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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by beeteroo

  1. It seems like she's just a crazy and self centered as she was the last time you posted her comments. It would be really good for you to stay away from that kind of negativity and take care of yourself. I don't think you should go back to that blog. And the friend that pointed this out to you should know that you don't want to look at her blog anymore for your own sanity.
  2. Im 6 weeks out. I can eat almost everything I've tried. If I eat too fast or eat too much I get sick. Simple as that. I chew my food pretty well....not always the best but it works out most of the time. I had steak tonight for supper, I've eaten pizza multiple times....maybe 4-5 times. Beef jerky is wonderful. Tastes so good and my stomach seems to like it. I've had cake, cheese cake, crackers, chips, bread, and ice cream. The things I've tried sound awful unhealthy! I haven't tried salad or fresh veggies but I probably will this week and see what happens. I've only had cooked veggies...broccoli, peas, corn, carrots, cauliflower. I've tried all sorts if fruits and berries and they've all gone down quite well. I'm missing fiber in my diet now!
  3. I don't think you sound bitchy! It's exactly correct! I had the surgery because I've spent the past 30 years as an over weight or morbidly obese person. I've tried so many diets and exercise plans. Nothing worked long term. I'm done being obese. The sleeve is a tool only. I still want chocolate cake and donuts but not enough to eat it often. I think my physical cravings have diminished but my head hunger has continued. I'm still the same person! I love food!
  4. beeteroo

    One month out help

    I haven't tried salad yet because I feel that it could be difficult to digest. That's prob why you felt like that. It kind of scares me. I think I will try some tomorrow.
  5. You will be able to eat that post op after you heal. You probably won't be able to eat a whole hamburger and fries for quite a while post op. I've had pizza more times than I'd like to admit. I've also eaten a few fries. My cravings for food didn't go away but my sleeve keeps me quite full. I personally didn't have surgery to be on a diet for the rest of my life. I will eat what my family eats for the most part but I will eat way less. I eat very healthily most of the time but not all day every day. I haven't been to McDonald's post op yet..... I could prob eat half a hamburger now. It just doesn't sound good though. They make a great southwest chicken salad with grilled chicken. I haven't tried those yet either because salads scare me a bit still! I'm just afraid I won't be able to chew it enough. Maybe I'll try a salad tomorrow! I'm six weeks out this week.
  6. So how did you actually get down to a 0? Did you work super hard to get to that size or did you just keep losing and it just happened? Just curious? I wonder if I will get down to a size that I've never even imagined getting to. I started at a size 24....no idea what size I am now but the smallest I've ever been is a 12 and id like to get back there. That's my goal but I wonder if I could get smaller and still be healthy and happy.
  7. beeteroo

    post op from April 29th

    I feel the same way! I haven't felt this way until this week though. I think I've been overdoing it. I'm attempting to eat lunch now and I've had 4 bites of chicken and 2 of peas. I'm now nauseous and trying to keep it down. I sure hope this gets better.
  8. Thanks for this article! Explains a lot!
  9. beeteroo

    post op from April 29th

    So tomorrow is 6 weeks post op! How is everyone doing? I'm down 34 lbs. only 116 left to go! Lol. It's still quite overwhelming but the sleeve has made it much easier. Especially if I continue to be bulimic and throw up all my foods! I'm going back to super softs and liquids tomorrow.
  10. beeteroo

    post op from April 29th

    Well that's crazy that so many of us are feeling this way this week. I just got finished throwing up My 1/3 cup of supper. What's up with that? I've eaten that meal before! It wasn't the healthier meal (hamburger helper). I also threw up my water Saturday morning! It's so strange. Six weeks out tomorrow and I just started getting sick! Maybe I'm pushing it too far. I'm back on a regular diet now so I may be overdoing it. Back to the basics tomorrow. Pretty sure I'm done for today.
  11. beeteroo

    Foods that make you barf! Literally.

    So i posted a week or so ago that nothing had made me sick and I was feeling quite lucky....six weeks out and I was sure I wasn't going to have problems. Saturday morning I drank water and it all came back up! Water! It seems if I have water on an empty stomach I will become nauseous. Well tonight I had about 1/3 a cup of hamburger helper. I finished my plate right up and then threw it all up. Guess I won't be eating that again anytime soon. :-(
  12. beeteroo

    Your Big Goal Celebration

    Love this thread! I hadn't even thought about what I would do when I hit goal. Heck I've never been thin so I have no idea! I think I just want to live life. I want to swim, play with my kids, jump on a trampoline, fit on a ride at an amusement park, do some fun things with my hubby.....so many things. I just can't imagine being under 200lbs yet. Can't wait.
  13. beeteroo

    Your Big Goal Celebration

    What kind of reward to you give yourself? I've always used food as a reward! No longer is that possible!
  14. beeteroo

    My sleeve is not a morning person

    Yes! Almost every morning. I actually threw up yesterday morning after drinking water. That was so strange. This morning I made my kids chocolate chip pancakes with a bunch of protein powder in it (so I could eat some too) and I got two bites down! I usually feel better after I've had a little in my stomach and then for the rest of the day I'm fine. I get queasy when my stomach is empty. Hope it gets better. I'm almost 6 weeks out.
  15. beeteroo


    I've moved a couple of places without knowing anyone and it's hard and scary! Since you have a child you have a great "tool" to help you meet people! Look up play groups in your area! Start with parents as teachers and see if they have a program in your area. Some areas stop the play groups at age 3 others continue until age 5. I remember those days of not knowing anyone and being stuck in a house with a little one wondering if there were ever any adults I could talk to! If you would like friends, you should definitely look up groups of people in your area with similar interests. Lol....when I had little ones I didn't really have any interests except the kids so play groups are the way to go! And you can look up support groups for bariatrics and start going whether you've had surgery or not! Check out overeaters anonymous. TOPS is another one.
  16. I do anesthesia for a living and just tell your anesthesia provider that you have just been tested and that you have been diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea. Are you getting a cpap machine? If at all possible you should get one prior to surgery and bring it with you to the hospital to use while you are there. If they have determined that your sleep apnea is severe enough to use a cpap machine please use it! Especially when you are on pain medications. Pain medications can increase your sleep apnea and I've actually read stories about people dying post operatively because of their untreated sleep apnea and pain medications. When I've got sleep apnea patients I make sure to tell them that they must wear their cpap postoperatively. I was lucky enough to not have to have a cpap machine so I don't know what one feels like but please wear one if they say you need it.
  17. beeteroo

    Weighted Question

    I wouldn't say anything to them. Love them the way they are. When ever I've gained weight it was quite obvious to me that I had gained weight. I don't need someone telling me I'm getting fatter. That seems quite rude.
  18. beeteroo

    Feeling guilty for living in Florida...

    Cold destroys fat cells huh? I only wish because I froze my A** of this winter! And I didn't lose any fat cells! Lol. Which is why I'm lucky enough to be moving to south Florida in two weeks! ;-
  19. beeteroo

    Feeling guilty for living in Florida...

    Lol! Funny!
  20. My surgeon told me that his sleeve patients have done so much better when they eat 5-6 times a day. I also graze throughout the day and it really helps me feel better. And I take sips of water with my meals. He also told me that taking sips with my meals was fine.....thank goodness! Not sure I could eat and not have my water.
  21. So I have been nauseous every morning when I wake up and drink water. Some days are better than others. I'm trying to get as much in as possible because I still am not drinking enough. Today as I'm trying to sleep in I drank the water (prob 4-6 oz) at my bedside and get so nauseous I actually threw up! First time I've thrown up since surgery almost 6 weeks ago. I always feel better when I eat something each morning. It's like my stomach goes too long without eating and rejects the water! That is so weird!!! I feel fine now as I'm sipping my protein shake for breakfast. I love water and it's been my beverage of choice before and after surgery. It's like morning sickness without the pregnancy!
  22. beeteroo

    4th of July Challenge

    Current weight 284! GW 270.
  23. I'm lucky since I've never been a soda drinker. Sure I've had some but I don't have to have any everyday or even every month. Since my sleeve I miss being able to eat more. But I don't miss it that much. It's still quite shocking to me since I feel so normal now that I've healed. I also miss being able to drink 32 oz of water in one sitting. I'm still so thirsty! I just can't drink enough at one time. I gotta go now....have to go drink my 4-6 oz of water now. :-)
  24. I just looked at one at the grocery store. Looks like they use low fat cheddar cheese not the processed American cheese I thought it was. You can choose between peanuts or almonds. Looks tasty.
  25. Lunch meat, cheese (prob very processed), and some nuts. I haven't actually tried them but I've had lunchables by them and their cheese is processed to the max. Oh I do love cheese. I'll have to try one of these too. They are the perfect size for a meal!

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