am worried that I will just continue to get bigger and bigger, will get diabetes, have a heart attack and always be miserable and in pain. Will a VSG solve my problems - make me thinner, happier, healthier, fitter?

    (I had a breast lift a year before the tummy tuck and that was fine so surgery doesn't always go wrong for me)

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