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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by beeteroo

  1. beeteroo


    Well today wasn't a good day for me to tell you what I've been eating. I've eaten way too much of the wrong things today! Easter candy has thrown itself into my mouth.....my hands had nothing to do with it. I've been having 2 protein shakes a day with a light low carb dinner. 2-3 servings of fruit, sugar free jello, and sugar free Popsicles. I've also been trying to drink a bunch of water.
  2. beeteroo

    I'm in the medical field.

    I'm pretty sure I need a grilled cheese sandwich now. Anyone know of a protein shake flavored like that? Butter, toast, and cheese. Oh I'm so hungry.
  3. beeteroo

    I'm in the medical field.

    I'm pretty sure I need a grilled cheese sandwich now. Anyone know of a protein shake flavored like that? Butter, toast, and cheese. Oh I'm so hungry.
  4. beeteroo

    I'm in the medical field.

    Yep that's true. There are so many degrees of nursing and physicians. I happen to have a job that some physicians hold yet I'm not a physician. I do the exact same job as a physician in my field but I'm a nurse. How confusing is that? Lol.
  5. beeteroo


    I've lost 5 lbs in the last 6 days on my Preop diet! maybe I'll get down another 5 or so before surgery! I already feel better! I'm hangry too though!
  6. beeteroo


    Nice! Maybe you can share your provider if they do a phone interview! They can do an eval on anyone in the world!
  7. beeteroo

    Four-Week Pre-op Diet?

    I think it's surgeons preference and their experience levels. I've got 165 lbs to lose and I'm only on a two week diet with my day before surgery being clear liquids. It's harder to operate on us folks and our livers are big making it even harder for the surgeons.
  8. beeteroo


    I had an eval in 2010 for bariatric surgery that I didn't end up having and that one took 3+ hours with tons of testing, hundreds of dollars. Then I just had one done and it took 20 min of talking and discussing changes that will occur for me and it cost 60 dollars.....self pay 60 dollars. The counseling office has a deal with the local bariatric surgeons to help reduce our costs! Call around and get another psych consult! If nothing else PM me and I'll send you the name of the counselor and you can fly here cheaper for your appt.
  9. beeteroo

    Anyone living in South Florida?

    I'm moving to north port in June and am having a sleeve I June! Looking for other in the area to see if there's a support group somewhere!
  10. beeteroo

    April 29 th 2014 surgery

    Yes nervous!
  11. Thanks! I will definitely look into this! I think I'm having an intolerance to milk.....drinking 2 whey protein shakes a day with milk. It's been so long since I've heard about gelatin I forgot about it being a protein source! Can you get enough protein from gelatin? I'll have to look up the nutrition info. Thanks so much!
  12. beeteroo

    Want to cheat so bad!

    One day at a time.....we can do this. keep trying.
  13. beeteroo

    pre-op and starving!

    I had a good day today! Very little of the starving feeling! haven't been keeping track of my calories. I really need to start tracking again! My skin is a disaster tonight! I've had probs with seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp and face for 20+ years and I really think it's flared up because I've been drinking my whey protein shakes with milk! It scares me because I have no clue how to get enough protein without using protein shakes and milk! Guess I have some research to do!
  14. beeteroo

    pre-op and starving!

    Anyone know what's up with these headaches? Is it sugar withdrawal? More protein than usual? Maybe not enough water? Hypoglycemia? I've never experienced headaches like these! I didn't have one yesterday thankfully and hopefully no today.
  15. beeteroo

    pre-op and starving!

    That's a great idea! I've got my protein shakes out on the counter and my kids keep leaving yummies out on the counter too. Lol....I've done well about throwing it back in the cabinet and ignoring it. I stocked our refrigerator with milk, fruits and veggies. Hoping to help make the change happen for our whole family.
  16. I usually don't do sugar substitutes. I've used stevia occasionally but usually stick to fruits to sweeten my foods. My Preop diet has been harder than I expected! The protein shakes are so sweet....too sweet most of the time really. I'm just trying to make my diet super low cal and eating those Popsicles sure has helped! I'll see about some of the things you've done post op and see if I can steer clear of sweeteners! Thanks for the tips!!
  17. Today was much much better. Had a shake for breakfast, shake for lunch and 2 oz of tuna, snacks of raw cucumbers, sugar free jello and Popsicles and a lean cuisine for supper. I spread it all out and feel so much better today. Each day is a new day! I'll see if I can do better tomorrow!
  18. beeteroo

    I Dont Think Ya'll Are ready for this.

    I've had my Zumba friends say that exact thing to me and I wonder if we, as obese people, do judge other by their weight and size. Maybe this is why we believe everyone else is judging us.....except for those that are openly a-holes about "fatties." Just my thoughts after reading your post!
  19. Mix your shakes ahead of time.
  20. I'm suppose to have a Protein shake for Breakfast and lunch, then a lean meat and vegetable for supper. I can also have two servings of fresh or frozen fruit a day. I can have up to two cups of sugar free Jello, SF Popsicles, milk, and sherbet. And of course at least 64 oz of water a day. I'm going to spread it out tomorrow and see if I can curb this hunger enough to keep from bingeing on things that are available. I've just started it a couple of days ago. The first day was ok then yesterday and today I've let myself get hypoglycemic I think.
  21. I'm so disturbed by my inability to follow the Preop diet. I can't believe it but I just ate a hot dog! A hot dog!!! It's been years since I've had a hot dog. I don't even really like them that much. Weird. I'm quite disgusted with myself. I have 12 more days to go before surgery. I'm going to have to figure something out here and see what I can do to make myself follow the diet. I think I'm letting myself get too hungry and then I see food and attack it. I'm going to try and spread my food out a bit more evenly tomorrow and see I that helps. Any tips?
  22. beeteroo

    Trouble getting my protein in

    I have chocolate pb2.....I think it tastes better. You can try adding some cocoa and some sweetener and see of that helps. Dip apples and celery in it!
  23. beeteroo

    April 29 th 2014 surgery

    So I've had a rough time with this low cal diet for Preop. I get two protein shakes a day, two servings of fruit, I can have milk and juice (limited to 2 cups max a day), unlimited water too, then a lean meat and vegetable for a meal. I just got my presurgery diet handbook and found that I can eat more than I thought. The past two days I've been starving myself all day with just two protein shakes and a very light meal in the evenings! So I have packed a bit more food for the day today! I think I got hypoglycemic yesterday! Had the worst headache and felt like I was going to pass out! Today is a new day and I'm going to try and eat more! it's only 12 days away! Now it seems my work is going to give me grief about taking a week off. I feel like it's my only chance to do this so I'm going for it!
  24. beeteroo

    Missteps starting to add up

    Oh yeah and those compression stockings! Wow! You should call up the hospital and tell them you refuse to pay for those because they were never used on you! They usually use them in the operating room but you should have had those on every time you were in bed! As long as you are being active you don't need them but it never hurts to use them! Get well soon!

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