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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by beeteroo

  1. I've been out a year now and I have lost 70 lbs. unfortunately I still have another 70 to go and I've been stalled for a long time....months. I know what I'm doing wrong. I need to exercise more and stay away from sugar. I also quit tracking my food intake. I need to get back on the plan! It's very hard and very frustrating. I always make sure to get enough protein in but those damn carbs find their way to my face if I am near them. It's a definite addiction to food that I have. Lifelong addiction to food can't be solved in just a year though. I find myself wishing I would have had bypass too. I do feel way better and am able to so much more! I rode all the roller coasters for the first time in more than 15 years last fall! Amazing.
  2. This is the perfect meal! I love that they have grilled chicken nuggets now! I can only get the nuggets down at on sitting then the fruit at a different time!
  3. beeteroo

    post op from April 29th

    That's great! 44 lbs! Hopefully you get through the weekend healthily! I'm eating a completely regular diet. It's hard to be super healthy all the time! It's going to bite me in the rear someday but for now I can eat what I want. Just very little of it! This is why I had the surgery.....so I can have limits to the amounts I eat! I don't want to diet forever. Smaller normal (or smaller) sized portions are so awesome!
  4. beeteroo

    One month out help

    I can only eat about a half a cup too. But it's nice to be able to eat out when my family is eating out. I just get the salad with some grilled chicken. Lots of leftovers!
  5. beeteroo

    4th of July Challenge

    272.2 today. GW was 270 but I was close! I was 285 when I started this challenge though so 13 lbs is nothing to complain about! :-)
  6. beeteroo

    One month out help

    It's crazy how different we all feel after our sleeves! I just had a salad for supper.....Apple pecan grilled chicken from Wendy's....and I ate 1/3 of a half order! Lol. It filled me up very quickly but I love it. I'll have some left over for tomorrow. I'm 8 weeks out I think....maybe 9 and I've been eating salads for a couple weeks.
  7. beeteroo

    My surgeon was just arrested!

    Dang I've worked with him and he's a great guy and a good surgeon. Must have had a really, really bad day. Not such good judgement that day. I have to say that it's prob been 3-4 years ago since I worked with him and he was always appropriate and never made me question his sobriety. Wow. His partners will prob help you out to make sure you still get your surgery.
  8. beeteroo

    post op from April 29th

    So how is everyone doing? I'm still getting used to everything but it's becoming easier. I haven't been on this site very often lately. I'm down 43 lbs total. HW 315, SW 309, CW 272. I've had a couple stalls but they have gone away and I lose a few lbs on most weeks. I'm eating about 1200 calories a day. The clothing I have that fit are getting scarce! Shopping will be in my future soon. I feel much better and have started swimming for exercise. I hurt my ankle quite badly a couple weeks ago so swimming seems to be the only thing I can do right now. Went to the beach one day last week and man was that a mistake. The sand killed my ankle! Though I was going to have to crawl! Hope it gets better soon! Summer is here and it's nice and hot!
  9. beeteroo

    4th of July Challenge

    275.4 this week. I'm guessing that I will not reach my goal of 270 with only 1 week to go. :-(
  10. beeteroo

    4th of July Challenge

    Not sure if I posted yet.....I lost zero weight this week! Still at 280. Maybe next week will be better. I broke my ankle this week and have been lying around all week.....feeling sorry for myself being angry and eating carbs.....Grrrr! Oh it sucks. Got a walking boot though and as long as it doesn't hurt too bad I can put some pressure on it. not broken too bad....just a little chip.
  11. My physicians instructions said to crush anything bigger than an aspirin for 8 weeks. I didn't take my meds at all for a few days post op. Then I just took my essentials and tried to crush them. Well I vomited that up quickly! I gave up and started taking them while about 1.5 weeks out. I couldn't take it. Now I'm on a regular diet but I still should be crushing my meds for another week......doesn't make sense to me. Taking them whole was the only way I could get them down!
  12. beeteroo

    Protein Shakes

    Sounds good. Use it if you like it! I haven't tried it. I got tired of trying new protein drinks so I gave up and drink premier protein now. It's easy. I'm all about easy.
  13. beeteroo

    Discouraged and Heartbroken.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how difficult this is for you and your family. He is no longer suffering and is in a good place now. You will see him again someday. Try to take care of yourself the best that you can.
  14. beeteroo

    Stupid weight loss advice

    I had someone make a statement once while I was in the group that she couldn't understand why people would choose to be overweight. I chose to be fat.....really I did.
  15. I've been reading today and the topic of the window of time to lose weight is about a year. I've tried doing a search and can't find anything. Where did this come from and why do you only have a time frame to lose weight? What's up with that? If I've got 200 lbs to lose how would I ever lose that in just a year? Am I SOL if I don't lose all my weight in a year? I need some research on this topic. Anyone done any research and can explain this?
  16. I had a spinach salad with a little vinegar on it for lunch....went down perfectly! Figured you would want to know!
  17. beeteroo

    4th of July Challenge

    I am 280 this week.
  18. I was thinking texture not content. I certainly don't eat like this every day. Raw Vegetables are hard to digest so I haven't tried them. But I will.
  19. beeteroo

    Window of time to lose weight?

    Thanks! I want to use this time effectively too!
  20. Gee thanks for reminding me. I wouldn't have known that my choices aren't always the best.
  21. beeteroo

    Window of time to lose weight?

    The only thing I've found is that it's easier to lose weight for the first year. Perhaps that's just because most of us just have so much to lose and it becomes harder to lose the weight as we get closer to goal. I haven't found any scientific research on the subject. That's what I'm looking for so of anyone has any good info please share. I'll keep looking but it doesn't seem to me that the "window" of opportunity is anything metabolic.
  22. beeteroo

    Window of time to lose weight?

    I've already had surgery and my surgeon and classes said nothing about a window of 18 months. I'll have to keep searching for info.
  23. beeteroo

    Window of time to lose weight?

    What website? I'll have to do some searching online I suppose.

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