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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by andigump

  1. Brandy, You DOOOO look great.....keep up the good work!! You are totally an inspiration for me, thanks!!:clap2:
  2. andigump

    2cc filll and I don't feel restricted...

    banded on 15 Aug. 07(4cc band), first fill on 27 Sept. 07, 1cc. I absolutely felt no restriction after the first 2 weeks....I lost 12 pounds, but, when I went for my fill I had put 5 back on. After my fill of 1cc it made a major difference.....I didn't even feel that restricted when I had my surgery....so far so good...
  3. Hi, I was banded one month ago today...I've lost a total of 12 pounds, but, gained 7 back so far. So, I can certainly understand your gain. But, since your band, how have things went....and positive results?
  4. andigump

    Making my way....

    <p>I was banded 15 August 07, I have been hungry since the first week was over. Today I ate wayyyy too much, but, I couldn't get full. I feel like crap. Have there been any failures where the lap-band is concerned......I tried so hard to lose weight all these years, and decided to get the lap-band...now I feel as if I am right back where I was.....not getting full, and beating myself up over it. I'm an educated person, how can I be so dumb when it comes to eating right? Is this a *norm*, so to speak....I told my Doctor I was hungry, but, no fills til after the 6th week. I don't know.....I'm discouraged right now, I want so badly to KNOW this is going to work and that I didn't make a bad decision. </p> <p>~food addict in Alabama~</p>
  5. andigump


    Hi, I'm new here. I was banded on 15 August 2007. I am mid way thru my 3rd week and I am very hungry. On my 2 week visit to my Dr. (Dr. Foreman, Huntsville, AL) I had lost 12 pounds. YAY~!! But, told him I was getting very hungry, and didn't feel *full* like I did the first week. My startout weight was 290 and I am 5'9". So, working on 278 now and don't know what to do. I need help with some foods to eat. My Dr. recommends solids after 6 weeks.......I'm sick of smashed black eyed peas and Lima Beans, but, I love my Protein Shakes....Using the Champion French Vanilla, s/f and decaf. mocha swiss International Coffee, w/ a teaspoon of s/f Hazelnut syrup and 3 packs of Splenda.....it's awesome...but, I can't live on that alone. All ideas will be appreciated. Thanks~!! :help:
  6. andigump

    Making my way....

    Thank you soooo much for your input, it really means a lot to me.... :eek:
  7. andigump

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Thank you Dee, I sure hope so, I've put 3 pounds on that I lost. Diversity, isn't it a wonderful thing? Have a great day!!
  8. andigump

    Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered Bandsters

    Hmmm, let's see... was banded on 15 Aug. 07...still hungry as ever.......getting down and out, and worried. Not like I think Gay or Lesbian folks would understand better than anyone else, but, this is my comfort zone. I hope to get to know some of you well enough that you can inspire me to be ME.

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