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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by beeteroo

  1. Lol that's exactly what it is. My husband is that good too. Lol.
  2. beeteroo

    April 29 th 2014 surgery

    Day one post op! I gained two lbs! Hehe. Chicken broth is heavenly and dilaudid is a lifesaver. The swallow study was gross and it hurt a bit to get that stuff down. It's getting better now that I'm continuing to sip. Hope everyone is doing well today! Good luck to our April 30th patients!
  3. beeteroo

    April 29 th 2014 surgery

    I'm in the waiting room! Soon will go back and get my lovely hospital gown.....and hopefully get that versed soon too. Wish me luck please! I feel like I need it today!
  4. My doc says when you are up to it.
  5. beeteroo


    I quit about 5 years ago. Won't ever go back either. I still want one sometimes. Like now....because I've got surgery in the morning.... but I just find something else to do and the urge goes away. It gets easier to ignore that urge. Just hang in there. It's worth it. I feel so much better.
  6. beeteroo

    April 29 th 2014 surgery

    I can't stop reading the threads! I'm getting nervous. So nervous that I'm not even starving from the liquid diet today! Ready to get this over with!
  7. I was doing so research on bariatric surgery and with the bypass and less so with the sleeve your body needs more than just a multivitamin to get all the B12 that you need. The stomach plays a huge role in the absorption of B12. Calcium because with our limited food intake we are at high risk for too little calcium and Vit D. I think I remember something about weight loss or bariatric surgery making you more susceptible to osteoporosis. The multivitamins just aren't enough for you to get all of these requirements.
  8. beeteroo

    April 29 th 2014 surgery

    Vitamins. I just went to the drug store to pick up what I need. I take two chewable multivitamins (children's), Vit B 12 (dissolves under the tongue), I got some iron (only one I didn't get chewable), vit C, and citrical chewables. I've been told that if you get bariatric vitamins you don't need to take as many since they have all of the stuff in them. I didn't get them because I already had so many vitamins at home to use up. And they cost a bunch more.
  9. beeteroo

    April 29 th 2014 surgery

    We have quite a few of us that are on the 29th! I'm on clear liquids tomorrow! Hope it goes perfectly for all of you! So happy to find this site so we can stick together for a while through this process!
  10. beeteroo


    Just had my last meal for a while! It was a mcdonalds grilled chicken salad. It was tasty! Clear liquids only tomorrow! That's going to be rough while I'm working all day tomorrow! Surgery Tuesday! :-) went and got some gas ex strips and lip balm to take with me to the hospital. Excited for this huge opportunity to give me a tool to manage my weight! And nervous of course.
  11. beeteroo


    I've seen people do this and you have to really get counseling and try and find new ways to cope with life. I'm worried about this too now hat you mention it! I have a super high stress job and easy access to drugs.....guess I better get down to the bottom of this before I think of turning to another substance.
  12. beeteroo

    Help! At a picnic starving

    Great job! I know how hard that is! I had to ask my husband to clear up the left overs for lunch today so I wouldn't eat them! Keep up the good work! Tuesday morning will be here soon! 0545 for me Tuesday......wow going to be hard to get up that early!
  13. Glad I didn't reask this question! I want to see the profiles of the people I talk with too! I mainly use my iPhone and iPad to keep up with this site.
  14. beeteroo

    April 29 th 2014 surgery

    I'm sorry they did that to you! I wasn't told I had to lose anything. I hope it goes alright for you! That's crazy that the pit those limits on you. I think that encourages dehydration. Make sure you drink a lot of water and stick to proteins.
  15. I think that they might be saying that you can get down to 200 lbs just from the sleeve. I think that along the way you are suppose to learn to find an exercise to help you lose the rest. I keep hearing that the long term weight loss results are the same for the sleeve as they are for bypass. I have to look at the research on this one! I'm over 300 now and my goal is 150. I had someone tell me that 150 was too much to expect. I'm going to do my very best to get there. Maybe I'll raise it to 170. I am not someone who likes exercise so I'm very worried about being able to achieve a weight less than 200. Looking back on my pictures I looked pretty good at 200. Lol. For your situation you would probably do well with either surgery. One of my friends had bypass because she wanted the dumping syndrome affects to keep her from going back to sugar and fat. I'm doing the sleeve just because it's less invasive and the nutritional deficiencies are less. You can try to write down the pros and cons of each and try to make a decision that way. Either surgery will make you much healthier.
  16. As you are healing the bloody color will disappear and it will get light yellow like that. It's serous drainage and your body produces it when it's had an insult such as surgery. Call the doc if you are really worried about it though. :-)
  17. beeteroo

    So Nervous

    The pros and cons are important to understand. I love the idea of wiring them all down and using that to make your decision. I have surgery in a few days and I'm very nervous about it. I have been obese my entire life and have lucked out so far in the health department but this weight will catch up with me. I've seen the complications of obesity and to me they are much less desirable than the surgery. I've know many people who have lost their legs because of diabetes and hypertension. I've had great friends die from diabetes and hypertension. I've seen people on dialysis because their kidneys shut down because they were diabetic and hypertensive. I have a friend that had a heart attack at age 38.....she is obese and her lifestyle is the cause of this heart attack. I'm more scared of becoming one of these patients than getting the gastric sleeve in a few days. I'm scared that my kids won't have a mom for much longer if I don't have the surgery.
  18. beeteroo

    April 29 th 2014 surgery

    Did they give you an amount of weight you had to lose before surgery?
  19. beeteroo

    Awakening / Fear of Being Seen

    That's a huge transformation. I hope it gets easier for you. I'm guessing you'll get used to your new body. It's hard to change your body image. I've never ever been thin so I'm very nervous about how I will react to the attention. Just keep smiling and try to see what everyone else is seeing in you!
  20. beeteroo


    I love costco! I've worked very hard to stay away though! And all those samples they hand out! Just a few more days! . I'm home this weekend and I have such a much harder time controlling my eating while at home. Too many temptations. I'm strict liquids on Monday! Then 0545 on Tuesday I will be at the hospital ready to go! So hard to believe I'm finally this close!!! Keep up the good work everyone! :-). We can do this!
  21. beeteroo


    I think it got better after day 3. I didn't have headaches anymore. Try spreading your drinks out further and more jello in between.
  22. beeteroo


    So how's it going with this Preop diet? I think it sucks. Just my opinion. And mine is pretty simple and pretty lenient. I just feel like I'm starving and that I cheat too much. When I cheat I am adding an extra protein usually. No jelly beans today. That's a big step! I did eat my weight in sugar free jello though. So today was very good! For dinner the past two evenings my husband has made a noodle type casserole that tastes so frickin good. I've actually taken huge bites of this crap right from the serving spoon in addition to my diet. I have a problem with its all or nothing and dieting with me......there is no moderation. There.....I just confessed. Blah. I'm going to go drink some water now. I'm getting more and more nervous about the surgery day and I can't wait to get it over with so I can quit worrying!! Good night! 3 more days to go!
  23. beeteroo

    Awakening / Fear of Being Seen

    I've had problems with this when I've lost weight in the past. When people started to notice I became very uncomfortable. I have to wonder if this is one of the reasons I've never been able to keep the weight off.....that and I'm a hungry person! People treat you differently when you are obese. I remember going out with my friends when I was single and the men always flirted with them and I was always ignored. Maybe I just got used to being ignored and it became comfortable.
  24. beeteroo

    12 months out! FINALLY

    Thanks so much for sharing! You give us all hope for our futures! I hope to be as active as you when I get to that weight! Congrats!
  25. beeteroo

    April 29 th 2014 surgery

    I had my EGD today and it went well. Nothing to keep me from having surgery next week! My throat is sore. I also went through all of the Preop work ups at the hospital today! I found out that post op I won't be able to drink anything until my swallow study! I'm thirsty just thinking about it! 7 more days! Now back to my low carb/high protein diet!

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