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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by hollyberries

  1. Hey everyone!

    I went for a fill today and am hoping that it will finally be my sweet spot. I lost 5lbs from the last fill a month ago so things have slowed down for me. However, I am still very happy with my progress. I just want to lose this dang 3lbs to hit 100lbs and beat my buddy TXArcher. Love ya buddy...wouldn't be cool if we hit it the same day together.

    I have had the weirdest experience all day drinking my liquids. I drink and I can feel go down to the stoma and it stops and then all of sudden it is like a woosh and goes further down. I have been doing this all day and it happens every single time. I haven't noticed this before so it must be tighter. I have 2.25cc's in my 4cc band so I am hoping that I am close. I found people with a 4cc band have anywhere from 2.5 to 3cc's before restriction; so we will see.

    I am attaching a picture of me in my new bathing suit. As many of you are aware, I have had the hardest time finding a bathing suit for Water aerobics. Today I found a Croft & Barrows at Kohl's. Now, what has me so excited is I am now in a size 22 bathing suit. I am elated at this fact because just 6 months ago I was wearing a 32/34 and was moving out of shopping in a Plus size store to catalog. Now, I can go to Kohl's and actually buy stuff off the rack. So totally awesome...I know for some of you that phrase was an 80's flash back.

    Love ya guys,



  2. Thanks everyone... Those are the exact reasons I chose the band! I mentioned those concerns and was told basically I was a surgeons dream for either surgery... young, very healthy, able to exercise, etc. Then he said with the band I would expect in a year you would get down to maybe 165 (which usually thrills me to death), but a year later with a bypass I could be 135... I said I was in middle school when I weighed that! It was like dangling a cookie in my face... like do it, do it, you know you want to, you know you like it! Ugh!

    Then I asked about complications and he said with the bypass the complications are up front and basically if you make it out of surgery you will be fine... but with the band the complications come later, slippage, port problems, infections, esophagus (sp?) problems,etc. Now as I mentioned I have been coming on here for quite some time and it seems like the problems are really minimal in comparison. Ugh! This is so frustrating... I wish I was never in the room with all those people for hours... they all said they eat what they want, they don't experience dumping syndrome,etc. I wow really surprised by their reactions.


    I noticed that you are from Dracut MA. What hospital are you going to? Who is your doctor? I am from MA and go to Brigham & Women's and have Dr. Lautz. I must admit that when I chose the Lapband no was going to talk me out of it. I was dead set against RNY because of the side affects and I wanted something reversible. I had heard that the RNY would be pushed instead of Lapband but my Doctor actually said that I was a good candidate for Lapband. I had no medical issues and was as healthy as a horse..LOL! Funny thing was he asked me why I wanted to have WLS and I responded, "Have you looked at me...I friggin fat." He laughed and said your going to do well with the band.

    He was right. 6 months out I have lost almost 100lbs and I feel great. It was the best decision of my life and I do know if I have a problem in the future that it can be fixed or I can do another procedure. I can't tell you what to do but go by your heart...it won't let you down. You know deep down what you are comfortable with.

    Best wishes,


  3. I am so darn close to hitting 100lbs but these last 3 pounds just won't budge. I have yo-yo'd up 2-3bls down 2-3lbs up 2-3lbs and down 2-3lbs. I want off this roller coaster ride and just get rid of this last 3lbs so that I can say I have lost 100lbs. in 6 months. Which has been my only goal since starting this journey. Don't get me wrong, I am very pleased with my progress but 100lbs is a pivotal point for me and I want to hit dang it!

    I go for a fill tomorrow and I am hoping it will be the preverbial sweet spot that I long for. The last 2 weeks have been hunger hell. Can't figure it out but I have been so dang hungry all day long. Nothing is filling me up and I have had to diet through it. So keep your fingers crossed everyone...I want my sweet spot.

    Thanks for letting me rant.


  4. Hollyberries,

    That is one fantastic picture!

    Right back at ya! Bandpal! Was noticing yours last week. I am trying to figure out why the heck we lose from the head down. Dang stomach won't go away.

    Just finish reading your trip post...Glad you had a great time and control. I have got to admit I am having the same life changing status with food. Yeah!


  5. Diddo Shalee!

    Same thing for me. However, I got to agree that the band is fickle and that it can be just about anything at anytime. Take Mother's Day for example. The boys made me Breakfast in bed and it was just scrambled eggs & a few slices of bacon. I got stuck on it. I was bummed for the kids because they did such a nice job on Breakfast.< /p>

    I have a love/hate relationship with my Band!


  6. Thanks.

    I lose like Hollyberries. Meaning that I will lose up to 8 pounds in the first couple of weeks after a fill then not lose anything for 3 or more weeks.

    I know my food cumsumption is not the best. More in the choices than the quantities. It is getting better but is still a work in progress.

    On the one hand, I am fine with fewer visits to the doctor, but on the other hand, I feel that had I been going monthly, I would not still be in this slump as he most likely would have given me a fill.

    I guess the main issue I have with my surgeon is that I feel a lack of support. When I'm there it's in and out. I had to phone repeatedly to get any info on classes and support groups (which I haven't managed to make it to yet). As for dietary guidelines - mine are simply 'eat Protein first'. Maybe it's me. I should probably be more assertive about my needs. Problem is, I don't always know what they are. I'm just feeling a bit lost in this, I don't know if expressing this to him would be helpful. It's not like he can hand me a map - it's a learning process, I get that, I ... oh, nevermind, I'm just babbeling now.

    Thanks for 'listening'!

    First, don't ever feel like you are babbeling...we are here to support one another. It is our way of leaning on each other through this journey. You need support and friendship especially from people who have been there and are going through the same thing as you are. If you need anything, need to know something or just plain need shoulder to cry on, we are here.

    Everyone's doctor is different on dietary guidelines but for the most part we should stay between 1200-1500 calories per day eating Protein first, then veggies/fruits & carbs. Protein is most important to get in. I would definately get in and see your doctor and explain your frustrations. I must say that I need to go see my doctor on a monthly basis just to stay the course. I am only at 2cc's in my 4cc band and am not at the sweet spot yet and hoping this week will do it but I need to see my doctor every month because it helps me. That is the only time I see him but I need it.

    Keep coming here for support and making friends. We are here for you.


  7. You are still WELL within normal range for Lap Band weight loss. Me and Cindy are the "results may vary" part of those weightloss commercials!

    Your doing a great job![/quot

    Hey Archer Man!

    Did you ever think that we would be a part of the "results may vary" crowd? Not me!



  8. Hello everyone,

    I haven't been on here in a while and even when I was I don't think that I posted more than a time or two. Sorry about that.

    Reading through this thread has been a great thing for me. To see that a lot of you are going or have gone through the same things that I am gives me hope.

    I went the entire month of April without losing so much as a pound, I actually even gained a couple. Now for the last week or so I have been wavering back and forth, up and down, by about 4 or 5 pounds. On average down about 2 from before April's marathon of not losing, but yet I've felt so very stagnant. Looking at your tickers and assuming that they are current has shown me that my overall loss is right in line with a lot of yours. That is really nice to see, even though I wish the loss were more (as I'm sure some of you wish too).

    I work out doing karate about 4 hours a week. I do occassional walks with a friend and am hoping to join a gym in the near future to start doing some weight training. I know I could be more active but this is more active than I was before, yet I'm not losing. I have 4.5cc's in a 10cc band. I have a visit scheduled with the surgeon in a couple of weeks and am hoping to get more of a fill.

    A concern I'm having is my surgeon. In the materials and information recieved prior to surgery I was told I would be required to have monthly visits for the first year. A friend of mine who had the surgery with a different surgeon reinforced this information. Yet when I last saw my surgeon in March he told me not to return for two months. Now aside from the fact that I'm not really losing at the moment, everything else seems to be okay. March marked my 4 month post op. Seems kind of quick to not be going in more often. Is this fairly common? Also, when he does my fills, he does not numb the area first. My friend has always been numbed for her's and I seem to recall others on here mentioning being numbed first. It's not that it's been overly painfull, I've been able to manage, it's just that it seems like my surgeon does everything the opposite of what I've been told to expect. Thoughts anyone.

    I will try to come by more often. You all seem like a pretty nice bunch of people. It's nice to be able to communicate with others who are going through similar experiences.

    Hi Holly-

    By the way, love your name. Hollyberries is the name of the retail store I own. I second what Sades said. She took the words right out of my mouth. You need a fill because right now you are doing it all on your own without restriction. I absolutely have the same issue right now because I lose the first few weeks after a fill and than puff restriction gone and I spend the next few weeks just going up and down and trying to maintain. I can't wait until I hit the sweet spot and everything becomes more consistent.

    I agree, exercise is the key for me too! I have lost a lot of weight without it but need to really find something that I will enjoy.

    Keep coming back here because we are a family and we really do support one another. I must say I couldn't have done it without my Nymph family.


  9. Name............Lbs Lost........% of wgt lost.......BMI














    TxArcher............94.....................23%..............52.8 to 40.6



    Tmusicmaker123..73.....................19%.................60.1 to 48.7


    Mariegabrieleee....71.....................23%.................51.3 to 39.4






    TOTAL:::::::::::: 1431.9 LBS

  10. Name............Lbs Lost........% of wgt lost.......BMI














    TxArcher............92.....................23%..............52.8 to 40.6



    Tmusicmaker123..73.....................19%.................60.1 to 48.7


    Mariegabrieleee....71.....................23%.................51.3 to 39.4




    TOTAL:::::::::::: 1281.9 LBS

    I hit the 50 pound mark! I am turning 40 tomorrow. What a great birthday present to myself.



    Awesome Job! Now, change that friggin' ticker. You have done remarkable. Happy B-Day! Nice to know I am not the only 40 year old over here. I turned 40 in January. Another 80's lady...love it.


  11. WHO CARES who is first!?!?!?!?!?!? You people have lost 92-95 pounds in 6 months!!!!!

    That is FREAKIN' INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Whatever you do, don't eat a piece of chocolate cake to Celebrate when you do get there!

    A big time congratulation to BOTH of you....you must feel like whole new people--what an AMAZING accomplishment!

    You ROCK ROCK ROCK ROCK ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But, if I was betting, I would go with....







    To funny! Hey ArcherMan! The game is on...a nice little wager might kick my butt in gear to get it off and the fact that I get me a little fill on Wed. It could help me with a slight advantage. Now about that wager....what do you think?


  12. Thanks for your post. I am so torn, I also feel like I should change programs. The new office seems so nice and positive, I am starting to think this will be more of a success factor that the short commute. But I can't stop wondering if I am just looking for an easier way, the "shorter line" syndrome. Or am I just banging my head on the wall trying to fit myself into this program that does not seen to fit!

    Thanks again and Congratulations on your success! :biggrin:


    Heck no! This is the best thing that you can do for yourself. IMO, the person on the phone was rude to you and it is unacceptable. I am so tired of people treating other people with such disdain. She could have been nicer to you. I just think they don't think when they reply. She should have said something like, "It looks like you haven't lost as much weight as we would have expected...is there something that we can help you with?" Just stating it a different way takes the sting out. Gosh, I am so mad about this because you have gone through so much to get where you are and golly if you could lose weight on your own you wouldn't be having surgery. I bet the doctor would be nicer but they have to start thinking about who they put on the front desk.

    I don't know what to say or what kind of advice to give you. I can say that the support here is awesome so get it here. Best wishes!

    By the way, I go to Brigham & Women's and have Dr. Lautz. He is hurried all the time but very good at what he does. He performs over 200+ WLS a year (I think). Eileen the Administrative Assistant was a hoot...very busy and kind of brash but good at what she does. I see them about every 4 to 6 weeks and I feel comfortable with everyone. I don't go to the support groups because they are to far but I find that I get alot of support from here.


  13. I feel like CRYING!!!!

    I bought a size 14 business suit at banana Republic last weekend, but it's tight...and I'm SWIMMING in all the suits I already own and I just don't know what to do! 16's are too big and 14's are too tight...and I don't have any money to just go shopping like crazy for work clothes!



    Everyone just gave you great advice on head hunger and how great you are doing - even if you don't think you are doing so great. I'm going to give you advice on clothes.

    Have you ever watched the show on TLC - What Not to Wear? They give great advice. One of the things they say quite often is that you CAN NOT go shopping with the mindset that you are a certain size. Every manufacturer and designer is slightly different in their sizing. Use the size on the label as a guideline and then adjust. Don't freak out if it means going up a size, it's just that particular item of clothing. You are not a failure because of it. If the size 14 suit that you like is too tight, buy the size 16 version. It doesn't matter if your OTHER 16s are too big. We are talking THAT PARTICULAR piece of clothing.

    I wear a size 18 jean, size 20 dress pants, and I vary between size 18 and size 22 for the tops - depending on who makes them and how they are cut. I'll admit that sizing up can be a blow to the ego - BUT ONLY IF YOU LET IT BE. Your goal is to find clothes that FIT and make you look and feel BEAUTIFUL. The number on the tag should NOT matter!!!

    Change your thoughts - change your life!!! Go get 'em.

    Hey Foofy-

    By the way, the size 22 jeans fit this morning. Who friggin' cares about not hitting 100lbs by this past Tuesday. I am in a size 22 Levi's Jeans. Who would have thunk it 6 months ago when I was wearing a size 32/34 pants.


  14. Zippy, your grandaughter sounds too cute! "From the mouths of babes"... Leave it to a child to notice what others don't.

    Cindy, I guess I'm doing OK. I have to fight for every single pound. I haven't started excercising yet. I had 2 discs in my neck repaired last year because of a car accident in '03 and even walking gives me a stiff, painful neck. I have an elleptical machine that I will try to use for short periods just to get started. After I had my son 12 years ago and had to lose just 35 pounds, the weight dropped so much faster and I took in more calories. I guess age, a partial hysterectomy, and lack of excercise has put my metabolism into neutral. I thought the weight would come off faster with this band but I'm trying to be patient.

    You're doing amazing, by the way. Staying busy with the store must help. I checked it out online. Your shop is adorable! Such beautiful things. I love country stores like yours.

    You have such a great attitude! That will take you along way. I am realizing that this is forever and we don't have to run a race to get to our goal. It will come soon enough and the slower the better. I am happy that things have slowed down for me. The extra skin is grossing me out and I am a chicken about plastic surgery.

    Thanks for the kudos about the stores. I am working my tail off in it lately. With Mother's day this weekend we are busier this week. I am kind of concerned over the economy and hope that people will still shop the store...I don't want to get a job. I like owning my business.

    Don't worry about the exercise to much with the recovery from surgery on your neck it must be painful. I hate to exercise but I realize that the last few pounds won't budge without. I wonder if there is something simple that you could do that wouldn't irritate your neck so much.


  15. Glad you had fun on your V. I guess there is no better way to get OFF vacation than to have a nice BIG fill! That will break those vacation habits!

    Glad your feeling better! If your this tight from this fill, you may be VERY close to the sweet spot. I think I am there now. I can only eat like 3 chicken wings and a few bites of "sides". I think that is why I am really starting to shed weight. I can't wait to break that 100 pound mark!

    I know the pain your talking about. The first week after this last fill was excruciating! I had pain on the first bite of just about anything I ate! I am still tight, but It is much better than it was!


    There ain't now way your hitting 100lbs until I do. LOL! Dang it I want to hit 100lbs this week and the scale ain't budging. I walked 3 miles tonight and hoping that kick start some weight loss.


  16. Congrats, Tx!!! That must have felt great! Sometimes fitting into a smaller size is more exciting than seeing the numbers on the scale get smaller. I bet your wife is really excited for you.


    The ticker is moving.. congratulations. How are things going for you?


  17. Well, I went shopping at Khols... YES KHOLS! I needed to pick up some more long sleeve shirts for work and I thought I would see if I could find any 3X shirts there. I have had no luck in the past. I saw a rack in the Men's section that was 70-90% off. There was only one 3X on the rack and I picked it up. I saw some 2X there as well and at that price... I am talking 2.50-7.00 dollars per shirt... I could afford to pick up some for "when I get there". I know you know what I am talking about. You know you have done the same thing!

    Anyway, I just thought I would try one of the 2X shirts on. IT FIT! I then tried ALL THE OTHER 2X shirts. THEY ALL FIT! I then grabbed the 3X shirt and it looked like a gunny sack on me! I had not noticed it since that was all I had to wear and before Sx, I should have been wearing a 5X! I was squeezing into those 4X's.

    I was excited on the way home. I asked my wife; "do you notice anything about me? I am not all pissed off." That was the first shopping trip I remember taking with her that I did not get pissed off because all my old sizes did not fit anymore. Either that of they did not even have the fat-boy clothes I was looking for!

    Feels good to be so close to the century mark! Oops, that is a scale Victory.


    That's awesome. I wouldn't want to see you "Pissed Off" LOL!

    Thought of you tonight because I was taking a real long walk through the cranberry bogs with the kids and dog and we saw turkey tracks and lots of them. Can you please come up here and get me a turkey? My dog won't...lol!


  18. I feel like CRYING!!!!

    I feel like my mind is totally out of the game lately....I just can't concentrate on the goal. I feel like I just want to not worry about things for a while. Like, I want ice cream and chocolate and Mexican food every single solitary day!!!! I want queso and chips and cheese enchiladas ALL DAY LONG!!!

    pLUS, I'm super duper, like, CRAZY unhappy with only losing 35 lbs so far. And, for the record, last time I weighed I was 198--I'm trying to pretend like I haven't actually GAINED three pounds!!!! And, the thing is, since right after surgery, I've been averaging 3 lbs per month lost, so seeing the scale at 198 is REALLy freaking me out.

    I bought a size 14 business suit at banana Republic last weekend, but it's tight...and I'm SWIMMING in all the suits I already own and I just don't know what to do! 16's are too big and 14's are too tight...and I don't have any money to just go shopping like crazy for work clothes!

    I have NO CLUE whether I need a fill, am good, or WHAT! My doc said he wanted me to come back in three months....which is 2 months from NOW. Plus, I DO sometimes get stuck and can't eat things I think I should, but other times I'm a bottomless pit.

    I think I'm having a Lab Band Break Down!!!!! HELP!!!!!!

    OK! Breathe! I am about to cry right with you. First, you have done a great job with losing 35lbs. I want you to visualize 35lbs as 3.5 10lb bags of potatoes or 35 1lb packages of butter. Also, from your ticker it looks like you are about 1/2 way to goal. Think about the positives.

    Now, let me ask you a few questions. How long are hungry between meals. If you cannot answer 4 hours then you need a fill. Are you eating around your band...if you get stuck a lot you may trying to eat things that go down easier and this will slow weight loss. The band is designed for you to eat solids that will stay in your pouch longer and keep you full for at least 4 hours. You will have trouble if you eat to fast and do not chew chew chew. You must learn these rules so that it will be more comfortable to eat for you. You probably already know this but it helps to be reminded.

    Another thing that has really helped me is being on this website every single day. We all need support and I get it here. I get to write my thoughts down and I have developed great friendships with my bandster pals. We are a great resource to each other and what is great is that we are all experiencing the same thing and support one another through it.

    I don't want you to be discouraged because I think you have done wonderful. Cut yourself some slack and look at what you have accomplished and remember that this is not a race. You have the rest of your life to lose weight. Right now it is all about learning to live with the band and making life changes.

    You deserve the best the band has to offer. You will always have this tool to help you. Don't worry about bad days...we all have and need them. It is what you do the next day that counts.

    Good luck and please come here. We are here to support you. REALLY!


  19. Cindy,

    You are lucky to have a lifestyle that causes you to be active. I sit in front of a computer or in meetings for 8 hours a day. It used to be that I wouldn't stand up for four hours! Now, I try to get up every 30 minutes and walk around the building. Drinking more Water helps because I have to get up to pee. ;o)

    I'm just starting "formal" exercising again. I did the Portland Marathon in 2005 at 250 pounds and it just made me want to curl up on the coach and hibernate. I was sooooo sick of walking after that. I have to get over it.

    I have a suggestion for the swimsuit. QVC has a really cute line of swimsuits called "It Figures", including little swimdresses that I haven't seen anywhere else. I don't think you'd have the problem of the girls escaping. They'll ship to your house and then you can try them on and send back the ones you don't want. They are very good about returns. I have been very happy with them.

    I can't get the link to paste in correctly here (it gives me patio umbrellas LOL). Just go to QVC.com and search for "swimsuit".


    You are the best! The wealth of knowledge is amazing. Thanks for the link...my problem is the upper thighs. I have found the extra skin is gross that is why I need a skirt. I wish I didn't have the extra skin because I would love to wear a bathing suit that doesn't have a skirt. Dang it! I love that I have lost almost 100lbs but I am not happy with the extra skin issues. I am a chicken about Plastic Surgery but I got to admit I wouldn't trade the 100lbs for firmer skin. LOL


  20. Not to worry, Cindy. It's all about the long-term. I think "normal" "thin" people have big eating days and small eating days. Don't fight it, just get back on track the next day.

    I remember when I was on Weightwatchers (one of the many, many times), there was a plan on the internet that followed WW but tweaked the point values so that you had high days and low days, but the weekly average was the same. It was called "The Wendy Plan".

    The theory was that alternating high and low days keeps your metabolism from setting to a lower point. Several diet/lifestyle plans do a variation of that (several have one day "off" - BodyForLife and Biggest Loser).

    I may start doing that. I keep my calorie intake pretty steady (about 1200 -1300 every day). Maybe I need to have a PigglyWiggly day and a few Meager days? It might goose my metabolism a bit (of course getting off my butt would do that, too).



    I need to get off my butt to exercise as well. I've lost all this weight with virtually no exercise but the life I lead is so busy and I am trying to figure out something that I will enjoy doing. I am in the hunt for a bathing suit so that I can check out Water aerobics at the Y. I think that I will really like that and it would fit my schedule.

    I get you on calorie shifting and have tried it once during a stall. It worked for me. I do really think that adding exercise is going to help me with the last 80lbs or so. Dang it I hate exercise....

    Here's to getting our butts motivated.


  21. Hang in there!! I have those days and one day I ate doritos and it scared me to death!!! But, I got back on track and am doing real good.

    Now, I have noticed tonight that since I am a little over a week until my next Dr. appt,, I was able to eat more that I usually do. It was good stuff (cabbage was heavenly tonight!!).

    But when I get about a week away from a fill, I start to be able to eat more. I have had 4 fills and I guess I will need a fifth come the 15th.



    Same thing with me. I am getting a fill next week and I have had only 4. I still do not have the sweet spot yet and hope with the next fill I will. I also started TOM yesterday and think that is why I was super hungry. Yesterday was a much better day. Sometimes you just have to have what your not suppose to have. It is how you pick yourself back up the counts.

    By the way, you are doing awesome. Welcome to the family.


  22. Name..............Start...........Current..............Goal........ To Go

    CindyG..............210................210..................198....... ....12

    TxArcher...........308................308...................285....... ....23

    Foofy...............235.................235..................225...... .....10

    Skinny_Jill..........173................173..................163...... .......10


    Looks like 10lbs is the consensus with the exception of our TxArcher who wants to get into the 200's. You go dude! We are with you.

  23. Holy smokes. I never heard that about barfing being forbidden. I'll have to ask my surgeon. Shoot. It was such a great way to clear the clog. Drat. Rats. Phooey.


    I would have done the same thing....relief is more important to me then sitting there in agony for awhile. I wouldn't worry to much because I don't think that you throw up on a daily basis. It happens! I have had it happen 3 times and it is so much better when it comes up. I guess the band is finicky even when we are following the rules. I will never figure it out...ever.


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