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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by beeteroo

  1. beeteroo

    Cats Vs Dogs (Share your pet pics)

    These are my babies. My little girls are the dogs and my little man is the kitty. :-) Kitty Cat....yes his name is kitty cat....my son named him when he was 3, Marcy....black lab with an Easter egg in her mouth, and Jessy.....yellow lab sitting like a good girl. I love all my babies. Even the human ones!
  2. beeteroo


  3. beeteroo


    From the album: beeteroo

  4. You will probably feel so much better after you get use to the mask. It takes some getting used to but don't give up on it! Hope it goes perfectly for you! Hang in there!
  5. beeteroo

    How much time off work?

    I took a week off. If I was doing any lifting at my job or more walking or sitting I prob would have taken longer. I am up and down a bunch at work and it helped me get more active. I'm 2.5 weeks out now and I feel great. No pain, I'm still not lifting but I Can walk so much further than I could last week. It's the adjustment of eating slowly and not being able to get enough water. I work in a operating room so I can't drink. I have spent the last week in the GI lab so I could drink more frequently.
  6. So far my bill is up to 3500! That's just the hospital bill. It's going to be expensive!
  7. beeteroo

    Premier Protein rocks!

    Thank you! I'll do that! I can't even think about drinking them. Blah!
  8. beeteroo

    Premier Protein rocks!

    I just called the company tonight about this and their answer to me is that they are still edible. No refund, exchange, no nothing. I'll prob call again because there is no way it can stomach these shakes.
  9. beeteroo

    What did you eat today?

    You do not want to know! I finally feel better and I ate a bunch today! 885 calories! Lol.
  10. beeteroo


    Went through all of these things for about a week too. Make sure you arent running a fever. I never was but I felt like I was. I'm two weeks out today and don't have those problems. It could be the milk products? Mine got better when I started puréeds. I still have explosive BM's if I drink two protein shakes a day.
  11. beeteroo

    post op from April 29th

    Oh I can't wait to get off puréeds! I just want some real food. Lol. Roasted chicken sounds wonderful. I think I've got a couple more weeks of puréeds. I'll have to check my advancement schedule!
  12. That is awesome! You showed that resident! Reminds me of when my son fell of his bike a couple summers ago and his arm was hurting. He cried and cried (he is really dramatic). My husband was so irritated because he had gone to pick him up from the middle of the road (where he fell and was lying) There were cars lined up waiting for someone to get this kid out of the street. Lol. He was about 6 blocks from home. I can only imagine how hilarious the situation was really. He was 12 at the time....he's still dramatic. So i took him in to have it xrayed. My husband was sure that he was just being a drama king. and guess what.....broken.....very badly. My son was lying there in the bed saying I sure hope it's broken so dad feels bad. And yes dad felt so bad about it. You can never tell how bad someone is really hurting. You have to take their word for it. And I love your response......if I wanted painkillers I would have a margarita! Lol.
  13. Yes their heart rate and blood pressure starts going up. I said the same thing post op....that my pain was a 4. They told me that if my pain level were a 5 or higher I would receive pain meds.....lol. Guess what? my pain was a 5 or higher until I left the hospital. It's better to stay on top of the pain control than it is to try and catch up when your pain is excruciating.
  14. beeteroo

    Anal sex and will it cause damage

  15. I am 13 days out today and last night I was able to drink 4 oz in one min! No pain or pressure. I was getting so depressed because I was so thirsty but could never catch up. I think it will be better now that I know I can drink more than 1/2 an oz at a time. I assume it would hurt or I would get reflux if I over do it? Does anyone know for sure? I'm sure it's going through faster and this is why I can get it down easier.
  16. I've noticed that when a surgery is done emergently that the patients hurt way more than in planned surgeries. It is because your body is already not at peak before the surgery (because you've been sick) and your autonomic nervous system is out of wack. You actually feel more pain because of all of these factors. The fact that you weren't as vocal about your discomfort did make them believe that your pain wasn't as bad as it really was. You were probably very ill and simply didn't have the strength to ask for pain meds. It's also possible that while you were in surgery your anesthesia provider wasn't able to give you enough pain medication because you were so ill. When someone is ill during surgery they can't give you as much pain medication or anesthetic or you could have severe complications and even death. This could be one of the reasons you woke up in so much pain in the post op area.
  17. I do anesthesia for a living and it's crazy the differences people have with pain. Everyone is completely different. And I mean everyone. I have to tailor my anesthetic and pain medications to what each person needs. For example for two gastric sleeve patients of the same surgeon/age/health status/size: will give one person astronomical amounts of pain medications during the surgery while the other receives a below average dose. After the surgery this usually continues to be the case. The person that needed more pain meds during the surgery will need more after. Another interesting thing is that different pain medications affect people differently. For example while I was post op in the hospital they gave me morphine for pain. It made me nauseous and didn't control my pain at all. I was sleepy, dizzy, and in pain. When they switched to dilaudid for my pain control I could actually walk and my pain was controlled with no nausea. I went back to work after a week off and have done fine. Very little pain but I feel extremely lucky for this. I am very weak still. No one really knows exactly why all of these things occur differently for different people. All of us have pain receptors in our bodies and some have more pain receptors causing those people to have more pain. Different medications that people take can cause an upregulation (more are actually produced) of those pain receptors and these people have more pain. People with chronic pain already before they have surgery will require more anesthetic and more pain medications. With all of us obese people we are all generally in chronic pain of some sort simply from carrying around an extra 100 lbs. It gets worse as we get older too.
  18. beeteroo

    The bubble guts

    I'm 12 days post op and I have the same problem. My husband just asked me today....you're going again? I haven't noticed any particular foods causing it but I am eating/drinking lots of milk products. The first few days were explosive but I feel like I can semi control it now....hold it long enough to get to a bathroom. it did get better when I started eating puréeds.
  19. beeteroo


    I've been on it at 100mg for a few years. Since surgery (12 days ago) I've been lax about taking it daily and I can absolutely tell. I cried half of the evening last night and I was very snappy with my son today. I guess I better get my butt in gear and take that stuff. It works if you take it. I didn't notice anything about it making me feel weird when I started it but I was very anxious when I started it. I have been taking it for anxiety. Now I really need it for it's antidepressant side effects!
  20. beeteroo


    What are you taking for pain? Just curious. Mine told me to take Tylenol (acetaminophen) and not an NSAID like ibuprofen or naproxen.
  21. beeteroo

    Pain Medication

    You should be able to have any kind of pain meds. Lortab (aka hydrocodone) is what they gave me after surgery. Ovarian cysts are so hard to treat because (in my experience with them) the cysts will hurt until they pop and the pop is excruciating and you never know when that will happen so you are either drugged up all the time or you deal with the pains. Then after the pop the pain is mostly relieved until the next one. I usually deal with the pains and just take ibuprofen......not sure it's recommended to take ibuprofen after gastric surgery because it can jack up the lining of your stomach. I have a friend that had the sleeve 5 months ago and she takes ibuprofen every day. No problems for her yet but definitely talk to your surgeon about ibuprofen before you take it.
  22. That's the thing that has concerned me the most since I started this metamorphosis. I get thirsty so I drink 32 oz of water (before sleeve). I've always been a water drinker so I didn't have to withdrawal from soda or other unsavory liquids but I just don't feel like I drink enough water. Since the sleeve I'm lucky to get 30 oz a day. I'm constantly thirsty. I work in an area where I cannot drink for much of the day so I would make up for it by drinking that 32 oz cup in one sitting. Now I'm simply dry. :-( I'm pretty early out so I'm hoping to be able to gulp that water soon!
  23. beeteroo

    Discouraged and Heartbroken.

    I'm so sorry for all of the things you and your husband are going through. I can only imagine your pain right now. It might be a good time to talk with your doctor about taking an antidepressant for a while. Sugar helps you feel better right now and I completely understand. I think the suggestions that others have said are a good idea. Go get a mani/pedi and a massage and try to take care of yourself. If you aren't eating all that sugar you might feel better too. Start back to the basics. Just work on getting your protein in first, then fruits and veggies, and then starches.
  24. beeteroo

    3 weeks post op and Stressed

    I feel the same way! I'm only 10 days out though. I've been back at work for 3 days and I'm dragging. I'm not hurting at all which seems weird but I am exhausted. Thanks for posting these responses. Maybe we are expecting too much of ourselves too early.
  25. What about when they would sell you a tape worm in a capsule? I remember that as a kid. I guess you could get this miracle cure, not change your diet and still lose weight! Yes but the tapeworm lived in your intestines and ate some of your food. I think I remember hearing about another pill you would have to take when you were through losing your weight! One to kill the tapeworms! No I never tried that one. Lol.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
