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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by beeteroo

  1. Amazing transformation! I'm so happy for you! Great job!
  2. beeteroo

    Waiting on Approval

    Wow 3 days! congrats! My office said 10-15 business days......could be a long wait!
  3. beeteroo

    Trouble getting my protein in

    I have chocolate and chocolate peanut butter of this brand and they are very good! I thought they'd be awful! Someone told me for more of a peanut butter taste to can also put PB2 in it. I think that will add more flavor and protein. PB 2 is awesome too. Tastes wonderful!
  4. beeteroo

    Waiting on Approval

    My paperwork was sent off this week! So ready for this!
  5. beeteroo

    Anyone go thru malley

    Wow that's awesome! Congrats! I can't wait. They sent off for insurance approval yesterday so I'm hoping to get sleeved later this month or early May! Wow a half marathon! I've always wanted to be able to run! Maybe I'll have that chance next year! Thanks for your update!
  6. beeteroo

    Anyone on here in Kansas?

    I recently went to a seminar at their group and it looks like they use improved their aftercare. The showed us the X-ray machine and require frequent swallow studies with their band pts. I'm not going to them only because another surgeon in KC could get me in sooner. I'm not messing around, I want this done ASAP! I'm a nurse too and I'm so concerned about all the what if's.
  7. beeteroo

    Anyone go thru malley

    I'm planning on going through dr malley. Just waiting for insurance approval! How are you guys doing post op?
  8. beeteroo

    Boy did I mess up *sigh*

    You took a huge step when you came here to post your slip up! You got back on track and are going to see a therapist! Great job. I hope I'm disciplined enough to recognize my screw ups and get back on track like you did.
  9. beeteroo


    It's a sizing tool the surgeon uses to make the sleeve. While you are asleep they put it down your esophagus and into your stomach. Then they cut your stomach around it and pull it back out when they are done.
  10. Great thread! I have many of the same reasons as everyone else. People really treat fat people differently. I notice when people greet my thin friends and can't even look at me. Not everyone is like this but I find myself staying at home more and more. I went to the movies today with my kids, sat down in the chair and realized how large I really am again. It's like I don't know the size of my body and I'm surprised by it often. I couldn't even put my drink in the cup holders on the seat because my body was in the way. I went to a Cub Scout meeting with my youngest child earlier this week and sat in a seat that wobbled and was only large enough for half my rear. I didn't move very much for fear I'd break the chair In front of 200 people. I'm the size of 2.5 adults. Bigger than a NFL player.....actually I weight about the same as a Linebacker that's 6'7" tall. I have so many reasons for having surgery. I've been obese my entire adult life. I was an obese child when children weren't obese. I lose weight and gain it all back plus more. So many diets and so much exercise. I'm hungry, that's all there is to it! I love food. I'm so scared to have surgery because I can't imagine myself being a thin person. I don't want to draw that much attention to myself. I read all the success stories and get excited and nervous because I might be one of those stories in a year. I'm scared it won't work. I'm scared that I will lose it all and gain it all right back. If I don't have surgery I will die....possibly before my kids are grown. I want to have sex with my husband. I can't do that right now. Im just too fat and uncomfortable. I'm an alien in my own body. I want to clip my own toenails and tie my shoes without having to do it super fast or in steps because I can't reach my feet and breathe at the same time. I want to be able to buy clothing in the 0-18 size people section! I want to wash myself without having to resort to extra "tools" to reach certain areas. I want to fit into an airplane seat and a toilet seat and a regular old chair! I want to be able to go down water slides with my kids and go on rides at amusement parks. I want people to see me and not my body. I recently went for a job interview and was sure I'd be rejected because of my weight. Surprisingly I got the job! I want to walk without having to stop and catch my breath all the time. I want to take my dogs for a walk. There are so many reasons why I'm doing this. Too many to list I suppose. :-) I can't wait for my transformation!
  11. beeteroo

    Waiting on Approval

    I just got all my pre appointments done and now the office just has to send my stuff off to insurance! I'm ready!
  12. Lol I was just thinking about this yesterday. I've had a couple surgeries and it really hurts to bend and twist when you have to get yourself clean! I didn't think of using a set of tongs..... Great tip!
  13. beeteroo

    Anal sex and will it cause damage

    Oh you guys are killing me! Hilarious responses. I'm thinking it would definitely be safe as long as you use enough lube and your partner isn't 20 feet long. I wouldn't recommend putting anything in your anus that is much longer than your rectum....which is only 5 inches long. And make sure that anything you place there is long enough to get out again.....nothing more embarrassing than to have to get something removed surgically because it got lost. Good luck!
  14. beeteroo

    Specific friend advice needed! Pic included

    I think you should share your loss with her. she may feel hurt because you haven't confided in her your weight loss struggles and successes. The next time you see her I think you should say.... As you are trying on dresses....."I've lost xxxx lbs and I can't believe i can fit in this dress.... What do you think?". See what her response is. Tell that you are so excited that's she's getting married and be excited about her too. And tell her how beautiful she is in her dress before you discuss your transformation too.
  15. beeteroo

    Trouble getting my protein in

    Beneprotein sounds great! I looked it up. 25 kcals and 6g protein for only 7g (1.5tsbp) of powder!
  16. beeteroo

    Telling the family?!?

    That's a good idea. Maybe I will do that too. Having a little laparoscopic surgery. It would be super hard not to tell them once they started firing off all those questions. I'm trying to think of a bogus surgery to tell them I'm having.
  17. beeteroo

    Telling the family?!?

    I talked to my mom about it a few weeks ago and she is totally against me doing it. I'm still going to have the surgery and tell her about it when I get closer to the surgery date. I just don't want to hear her crap about.....just eat less and exercise more. She's obese too but not as bad as me and she was thin when she was a child and young adult.....I've never even thin....ever. I feel like I have to tell her so if i have a complication my husband doesn't have to explain it to everyone. My dad won't have a problem with it. Not sure if I'm going to tell my siblings. I probably will.....just in case. It's probably a good idea to tell your family.
  18. beeteroo

    Just a Whiny Vent ("My New Insurance")

    I looked at the coverage in my state and it doesn't even cover bariatrics! I could quit my job and get on Medicaid and get covered but my state doesn't offer bariatric services for their Obamacare plans. Thankfully I have coverage through my husbands job and we don't need to use the affordable care act.
  19. beeteroo


    My surgeon offers a self pay program for 12000. That's ridiculous that they are trying to steal money from you! Look hard at Mexico and find anew surgeon.
  20. beeteroo

    marks my year...

    Great job! Wow 108 lbs! I'm sure you feel so much better! Thanks for sharing your awesome transformation!
  21. Great job to both of you! Love those pics! Hope my year is just as awesome! Thanks so much for sharing!
  22. beeteroo

    Tijuana surgery March 21

    Those with long flights make sure you are stretching your legs and getting out of your seat at least once an hour to prevent blood clots! Keep your circulation flowing!
  23. beeteroo

    On my way!

    I'll keep in touch here. It's great reading everyone's story! I'm hoping to have a surgery date in May. :-)
  24. beeteroo


    Let us know how it works!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
