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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by beeteroo

  1. beeteroo

    Tell me about your restrictions

    I'm 5 weeks out today and I don't have any restrictions. If I eat too fast I feel like the food is sitting there like a rock but that feeling passes. I've tried everything except fresh veggies. I have no nausea. I even had steak and corn last night. Only 1.5 oz of steak and 1/3 cup of corn but I had no problems. I have had strawberries and watermelon for fruits. No probs at all. I've had pizza and bread and have no probs with those either. I even had bday cake a couple times and I had no probs! I think that with more time I will be able to have fresh veggies but I just feel it's too soon. I've been cleared to eat anything but I'm trying to take it slow. I'm loving the restriction that my sleeve provides for me! It has helped so much to keep me from over eating. I have been disappointed when I can't finish something that tastes delicious.
  2. I've always been noticeably bigger than others. I started out at 9 lb and kept right on growing! I attached a photo of me as a baby! I was quite a chunk! The other baby in the pic is the same age as me. I thinned out in early grade school but was still larger than everyone else. It only got worse as I grew up. As a teenager my stepdad couldn't keep his mouth shut about how fat I was. He was so mean! He's still an ahole. I graduated high school at 200 lbs and then met my husband when I was 19 after I'd lost 30 lb and was looking nice at 170. I was still over weight at 170. I quickly gained that back and was 200 at my graduation from college. My husband (boyfriend at the time) was disgusted and threatened to leave me if I didn't lose he weight. That didn't go over well. Yet for some reason I married the man!! I proceeded to gain more and became pregnant at the age of 24 at 225 lbs. I had my oldest child and my top preg weight was 285. Lost down to 210 by the time he was 3 then gained 40 more lbs and got pregnant again at 250 lbs. maxed out at 305 when I delivered that little man! Got down to 270's and have creeped back up and my max is 315! Oh man I've talked a lot. I'm just happy to finally have a tool that will help me.
  3. They do make protein pills! You have to eat a ton of them to get any benefit though so you might as well eat the foods. Proteinex (or the makers of proteinex) is a company that makes them that I've found. One gram per pill. Chewable. I didn't try any. They sent me some samples. I got so tired of trying samples of different products that I gave up and gave them away to someone just sleeved.
  4. beeteroo

    I didnt want to lie...

    Track your food for a week and then show them the plan. They will lose weight in that plan too! Lol. You just eat way less calories than before and you've upped your protein intake. Simple as that. That's your diet plan. It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks. Tell them you've made a life change in your diet and exercise plans and you've learned to stick to it.
  5. Last night I licked the cheese off of a serving of Doritos. Yep....it was good. I couldn't eat very many so I licked the rest. Guess I know what I won't be buying at the store for the kids anymore.
  6. beeteroo

    4th of July Challenge

    Surgery weight 315, Current weight 287 goal weight 272. Ultimate goal weight 170!
  7. I'm 4 weeks out....if it's around me I will want it. The cravings didn't go away for me. I think it's my brain telling me to eat and not my stomach.
  8. beeteroo

    Why does the sleeve fail?

    Thanks for sharing your experience. It makes me realize the importance of working on the reasons why I eat the wrong things.
  9. beeteroo

    I Puked

    You should be all healed up by now and it should be just like puking when you have had the stomach flu in the past. Just start with water and when you can keep that down advance your diet as you can until you get back to a regular diet.
  10. Wow! I'm so sorry! And the stomach flu on top of all of this! Oh I hope you don't get it. I hope the reglan helps too. I had gastroparesis shortly after I had my last baby and reglan helped me with in hours. I hope it works quickly for you! Let us know how you are.
  11. beeteroo

    1 month surgiversary!

    It's my 1 month this week too. I lost 28 lbs total. I'm guessing I'm a slow loser. HW 315, SW 309, CW 287. Was hoping to get to 30 lb lost. At least I'm in the 200's!
  12. I can tie my shoes with clothes on and breathe at the same time! :-)
  13. beeteroo

    Foods that make you barf! Literally.

    Man I have the same problem.
  14. beeteroo

    Foods that make you barf! Literally.

    I totally wish this would happen to me! I seem to be able to eat anything without barfing.
  15. beeteroo

    Eating around the sleeve

    Addiction to food and sugar and carbs. That's how people slide with their sleeves. I'm only 4 weeks out and I can tell I'm going to have to work hard at this every step of the way. I'm addicted to sugar. Food calls to me when it's near me. It's easier to say no with my sleeve but it's not easy and I have eaten things I shouldn't be eating already. And I'm just a few weeks out! It's quite disturbing! It's a physical and emotional addiction for me.
  16. Oh I hope it all goes well! Hang in there. Hopefully your stomach just needs more time on liquids.
  17. How are you today? Did your upper GI go ok? Sorry you're stuck in the hospital! Sucks to be a patient!
  18. I had someone tell me that you can freeze premier protein (prob any protein drinks) and make popcicles. I'm sure you could put it in your ice cream maker and make I've cream. Sounds delish!
  19. Wow! Your ex friend has issues. I am sorry that you've lost a friend but she is over the top crazy. Sorry that's rude but wow! I had my sleeve surgery 4 weeks ago and I am not inflicting an eating disorder on myself. I eat what ever I want, just not as much. I do not regret my decision and I'm thankful to have supportive people around me. You need to surround yourself with those that love you unconditionally. It's not worth it trying to make others happy. I can't believe that she is content to go through life unfriending people and trying to make them feel bad. She's not worth it. I know it hurts to lose someone but perhaps she is worth losing so that you can be healthy. It is possible that as time goes by she will think differently but for now, for your sanity, I think you should stay away. Hang in there. There are hundreds of people on this site that support you.
  20. beeteroo

    Does anyone eat pizza?

    No chastising here! I had almost half a piece a couple days ago and I'm only 3.5 weeks out. I took the meat off because it was a bit too tough to eat. It's prob a big no no but I'm on soft foods.....pizza is soft right? Lol. I stopped before I hurt myself but it would have been very easy to keep on eating then feel awful or throw it up. I can't believe how easy it is to overeat!
  21. I see why you are concerned! With crohns you are definitely used to the loose variety! Maybe this is normal for you!
  22. You should go have it checked out ASAP. If you aren't able to get it out in the usual manner it's not normal. Having a stomach surgery shouldn't change the overall shape of your stool because your stool is the shape of the colon. It could be that you have a stricture in there somewhere or it could be nothing but definitely get it checked out!
  23. beeteroo

    Question on timeline

    I was extremely lucky! Only 6 weeks! My insurance only required a psych consult and a nutrition consult. Back in 2010 I had a 6 month wait period with nutrition consults and didn't make it through my full 6 months. Different insurance.
  24. beeteroo

    post op from April 29th

    My clothes are quite loose! Im going to try and hold out on buying new clothes until this summer sometime. I'm down 25 lbs so far. Last week I lost 0.4 lbs! That was a shocker! Only 120 to go....lol. I have a long way to go! Started soft foods this week and so far it's going ok. I ate some grilled chicken (not necessarily a soft food) for supper tonight and it's sitting there like a brick! Still adjusting to this tiny stomach and trying not to overeat. It's so easy to over eat! I'm so happy i had a sleeve done!
  25. beeteroo


    I didn't have regrets exactly but I was quite miserable! I'm 3 weeks post op now and I feel great! Like really great. I did a lot of crying about 1-2 weeks out and I was irritable and sad but that has gone away so far. I do miss being able to eat more. Still getting used to this smaller stomach.

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