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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by beeteroo

  1. beeteroo

    post op from April 29th

    I can drink almost a whole 11 oz protein shake at a time. I think because it's a liquid it goes through easier. Wish I could drink my water like that! Maybe I will try a straw. I assumed they didn't want you to use a straw because of extra air swallowed or maybe because you would drink too much at a time.
  2. beeteroo

    Whats ur favorite puree?

    You must be an awesome cook! Sounds delicious. I'll have to try that! Thank you!
  3. beeteroo

    Whats ur favorite puree?

    It's more of a liquid.....not really a purée. It was no thicker than a shake! Lol
  4. beeteroo

    Whats ur favorite puree?

    I got some Campbell's soup on the go Chicken tortilla flavored 10 oz, added one scoop of unjury chicken protein powder, 1/4 cup of refried beans, and some Mexican shredded cheese. I put it all in the blender and then heated it up. Omg it is the best meal I've had since I've had surgery. I'm in love. I ate 1/4 of it and I'm frickin full! Lol. I'm going to try and get it all down tonight. And if I can't I'm saving it for tomorrow!
  5. Went back to work yesterday and it went very well! Today I am exhausted and had tons of gas pains. I seem to be swallowing a bunch of air when I drink. Just got home and I'm lying on the couch chilling out. Having a hard time getting my water in. Yesterday I drank about 40 oz. today so far is only 20-25. Not sure how to get more down than that.
  6. beeteroo

    Whats ur favorite puree?

    Can you explain more specifically how you made that cauliflower chicken cheese dish. I really need something different. It sounds good.
  7. beeteroo

    Whats ur favorite puree?

    I'm drinking soups, Yogurt, cottage cheese, baby food. I had some baby food meat and it was alright. Kind of tasteless. My favorite now is cottage cheese. I've eaten puddings too.ive tried to purée the foods my family is eating with no success. Baby foods are interesting.
  8. beeteroo


    Glad to hear you're doing well! I'm loving my sleeve too! :-)
  9. beeteroo

    post op from April 29th

    I started work today! So far so good! I just found out this morning that my fitness pal app and my iPhone 5s work together to track my steps! I'm so excited about that! I think it will help me track my diet a little better when I can get on there and see how much I'm walking too. It's cool! They just started it this week! My pain is minimal and work is going well so far. Oh and I'm down 17.4 lbs! I really need to quit weighing myself everyday. I need to hide my scales somewhere!
  10. beeteroo


    I've got 5 plus a drain site.
  11. beeteroo

    Trying not to freak out...

    I have that prob since I've had surgery too. But it's always been there! It hurts then it subsides as liquids pass though my stomach. Maybe I'll try the room temp thing. I noticed warm liquids go down easier too. The pain has gotten better over the past week but it still continues. I think you're prob alright but definitely get it all checked out to be sure.
  12. beeteroo

    So much gas.

    I've had the same problem! I was just thinking tonight I was going to have to call my doc tomorrow for a refill on the pain meds it's been so bad! It got better when I started puréed foods but it's back with a vengeance tonight!
  13. beeteroo

    Talk to me about Fitbit Flex!

    This sounds awesome! Maybe this is what I want for my bday this year! Instead of a cake!
  14. beeteroo

    Leg pain anyone?

    Definitely call the doc so they can check for blood clots! It's life threatening!
  15. beeteroo

    I just want to cry

    I've felt the same way this week! It is hard. Today while my family had burritos I had refried bean with some plain Greek yogurt on top. The kids finished their plates in no time and I had only eaten 4 bites! It's definitely going to take some getting used to. You are not alone here. We all feel your pain! Glad to hear it gets less overwhelming.
  16. beeteroo

    medical bracelets for Sleevers?

    I've been wondering about an NG tube! That would be very dangerous. I'll have to get some kind of medical alert thing to cart around and make sure to tell my friends and family to let people know I've had a VSG if there's ever an emergency.
  17. beeteroo

    Well Hello There!

    I'm pretty similar to you too! At age 14 I was 165 lb, graduated high school and college at 200, got married at 230, highest is about 320. Had my first child at 285 and second at 305. Lost and gained lost and gained lost and gained. I had sleeve surgery on April 29th. I was at 300.4 this am! I think it's going to be well worth all the pain I'm having right now. I'm a little older at 38 but now is the time to do something for your health. Congrats on your decision. I know it's a hard one!
  18. I was expecting to pay about 5000 before surgery but they've (the hospital) only asked me to pay my deductibles. My surgeon didn't ask for anything up front. Weird. I have no idea how much I will end up paying in the end. I would suggest working hard to come up with as much as possible and pay them! Maybe if you have a big down payment they will let you make payments on the rest.
  19. Wow! I thought I was the only one feeling like this! I'm hot or cold, shivering or sweating! It's crazy. I think it's just the shock to our systems after surgery. I haven't been running a fever at all but I sure feel like it.
  20. I just received a huge pack of proteinex samples! I'm a medical professional that works with bariatric patients daily and I'm also a new sleeve patient so I used that aspect of it to get some samples. It's liquid predigested protein so it's easy to absorb. Not sure I want to know how it's predigested! Tastes interesting. They have multiple flavors. I'm trying orange right now. 18 grams of protein in 30 ml. No way I could drink it straight. It reminds me of concentrated orange juice. I mixed my 30 ml in some apple sauce and I've been working on it for an hour. It's edible. Worth a try for free though.
  21. beeteroo

    Gas-X strips in Australia?

    I had major gI distress after surgery for 3-4 days. I got quite gassy and it was painful. I would burp or shart and feel better. Yes....i said shart on purpose. It was fun fun! I have had that problem in the past if I've been on a liquid diet and I think I just produce a ton of gas until I get real food in my system! As soon as I started puréeds yesterday the gas went away! I also had the gas pains from the surgery itself that the gas x won't work! But that wasn't the kind of gas that was painful to me comparatively. The gas ex made my life a little better.
  22. I can have any high protein shakes under 200 cals and 25 grams of protein or more. Just drink what you can tolerate! You'll be fine! If they ask why you havent ordered any more through them just tell them you've gone to their website and ordered some.
  23. It sounds like a nerve pain to me too. There aren't any major nerves there but the minor ones are still painful! It will prob start going away with time. I've got patches on my belly that are extremely tender and others that are completely numb. It's all from cutting through my nerve endings. Good luck! I hope it gets better soon. Glad it's not a leak!
  24. beeteroo

    1 Week Stall already!?

    Before surgery my weight fluctuated 5 lbs a day sometimes. I'm guessing that will often be the case post op. Try not to focus on the scales. I'm weighing myself everyday right now too. I might have to throw my scales out though because I don't want to be disappointed by any gains or no losses. If you are eating your food correctly you will lose weight.
  25. beeteroo


    I got some baby food, applesauce, blended smooth soups, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese (puréed in blender), pudding, protein shakes, I also try to add unflavored protein to everything.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
