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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by beeteroo

  1. beeteroo

    Missteps starting to add up

    Wow you've had a rough time! Promethazine is ok to give IV in a peripheral vein. They give it all the time in post op patients. It can cause phlebitis which is an inflammation of the vein that should eventually improve. It's should always be diluted to try and lessen the risk of this. It was definitely worth using it in your IV if it helped. I order it on almost every one of my patients post op and patients usually do just fine. Your bipap/cpap should have been used from the moment you got out of surgery and every time you've slept since. Your pulmonologist is correct....they messed up and you could have had some MAJOR life threatening complications by not using it. Especially since they sent you home on a fentanyl patch and phenergan! Wow! Glad you are alright! Wear that cpap! Get better soon! Hope your heart burn improves too!
  2. beeteroo

    April 29 th 2014 surgery

    April 29th for me too! Kansas City! :-) started my Preop diet today. I'm hungry.
  3. I just got scheduled for April 29th! Started my two week Preop diet today!
  4. Sounds just like me today! My surgery is scheduled for April 29th! I'm so excited! I was expecting a June date! I just found out today! started my Preop diet today too and so far I'm not starving.
  5. beeteroo

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    Dang we better get in on this. I donate my boogers. I'll even harvest them myself for the study!
  6. beeteroo

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    My butt shelf, belly shelf, boob table, thigh chair......all of my ledges knock shit off of things.
  7. beeteroo

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

  8. beeteroo

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    That's nasty. ????
  9. beeteroo

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    That's my favorite place to pick my nose.
  10. beeteroo

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    I have to look now.
  11. beeteroo

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

  12. I have to have a nutrition consult and a psych consult then the submit my info to the insurance company and I should get approved! Have my nutrition consult on wed and psych on Saturday! I thought it was going to take forever to get in to see these people! I'm guessing I should have approval by the end of April! It's happening so fast! :-)
  13. beeteroo

    On my way!

    I have to get an EGD first then I have a date of May 27th. They are going to try and get me in on April 29th so I can do this sooner! Started my Preop diet this morning! Protein shakes for breakfast and lunch and a meal with healthy protein and veggies for supper. Thankful it's not all liquids.
  14. beeteroo

    pre-op and starving!

    You must be super high risk for blood clotting if they are putting in a filter. Have you had blood Clots before?
  15. beeteroo

    Anyone on here in Kansas?

    Got a date! May 27th but they are going to see if they can fit me in April 29th instead! I sure hope so! Have to have an EgD first so I hope to get that done very soon too! Starting my Preop diet hoping I can get tat April 29th date!
  16. beeteroo

    Anyone on here in Kansas?

    I am calling the office tomorrow to schedule my date. I'm hoping to do it this month if possible. If not then early May! I have a trip that I have to take on May 7th for a one day meeting for work and I'm not sure about scheduling my surgery date for that week.
  17. beeteroo

    pre-op and starving!

    Miralax is good and colace is ok too. Miralax works better I think.
  18. beeteroo

    On my way!

    I am approved! Just have to schedule the surgery! . Yay!
  19. The purpose of no nail Polish is so anesthesia can get your oxygen levels during surgery. When you have polish with red, purple, or blue tones it interferes with the way that the sensor detects oxygen levels in your blood. Sometimes red is ok but I wouldn't recommend it. You will be safe with a French manicure!
  20. beeteroo

    Anyone on here in Kansas?

    I'm going to Malley too! How are you doing now? I looked you up and saw that you had it about a month ago. I just got insurance approval today!
  21. I had a sleep study and was very surprised that I only had mild sleep apnea. They recommended sleeping only on my sides and to lose weight. I'm 150 lbs over weight! I snore so badly my husband wakes me up sometimes so I was really surprised it wasn't worse. So I didn't need a cpap machine. Hope yours goes just as well! You insurance should cover the cost of a sleep study for the most part if you have symptoms of sleep apnea. They can bill it because of your symptoms and not because the anesthesia provider wants you to have it in prep for bariatric surgery. Unfortunately it will cost you what ever your deductible is so it prob would cut into the money you've saved for surgery. I totally understand that! It is very important to know if you've got it because if they send you home after surgery and you have undiagnosed and untreated sleep apnea you are at a higher risk of death post operatively. No one wants that!
  22. beeteroo

    Size ?

    When you use the app on your phone I can't tell which posts come from the men's or women's group because I look at the newest things that are posted since my last visit.....that's what brought ME to this post.
  23. beeteroo

    Repetitive and Circuitous Topics....

    I'm stealing metamorphosis until I find something I like better. ????

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
